The Demon Emperor Housekeeper(Magic Emperor)

Chapter 338

With all the Luo family back, Zhuo fan's face is cold, his side is Li Jingtian closely follow, that strong enough to make everyone at the scene feel suffocating momentum, lingering in their side, people dare not easily close.

People are staring at this group of people, even the owners of the seven royal families, their eyes are full of shock.

No one thought that the role of the second and third rate families, which was previously in the eyes of the public, would be promoted to the same existence as the imperial seven families at the moment of Li Jingtian's appearance.

You know, even if it is the imperial seven, in addition to the emperor's door, the other six also can not invite Li Jingtian, such as God Zhao peak master to sit down.

In particular, the strength of this God according to the peak master, but also with the Dragon protection god Wei Fang Qiubai a draw. The significance of this is even greater.

That is to say, at this time, the Luo family was not only as simple as the seven royal families, but also the other families except the imperial family. If they offended the Luo family, they would be shocked and could easily destroy any of them.

Of course, in the current situation of checks and balances between forces, the Luo family dare not do so, but this is not forcing it to the dead end.

All of a sudden, youwanshan and other Yuxia families, who have a feud with Zhuo fan, are still thinking about how to revenge the Luo family, but now they have to rethink. Because at this time, the Luo family became the second largest family under the imperial family.

Although, all the fighting power of this family was supported by Li Jingtian alone.

But this person alone is enough to frighten them.

Slowly to Luo's residence in Yunlong City, Zhuo fan did not have a glimmer of brilliance in his eyes, and all the families around him looked sideways, and no one came to disturb him. People are watching them all the time, drifting away

Suddenly, Zhuo fan's feet stopped slightly, turned his head slowly, looked at the direction of the cold and changeable not far away, showed a strange smile, and said in a loud voice: "Mr. Leng, this time I Zhuo fan lost a move. But this game is just beginning. Let's play it slowly, ha ha... "

A strange laugh came out. Zhuo fan's eyes twinkled with bloodthirsty hatred, which made everyone present feel a shiver.

Leng Wuchang's eyebrows moved, and her complexion quickly became dignified. She just stared at Zhuo fan's direction, but she didn't make a sound.

On the contrary, Zhuge Changfeng looked at him and sneered: "Mr. Leng, you seem to have kicked the iron plate this time, ha ha..."

With that, Zhuge Changfeng turned his head and left with the two old men of yin and Yang.

Leng Wuchang's beard trembled slightly, and his anger was even worse on his face.

Around the crowd, they were all scared to silence, afraid to make a sound. This is obviously a dispute among the top experts. They don't want to be involved in it.

If you offend the imperial family, it's needless to say that it's not easy to offend Zhuo fan, but those who dare to torture the six dragons to death. How dare they offend such a small family.

Besides, they are also protected by the top experts of shenzhao, and their strength has been equal to that of the royal family!

So, the people looked at the two families in silence, big eyes and small eyes, the killing intention in the eyes of both sides, as if it had caused electric light and flint in the air, and was ready to explode.

Cough, cough, cough!

"Er Ladies and gentlemen, for thousands of years, the hatred of a hundred schools of thought should not be brought into the world. If the two families have a feud over this, please settle the dispute next time. " With a dry cough, Dugu zhantian coldly glanced at both sides and made a solemn sound.

He looked at him deeply, Zhuo fan gave a noncommittal smile. Cold impermanence also sneers repeatedly, the killing intention in the eye does not conceal.

Obviously, both sides don't think so.

In the past, the contention of a hundred schools of thought did not bring gratitude and resentment into the world, because the seven families kept faces with each other and did not hurt their muscles and bones. But this time, the emperor killed Xue Ningxiang who Zhuo fan cared about most. Zhuo fan also wiped out their future pillars and four dragons in front of everyone.

This hatred has become a big one. How can it be possible for them to wait another hundred years and let the younger generation take revenge?

However, both sides gave Dugu zhantian a face, and neither of them refuted him.

But at this time, a proud voice sounded: "all the people of the imperial gate, you listen to me. From today on, my Luo family and you are irreconcilable, never die

Everyone was surprised when he said this!

In this way, the Luo family can really tear the face of the emperor who is the head of the seven families. The worst result that happens next may be war. For the Luo family, which has only one shenzhao master in charge, this is simply looking for death.

Turning around in a hurry, people want to see who said such stupid things. However, what people see is a young face of Yingwei.

Little master of Luo family, Luo Yunhai!

The pupil of his eyes shrinks fiercely. Long Yifei, Xie Xiaofeng and grandma quickly look at Zhuo fan again, and their eyes are anxious. When the Luo family started the war, the three of them, as allies, were obviously involved.Now, obviously, it's impossible to win.

Luo Yunhai young blood, was angry flushed the head, makes such reckless behavior, can understand. Besides, although Luo Yunhai is the little master of the Luo family, people all know that the chief steward Zhuo fan is in charge. Only what he says represents the attitude of the Luo family.

