The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 948

"Where\'s uncle? Let him and his aunt come too." Chu Fan said faintly and went straight to the bathroom.

Xiao Lao was stunned. He lived so old that he couldn\'t understand anything. It\'s something in his words. Did his uncle do anything against the law and discipline?

No, no, if it\'s his uncle, he can\'t let his aunt come too. Is it Xiao Gang?

Soon, old Xiao overturned this idea. He knew Xiao Gang\'s nature. Although he was brave and resourceful, he was honest. He would not do anything that violated the law and discipline.

Is it... Xiao Long?

Mr. Xiao fooled him. Mrs. Xiao knew this little grandson. His second ancestor and big dandy, who had not achieved enough and had more than enough to fail, often made small mistakes. This time, 80% of them did something wrong again.

Alas, it\'s time to be cruel and take good care of his temper, otherwise he will have to make a big mess sooner or later. If Xiao Lao knows that Xiao Long has made a big basket at this time, I don\'t know if he will be angry to death.

Xiao Lao went to one side and called his eldest son and youngest son in person to ask them to go home for dinner as soon as possible. Usually, Xiao seldom calls them because he knows they are busy and state affairs are much more important than family affairs.

But today, Chu fan brought it up. There must be something important to say. Second, Xiao Jingsheng, his youngest son, will soon work in Dongshan province. If he doesn\'t have a meal, he won\'t know when and when to get together next time.

But he put down the phone and found that Chu fan went to the bathroom to take a bath. What did he do this afternoon? Don\'t change your shoes. Throw them everywhere. If someone else, Mr. Xiao would have been angry, but he liked Chu fan from the bottom of his heart. Naturally, he wouldn\'t say anything about him. He got up and went over, picked up the shoes Chu fan threw at the bathroom door and was ready to put them on the shoe rack at the door.

But at the moment he picked up Chu fan\'s shoes, he found a dark red mark on the ground. He subconsciously turned over the sole of his shoes and took a look. Suddenly, his pupils contracted and his face was dignified.

On the sole of Chu fan\'s shoes, there is a large pool of dried blood. Judging from Xiao\'s many years of experience in the war of resistance against Japan, this is 100% human blood. In other words, Chu fan went out to kill this afternoon.

It\'s nothing strange that he killed people. Are there still few people who died in his hands? But as soon as he entered the door, he wanted to see his uncle\'s family. Did he

"Ba Da", Chu fan\'s shoes fell to the ground. Master Xiao almost fainted. At this critical juncture, Chu fan suddenly opened the door, held master Xiao, and said with concern: "Grandpa, are you okay?"

"Xiao Fan, tell me the truth, has Xiao long been by you..."

"Grandpa, don\'t think about it. Xiao Long doesn\'t own the blood. He\'s still alive."

In nature\'s garb, he was ready to hold the sofa and sat down. When he suddenly found himself covered in foam, he could not go out. But at this time, Xiao Yan came back jumping.

"Grandpa, cousin... Ah!" Xiao Yan cried happily. She was about to go over. She suddenly found the ferocious protruding object on Chu fan. She was scared to scream. She quickly covered her face with her hands and turned away.

"Cousin, you... Why don\'t you wear clothes?" Xiao Yan stamped her feet in shame and embarrassment. Why did she take a bath before eating? Why did you run out naked before you finished washing?


"Xiao Yan, come and help Grandpa." Chu fan couldn\'t care so much. He blocked himself with Xiao Lao\'s body and didn\'t dare to let go.

Hearing Chu fan\'s words, Xiao Yan finally regained her consciousness. Regardless of her shyness, she hurried to hold grandpa and said with concern: "what\'s the matter with Grandpa? What\'s wrong? Otherwise, I\'ll call a car now and we\'ll go to the hospital..."

"No, I\'m fine." old Xiao seemed to be much older all of a sudden. He waved his hand and signaled that Chu fan could let go. Chu fansong opened his hand. He turned around and walked slowly towards the restaurant with the help of Xiao Yan.

In just a few minutes, Chu fan ran out barefoot with a bath towel around. After confirming that grandpa was all right, he ran upstairs to get dressed. At the command of her grandfather, Xiao Yan went to the washing machine in the bathroom and took all the clothes Chu fan took off, with a pair of men\'s underwear on it.

"Grandpa, what\'s the matter?" Xiao Yan was slightly drunk and subconsciously hid the conspicuous men\'s underwear behind her. I cursed in my heart. How did I bring this thing with me? It\'s a shame today!

Xiao Lao didn\'t pay attention to these. He quickly unfolded Chu fan\'s clothes and checked them carefully. He found a few drops of dark red blood on his cuffs and trouser legs. No wonder he suddenly wanted to take a bath. Obviously, he deliberately took off his clothes for fear of being discovered by Xiao. He wanted to change his clothes and eat again. But I didn\'t want to be exposed by a pair of his shoes.

