The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 946

"You wait up there, I\'ll go down first." Chu fan ordered. People had already rushed out like shells and jumped down the patio in the center of the revolving stairs. In an instant, the gunfire was loud and the bullets flew around, frightening the people above to avoid everywhere. Chu fan\'s action was too fast. Ordinary people\'s naked eyes could not catch it at all, so they could only chase after his shadow and shoot.

He killed all the gunmen who came face to face and blocked Chu fan. At this time, Chu fan landed on his feet and looked around. He found that it was a long corridor with seven or eight bodies lying across it.

After confirming that there was no danger, Chu Fan said hello. Director Wen immediately rushed down with people and quickly removed the body. However, there was an iron door on the left and right. Director Wen returned to Chu fan and asked hesitantly, "general Chu, there are two doors now. Which one shall we go first?"

Chu fan glanced. Inside the iron gate on the left, there was a spacious casino. The sound insulation effect was so good. After the sound of guns outside for so long, the people inside didn\'t know anything and were still gambling in full swing.

After a careful look, there was no one with a gun except the charge officer and the maid shuttling back and forth. Chu fan put down his heart, pointed to the iron door and said, "take someone over and pay attention to safety."

"Don\'t worry, it will be fine." Director Wen promised very happily, but then he regretted.

It\'s a life-threatening job. You have to face and suffer. The bullet doesn\'t have eyes. Who knows where to shoot it? But now that the words are out, he has to bite the bullet. However, just in case, he took an explosion-proof shield from the riot police and came to the iron door with his teeth.

"Open the door!" Director Wen shouted with a cross heart.

"Chief, let me come?"

"Chief, I\'ll come!"

Director Wen stared: "don\'t argue. Get ready. I\'m going to open the door?"

"Three, two, one!" Director Wen shouted, opened the iron door, rushed in and shouted, "don\'t move, everyone squat down and hold your head with both hands!"

The people inside didn\'t even look back. They still shouted loudly. They all bet red eyes. They didn\'t know that a group of deadly police came behind them.

Director Wen did not expect that this was a casino, and many gamblers in the casino were still familiar with faces. This... This special, are you crazy?

"Bang!" Director Wen was stunned for a moment, suddenly raised the muzzle of the gun and fired a shot at the ceiling. At this time, the dull gunfire suppressed the noise. Everyone turned around in amazement and suddenly looked silly.

What\'s going on? When did the police come?

"Don\'t move, everyone squat down, hold your head with both hands, come on!" Director Wen shouted.

Now is an extraordinary time. No matter who it is, there are suspects. Even if his immediate boss dares to mess around, he will shoot people without hesitation.

In this case, no one can suppress it. Whoever gets involved will be unlucky.

He went well on this side, and Chu fan took several people to the iron door on the other side and stopped the two policemen from opening the door. Chu fan opened his perspective eyes and looked at it first. At a glance, his eyes immediately stared round.

Inside, there is a cell like a hotel room. Why do you say so? Because the layout inside is almost the same as that of the hotel. There is a bed, a TV and a small bathroom, but the door of this room is welded with steel plate. There is an iron lock outside and no window inside. It is more difficult to escape than to ascend the sky.

There are a total of twelve rooms. In each room, there is a girl wearing only thin pajamas. They either hold the quilt, sit on the bed, or knock melon seeds leisurely, watch TV, and lie in bed naked.

Suddenly, with a fierce look in Chu fan\'s eyes, he suddenly kicked the iron door out. In a flash, he came to the door of the innermost cell, held the iron lock in his hand, twisted the iron lock with a quack, opened the door and rushed in.

"Shout, the louder you shout, the more excited I am. Hei hei!" on the big bed, a beautiful girl with a good figure is firmly tied in a big font. Next to her, a fat, bald old man is approaching with a bad smile.

The beautiful girl in bed cried her tears dry and her voice hoarse, but she was unable to stop the tragedy. If she had a choice, she would rather die than be spoiled by such an old, ugly and obscene man.

Unfortunately, she was not only tied here, but also stripped off. If the old man opposite was not unsatisfactory in some way, he might have been eager to press it up. Instead of winning the old man\'s sympathy, her bitter plea aroused his animal desire. She watched him approach step by step, and the girl closed her eyes in despair.

Just then, there was a loud noise from the iron gate. The bald man was startled. He turned around. Before he could see who the visitor was, he was pinched by his neck and thrown out heavily.

"Bang!" the bald man\'s fat body hit the wall, and he didn\'t even scream. He fell to the ground like a pool of mud. And this is not over. Chu fan passed by and kicked hard under him. The bald fat man who had fainted immediately sat up with a miserable howl, a dry howl, turned his eyes and fell straight down again.

