The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 947

Chu fan never dreamed that such a big case would involve Xiao Long, the son of his uncle Xiao Weiguo. I still remember the first time he came to Xiao\'s house, Xiao long disdained him very much, and Chu fan thought he was just an ignorant dandy and had a sense of propriety. Unexpectedly, he was bold enough to do such a big thing behind his back. It was like looking for his own death.

"Cousin, cousin, save me, you have to save me..." half of Xiao Long\'s face was swollen. He came to Chu fan, hugged his thigh and cried, "I was given a pit by the crown prince. He set a pit for me."

"You deserve it!" Chu fan kicked him out and said bitterly, "don\'t you have a brain? You know you\'ve been cheated. Why don\'t you inform your family as soon as possible? How can I help you now?"


"Don\'t call me cousin. I\'m not as dirty as you." Chu fan waved angrily. "Take him away. Do what you should do."

Director Wen asked someone to take Xiao Long down, came to Chu fan and whispered, "it\'s better for you to talk to your family as soon as possible. I\'ll try to reduce the impact."

Chu fan patted him on the shoulder, sighed and strode out. Behind her, Hao min glanced at Director Wen, hurriedly chased Chu fan and trotted out.

Outside, Chu fan hesitated again and again, dialed Xia Yanran\'s phone, briefly explained the things here, and immediately startled Xia Yanran. Chu fan asked Chu fan to wait for her at the door of the police station. She would arrive right away.

Chu fan gets in the car, throws her cell phone to Hao min and asks her to report peace to her family. As for what happened here, don\'t tell them first. The family in the province cares about it.

Just after he returned to the police station, before he had finished smoking a cigarette, a military car came roaring and speeding, parked next to Chu fan\'s car. Then, the doors on both sides opened almost at the same time. Xia Yanran and xiao gang jumped down from the car and came to Chu fan.

"Why didn\'t you tell me such a big thing in advance?" Xiao Gang grabbed Chu fan\'s skirt and roared angrily.

Chu fan gave him a cold stare: "how can you tell me? Xiao Long is your brother. He has committed such a big crime that you don\'t know at all? Saving people is like fighting a fire. Do you understand? How do I know it has something to do with Xiao Long?"

"Calm down, the most important thing now is how to minimize the impact and how to keep Xiao Long\'s life." Xia Yanran quickly pulled Xiao Gang away, took the cigarette from Chu fan\'s mouth, took two bites in his mouth, and asked, "is there room for maneuver?"

Chu fan shook his head: "there were more than 20 gunmen who died in my hands. The police killed three and injured more than a dozen. According to the preliminary account of a female criminal named Ding Meiling, they arrested at least more than 30 young girls, but only 12 were rescued at the scene, and the rest were missing."

Xia Yanran\'s heart sank. More than 30 beautiful girls and at least 178 girls were missing. Not only can no one save Xiao Long in such a big case, but the Xiao family will be greatly affected, and even cause a series of chain reactions, with unimaginable consequences.

Xiao Long, it\'s over!

"Bastard, I\'ll kill him myself." Xiao Gang roared angrily and strode to the police station.

Xia Yanran was startled and hurriedly ran after her. After a long silence, Chu fan called her mother: "Mom!"

"Smelly boy, why do you think of calling me today?" Xiao yuewan is in a good mood. She can still hear the sweet square dance music from the phone. It can be imagined that she is dancing the square dance now.

"Come on, what\'s the matter with me? Do you want to get married?" before Xiao yuewan laughed, he suddenly exclaimed, "what are you talking about? Xiao Long... What\'s wrong with him?"

Chu fan simply said the matter again and asked, "Mom, do you want to tell Grandpa and uncle about this? I\'m afraid they can\'t carry it."

"I have to say that!" Xiao yuewan said in a trembling voice. "It\'s too big to be covered in paper. Your uncle and your grandfather will have to know such a big thing in a short time. Instead of that, I\'d better tell them as soon as possible and make preparations as soon as possible. If I don\'t tell you, I\'ll buy a ticket and go back to Yanjing immediately."

Chu fan sent Hao min to the gate of Yanjing University. Before she got off, she saw two beautiful young girls coming out of the university campus, talking and laughing, seemingly very close.

Hao min was immediately angry. She got out of the car and ran over: "Hu Xuemei, you shameless woman!"

"Pa!" a big mouth reeled the slightly charming girl of the two women. Hao min didn\'t get rid of her hatred. She went up and grabbed her hair, shook it fiercely, and shouted angrily, "I believe you so much. You drugged me and sold me. I\'m really blind. How can I know a snake hearted woman like you?"

The girl nearby quickly pulled her away and advised her, "Hao min, what are you doing? Have something to say..."