So they all want Zhuo fan to quickly take back the words of this ignorant child and put the overall situation first!

However, Zhuo fan took a deep look at Luo Yunhai. Seeing that his eyes were full of firmness, he suddenly burst out laughing and then looked at all the people. He said with a wicked smile: "what expression are you looking at? Do you think there is something wrong with our little Lord's words? Hum, the family name of Luo is Luo. Even if the young master of our family has not formally inherited the position of the head of the family, every word he says also represents the meaning of our Luo family! Yes, from today on, we are officially at war with the imperial gate! "

After the words fell, people were in an uproar again. Long Yifei and others helplessly raised their foreheads and shook their heads. They were almost crying.

Maybe people would not take Luo Yunhai's words seriously, but since Zhuo fan has said it again, it is a matter of no doubt, and it is hard to recover.

But they can't think of it. What's wrong with Zhuofan? Is it true that because of a woman, she is confused by hatred and wants an egg to hit a stone?

Huangpu Tianyuan heard this, not angry but happy. Originally, he was worried that the royal family might come forward to mediate again, so that they could not attack the Luo family.

But now, this is the first challenge from the Luo family. Even if the royal family has 10000 reasons, they can't stop them from moving the Luo family. Fenglincheng is no longer the life preserver of the Luo family!

"Ha ha ha What's the matter with the young people now? They are so arrogant and arrogant. Do you think that just relying on Li Jingtian, a master of shenzhao peak, can keep the safety of your Luo family. Hum, ridiculous

Huangpu Tianyuan laughed and grinned scornfully: "maybe you can frighten other families, but it's too young to compare with our imperial clan. How strong can we ask the emperor? Thousands of years of accumulation, you will never compare

His eyes narrowed slightly. Zhuo fan chuckled and said, "yes, let's see."

After that, he turned around again and took all the people to leave. Just at the moment of Li Jingtian's turning, he looked back at the emperor's gate and said lightly: "as a sacrifice of your gate, I might as well remind you that today's Luo family, even if the imperial gate wants to move, you have to think twice before you act!"

After that, he said nothing more and turned to keep up with the pace of the people.

However, his previous words, is to let the emperor Putian Tianyuan and other cadres of the imperial gate high-level, the heart was shocked, have changed color.

Li Jingtian, as a sacrifice, knew the terrible strength of their imperial clan. But even so, it is still not easy for them to move the Luo family!

What does this mean? Can the real strength of the Luo family be comparable to the imperial gate?

How can this be possible, the accumulation of a thousand years, how can it be so easy to catch up with?

Turn head to look at the side of the cold impermanence, Huangpu Tianyuan face confused. Cold impermanence, light twist beard, also a burst of puzzled.

At this moment, Luo's family seems to be covered with a mysterious veil, unfathomable. Let the emperor door people just full of confidence, jubilant heart, instantly become nervous.

The rapid rise of this small family in recent years is really more and more unpredictable

However, Dugu zhantian looked at the back of Luo Yunhai, but he had a bitter smile, and his eyes showed a trace of sadness. He treats Luo Yunhai as his own, and Luo Yunhai has always followed his orders.

But just now, his voice fell, and the first one to stand up against it was his son.

He understood what it meant because of the family interest, the father and son were separated. It was something he didn't want to see, but he couldn't stop it.

Who let them be their own masters


Three hours later, they returned to the Luo family's residence in Yunlong city. Zhuo fan walked into his room, slammed the door shut, and said, "no one is allowed to come in!"

Luo Yunchang is in a hurry. Seeing that Zhuo fan is in abnormal condition, he is afraid that something will happen to him. He just wants to follow him in, but he is stopped by Li Jingtian.

Eyebrows do not feel a wrinkle, Luo Yunchang raised his head to look at Li Jingtian, his face puzzled.

However, Li Jingtian shook her head slightly and said faintly: "Miss, sometimes men need to be quiet alone. Don't bother him!"

The beautiful eyes trembled for a moment. Luo yunshang took a deep look at the door, bit her lips, hesitated for a long time, and finally turned her head to leave.

However, before she went out a few steps, Zhuofan's door was suddenly spread out like a wild animal like hissing and roaring.


Reaching out and covering his lips, Luo yunshang's tears whirled in his eyes and choked.

She understood that since the death of Ning'er, Zhuo fan has been venting her anger in her heart, but she has always suppressed the pain in her heart, and only at this time can she fully vent her anger.Listen to the pain into the heart of the hissing, Luo yunshang's whole heart is dripping blood. She wants to pacify Zhuofan's hurt heart, but Zhuofan would rather bear it alone.

His heart will not open to all people, only himself will bury all grief and anger in the bottom of his heart, always do that lonely housekeeper.

With this in mind, Luo yunshang's heart was even more painful. When they saw it, they also sighed and shook their heads. They silently accompanied the eldest lady to wait in front of Zhuo fan's door, motionless , the fastest update of the webnovel!