The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 945

Jinzun leisure and entertainment club is located in the suburb of Yanjing City, close to mountains and rivers. It is definitely a Fengshui treasure land with excellent scenery. On the surface, this is a high-end club, but if you didn\'t listen to the beautiful young woman, who would know that this is a gold selling cave that hides filth?

More than half an hour later, a large number of police and armed police officers and soldiers rushed over like a flood. Chu fan stood in the front. As soon as Director Wen waved his hand, many armed police immediately separated left and right, surrounded the club, and even ambushed snipers on the top of the mountain. Now, even the people in the club can\'t escape.

"Ding Meiling, are you sure that Hao min is in the club?" Chu fan asked coldly.

The beautiful young woman caught by Dihao is Ding Meiling. After learning the identity of Chu fan, she knows everything and puts it all away. To Chu fan\'s great shock, there were more than 30 girls trained by her hand, and finally they were sent to the golden bottle club.

Hao min is not the first, and Murong Qing would not be the last if he didn\'t meet Chu fan. What do you want to do with so many girls in such a gorgeous and magnificent club?

"I\'m sure people must be inside," said Ding Meiling nervously. "But you should be careful. There\'s a gun in it."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a gunshot in front of him, which startled Director Wen and others. He squatted down like a conditioned reflex, but Chu fan was still standing there in the face of danger. In this regard, Director Wen\'s face was slightly feverish. He quickly stood up, took the walkie talkie and shouted, "who fired the gun?"


Another gunshot came. This time everyone heard it clearly. The gunshot came from the top of the mountain. Then, a voice came from the walkie talkie: "report, more than a dozen gunmen and weapons of mass destruction were found in it. Just now we had to shoot and kill two people who wanted to throw grenades. Please give instructions!"

"Well done!" Director Wen was surprised. If the sniper hadn\'t shot decisively and threw two grenades across the wall, how many people would have died?

"Pay close attention to the movement inside. If you find any gunmen, shoot them immediately."


The order was issued, but there was no movement in it. Needless to ask, it must have been beaten and afraid. Who showed up and died, silly ratio went out.

"Chief, the gangsters are all hiding in the room." the voice of the sniper came from the walkie talkie.

Director Wen gritted his teeth and ordered, "put on the smoke bomb!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen armed police rushed up and threw yellow smoke bombs into the partition wall. Then, Director Wen waved his hand, rushed up more than a dozen armed police and rushed to the wall. The armed police who had thrown smoke bombs squatted down and held their hands in front of their chest. At the moment when the armed police stepped on it, they suddenly raised them high and sent them to the wall.

But at this time, there was a gunshot inside. An armed police officer who jumped on the wall broke down, was quickly caught by the armed police below and quickly hugged back.

Director Wen quickly came forward and took a look. The armed police were shot in the shoulder. It was no big deal, but they also lost their combat ability. He quickly ordered: "doctor, hurry, save people!"

Behind the police car, two ambulances were also followed. At this time, it was just in use. Three medical staff rushed over with stretchers and medicine boxes. They first treated the wounded armed police who were shot, then sprayed hemostatic spray and bandaged the wound. They acted skillfully and quickly treated the wound.

However, they can only stop bleeding simply now, they can\'t take out the bullet, and they have to go to the hospital for follow-up treatment. This was just the beginning, and then there was a loud gunfire inside. Several of the dozen armed police who rushed in fell, but similarly, the exposed bandits were killed one after another by the snipers on the top of the mountain.

But in the building, there are hidden dead corners and gunmen. The snipers can\'t see them, but they greatly threaten the armed police who rushed in. At this critical juncture of life and death, no one dared to be a hero. They found shelters to hide first. One by one, they were like great enemies, holding their guns nervously and waiting for the opportunity.

Director Wen learned from the walkie talkie that the situation inside was critical. His forehead was sweating. He said anxiously, "general Chu, the firepower inside is very fierce. If there is a strong attack, I\'m afraid there will be heavy casualties."

"I\'d better come. You\'ll start to treat the wounded immediately." Chu fan shook his head and sighed secretly. For some ordinary cases, these policemen can still cope with them easily, but if you really want to meet such fierce bandits, they are still a big difference compared with the regular army.

If the people in the night city military region need only one class of soldiers, they can easily rush in and kill all the bandits without casualties. In contrast, the armed police soldiers in these big cities are like tigers in the zoo, while the soldiers in the night city military region are all wild in the mountains and forests, and their combat effectiveness is naturally not a level.

