The Demon Emperor Housekeeper(Magic Emperor)

Chapter 339

After sunset and sunrise, the whole day passed. Everyone stood outside Zhuofan's room in silence and listened to him yell all night. At last, his voice was hoarse and there was no movement.

Luo yunshang stood quietly in front of the room, his eyes were red and swollen, and his cheeks even had wet tears.

"Miss, Dragon Pavilion master, they want to see you!" At this time, Pang Tong led him to Luo yunshang, sighed and bowed.

Eyebrow slightly a wrinkling, Luo yunshang looks at him strangely. In the past, long Yifei sent people to see them. There was no reason why he went to the door in person. How could this time

But soon, Luo yunshang saw Zhuo fan door slightly closed eyes of Li Lao, just understand everything, can't help but disdain way: "hum, what royal family, but flatter people!"

She had already understood that it was because of the appearance of Li Jingtian yesterday that shocked all the people present. They suddenly found out that the Luo family had already reached the same position as them and even surpassed them.

Therefore, they condescend to visit in person!

Otherwise, even in Zhuo fan's face, how could their master's body run to a third rate family's residence?

"Pang Tong Ling, bring them here!" Luo yunshang raised his head and made a faint sound, showing everyone's temperament.

Pang Tong Ling could not help but look at him and bowed down to accept his orders: "yes!"

Soon, under the leadership of Pang Tongling, long Yifei, Xie Xiaofeng and grandma came here with the rest of the three families.

Luo yunshang turned around and saluted the crowd calmly: "Dear masters, I'm very sorry. I can't meet you personally because of something wrong with Yunchang. I'll make amends here!"

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way. What about housekeeper Zhuo?" Grandma waved her hand in a hurry. She didn't think she was disobedient. She just searched for the way.

Without feeling a pain in his eyes, Luo yunshang sighed and looked at the closed little room. He said: "it's just the same thing about winding cloud clothes. Alas, he has locked himself in all day, and nobody has seen him. Now I don't know how. It's really worrying! "

Hearing this, the three masters were shocked and looked at it in a hurry, but they saw Tiangang's crazy reverence and Jingtian's silent guard in front of the house with their eyes closed.

Three people do not feel Qi Qi Yilin, hastily salute: "Li Lao is polite!"

However, Li Jingtian, the strong man at the top of the mountain, hung very much. He ignored him and stood there silently.

The three owners looked at each other, shaking their heads and laughing bitterly. The people behind them also took a deep breath and smacked their tongue.

He's a master in the world. He's very good. Even when he meets the head of the imperial family, he's so arrogant and doesn't care.

However, it is hard to imagine that such a strong and powerful person should obey Zhuo fan's every command yesterday. It is unbelievable.

In particular, long Jiu and Solanum nigrum, who were the first acquaintances with Zhuo fan, were deeply saddened to see him step by step from a trivial ordinary role to such a powerful man.

In particular, Xie Tianshang, the eldest son of the sword Marquis's residence, had his blood boiling with excitement in his eyes.

Like Li Jingtian, he, who is also a Wuchi, can fully understand that there is only one reason why a strong martial Chi can follow him wholeheartedly. There is only one reason, that is, strength.

Even Tiangang crazy respect Li Jingtian such evil spirit, all with Zhuo fan horse, that can only show that Zhuo fan has the strength to let him completely submit.

With this in mind, Xie Tianshang's admiration for Zhuo fan is even stronger, and even will soon reach the stage of worship!

After the three owners looked at each other again, grandma came forward and asked Luo yunshang, "Miss Luo, could you let us meet with housekeeper Zhuo and discuss something important?"

"This I'm afraid not! In his present state, let him be quiet and have a good rest. If you have anything to say, you can tell me! " Luo yunshang pondered for a while, and once again took a deep look at the cottage, but he was helpless to shake his head.

The three men did not feel a Zheng, but they all frowned.

Before Zhuo fan is not in, they just look for this girl to discuss, now Zhuo fan is back, of course, looking for the real master. In particular, this matter is of great importance, and it is related to the safety of the three families. How can they play such a trifle and hand over the decision-making power to a little girl?

However, once again looked at the front of the door to guard the sky Gang crazy respect Li Jing Tian, three people then have no temper, a burst of speechless.

With this evil spirit stationed here, even if they want to break through.

However, at a time when the three leaders were at a loss, a thin white shadow suddenly came out of the crowd. Looking at it, it was no doubt that it was Chu Qingcheng.

"Master Chu, what are you going to do?" See Chu Qing City to hard break into the room, Luo Yun Chang not from eyebrow a frown, stretch out a hand to stop.

Chu Qingcheng's face was indifferent. With a flick, she opened her bright wrist and said coldly, "this is my affair with him. Please don't take part in it."

Then, they continue to go forward, Luo yunshang is anxious, but helpless.However, luoyunshang can not stop her, but when she wants to push the door and enter, another strong arm is in front of her.

