The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 943

"Suyuan, you... Oh, it\'s Hao Jia... What are you talking about? Your sister Hao min lost? She\'s so big, how can she say she lost it? Don\'t worry, talk slowly. What\'s the matter?"

Hao Jia was Su Yuan\'s secretary when she started the company. She is also a veteran employee of the company. She is now the vice president of Sichuan Chongqing group. Since these days, the company has been managed by Hao Jia. Even Chu fan, who doesn\'t often go to the company, knows that she is the first to come to the company and the last to leave almost every day.

It was precisely because of her diligence and efforts that she won Su Yuan\'s trust. When Su Yuan was not in the company, she completely replaced Su Yuan to keep the company running stably.

But now, she is holding Su Yuan\'s phone and choking to tell Chu fan about her sister\'s loss of contact. It turned out that more than two months ago, Hao min was admitted to Yanjing University and began to study at Yanjing University.

Usually, almost every day, she calls her family or sends a video to tell her interesting things in Yanda and her own trivial things. But since yesterday, she has lost contact. She didn\'t call home. Her family can\'t contact her anyway.

If Suyuan hadn\'t stopped her, she might have rushed to Yanjing city in person to find her sister Hao min. But when she and Su Yuan asked for leave, Su Yuan immediately thought of Chu fan. He was in Yanjing city. It was better for him to deal with this kind of thing than Hao Jia himself. After all, even if Hao Jia went to Yanjing, her eyes were black. In the end, Chu fan had to help.

Instead of wasting time, it\'s better to ask Chu fan to help find someone as soon as possible.

"Don\'t cry. Tell me your sister\'s class and I\'ll help you find it." Chu fan comforted. "Don\'t worry, Hao min is a smart girl. She\'ll be fine."

Hung up. Before Chu fan could speak, Xiao Yan asked, "are you talking about Hao min, a student of class 3 of Yanjing University and freshman finance department?"

"Do you know Hao min?" Chu fan asked in surprise.

"We are not only classmates, but also roommates in the same dormitory." Xiao Yan said curiously, "Hao min is missing? No, I saw her go out yesterday."


"Yes, she set up a stall in the night market to sell some fashionable but cheap clothes. Her business is good." speaking of this, Xiao Yan took out her mobile phone and quickly dialed a number. "Don\'t worry, I\'ll call and ask... Hello, Rourou, did Min Min come back last night? Oh, do you know where she went..."

After a few words, Xiao Yan hung up the phone with worried eyes and said, "I asked the sisters in the dormitory. She said Hao min didn\'t go back at all last night. Don\'t ask, she must have had an accident. Cousin, let\'s call the police?"

"Don\'t hurry to call the police first." Chu fan thought and asked, "you must know where Hao min\'s stall is?"

Xiao Yan nodded: "it\'s in a night market not far from our school. It\'s lively at night."

"Take me there quickly." Chu fan took Xiao Yan and walked away. When he got to the door, he remembered. He turned back and said to Xiao, "Grandpa, I have something to go first. I\'ll come back to dinner with you when I\'m finished."

"Go, go." Xiao waved his hand. He still appreciated the grandson. Although I don\'t know what he has been busy all day, I can hear from the phone just now that he is going to save people.

As long as he takes the right path, Xiao Lao is afraid that after Chu fan has power and wealth, people will become swollen, lose themselves and do something against the law and discipline. Now it seems that his worry is superfluous, and Chu fan\'s heart of justice is still very firm.

Worried about Hao min, Chu fan drove the car very fast. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan was not afraid, but very exciting. She kept shouting all the way.

"Come on, surpass the car in front. As long as you surpass three more, you will surpass 90."

Chu fan didn\'t have a good way: "is Hao min your sister? She\'s missing. You don\'t seem to worry at all, but you\'re still very happy."

"Er... I forgot when I was excited." Xiao Yan stuck out her tongue and quickly pointed to the fork in front, "slow down and turn left at the intersection in front."

"Shit, didn\'t you say it earlier?" Chu fan slammed on the brake, the car shook violently, and the speed soon fell down. There is a red light ahead, but where does Chu fan have time to wait? Seizing an opportunity, he suddenly accelerated and turned around, which scared the opposite vehicle to brake quickly and almost caused a serial rear end collision accident.

The night market is actually a pedestrian street, and motor vehicles are forbidden to enter. According to Xiao Yan\'s instructions, Chu fan chose a place on the street, stopped the car and hurried over.

After walking about 100 meters, Xiao Yan pointed to a large light box plaque in front of her and said, "well, Hao min usually sets up a stall here, but there\'s nothing here. What clues can you find? If you want me to say, you\'d better call the police and let the police call the surrounding supervision and control, and you\'ll find it."

