The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 942

"Sorry, sorry, I really don\'t understand." Chu fan doesn\'t feel angry. If he doesn\'t understand, he doesn\'t understand. People don\'t let him touch. Naturally, he doesn\'t let him touch. It\'s like a big girl\'s chest. It\'s easy to touch it.

Seeing Chu fan\'s good attitude towards admitting his mistake, Murong Qing smiled and said, "those who don\'t know are not guilty. The main reason is that there is sweat on their hands, which will change the taste of tea. Generally, tea is made with wooden tweezers or scooped with a small spoon, but they can\'t touch their hands."

"Got it." Chu fan pointed to the tea and asked, "your tea tastes very good. How can you sell it?"

"This is Tieguanyin, 29912; this is Dahongpao, 26612; this is Maojian, 199912..."

Chu fan interrupted the girl\'s chattering introduction, pointed to the basket full of light green tea behind the burden and said, "I\'ll take this. Just tell me how to sell this."

Murong Qing was surprised and said, "this is the wild camellia I picked and fried myself. Are you sure you want to buy this?"

"Sure, that\'s it!" Chu fan smelled very clearly. The light tea fragrance came from this basket.

Murong Qing hesitated for a moment and said, "if you really want to buy it, I\'ll make it cheaper for you... 6612."

"OK, just six hundred and six. Pack them up for me and I\'ll take them all." Chu fan took out his wallet without saying a word, but he saw that the money in it didn\'t seem to be enough to pay the bill. He hurried, "why don\'t I transfer the money for you?"

"What? You... You want it all?" Murong Qing was startled, looked carefully at Chu fan and asked, "this tea is different in sales. It\'s not famous and the price is expensive. Why do you buy it? Also, you don\'t bargain when you buy things?"

Chu fanle said, "you have to bargain when you buy something, but you also get something. Like your wild camellia, it may be worthless in the eyes of others, but in my eyes, it is much better than Tieguanyin. Let alone 660, I want it even more expensive."

Murong Qing suddenly became interested and asked curiously, "can you tell me what you like about it? Although my tea is a little different from others in the process of picking, drying and frying, I asked myself that I don\'t have the craftsmanship of those teachers, but why do you like it?"

"This tea has a very unusual taste." Chu fan closed his eyes, sniffed and said intoxicated, "it\'s very light and fresh, as if he were in a tea garden. There\'s no such taste in other tea leaves."

"Hey, you come here again and I\'ll shout rude?" Murong Qing gave him a hard look. The more he said, the more outrageous he became, and his nose almost stuck to others. Do you smell tea or me?

Chu fan was startled. He opened his eyes and found that he unknowingly gathered around Murong Qing. He looked like a pig, as if he was flirting with others. Looking at her carefully, I found that the girl was still very beautiful, with a kind of light and graceful beauty.

No wonder they can stir up such good tea. They look beautiful. But it\'s strange that she also has the fragrance of tea. What\'s the matter?

"Sorry, I didn\'t mean it." Chu fan smiled and pointed to the tea. "I\'d better hurry to weigh it. I\'m still in a hurry to go home."

"Don\'t weigh it too much. It\'s eight kilograms and six Liang, totaling 56760 yuan. Don\'t change it. Just give it 56700." Murong Qing said with a small face.

Originally, she planned to sell it to the man who knew how to appreciate her tea at a lower price. After all, what she burst out was a falsely high price, waiting for Chu fan to bargain. But unexpectedly, Chu fan doesn\'t bargain at all. Why are you polite?

Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, one willing to beat and the other willing to suffer. Maybe my tea is really worth the money.

The two took out their mobile phones and made friends with each other. Then Chu fan scanned and confirmed that the money was transferred to the special tea girl. Then they picked up the bamboo basket containing tea and asked, "beauty, can you send me this bamboo basket?"

"Oh, I made it up by myself. Take it if you like. It\'s for you!" Murong Qing waved her hand without raising her head, and her eyes haven\'t been pulled out of her account.

Just for a while, there was more than 50000 yuan in her account. This money does not contain any water. It is all hard-earned money. She has never seen so much money in her life.

When she woke up, she found that Chu fan had left at an unknown time. She was even a little disappointed and uneasy. She received so much money from others. If the tea was not so good, wouldn\'t it be a lie?

This big fool, why don\'t you know the counter-offer? It must be more money!

By the way, I still have his wechat.

Murongqing quickly opened wechat, hesitated and sent a message: "if you think wild camellia is not as good as expected, you can come to me at any time and I\'ll return the money to you. My name is murongqing!"

After the message was sent out, her face had a fever. Why did she tell people her name inexplicably? Really, get back. But at this time, a phone call made her forget to withdraw her message and answer the phone

Chu fan drove back to Xiao\'s house. Old Xiao just came out of the house. When he saw Chu fan coming with a bamboo basket, he was immediately angry and happy: "you smelly boy, it\'s rare to come to see me. Come and give me this?"

