The Demon Emperor Housekeeper(Magic Emperor)

Chapter 337

Seeing this, Fang Qiubai was surprised and quickly waved his hand and said, "brother Li, Fang didn't mean to be the enemy of you, but the emperor ordered him to maintain the order of Yunlong city. If you want to attack the imperial gate, I have to stop it! Please give us a thin face to avoid trouble! It's good for the emperor and the Luo family, isn't it? "

His eyelids trembled slightly. Li Jingtian took a deep look at him and felt that he was right. At this moment, Luo's family and the emperor's door are in trouble, and they will only fight for both sides. It's really unwise, but

He turned his head and looked at Zhuo fan, but he was indifferent. In addition to the strong intention of killing, there was nothing else in his eyes. He knew that his mind was determined.

Li Jingtian bit his teeth and looked at Fang Qiubai again. He grinned and said, "Mr. Fang, it's hard for Li to meet an expert like you. How can he stop without two moves?"

In a daze, Fang Qiubai stares at the face of Li Jingtian's evil smile, frowns slightly and doubts in his heart. I think that although Tiangang crazy Zun is a martial arts maniac, he is by no means a brainless person. How could he act so recklessly?

Once he started today and killed even an elder of the imperial clan, he would really drag the Luo family into the war with the imperial clan. Ah

But soon, Fang Qiubai realized that things were not so simple. Looking at the direction Li Jingtian had just turned his head, he clearly asked Zhuo fan for instructions.

It is unbelievable that Tiangang is so arrogant that he takes the lead of a young man who has just entered the world. However, this is the current situation. No matter what he said to Li Jingtian, it is useless to persuade Zhuo fan to be the king.

So Fang Qiubai quickly turned his head and looked at Zhuo fan's position, and said in a hurry: "housekeeper Zhuo, I know you are angry, but this place is not a place to solve personal grievances. Please don't bring about the disaster of destroying your family and family for personal reasons!"

This speech square falls, the public is first stupefied Leng, full of puzzled, two big masters face each other, even if persuasion also should persuade Li Jingtian. If he doesn't want to stop, who can stop it?

But soon they came to realize.

Yes, Li Jingtian made a move because of Zhuo fan's command. Can we say that Zhuo fan's words can also make Li Jingtian stop. Is Tiangang Kuang Zun, the top master of shenzhao peak, who obeys Zhuo fan's orders?

Think of here, not only those ordinary families, even the owners of the seven royal families, looking at Zhuo fan's direction is also shocked, eyes are almost out.

God according to the master ah, in the imperial seven is also a request for grandfathers and grandmothers worship existence, even the owner of the house to give three points thin face. In case of emergency, they can only ask for help, but not command.

Otherwise, it is not necessary to offer sacrifices to the head of the family!

But now, shenzhao peak master would listen to a young man's manipulation, but how can they also do not understand. Is this Li Jingtian good temper, or Zhuo fan means high.

However, the old man Tiangang was crazy about his fierce reputation, and he would not be too gentle. Then there is only the second possibility. Zhuo fan's method is astonishing, and he actually takes this Tiangang crazy Zun into obedience.

Moreover, in this way, why Li Jingtian is just an elder of the Luo family, not a sacrifice, makes sense.

The worship is above the master of the family. When the ancestor provides for the existence, only the elder can drive it. However, Zhuo fan, Zhuo fan, in name, you are just a housekeeper of the Luo family. How can you have the power to command the elder?

Long Yifei and others looked at each other, and then looked at the direction of Zhuo fan. They all laughed bitterly. I'm afraid this boy is the most powerful housekeeper in the world. I can't accept it!

If we have such a strong housekeeper, I don't know if I should be happy or sad


Did not care about the rate of public discussion, Zhuo fan coldly looked at Fang Qiubai, but lightly turned his head. The meaning is obvious, I don't do it!

Fang Qiubai did not feel a stagnation, and suddenly his face was unnatural. The boy was really too shameless. However, Li Jingtian laughed, and his eyes showed a naked sense of war, and he said, "Mr. Fang, it's rare for Li to fight with an expert like you. I don't want to spare any effort. Please do your best. If you lose, don't blame Li for killing here

"Brother Li, Fang is still saying that. The emperor's life is in his body. Fang will never let anyone run wild in Yunlong city!" His eyes narrowed slightly. Seeing the battle, Fang Qiubai could not avoid it. He didn't feel that the jade flute was flying across the sky, and the momentum was suddenly released.

The pupils of her eyes were slightly frozen, and she was shocked to see that Fang Qiubai finally got serious. Instead of being surprised, she burst forward with a laugh, and a huge roar of a dragon roared through the sky.

"The second form of the three magic demons, ghost dragon claws!"


Jingtian roars out, and the black breath of Jingtian's whole body is full, and he grabs it out with one claw. The powerful pressure above, as if to scratch the whole space in front of you.

Fang Qiubai obviously didn't expect that Li Jingtian would have such a powerful power when he tried his best. He bit his teeth, and the jade flute stood up and stabbed the black dragon claw."Xuantian sword Gang, Chih!"