"Still say a fart." Hao min shouted, "she sold me."

The girl was startled: "no... no?"

"Zhang Caiyi, wake up. If you hadn\'t met me, you wouldn\'t even know how to be sold."

Hu Xuemei, who was caught with her hair, finally pushed Hao min away and said angrily, "are you crazy, Hao min? I just introduced you to a boyfriend. I agree that you can live in one place, but I don\'t agree to pull it down. Do you frame me like this?"

"You... You\'re shameless!" Hao min was so angry that she couldn\'t speak. She couldn\'t understand why there were such shameless women in the world who were exposed and dared to talk nonsense. Why didn\'t she even feel guilty?

Hu Xuemei straightened her hair and shouted to the students around her: "All the students are here. Let\'s give me some comments. Is it wrong for me to help my good sister introduce her boyfriend? People invite you to dinner and sing. They spend a lot of money. You don\'t want to go to the hotel? Since you don\'t want to, why did you go to dinner and sing with others?"

The students around her pointed at Hao min as if she had really done something shady. Hao min, who is usually very eloquent, was as if she had returned to the dark cell and had been stripped of her clothes in the face of so many students\' suspicious, contemptuous and disdainful eyes.

At this time, a tall figure appeared in front of her, patted her head and said with a smile: "black can\'t be white, white can\'t be black, it\'s not worth being angry with such a woman."

"Brother fan, you\'re just in time. Ask someone to catch her. She\'s a human trafficker." Hao min saw Chu fan and immediately came to the backbone. She grabbed his hand and pointed to Hu Xuemei. "It\'s her. She gave me a cup of milk tea. I woke up and was tied to the bed."

Facing Chu fan\'s deep eyes, Hu Xuemei felt guilty for no reason. She didn\'t dare to look at Chu fan at all. She sneered, "Psycho, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. Yiyi, let\'s go!"

"Yiyi, if you go with her, you\'ll regret it all your life." Hao Min wants to drag Zhang Caiyi back, but Chu fan holds her. It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to save people, but it\'s unnecessary.

Just when Zhang Caiyi didn\'t know who to trust, a police car stopped at the school gate. Several policemen separated the crowd and came in. They looked at Hu Xuemei and the photos in their hands and asked, "are you Hu Xuemei?"

"I... I..." Hu Xuemei panicked and didn\'t know how to answer.

Hao min hurriedly said, "yes, she is Hu Xuemei. She abducted and trafficked several girls in the University."

At this time, several policemen found Chu fan standing next to her and immediately stood at attention: "general Chu..."

Chu fan waved his hand: "don\'t be so formal. Hurry up to handle the case and try to return the victim justice as soon as possible."

"Yes!" the leading policeman turned to look at the ashen Hu Xuemei and said coldly, "Hu Xuemei, you are suspected of abducting and selling girls. The case is serious, the nature is bad and the evidence is conclusive. Now you are arrested according to law. Handcuff her and take her away!"

The two policemen came forward, and the shiny handcuffs\' clicked \'and handcuffed her hands. She was like frost eggplant, completely wilted and dejected, and was taken to the police car by the police.

This scene was seen by many students at the door and photographed. No one thought that Hu Xuemei, who has always been a public school flower, was an individual dealer. It\'s incredible.

Zhang Caiyi, in particular, is so scared that her legs are soft. If she hadn\'t met Hao min, she would be in danger today. Who would be prepared for her best friend? It\'s terrible.

"Hao min, thank you!" Zhang Caiyi took her hand with tearful eyes. "In the future, you will be my best friend."

Hao min helped her wipe away her tears, smiled and comforted her: "I also learned a lesson from a cut. If my brother hadn\'t saved me in time, I wouldn\'t know where to suffer now. Remember, you can\'t hurt others, and you can\'t guard against others!"

"Well, I remember."

When Hao min thought of Chu fan, she found that he didn\'t know when he had left, but it doesn\'t matter. His mobile phone is still in her hand. Sooner or later, he has to come back to find her.

"Yiyi, eat with me. I\'m starving."

"OK, what would you like to eat? It\'s my treat."

The two women went to dinner happily, and Chu fan, who was hiding not far away, was finally relieved. He was afraid that this matter would have a bad impact on Hao min. now it seems that it has passed.

It\'s nice to be young. He doesn\'t know what sorrow is. As long as he is happy. Although Chu fan is not much bigger than Hao min, he always feels as if he is in his seventies and eighties.

People are not old, heart is old!

In the evening, Chu fan drove back to Xiao\'s house. Xiao was waiting for him to come back for dinner. Seeing Chu fan coming back, he immediately stood up from the sofa and said with a smile, "I\'m waiting for you. Go wash your hands and come and drink with me."