"Grandpa, this is a good thing. It cost me tens of thousands of oceans." Chu fan walked over with a smile and sent the bamboo basket to old Xiao. "Smell it, how does it taste?"

"Hmm?" Xiao came close and sniffed and said in surprise, "what kind of tea tastes good. Take it in and make some tea."

The grandparents and grandchildren entered the house. Chu fan put down his bamboo basket and took the initiative to make tea. But looking at his clumsy technique, Xiao Lao Lian hurriedly said: "You can stop. If you go on like this, good tea will be made into inferior products. You can learn it when you have time. This tea making is a craft that can cultivate your sentiment and cultivate your self-cultivation. Don\'t jump up and down and run around like wild monkeys all day. Why don\'t you grow up when you want to be a father?"

"Yes, I will listen to your teachings. When I go back, I will find a master to learn the tea ceremony."

When Xiao was about to do it himself, a beautiful young girl of 16 or 17 years old with bright eyes and teeth jumped in. She saw Chu fan at a glance. She immediately opened her eyes and ran over in surprise: "cousin, you\'re coming!"

"The girl came just in time. Show your cousin your tea art and let Grandpa see if your tea art has made progress." Xiao put down the teapot, sat back with a smile and said to Chu fan nearby, "Xiaoyan\'s tea art is not simple. If you have time, learn more from your cousin."

Chu fan was surprised and said, "really? Xiaoyan, whether the tea just bought by my cousin today is a treasure depends on your skill."

"Just look." Xiao Yan is also a crazy person. She immediately threw down her schoolbag and ran to the bathroom to wash her hands before returning to the tea table. When she saw the light green tea full of bamboo baskets, she was stunned. "Cousin, is this the tea you bought? It\'s still packed in bulk, and the appearance is too bad."

Chu fan\'s Old God said, "the difference in taste doesn\'t mean the difference in taste. As for whether it\'s a good tea, you\'ll know if you try it."

"Grandpa, do you really want to use my cousin\'s tea?" Xiao Yan was reluctant. When did she use such bad tea? It was a waste of my tea art.

Xiao said faintly, "girl, this tea is like people. A good-looking person doesn\'t mean knowledgeable and talented. It\'s probably an embroidered pillow. So is tea. How do you know if it\'s good tea if it\'s not brewed?"

Well, I was preached.

Xiao Yan had no choice but to take a bottle of mountain spring water and put it into the kettle to burn. On the other side, she scooped some wild mountain tea with a teaspoon, leaned under her nose and smelled it carefully. She was surprised and said, "there\'s really some different taste, cousin. Where did you buy this tea?"

"On the street, a girl sold it with a burden."

Xiao Yan is speechless. This kind of tea is good in the eyes of ordinary people, but it can\'t be sold in a noble family like the Xiao family.

"Cousin, you fool grandpa with this broken tea?" Xiao Yanbai glanced at him. "It\'s too stingy. How can you give this kind of bulk tea as a gift?"

"I dig?" Chu fan glared at her. "Do you know how much this tea cost me? Nearly 60000 yuan."

Xiao Yan glanced: "the price is very expensive, but there are a lot of them. You have to have a ten jin eight Jin one? Cut!"

The tea she usually drinks is at least a thousand yuan or two. Moreover, it is packed in boxes and cans, no more than three Liang at most. How can she buy back more than eight kilograms at once?

While they were bickering, the water had boiled. Old Xiao quickly said, "girl, don\'t quarrel with your cousin. The water is boiling."

"Hum, if the tea isn\'t good, I\'ll feed it to the pigs." Xiao Yan glared at Chu fan as if he had done something wrong. However, when she poured the hot tea into the teapot and washed the tea, a strong smell of tea drifted out of the teapot and sucked it in, which was immediately refreshing.

Xiao was surprised and said, "well, good tea, good tea, come on, make a cup and I\'ll try it."

"Oh!" Xiao Yan also calmed down, hurriedly accelerated her action, poured out the tea washing water, refilled it with boiling water, shook it for a moment, and poured it into the three small tea cups in front of her.

Xiao picked up the tea cup, put it on his nose and smelled it. He was deeply intoxicated and said, "the taste of this tea makes people feel like being in the tea garden. It\'s fresh and natural. It\'s good. It\'s good tea!"

Chu fan couldn\'t wait to drink it up, smacked his mouth and said, "the taste is really different, but that feeling can\'t be said."

"Cousin, how can you drink tea like this? It\'s like cattle chewing peony and pigs eating ginseng fruit." Xiao Yan picked up the tea cup, smelled it deeply, and then took a sip. The tea was contained in the bottom of her tongue, and then swallowed it slowly. Her tongue suddenly began to saliva.

Just when she was ready to teach her cousin how to taste tea, Chu fan\'s mobile phone suddenly rang in a hurry