The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 950

"If you don\'t pull me, I\'ll beat the prince to death." Xiao Gang sat down in his chair and scolded, "He gave Xiao Long drugs and controlled Xiao Long, but now he picked himself up, but he put all the charges on Xiao Long. But we can\'t do anything about him. Xiao Long, that idiot, why didn\'t you say such a big thing earlier? He deserved to shoot him!"

"Well, it\'s no use complaining about him now. Let\'s think about what to do." Xia Yanran took Chu fan to sit down again. She didn\'t know where to start with such a big mess.

Chu fan knocked his finger on the table and said slowly, "at present, the most important thing is to find out what happened to those guns. Even if they came out of the big uncle, we have to find out who handled them. Xiao Long alone may not be able to do this."

Xiao Jingsheng nodded: "Xiao Fan is right. Xiao Long doesn\'t have such a big skill. Someone must help him. As long as he finds out the man, his eldest brother-in-law will be fine."

"As for Uncle..."

Before Chu fan finished his words, he was interrupted by Xiao: "don\'t worry about him. Check out the gun first."

"OK!" Chu fan took Xia Yanran and stood up, ready to leave, but at this time, the guard came in again.

Chu fan was angry: "grass, who did you come to catch?"

"Er... Report to general Chu. This time... I\'m here to catch you." the guard said timidly. He was afraid. Chu fan is a famous murderer and has a violent temper. What if he gets angry and cleans himself up? It\'s all for nothing.

This job is hard to do!

Chu fan was stunned: "did you catch me? What did I do?"

"I don\'t know. You\'d better go out and have a look by yourself."

"Where are the people?" Chu fan asked as he walked out.

The guard hurriedly said, "yes... It\'s from the National Security Bureau."

"Mom, how dare Guoan catch Lao Tzu?" Chu fan went out murderously. Xiao was afraid of him making trouble and quickly ordered, "come on, keep up with him. Don\'t let him make trouble, otherwise the trouble will get bigger and bigger."

Xia Yanran also woke up and hurriedly chased out.

Now, I don\'t know how many pairs of eyes look at it. If Chu fan beat the people of national security without help, even if it\'s reasonable, it will become unreasonable. In all likelihood, someone deliberately wants to annoy Chu fan. As for the purpose, it\'s not clear, but it\'s certainly not a good thing.

Outside, six cars came, and at least a dozen soldiers with guns pointed at Chu fan. In the dark, there were snipers who had aimed at his head. As long as he dared to resist, he was likely to kill him on the spot.

Chu fan came to the door. Before he could speak, Xia Yanran had chased him out and dragged him back. First she asked, "director Luo, what crime has Chu fan committed?"

"He knows what crime he has committed." the first is a middle-aged woman with high cheekbones and red lips. She is as thin as ribs. If she meets on the road at night, she must be regarded as a skeleton.

Although she doesn\'t look very good, Xia Yanran and others know her. She is Luo Lan, director of the National Security Bureau. She has a black heart and ruthless hands. It is said that none of the people who were held by her can come out alive.

Luo Lan stares at Chu fan and laughs horribly like a night owl. "King of murder, I know you can fight very well, but I remind you that if you dare to resist arrest, I have the right to kill you on the spot. As for whether you will accidentally hurt the people of your Xiao family, I can\'t guarantee. Therefore, you\'d better be honest and come with me."

"Just go, I\'m afraid you\'re an old woman?" Chu fan glanced. "You can\'t get married. See, my brother is handsome? Just your virtue, I can\'t stand it again."

"You..." Luo Lan was so angry that her eyes were burning and she almost carried her breath. She was so big. When was she scolded like this? Yes, she really didn\'t look very good and her figure wasn\'t plump enough, but no matter how she was, she couldn\'t change the fact that she was a woman.

Son of a bitch, I want to see if you can harden up today.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth. How long can you be arrogant?" Luo Lan waved her hand. "Come on, cuff him to me!"

Suddenly two soldiers rushed up and wanted to twist Chu fan\'s arms and put on handcuffs, but Chu fan stood there motionless. The two soldiers had thick necks and blushed. They were stunned that they couldn\'t twist Chu fan.

At the next moment, Luo Lan pulled out a gun and put it on Chu fan\'s neck. He said in a cold voice, "be honest with me, otherwise, if my gun goes off and hurts you."

"Director Luo, if you want to arrest me, you have to give a reason?" Chu fan glanced at her. "How can I say that I am also a lieutenant general? If you say to arrest me, how can I know if it is your personal behavior?"

"You want a reason? OK, I\'ll give you a reason." Luo Lan took back the gun and sneered. "According to our investigation by the National Security Bureau, you have a close relationship with the new Japanese empress, Liangmei Saito, and Chiba qingko, the chairman of the board of directors of the Japanese Chiba consortium. She is pregnant. Is the child yours?"