While Chu fan was upstairs changing clothes, Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Weiguo and Mr. and Mrs. Xiao Jingsheng had arrived together. In addition, Xiao Qinghua, Zhao Tianyuan, Xiao Haiying, Zhong Yi and their daughter Zhong Ziqi came.

"What\'s the matter?" asked Xiao Qinghua curiously. "Wan\'er called me and said something big had happened at home. Let me come as soon as possible. This dead girl is about to be a grandmother. She\'s still so mischievous."

Xiao Haiying said with a smile, "it\'s not good if there\'s no accident? I think Wan\'er wants us to come back more to accompany her father, but she went to Sichuan Province and didn\'t say to come back."

Before others could speak, Xiao waved his hand coldly: "now that you\'re here, sit down."

Xiao Weiguo and others, who still wanted to speak, had to swallow their words back to their stomachs and take their seats respectively. Looking at Xiao\'s serious face, everyone had an ominous feeling in their hearts, but what happened?

Several people looked at each other. No one understood what had happened, so they had to look at Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan quickly shook her head, meaning to tell everyone that she didn\'t know. However, after seeing Chu fan coming down from upstairs, they understood that it must have something to do with the boy.

This boy is really loved and hated. What I love is that because of him, the status of the Xiao family is increasing day by day. Now it seems to have become the largest aristocratic family in Yanjing. It has greatly improved both in military influence and politics.

But this boy is a wild tiger. He does everything according to his own preferences, regardless of the core interests of the family. His credit is not small, but similarly, he caused a lot of trouble, which hurt his head to death.

This time, I don\'t know what big trouble this smelly boy has caused to the Xiao family.

"Uncle, second uncle, aunt and second aunt, you are all here." Chu fan greeted with a smile, sat down in the empty seat next to Xiao, picked up the wine bottle and was ready to open it to pour wine for everyone, but Xiao stopped him.

"Don\'t be busy pouring wine!" said Xiao faintly. "Tell me what you did this afternoon?"

"Grandpa, let\'s eat first. I didn\'t eat lunch. When I\'m full, I\'ll talk slowly."

"Bang!" old Xiao slapped the table hard and startled everyone.

Xiao said angrily, "now, if you don\'t make it clear, don\'t eat first."

Xiao Jingsheng hurriedly advised, "Xiao Fan, did you make your grandfather angry again? Admit your mistake..."

"Shut up, there\'s no place for you to talk." Xiao was really angry today and said in a cold voice, "listen to me. No one is allowed to interrupt Chu fan when he speaks, otherwise, get out of here."

Now, no one dares to speak. In this family, Xiao is the emperor. His words are the imperial edict. Who dares to listen?

Chu fan had no choice but to put down the wine bottle and said slowly, "in the afternoon, I bought some tea and brought it to Grandpa. Xiao Yan was also present at that time, and she made tea for us. But at this time, I received a call from Su Yuan. She told me that Hao min, the sister of Hao Jia, vice president of Sichuan Chongqing group, lost contact."

"Hao Jia is a veteran of our Sichuan Chongqing group. She works hard for the company. She is Su Yuan\'s right-hand man and has a very good relationship with us. Her sister, who was saved by me once in Sichuan Province, is a very likable girl. Oh, by the way, she is also Xiaoyan\'s classmate and roommate."

"Under the leadership of Xiao Yan, I found the last place where Hao min appeared - the night market street near Yanda, where I found some clues and traced them all the way to the imperial club." Chu Fan said seriously, "at that time, Director Wen led a surprise inspection and rescued another arrested girl from there. She was Murong Qing, the girl who sold me tea."

"What? Murongqing was also caught?" Xiao Yan was surprised. Her father glared at her. She was so scared that she stuck out her tongue and sat down quickly, afraid to say anything.

"I couldn\'t find Hao min in Dihao club, but I caught a woman named Ding Meiling. She tied Murong Qing to the bed, blew all kinds of indecent actions in front of Murong Qing, and forced Murong Qing to observe and study. After Ding Meiling was caught, she quickly explained everything. It turned out that people were transferred to a club called Jinzun in the suburbs."

"When I sent someone to encircle and suppress Jinzun and save people, I encountered the tenacious resistance of more than 20 gunmen. Three policemen died on the spot and more than a dozen policemen were injured. Finally, I personally killed more than 20 gunmen and was able to enter."

"In a hidden room in Jinzun club, we found an underpass. After entering, we found that it was not only a large-scale casino, but also a prison for holding and bullying girls. I found Hao Min who was captured in it. At that time, she was tied to the bed by a bald fat man. If we go one step later, her life will be ruined."

Chu Fan said so much at once, and everyone present was shocked. In places like Yanjing City, there are people who dare to do such things. They are too brave to make money.

But who is the organizer?

Before they asked, Chu fan paused for a moment and said slowly, "when I was leaving, Director Wen called me aside and said that he had caught a major shareholder. That person was... Xiao Long!"