The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 944

"Cousin, where are you going? Wait for me..." Xiao Yan chased the pedestrian street. Chu fan had jumped into the car and was about to leave.

"You go back first." Chu fan only said in time and drove away. Xiao Yan was so angry that she threw the mineral water in her hand at Chu fan. Unfortunately, Chu fan drove too fast and didn\'t hit it at all.

Xiao Yan was so angry that she jumped to her feet, but there was nothing she could do about Chu fan. She could only grind her teeth and suck a mouthful of milk tea, as if she were drinking Chu fan\'s blood. Then he walked angrily towards Yanda.

Chu fan chased the black car and ran around the city for more than an hour, but finally stopped at the back door of a high-end club. Hao min, who had fallen asleep, was carried into the club. Soon, a young man came out, smiled and hugged the young girl who came down from the car. He frivolously provoked her jaw. I don\'t know what to say. The girl coyly threw a wink, which was very provocative.

The young man hugged her waist, pinched her hip, took out a bank card, stuffed it along her collar, touched her chest, smiled and waved his hand. The girl got on the car, and the black car left soon. The total stay time was no more than five minutes.

If he hadn\'t met this young man, Chu fan might not know where this is, but Chu fan knows this boy. It\'s Qian Shutao, who wanted to bully he Xiaoying at the imperial club last time. Looking back on the surrounding environment and driving route, Chu fan finally remembered that this is the back door of Dihao club.

Now, Chu fan was angry. He thought that the emperor Hao had restrained a lot after the last incident, but unexpectedly, it was only the appearance that restrained him. In fact, he intensified. It was unforgivable to do such a despicable act of robbing girls.

Chu fan confirmed that Hao min didn\'t come out after she went in. She turned to get in the car, made a phone call, then drove around to the front and swaggered in. This time, the welcoming girl at the door had a good attitude, very respectfully invited Chu fan in, and even made a special call to manager Cao Xuemei.

Chu fan didn\'t go upstairs, so he sat down in the hall and waited for Cao Xuemei to come. Before he smoked a cigarette, Cao Xuemei hurried out of the elevator and came up with a smile: "Chu Shao, why don\'t you come up? What do you want to drink?"

"Cao Xuemei, you really don\'t know how to write death words." Chu fan snorted coldly.

Cao Xuemei was so frightened that her face turned pale that she hurriedly said, "Chu Shao, where did you start? I... I didn\'t do anything?"

"Speak back!"

Chu fan suddenly stood up and said angrily, "the sister of the vice president of our company was kidnapped to your club by Qian Shutao last night. Dare you say you don\'t know? I tell you, if my sister is intact, it\'s OK to say. Otherwise, none of you, including the lady, can run up and down the club."

"This... This is impossible..." Cao Xuemei also wanted to explain. She saw Chu fan\'s angry and fierce eyes and immediately changed her tone. "Chu Shao, I really don\'t know about it, and the crown prince certainly doesn\'t know... Don\'t worry, I\'ll send someone to check it and give you a satisfactory explanation."

"I don\'t need you. I\'ve sent someone." Chu fan\'s voice just fell. Director Wen of the Public Security Bureau came with a team himself. There were hundreds of police and armed police around the imperial club.

As soon as Director Wen entered the door, he saw Chu fan and hurriedly came over: "general Chu, the club has been surrounded according to your instructions. Now, even a fly can\'t fly out."

"OK!" Chu fan pointed to the backyard and said, "last night, a Yanda girl named Hao min was caught by Qian Shutao in this club. Go and find someone."

"Don\'t worry, none of them can run." Director Wen turned around, waved his hand and shouted, "go, take everyone to the open space outside, and focus on a Yanda girl named Hao min."

"Yes!" many policemen rushed upstairs in high spirits and acted quickly. It took less than half an hour. At least hundreds of people, like animals, were driven out, holding their heads and squatting in front of the club door.

But after waiting for a long time, Chu fan didn\'t see anyone bring Hao min out. Just when he couldn\'t sit still, Director Wen hurried over and whispered, "general Chu, Hao min didn\'t find it, but found a Yanda girl named Murong Qing."

"Murong Qing?" Chu fan frowned and asked, "where are the people? Bring them."

As soon as Director Wen waved his hand, someone immediately came up with a nervous girl. Chu fan just met her and exclaimed, "it\'s you?"

Chu fan never expected that he would meet the girl selling tea here just after he separated.

"Why are you here?" Chu fan asked in surprise.