At this time, many policemen rushed in. When they saw this scene, they were startled: "this... Isn\'t this the director of XX bureau?"

Chu fan stared: "he is a criminal now. Do you still use me to teach you how to do it?"

"I see!" several policemen immediately understood. With a wink, the two policemen set up the fainted bald fat man and went out.

Chu fan pointed to the cell door around him and said, "open the door and let everyone out. Comfort them and don\'t scare others."

When the police were busy, Chu fan returned to his room, came to the bed, wiped the tears from the girl\'s cheeks on the bed, reluctantly smiled and said, "don\'t be afraid, brother, I saved you."

The girl is no one else. It is Hao Min who has been missing all day and night. After her hands were untied, the girl could no longer control herself. She rushed into Chu fan\'s arms and cried out of breath. She almost fainted.

Chu fan patted her smooth back and comforted her: "well, well, it\'s just that you\'ve been seen all by others, and there won\'t be less meat. If you feel wronged, it\'s a big deal. I\'ll catch the dead fat dead back and strip it all so that you can see enough."

"You hate it!" Hao min finally stopped crying and suddenly found that she was still naked. She immediately exclaimed to protect her chest, but her legs were forked and tied. She just couldn\'t stop it.

Looking at her embarrassed and red cheeks, Chu fan smiled and said, "don\'t worry, my eyes are bad and I don\'t see anything."

Hearing what he said, Hao min was a little lost. When Chu fan helped her untie the rope, her hand blocking her chest didn\'t know what she thought, but it slowly hung down.

The 18-year-old girl has a mature figure. Although she can\'t compare with familiar women such as Su Yuan and Hao Jia, she has a green and tender charm. Especially when she got out of bed and stood in front of Chu fan, her towering chest didn\'t sag at all, like demonstrating to Chu fan.

"Cough!" Chu fan quickly grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around her. "Put on your clothes quickly. I\'ll wait for you at the door."

Before Hao min could speak, he had run out in embarrassment. If you don\'t run, you can\'t. a tent has been set up below. If you don\'t go again, you must be found by the girl Hao min. What a shame. How did you react?

This scene has been discovered by the sharp eyed Hao min. originally, she was still in a lost mood. Suddenly, it became bright, just like the little fox who stole the chick. She smiled cunningly in her eyes, began to look for clothes and put them on quickly.

It\'s not a long time. Hao Min has put on her clothes and walked out. It seems that she is afraid of being thrown down by Chu fan. She grabs Chu fan\'s arm and doesn\'t give up. She doesn\'t know. She thought she was Chu fan\'s sister.

When someone found Chu fan, his task was completed. When he was about to take Hao min back, Director Wen suddenly ran over and stopped talking. He seemed to have old constipation. He didn\'t dare to say if he wanted to say it. If he didn\'t say it, it wouldn\'t work. Don\'t mention how difficult it was.

"Director Wen, if you have anything to say, it\'s not a day or two for us to deal with?" Chu fan stopped and said discontentedly.

Director Wen gritted his teeth and said, "general Chu, take a step to speak."

"What\'s the matter, God nagging." Chu fan was dragged aside by him. As soon as he heard a word, he couldn\'t help losing his voice, "what? Xiao... He\'s the boss?"

Director Wen whispered, "not a major shareholder, but there must be his shares. Look..."

"What about people?" Chu fan\'s face was as heavy as water, and his fist was rattling. It was obvious that he was extremely angry.

Director Wen was startled and hurriedly said, "general Chu, you must restrain yourself. He is too young, maybe he has been used, and he may not know about things here."

"What don\'t know? He\'s been caught. He doesn\'t know anything?" Chu fan yelled angrily and scolded. He gasped violently, took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "where\'s the man? Bring him here."

"OK, I\'ll bring him here now, but you must control your emotions." Director Wen told him to go away and come back soon, followed by a dejected young man with his hands handcuffed behind him.

When he saw Chu fan, the young man immediately brightened his eyes and rushed forward two steps with ecstasy: "cousin, cousin, save me..."

Director Wen grabbed him, but he couldn\'t rush over. Chu fan came to him like a whirlwind, raised his hand and a big mouth, directly pumped him out and fell heavily to the ground.

"General Chu, calm down, calm down." Director Wen quickly blocked Chu fan and let him pass. He had to kill someone.

Chu fan hated pointing to the boy struggling to get up on the ground and scolded, "how can the Xiao family have such a scum like you? You\'ve lost grandpa\'s face."