Chu fan didn\'t expect that he just wanted to see the combat effectiveness of these armed police, but several of them were put down face to face. How can he stand? Even if Director Wen doesn\'t speak, he will do it. In a word, he came to the club door like a ghost and jumped in from the high wall with a whoosh.

Then, the gunfire sounded like firecrackers in the new year, which made Director Wen outside nervous and secretly admire him. He deserves to be the king of murder. He went into the tiger\'s den alone. So many gunmen couldn\'t hit him. That\'s great!

If Chu fan is hit, can the gunfire keep going? Eh, why is the gunshot so low?

About five minutes later, the gunfire gradually disappeared. Director Wen hesitated, gritted his teeth, waved his hand and said, "rush in with me!"

Today\'s case is too big, and there have been casualties. If he, the director of the Bureau, doesn\'t take the lead, let alone credit, he may have to be punished. Now, it\'s a good chance for him to make up for his mistakes. I bet Chu fan has solved all the gunmen, otherwise... Bah, bah, bah, otherwise, I\'ll fight!

But when he rushed in with people, he was stunned. There were corpses everywhere under the tree, on the rockery, in the fountain pool and beside the wall. The blood dyed the ground red. The water column ejected from the fountain pool was as red as blood and gave off a pungent smell of blood.

This is a slaughterhouse. It\'s Shura hell. Some young policemen turned pale on the spot, bent down and vomited wildly. They had not seen a bloody scene, but the situation in front of them was too tragic and blood flowed into a river.

Don\'t mention them. Even Director Wen\'s stomach surged. He was surprised. No wonder he was called the king of murder. He was really cruel. Killing people was as easy as chopping vegetables and melons. For ordinary people, I\'m afraid it\'s too soft to kill.

"Come on, first treat the wounded. By the way, gather all the bodies and others rush in with me." Director Wen adapted for a moment, immediately began to arrange and took the lead in rushing into the club.

In the hall, more than a dozen waiters squatted in the corner with their heads in their arms. They were so frightened that they cried. Immediately, the police came forward and supervised them. The others scattered and separated, and began to investigate step by step. They caught everyone and left none.

Besides Chu fan, he used himself as bait to attract countless firepower, but it also exposed the position of the gunman. A hand-made flying sword seems to have wings. It passes through the throat or chest of each gunman like lightning. No one can return it all his life.

Chu fan has perspective eyes. No matter where the armed bandits hide, they can\'t escape his sight. Soon, he searched the whole building. He didn\'t find the gunman again, but he didn\'t find Hao min either.

No, according to Ding Meiling, there are at least more than 30 people detained here. Why don\'t you see any?

Chu fan came out of the building and happened to see Director Wen who rushed in with people. Director Wen hurriedly said, "have you found someone?"

"No!" Chu fan shook his head. His eyes suddenly fell on a young woman squatting in the corner and holding her head in both hands. Her clothes didn\'t look like a waiter. She should be a person of management. He immediately pointed to her and ordered, "bring her here."

Suddenly, two policemen strode over and dragged the woman over. Before Chu fan asked, the woman was scared and shouted, "it\'s none of my business. I don\'t know anything..."

Chu fan immediately grabbed Director Wen\'s gun and put it on the woman\'s forehead. He said coldly, "dare you say you don\'t know anything? What are so many gunmen doing? Where are the women arrested? Dare you say you don\'t know, I\'ll kill you now."

"I... I..." the woman was so frightened that she couldn\'t speak. Suddenly, a gunshot rang in her ear. She immediately held her head and screamed, "people... People are locked in the basement. Don\'t kill me..."

At this time, a policeman ran over and shouted, "report, found the basement entrance."

"Lead the way!" Chu fan threw his gun at Director Wen and strode in the direction of the police.

Soon, led by the police, several people came to a hidden stairway. From the outside, this is a lounge, but who would have thought that there would be a revolving staircase for people to enter and exit in the wardrobe?

At the door of the lounge, there lay the bodies of two gunmen. Like the people outside, they were all killed by one shot. But at that time, Chu fan only focused on killing people and didn\'t notice that there was another mystery in it.

"Did you find it?" Chu glanced at the little policeman.

The little policeman immediately became nervous and hurriedly said, "I found two bodies lying here. I thought it might be something important, so I went in and searched, and then I found the staircase entrance."

Chu fan patted him on the shoulder and said, "yes, very careful. Do a good job. You have a bright future."

"Thanks, thanks for the praise." the little policeman was so excited that he was incoherent that he immediately straightened his waist and was about to take the lead in rushing down, but he was dragged back by Chu fan.

"Bang bang!" three bullets were fired from the inside, almost killing the little policeman. He was so scared that his face turned white and his legs were soft.