Murong Qing did not expect that the person who saved himself was the guy who had just met and killed someone else\'s money. He was immediately moved to tears and rushed to Chu fan\'s arms. Under Chu fan\'s comfort, he stopped his tears for a long time, choked and told the story in detail.

Before meeting Chu fan, murongqing\'s classmates invited her to a birthday party, but she didn\'t like that noisy occasion. She was going to buy a gift to bring it down, so she didn\'t attend the party. At that time, she also wanted to sell more tea and make more money.

But after Chu fan bought tea and left, her classmate found her and dragged her to dinner. She didn\'t drink much wine, but she was drunk. After waking up, I found that I had been tied up and imprisoned on the big bed in the guest room.

Fortunately, there was only one enchanting young woman in the house. She was instilling some skills to please men. She even took a banana and showed it to her. Murong Qing was ashamed and afraid. She wanted to ask her to let herself go. However, her mouth was sealed with tape. She couldn\'t speak at all. She could only look at the enchanting young woman and weep silently.

Just when she thought her life was ruined, the police rushed in, arrested the enchanting young woman on the spot and saved her. This accident made Murong Qing like a dream. She didn\'t even know how to go downstairs. Until she saw Chu fan, she burst into tears and vented her fears.

At least, this is the only person she knows. At this time, she feels that Chu fan is her closest person.

"Don\'t cry, it\'s all right." Chu fan comforted, looked up at Director Wen and asked, "where\'s Qian Shutao?"

"He is not in the club, but I have issued a wanted notice. No matter where he goes, he can\'t run away this time."

Chu fan looked aside. Cao Xuemei, who had been handcuffed, asked faintly, "manager Cao, now, do you still say you don\'t know about it?"

"I don\'t know." Cao Xuemei said calmly, "I\'m only responsible for the operation and management of the club, but the club is not mine. The prince is not here. Lord Qian is the big boss of the club. I\'m just a worker. The boss\'s son brings people back to live. Don\'t you need to report to me?"

Chu fan nodded: "OK, I\'ll take it as it. You don\'t know, but you always know where Qian Shutao has gone?"

"At noon, a friend asked him to have dinner, and he didn\'t come back after he went out." Cao Xuemei said it without thinking. Her intuition told Chu fan that she didn\'t lie.

But he couldn\'t understand why he disappeared out of thin air when he saw Hao min brought in with his own eyes?

"Murong Qing, have you seen a girl named Hao min?" Chu fan suddenly said to Murong Qing, "she is about the same age as you and a student of Yanda..."

"What? Hao min was also caught?" Murong Qing covered her mouth in horror, and tears immediately spilled out of her eyes again.

Chu Fanlian hurriedly said, "don\'t cry first. Tell me quickly. Have you seen Hao min? She was caught last night."

Murong Qing quickly shook her head and cried, "I don\'t know, I don\'t know anything. Sobbing!"

In the final analysis, she is just an ordinary girl. When did she experience this when she was so old? Scared to death.

Just when Chu fan was going to ask Director Wen to send her back to the police station first, Murong Qing suddenly stopped crying and said, "I remember. The woman who taught me all kinds of skills said that she seemed to want me to please someone after I learned it. She also said that as long as I am happy to serve that person, I will not only be fine in the future, but also have endless money."

This time, without Chu fan speaking, Director Wen quickly ordered it. Soon, a frightened and trembling young woman was pushed over. Murong Qing immediately pointed and said loudly, "it\'s her. She showed me all kinds of shameful actions in the room and threatened and lured me to obey, otherwise she would kill my family. Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu!"

Murongqing was wronged and afraid to cry. Chu fan patted her on the back and comforted her. His eyes fell on the young woman and asked faintly, "do you know what you have done?"

"Yes, but I have no choice." the young woman also threw herself out. "Don\'t expect me to tell you anything. It\'s a death around. I won\'t betray my boss."

"Boss?" Chu fan sneered. "What good did Qian Shutao, that idiot, give you? Do you even want your life? Or are you afraid that he will retaliate against your family?"

The young woman looked at Chu fan in amazement, and then her eyes fell on Cao Xuemei. Before she could speak, Cao Xuemei said coldly: "I don\'t know what you did. Chu Shao has come to the door."

"Chu Shao?" the young woman was stunned. Then she thought of the frightening man and suddenly lost her voice. "Are you Chu fan, the murderer?"

"Since you know my name, you should know my means." Chu Fan said with a cold smile, "how about I give you a choice and choose a way to die?"

The young woman was immediately frightened, peed in her pants and cried, "I said, I said everything..."