Chu fan rolled his eyes and said, "you\'re really wide in charge. You take care of whose children she\'s pregnant. Is your National Security Bureau free or full?"

"Don\'t talk nonsense. Now I suspect that you betray state secrets and even that you may be a spy of the Japanese people." Luo Lan snorted coldly, "is this reason sufficient?"

Chu fan nodded: "it\'s difficult for you to buckle such a big hat for me. OK, I\'ll go with you, but don\'t use the handcuffs? That thing is of no use to me."

"It\'s useless to wear it. If you dare to break away, there will be no amnesty!" Luo Lan waved her hand, and the two soldiers rushed up immediately. Chu fan cooperated very well this time, put on the handcuffs, got pushed into the car and roared away.

Things became more and more complicated, and the hearts of the Xiao family sank. I really don\'t know who is behind the attack. It\'s too cruel to kill the Xiao family.

"Alas! It\'s going to change!" old Xiao sighed, turned back and staggered towards the villa.

Xia Yanran looked at Xiao Lao\'s back and intuitively told her that Xiao Lao seemed to have guessed something, but why didn\'t he say it? Is there any scruples? Or is he ready to give up?

No matter what he thinks, Xia Yanran won\'t watch Chu fan get caught. After everyone left, she edited a text message, selected several people, sent them out in groups, and then immediately drove to Suyu\'s quadrangle.

Besides, Chu fan was put on a black hood when he got on the car, and a strong soldier grabbed his arm on each side. Someone else, let alone move, doesn\'t even know where he was taken. But the black hood was the same to Chu fan. He could clearly see the surrounding environment. After driving for more than half an hour, the car stopped in front of an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

The factory was a state-owned rice flour factory in the early years, but it has long been abandoned, leaving only some old machines and some dilapidated factories. As soon as the car stopped, the door opened automatically, and then the car drove in slowly. After turning into a large warehouse, a huge slope appeared on the ground, extending to the underground. I don\'t know how deep it is.

It seems that the powder rice factory is just a cover. The real national security bureau is underground like the sacred blade.

Chu fan is an expert in art. He is brave and not afraid of what Luo Lan did to him. The hood on his head was taken off until the car stopped. Chu fan pretended to be dazzling and hurriedly blocked the light above his head. He heard Luo Lan drink, "hang him up!"

Suddenly, two burly soldiers grabbed Chu fan and tied his hands firmly with an ox tendon rope. The ox tendon rope was stained with blood. Obviously, it had not been used less, but the ox tendon rope became stronger after being soaked in blood.

One end of the rope tied Chu fan, and the other end passed through a beam of the ceiling and fell into the hands of a soldier behind. With a drag without effort, Chu fan\'s feet were off the ground and hung in mid air.

"Director Luo, it\'s not in line with the rules for you to do so?" Chu fan looked down at her and said with a sneer. "You don\'t ask me anything when you come up and directly execute me. You\'re going to turn it into a trick."

"For people like you, ask carefully and you can say?"

"Say, why don\'t I say it." Chu fan hurriedly said, "the hero doesn\'t suffer from the immediate loss. I\'m in your hands now. I don\'t deserve it. Don\'t you ask for hardship?"

Luo Lan had an accident. Is this still the king of murder? How did you become a counsellor? No, no, he\'s trying to trick me into putting him down so that he can move his hand. Hum, it\'s too late to do it now!

"Chu fan, you\'d better not waste your time and explain everything obediently and strive for leniency. Otherwise, the immortal can\'t save you." Luo Lan sat down in a chair and said faintly, "if you refuse to explain, I have no choice but to use some means for you. Don\'t worry, I have many means, enough for us to play all night."

"Aunt, don\'t spoil our young crops. If you really lack men, I\'ll help you find more strong men to ensure that you are served comfortably. Why compete with me?"

Luo Lan almost tilted her nose. After a while, she turned into an aunt. Am I so old?

"I think you don\'t cry when you don\'t see the coffin." Luo Lan clenched her teeth and said, "come on, give me a hundred whips first and give him an appetizer!"

A strong man with bare arms came over with a whip dipped in salt water. He looked at Chu fan indifferently, waved the whip fiercely and whipped it fiercely.

With a bang, Chu fan\'s clothes were ripped open, but Chu fan was unharmed. Luo Lan, who had just caught the cigarette, almost bit her tongue. She quickly stood up and looked carefully. She angrily said, "you didn\'t eat? Smoke hard for me!"

"Boss, he pulled out both layers of clothes. How can I not exert myself?" the strong man said wrongly.

Luo Lan threw the cigarette, stepped on it and stretched out his hand: "give me the whip and I\'ll loosen his bones myself."