Li Jingtian still closed his eyes in silence, but his words were resolute and unquestionable: "housekeeper Zhuo needs to be quiet now. No one is allowed to enter without his permission. Otherwise, don't blame me for bullying the small with the big and bullying the weak with the strong! "

The heart did not feel suddenly a Lin, all of them were shocked!

It's impossible for the guards to step into the storehouse like this.

However, this also shows Li Jingtian's loyalty to Zhuo fan, which makes others envy.

What magic power did Zhuo fan use to tie such a fierce God on his belt? He was obedient and loyal to him!

After a deep look at him, Chu Qingcheng knew that he was not a fierce opponent, so he didn't break in. He just yelled: "Zhuo fan, I want to find you something important. Come out to see me quickly. Don't hide in it like a turtle with a shrinking head."


They could not help but take a breath of cool air. When they heard this, they were all worried.

Now Zhuo fan's identity is not the same. He has a peerless bodyguard around him. He is in a bad mood at this time. If he gets angry and really turns his face and doesn't recognize people, they can't stand it!

Don't forget, yesterday he was so hot blooded that he lost his mind and made a war with the emperor. Who knows if he will be angry and fight with them now.

Li Jingtian is there, but they can't beat him. Once Zhuo fan starts to go crazy and is reckless to the overall situation, they have seen a lot in this month. They are really scared, just like a madman. They dare not provoke him in this aspect!

For a moment, everyone felt uneasy and looked at the room.

But there was no sound in the room. There was no sound.

However, a quarter of an hour later, there was a hoarse bass voice inside: "old man, let them in!"


Micro a nod, Li Jingtian put his hand down and moved to one side. At this time, people can follow Chu Qingcheng, open the door and go in. However, the scene inside is to let everyone be shocked instantly!

Chu Qingcheng and Luo Yunchang and other women, but also double pupil a Zheng, eyes suddenly red.

At this moment, in front of a low bed, a man with white hair, dishevelled clothes and dishevelled hair, was sitting in front of a low bed.

In his hand, he held a cupola the size of a palm, which was full of pure holy light!

This person is Zhuo fan, but he is not Zhuo fan! Who can see when he was so desperate?

"Brother Zhuo..." Luo Yunhai was surprised and couldn't help shouting.

But Zhuo fan didn't reply. He just looked at the ground and murmured after a while, but he still didn't look at the people: "I'm sorry, if you are here for yesterday's declaration of war, you can go back. Although the sea of clouds is small, it is the future master of our Luo family. His words are absolute orders. Our Luo family will fight against the emperor's gate after all. As for whether you participate or not, it's up to you! "

His lips stammered for a moment. Looking at Zhuo fan's dejected appearance, the three family owners were clearly shocked and completely sunk. How could they make the right choice as before?

At this moment, all his decisions are just like a desperate avenger. He would rather smash himself into pieces and bite a piece of meat from the other side!

But this It's totally unwise!

All people would not think that Zhuo fan is not emotional, cold like a thousand year old ice, oil and salt do not enter, to deal with the situation, is calm like a monster, only about interests, no feelings.

However, once he is in love, he can completely abandon his reason, regardless of everything, and becomes the most vulnerable existence.

If the sky is sentimental and the sky is old, the feeling is really a butcher's knife, which can make the strongest person in the world become the most decadent existence.

Helplessly sighed, the crowd looked at Zhuo fan's appearance at this time, shook his head, and hated it. But the eyes of a group of women looking at Zhuo fan are full of love.

To be able to do this for a woman is really a man of love and righteousness. It's just his cold appearance in the past, so that everyone can't see his heart

"Chamberlain Zhuo, you can't be so depressed any more. You must not be impulsive about this matter of imperial clan." Grandma looked at Zhuo fan and spoke with great care and a worried look on her face.

Zhuo fan didn't look at her at all, sneered at her and didn't say a word!

Chu Qingcheng eyes slightly moved, suddenly came to his body, a grip on his wrist, and walked out: "you follow me!"

The crowd was stunned and did not know what they meant. Zhuo fan is also puzzled, but he does not care so much, just like a walking corpse, pulled by Chu Qingcheng.

A flash of time, disappeared in front of all people.Half an hour later, Chu Qingcheng took him to the residence of Huayu Building in Yunlong City, a boudoir full of fragrance.

Zhuo fan snorted and was bored: "Lord Chu, what are you pulling me here for? I don't want to have a good time with me. Hum, forget it, I'm not interested in it now..."

Suddenly, Zhuo fan's words have not finished, but eyes a Zheng, suddenly found that there is another girl lying on the hotbed of this lady.

This woman has fair skin and pure appearance, but she is definitely Xue Ningxiang.

But instead of being dead, she lay there as if she were asleep.

"Ning'er's body, how can..."

The pupil shrinks unconsciously. Zhuo fan hastens to inspect it, but he is no different from a living person. He just keeps his eyes closed. Deep frown, Zhuo fan continued to look, but finally found a shining pearl in her mouth.

"Soul setting Pearl!"

The pupil couldn't help but coagulate. Zhuo fan exclaimed in surprise, and then he was overjoyed: "so Ning'er can still be saved... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!