The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 951

Luo Lan provoked Chu fan\'s jaw with a whip and sneered, "Chu, you are a famous murderer outside, but you are a dog here. You don\'t want to suffer from skin and flesh. You\'d better behave yourself and explain everything to me. Hello, I\'m good and everyone is good. Otherwise, I\'ll let you taste my top ten torture and ensure that you want to be immortal and die."

"Aunt Luo, I didn\'t do anything. What do you want me to tell you?" Chu Fan said helplessly, "why don\'t you just write it down? You can write it anyway. Can\'t I press my fingerprint?"

"You don\'t cry until you see the coffin." Luo Lan nodded. "OK, how long can you last?"

Speaking, Luo Lan took a few steps back, about three meters away, suddenly turned around and whipped out with a whip.


With a crisp sound, the whip whipped Chu fan, and a hole appeared in his clothes, as if he had been cut by a knife. But Chu fan was white and tender, and he didn\'t even have a red seal.

I wipe it. This guy\'s skin is too thick. Even if a pig is whipped like this, it will leave a blood purlin.

As soon as Luo Lan clenched her teeth, she went crazy. She waved her whip continuously and lashed at Chu fan. Within a few minutes, Chu fan\'s clothes had become beggar clothes, one by one, and almost couldn\'t even cover the little birds.

This is also a hard work. Luo Lan is so tired that she holds her knees with her hands and gasps violently. But when she raises her head and looks at Chu fan, her nose is almost crooked. This guy tired himself so much that he fell asleep and snored.

Nima, who is this? I don\'t believe it. I can\'t cure you?

"Somebody, put him down." Luo Lan threw down her whip and angrily went to the freezer to take a bottle of water, gulped down, threw the bottle and brought a hammer.

Seeing the boss\'s move, the two burly men immediately understood and put Chu fan down and carried him to a long iron bed. His hands and feet were locked by iron handcuffs, let alone ran away. He just couldn\'t move now.

After so much trouble, Chu fan finally woke up. The goods yawned and said, "aunt Luo, don\'t bother. Just your junk here is of no use to me. You\'d better let me go and serve me delicious. Maybe I\'ll say everything when I\'m happy."

"Hum, don\'t be complacent. There are times when you cry." Luo Lan\'s face was black and shouted, "break off his hand. I\'ll smash one of his fingers first to wake him up."

"Yes!" the two men quickly broke Chu fan\'s hand and left a middle finger outside.

Luo Lan said with a grimace: "Chu, I\'ll ask you again. Do you recruit or not?"

"Aunt Luo, what do you want me to recruit? If you don\'t make it clear, how can I know what you want me to say?" Chu fan hurriedly said, "stop, stop, I said, can\'t I say?"

"Hum, do you know you\'re afraid?" Luo Lan put down the hammer and sneered, "you\'re a donkey. You don\'t have to hit it with a stick. Tell me, what\'s the relationship between you and Emperor Saito Liangmei and Chiba qingko?"

"Alas, it\'s a long story. We should start with the gold gambling competition held in Australia. At that time..."


Luo Lan hit the iron bed with a hammer and said angrily, "don\'t talk to me about these useless things. Pick the important ones."


Luo Lan was stunned: "what\'s the matter?"

"Don\'t you ask me if I have anything to do with them? I said yes."

Luo Lan angrily said, "it\'s clear. What\'s the relationship?"

"Well, we have to start from the beginning."

Luo Lan was so angry that her liver hurt and scolded: "say a fart from the beginning. Just say it. What\'s the relationship between you and them?"

Chu fan asked, "do you really want to know?"

"Nonsense, hurry up!"

"I\'m hungry."


Luo Lan is really going to be blown up by Chu fan. I can see that this guy is a dead pig. He is not afraid of boiling water. He wants to play with me. OK, let\'s see who can play with who?

"Break off his hand." after Chu fan\'s middle finger was exposed, Luo Lan raised his hammer and said with a grim smile, "I make you hungry!"


The hammer rose to the top and fell suddenly. The target was Chu fan\'s middle finger. If an ordinary person\'s finger is smashed, it must be smashed into meat mud. Unfortunately, the owner of this finger is Chu fan, which is destined to disappoint Luo Lan.


With a loud noise, even the iron bed shook violently, but Luo Lan felt something was wrong. In the past, when a hammer hit a finger, it should be flesh and blood. How does it feel like it\'s empty?

When she lifted the hammer, she found that the hammer hit Chu fan\'s finger under the iron bed. Chu fan\'s finger was intact, but he pressed out a finger thick groove from the iron bed.

Especially, is this... Is this a human finger? Even if a steel bar is smashed down like this, it will have to be crushed. Why did he press the iron bed into a pit instead?