A burst of invisible waves issued, and the jade flute was suddenly wrapped by the green wind gang and turned into a soaring sword blade, which pierced the sky without stagnation.

All of a sudden, black and blue light suddenly collided with each other, sending out a shocking impact sound. The terrible aftershock suddenly spread away, so that everything around them turned into powder in an instant.

Fortunately, people had foresight and left for a long time. Otherwise, it would become a slaughterhouse full of corpses.

When everything calmed down, people looked up, but they couldn't help but shrink their eyes and opened their mouths.

At this moment, Li Jingtian and Fang Qiubai look at each other and stand at each other. The distance between them is only five meters, but their faces are extremely dignified.

Fang Qiubai, the God of jade flute sword, kept shaking his hand. Looking at the direction of Li Jingtian, he could not help shaking his eyebrows, and his eyes were even more startled.

And Li Jingtian at this moment, but already full of blood stains, red blood can not stop dripping from his hands.

Mr. Li Lost?

She blinked and worried, but Zhuo fan shook her head slightly and made a faint voice: "I didn't lose, but I'm equal. No one can do anything about it!"

The voice fell, touching a crisp ring, Fang Qiubai that jade flute, immediately broken open, fell to the ground.

After a deep look at the broken flute in his hand, Fang Qiubai sighs and nods solemnly at Li Jingtian: "brother Li, this jade flute of Fang has been with you for more than 50 years. I can't believe that it is broken here today. It's considered that Fang has lost half of your moves!"

As soon as he raised his eyebrows, Li Jingtian chuckled and slowly raised his bloody palm. He said: "this iron palm of Li, accompanied by Li for 158 years, is actually injured in your hand today. It's a move that Li lost you!"

As soon as this was said, both sides looked at each other, but they both laughed and nodded in their hearts. They felt that they valued heroes more than heroes.

"Mr. Fang, now that there is no winner or loser, how about another game?" Li Jingtian waved the bloodstain in the wave, heroic dry cloud way.

Fang Qiubai looked at the broken flute in his hand. The corner of his mouth cocked slightly and nodded lightly: "well, since elder brother Li has elegant interest, Fang will accompany you!"

"That's good!"

Li Jingtian nods, laughs, and then he wants to make a move again.

But at this time, Zhuo fan's indifferent voice was coldly spread to his ears: "Mr. Li, today we give Mr. Fang a face, so don't make trouble. We'll talk about it some other day

As soon as the words came out, all of them couldn't help but slap their cheeks.

This is really beautiful. What does it mean to give Mr. Fang face? If you really give face, they won't fight at first.

Now I say these words, but I know that I can't beat them, and I'll stop when I'm good. I'm still so high sounding!

However, it's better than those who can't help themselves. This boy is really smart enough to know how to advance and retreat!

Fang Qiubai stroked his beard, nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "in this case, brother Li, we will have a fight another day. Otherwise, housekeeper Zhuo of your family will be angry! "

Li Jingtian hesitated for a long time and pondered a little, but he nodded helplessly and sighed, "well, since it's our housekeeper Zhuo, I can't help it, so we'll fight another day!"

After that, Li Jingtian hugged his fist and turned his head to Zhuo fan.

However, looking at his back away, Fang Qiubai is deeply frowned.

Just now he deliberately ridiculed Li Jingtian with words. He followed Zhuofan's little devil in everything. He wanted to test his loyalty to Zhuofan's orders.

But I didn't expect the most terrible thing happened. Li Jingtian didn't even think that he was disobedient, but he was indifferent. It's as if he was crazy and respected by Tiangang. He was a master at the top. He should listen to a yellow boy's order. His loyalty has reached 110%!

In this way, Zhuo fan's King's qualification may not only affect his contemporaries, but his appeal can make Li Jingtian such a big devil obey his orders. It's terrible.

This shows that Zhuo fan is more suitable to be a king than Huangpu Qingtian. It is not unintentional to take over the spirit of the earth. He really has the qualification to become an emperor, which is the real destiny.

For a while, Zhuo fan became the biggest threat to the royal family in Fang Qiubai's eyes

"Mr. Fang!"

Suddenly, Zhuo fan waved to Fang Qiubai, and an inexplicable smile crossed the corner of his mouth: "you just stopped Li Lao's body method, but it's very fast! You are worthy of the Dragon Guard. Your majesty has sent you to maintain the order of Yunlong city. You have chosen the right person! "

Don't feel breath a stagnant, square autumn white does not from cheek a little red.

Zhuo fan's meaning may not be understood by others, but how can he not hear sarcasm?

This is clearly in the allusion to himself. When the four people of Huangpu Tianyuan attacked him, he didn't make a move. But when Li Jingtian attacked Huangpu Tianyuan, he stood up again and clearly meant to kill him.Maintaining the order of Yunlong city is just an excuse for faking the public and benefiting the private.

In this way, it is obvious that in his eyes, he has already been set up as an imaginary enemy. Just now he let Li Jingtian fight against Huangpu Tianyuan, in fact, the purpose is to test their own strength.

This kid, it's amazing!

Staring at Zhuo fan's strange smile, Fang Qiubai took a deep breath and sighed , the fastest update of the webnovel!