The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 949

"Impossible!" Xiao Weiguo suddenly stood up and shouted angrily, "how can Bruce Lee do such a thing? Chu fan, what do you want to do? Where did I offend you, my uncle, and you want to harm me like this?"

"Shut up!" old Xiao slapped the table angrily and glared at his eldest son. "What\'s your son\'s virtue? Don\'t you know what he\'s a father? What else does he dare not do?"

Chu Fan said reluctantly, "uncle, I don\'t want to be Xiao Long, but he was caught and many people in the club can identify him. In full view of the public, I just want to get rid of him, but there\'s nothing I can do."

"I caught people, but I went to save people. It was an accident to catch Xiao Long. Believe it or not, uncle. In short, Xiao long can\'t get rid of it."

"My son..." Li Fang, Xiao Weiguo\'s wife, couldn\'t help crying. Xiao Weiguo\'s face was blue and his lips trembled. She couldn\'t say a word.

"Stop howling!" Xiao Weiguo roared and startled Li Fang. He didn\'t dare to cry any more, but he still sobbed in a low voice. Annoyed by Xiao Weiguo, he took out a cigarette, took two bites, immediately ran over to death, and then took out another one.

Every inch is lost!

Xiao Weiguo is different from his brother Xiao Jingsheng. He follows the business line and controls nearly 100 billion assets of Xiao group. It is precisely with the huge financial support of the Xiao group that the immediate family members of the Xiao family are proud of their rapid development. They are all unimpeded and invincible in military, government and business.

Especially when Chu fan came to the fore and became more and more influential, the Xiao family seemed to have become the largest rich family in Yanjing. They were in the limelight, and countless people visited them every day.

Xiao Weiguo is immersed in the strong satisfaction brought by this towering power and can\'t extricate himself. Apart from others, even those ministerial cadres have to say hello to him when they see him, and he is just a businessman.

Over the past few days, Shaw group has been so smooth that it can hardly do anything. Money is like a strong wind, gathering more and more. And he felt that there was nothing he couldn\'t do in the world.

But today\'s incident, like a heavy hammer, completely woke him up and made him understand that money is not everything. For example, no matter how much money he has, he can\'t get his son out. Don\'t look at the scenery of the Xiao family. Xiao Long has committed a crime and wants to be shot. No one can save him.

After a long silence, Xiao Weiguo twisted out the third cigarette and glanced up. His eyes finally fell on Chu fan. He took a deep breath and said, "Xiao Fan, you did the right thing. My uncle doesn\'t blame you, but Xiao Long is your cousin after all. You must think of a way to save him."

Before Chu fan could speak, old Xiao Leng hummed: "You said it\'s easy. How can you save him? If you just gather people to gamble, even if it\'s just human trafficking, you can save his life. But he even recruited a group of outlaws, equipped them with guns, and caused heavy casualties to the police. Where is this? Capital! Such a big thing happened here. Don\'t say we can\'t save him. We Xiao family may be implicated by him."

Xiao Lao sighed: "Xiao Fan, why don\'t you kill him on the spot? This scourge is worth dying, but once it is used, our Xiao family will be in danger!"

"Dad, isn\'t it that serious?" Xiao Haiying advised. "Bruce Lee is no more naughty, but he is our Xiao family\'s child after all. How can he ignore an accident? If I say, it\'s OK to give a suspended death sentence, and then slowly reduce his sentence."

Xiao Qinghua stabbed her husband Zhao Tianyuan, hoping that he would help him to say a word, but Zhao Tianyuan frowned, cigarette in his finger and said nothing. This made Xiao Qinghua very angry and glared at him, but there was nothing he could do.

Zhao Tianyuan sighed helplessly: "this case is not as simple as it seems. Based on my understanding of Bruce Lee, he absolutely does not have the courage to do it. Chu fan also said just now that Bruce Lee is a shareholder, he must have a partner. Who is this partner? What is his purpose? What hidden dangers will he bring to us? This is the most important thing at present."

"Dihao club is the crown prince\'s property!" Chu fan immediately said, "the crown prince can\'t get rid of this case, and Jinzun club is also the crown prince\'s property nine times out of ten."

"It\'s not that simple. The prince won\'t stand under the dangerous wall." Xiao Jingsheng frowned. "Bruce Lee may have been used!"

As soon as the voice fell, a guard hurried in: "report, there are people from the military political office outside, looking for General Zhao."

Zhao Tianyuan was stunned: "people from the political department? Looking for me? Please come in!"

Everyone\'s heart sank, feeling a little bad.

Soon, the people from the political department came in. They first greeted Mr. Xiao, then smiled bitterly at Zhao Tianyuan and said, "minister Zhao, we are also responsible. Please forgive us for offending. Come with us!"