"I don\'t believe in evil and spread his hand." Luo Lan shouted angrily. After the two strong men spread Chu fan\'s hand, she raised her hammer again and smashed it down.



At the moment when the hammer fell on Chu fan\'s hand, a powerful anti shock force shook Luo Lan\'s hand. He couldn\'t hold the handle of the hammer. The hammer took off and flew out.

It\'s still that she hides fast, otherwise, the hammer must hit her own head. But she escaped. One of the two strong men was unlucky. She was hit on her head by a falling hammer. She suddenly broke her head and ran out with her head in her arms.

I can\'t do this job anymore. The murderer is an immortal demon!

It\'s really evil!

Luo Lan carefully pinches Chu fan\'s hand. It\'s no different from ordinary people\'s hands, but why can\'t he smash it?

"Hey, I\'m not interested in the old woman." Chu fan glanced at her and said, "it\'s nothing to look shabby. The key is that you don\'t even have two or two meat. Your chest is not as big as that of the man next to you."

The strong man next to me wants to strangle Chu fan. You want to kill me?

Sure enough, Luo Lan glared at the strong man next to him. He was a loser. No one will be naked in the future.

"Go and get the steel needle." Luo Lan drank fiercely. The strong man next to him, if pardoned, hurriedly ran back to set up a dress and brought back a box of three inch steel needles.

Chu fan had seen and even used this kind of steel needle when he was in the mountain village. It was used to sew gunny bags. It was almost as sharp as an awl.

What the hell is this loser trying to do?

"Chu, I have plenty of time. Let\'s play slowly."

Luo Lan twisted a steel needle and sneered, "do you know what this thing is for?"

"Wipe, I\'ve seen it on TV. Don\'t you just intervene in your fingertips? Just put your horse here."

Luo Lan said with a smile, "finger insertion? It\'s out of date. I\'ve developed a new way to play. You promise to like it. Come on, pick up his underpants."

This time, Chu fan couldn\'t lie down, stared and shouted, "poke, what do you want to do?"

"I don\'t want to do anything. I just want to try that thing under you. Is it as thick as your skin? The needle can\'t go in and the hammer can\'t break." Luo Lan shouted proudly when he saw Chu fan in a hurry, "do it!"

The strong man immediately came to his senses and stretched out his hand to pull Chu fan\'s pants. Chu fan couldn\'t help it. The iron handcuffs on his feet broke with a click, and kicked the strong man out with one foot.

Luo Lan\'s reaction was fast enough to pull out the gun quickly, but Chu fan\'s action was faster. Before she pulled out the gun, she had grabbed her neck and lost all her strength. She looked at Chu fan in horror.

She has overestimated Chu fan, but unexpectedly, she still underestimated him. How can this guy be so powerful?

Just as the strong man was struggling to get up, Chu fan pulled out the pistol around Luo Lan\'s waist and smashed it out like a brick, right in the middle of the strong man\'s forehead. His eyes darkened and he fainted.

Now, Chu fan and Luo Lan are left in the prison. Chu fan releases Luo Lan and locks the door. Now, no one wants to come in. Of course, Luo Lan doesn\'t want to go out without Chu fan\'s permission.

When Chu fan turned around, Luo Lan almost couldn\'t hold back her hand, but she held back at the thought of Chu fan\'s metamorphosis. If you have a gun, you may still have a chance. Otherwise, you may end up dead.

"You... What do you want?" Luo Lan swallowed a mouthful of spit and was no longer as high as her previous toes.

Chu fan took a bottle of water from the freezer, took two drinks and came back. He said softly, "I should ask you this. Tell me, who gave you the order? What do you want?"

Luo Lan resolutely shut up and said that she may be able to leave alive now, but after going out, she and her family may die.

"It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t say it. No one can hide what I want to know." Chu fan snapped his fingers. Two seconds later, Song Wen appeared beside him with Kong Qingqing. This scene shocked Luo Lan.

These... These two people, are they ghosts? How did you get in?

"Brother fan, where is this place?" Song Wen looked around strangely. When her eyes fell on Chu fan, her eyes suddenly brightened. "Beggar clothes? Wow, brother fan, you\'re so fashionable. Where did you buy beggar clothes? It\'s almost the same as real. It\'s so beautiful."

Chu fan is speechless. What\'s the aesthetic taste of this big breasted girl? Wearing a pile of cloth strips, is it still beautiful? I look beautiful on your face. Too lazy to pay attention to the crazy big breasted girl, Chu fan asked Kong Qingqing next to him, "how about finding out who ordered her?"

Kong Qingqing nodded and said, "it\'s the Bureau jointly set by the Li family, the Luo family, the Ye family and the Kong family. The purpose is to drive the Xiao family out of Yanjing and let you hand over all the shares of Yecheng and Sinopec Group."

"Four families? Why did they do that?"