Chu fan had no time to talk nonsense with her. He turned on the memory ability of the perspective eye, and the picture of last night suddenly appeared in front of him.

At night, the pedestrian street is brightly lit, there are countless vendors on both sides of the street, and the goods sold are also diverse and diverse. In front of the lamp box plaque in front of him, a plastic cloth was paved on the ground, which was filled with all kinds of trinkets, as well as some underwear, socks and other commodities. On both sides, there are also two white steel clothes shelves, which are full of T-shirts, small shirts, skirts, jeans and other clothes.

There are not many goods, but they are very comprehensive. A girl in a white T-shirt and jeans, with a wallet tied around her waist, is busy collecting money, changing money, taking goods, etc. her forehead is full of sweat. She is the lively girl who once met Hao min.

Previously, Hao min was arrested by Qian huaigu and locked up in a small hotel next to the KTV opened by sister Meng. To this end, Chu fan summoned a company of armed police, smashed the KTV, grabbed sister Meng on the spot, and rescued Hao Min who was imprisoned.

After more than a year, Hao min seems to have changed from an innocent and lively girl to a capable and busy small vendor. From her busy degree, we can see that she is very popular and there are an endless stream of shoppers. I don\'t know how much she can earn a day, but Chu fan can clearly see the money in her wallet, at least three or five thousand yuan.

Based on a hundred yuan for a dress, she had to sell at least thirty or fifty pieces this night. This sales volume surprised Chu fan secretly. However, it is not surprising to think of Hao min\'s more mature figure, beautiful face and sweet voice.

Similarly, he has to spend money on clothes. Instead, he will buy them from the little girl. He looks good and cries one by one. He\'s embarrassed if he doesn\'t buy them. Besides, even if it\'s a little expensive, it\'s nothing. Who needs that $180?

Now, Chu fan can almost confirm that Hao Jia was targeted because of the money in her bag. Who is not jealous of a little girl who carries so much money in her pocket every day? She doesn\'t have a flower escort yet. It will happen sooner or later.

Alas, the little girl is still too young and naive.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Xiao Yan couldn\'t help patting him aside and interrupted Chu fan\'s observation.

Chu fan took out his wallet and stuffed her with 100 yuan: "I\'m thirsty. Buy a bottle of water for my cousin."

"Cut!" Xiao Yanbai glanced at him and walked angrily to the shop across the street with the money. She knows very well that Chu fan is looking for an excuse to send her away, but she doesn\'t understand. Can she find Hao min in a daze?

Hum, I want to see. What clues can you find?

Without Xiao Yan to make trouble, Chu fan blinked and the memory ability was launched again. This time, time passed a lot later. The people in the night market began to break up in twos and threes.

Hao min was no exception. She cleaned up the stall, folded all her clothes, and then made a big bag with a sheet. She pushed out a bicycle from behind the light box plaque. Then she held the big bag in her hands, put it on the back seat of the bicycle, and tied it back and forth with a rope.

Judging from her skillful technique, she often does such things. She is very skilled and tied firmly. Then she took down the two white steel clothes hangers and put them in a special canvas pocket. They became a cylinder less than the mouth of the bowl, about one meter long. She forced them into the back seat and tied the rope of the big bag. After making sure she wouldn\'t fall down, she pushed a few steps, got on the car and drove steadily to the walking street.

"Hey, cousin, what are you going to do? Wait for me!" Xiao Yan bought Chu fan water, but she bought a cup of milk tea. As soon as she looked back, she saw Chu fan walking quickly to the walking street. She couldn\'t even wait for someone to give her change, so she hurried out.

Chu fan was secretly curious while following Hao min\'s figure. When he came, he passed Yanda, just in front of the pedestrian street, about more than 1000 meters. It won\'t take long to walk. Along the way, there are almost main streets, cars coming and going, and street lamps. Who dares to rob so blatantly?

Just thinking about it, Chu fan saw that Hao min suddenly jumped out of the car when she walked to the street. At this time, a sweet looking girl came up to her, handed her a cup of hot milk tea, smiled and said something.

It can be seen that they are very familiar. Hao min didn\'t think about it. She took the milk tea and drank it. Then she pushed the car and talked and laughed with the girl towards the school.

After walking for a while, Hao min suddenly shook. If the girl hadn\'t helped her in time, she might have fallen. At this time, the street lights around suddenly went out. A black car stopped next to it. The door opened. A hand stretched out and dragged Hao min into the car. The girl behind helped push it.

At this time, Hao min was still conscious, but she seemed powerless and couldn\'t resist at all. After being dragged into the car, the girl followed her into the car. Then, the black car started quickly and disappeared into the night.

Then a van came, loaded the bicycle on the ground and took another road