"No problem, I fully cooperate with your investigation, but I want to ask, what did I do?" Zhao Tianyuan handed over two cigarettes and asked calmly.

Two people in the political department looked at each other, and one of them whispered, "you must have heard about today\'s case. The principal criminal Xiao Long was arrested on the spot and more than 20 gunmen in the club were killed. After investigation, the guns used by these gunmen were from your military region."

"What?" Zhao Tianyuan was surprised and the smoke fell to the ground. "This... How is it possible? The guns in our military region are strictly controlled. How can they appear in the hands of a group of gunmen?"

"Minister Zhao, guns can be forged, but gun numbers and rifling are not so easy to forge. You don\'t have to worry. We all believe you, but you still have to go back with us and explain it clearly. Please!"

Zhao Tianyuan glanced at the crowd, his eyes fell on Chu fan, nodded slightly, and strode out with the people in the political department.

Just now, when Xiao Qinghua asked him to help intercede, he had doubts in this regard, but he didn\'t expect that things came so quickly, and the first one was to operate on him.

It must have something to do with the prince, and the prince must be someone\'s gun.

This is about to fire on the Xiao family. If not, the whole Xiao family will have to fall in, and Xiao Long is the fuse of the whole event and a bomb enough to kill all the Xiao family.

Now, Chu fan is the only one who can save Zhao Tianyuan and the whole Xiao family.

The Xiao family watched helplessly as Zhao Tianyuan was taken away, and the whole family was silent. If we were still worried about Xiao Long just now and were still thinking about how to reduce his punishment, now everyone knows. Let alone that Xiao long can\'t keep it, it\'s unknown whether we can protect the Xiao family.

When they were at a loss, the guard ran in again. This time, before he could speak, Xiao Weiguo stood up like a frightened bird and asked, "what\'s the matter again?"

"Discipline... The people from the discipline inspection commission are here. Please cooperate with the investigation." the guard swallowed his spit and said carefully.

"People from the discipline inspection commission?" Xiao Weiguo\'s body shook. This is to kill the Xiao family. How can such a large Xiao group be a little greasy if it really needs to be investigated? But a small thing, if caught, may lead to an earthquake and tsunami, causing the whole Shaw group to suffer immeasurable losses.

Xiao Weiguo\'s eyes fell on Lao Xiao and said in a trembling voice, "Dad!"

Xiao Lao waved helplessly: "go!"

"Elder sister, Jingsheng, take good care of your father. I\'ll be fine." Xiao Weiguo reluctantly smiled and looked at Chu fan. "Xiao Long doesn\'t care. He\'s dead or alive. It\'s up to heaven. However, you must find out who stabbed us in the back and give us an innocence."

Chu fan nodded solemnly: "don\'t worry, uncle. Dare to move our Xiao family. I promise I won\'t let him go."

"OK, take care!" Xiao Weiguo took a deep breath and strode out. After he went out, he never came back.

In a short period of more than ten minutes, two Xiao family members had problems. Who would be next? Everyone sat at the table, but at this time, no one was in the mood to eat. Xiao Qinghua was fine because she knew her husband was innocent. Even if she was taken away by the political department, she couldn\'t find anything. But Li Fang cried her tears dry. First her son was caught in an accident, and now her husband was taken away for questioning.

The husband is better. Even if the problem is found, it\'s all a small matter. It\'s not difficult to deal with it. But her son Xiao Long may never come back.

After a long silence, Chu fan stood up first. Xiao Jingsheng hurriedly said, "Xiao Fan, what are you going to do?"

"I\'ll catch the prince. As long as I catch him, I\'ll be able to find out who\'s behind all this. At that time..." Chu fan flashed a fierce look in his eyes. "I\'ll be able to find out the truth and return my uncle and uncle\'s innocence."

Up to now, there is no better way. But Chu fan just walked to the door, but the door was pushed open first. Xia Yanran and Xiao Gang rushed in and almost ran into Chu fan.

"What\'s the matter with you two in such a hurry?" Chu fan asked hurriedly.

"The preliminary interrogation results came out." Xia Yanran quickly came to the table and handed an interrogation report to Xiao Lao.

Xiao Laogen didn\'t look at it. He shouted coldly, "read!"

"Er... I\'d better say it." Xia Yan glanced at the people and said in surprise, "where\'s the big uncle and uncle?"

Xiao Qinghua sighed: "your uncle was taken away by the political department, and your uncle was also taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission."

"The big uncle was taken away because of the gun, wasn\'t he? It\'s trouble!"

Xia Yanran frowned and said, "Xiao Long told him that the prince asked him to steal the gun from his great uncle, but the key to the problem now is that the prince left himself clean. Relying on Xiao Long\'s confession alone, it is impossible to condemn the prince. That is to say, Xiao Long was trapped by the prince."