The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 941

The taxi was stopped by the guard at the gate of Jingtai Garden community.

"Mr. Li, you can\'t go in now," said the guard politely.

Li Bin immediately said angrily, "my home, why can\'t I go in?"

"Mr. Li, your house has been sealed by the bank. The doors and windows are sealed. Even if you enter the community, you can\'t go home." the security guard said patiently.

Now, Li Bin is stupid. He can\'t even go home. Where should he go?

Nearby, the taxi driver was in a hurry and couldn\'t help asking, "I said, I\'ll send you back all the way. Won\'t you even be unable to pay the fare?"

"Well... If you lend me your phone, I\'ll ask my friend to send me some money, and I\'ll give you three times the fare." Li Bin said eagerly.

The driver reluctantly took out his mobile phone: "I\'m unlucky to meet you. Call quickly. I have to charge for more than five minutes."

Youdao is true in adversity. Usually Li Bin has a lot of friends around him. He eats, drinks, takes a bath and massages. His relationship is very good, but today he knows that if a person is down, even the dog ignores you.

He called several times in a row, but he was stunned that no one was willing to come and help him. He was so angry that he almost dropped the driver\'s cell phone. Just raised his hand, the driver quickly grabbed the mobile phone back.

"Are you crazy? This is my cell phone. You can\'t drop my cell phone even if you are angry?" the driver scolded. "What day is it today? Why didn\'t I read the Yellow calendar? I\'ve been unlucky for eight years when I met you, a lost star. Forget it, I don\'t want the fare."

The driver turned to get on the bus and wanted to go. Li Bin was in a hurry. He grabbed the swing stick hanging around the security guard\'s waist, startling both the driver and the security guard.

"You... What do you want to do?" the driver became nervous. As the saying goes, soft is afraid of hard, hard is afraid of horizontal, and horizontal is afraid of death. This one has nothing in front of him. What can\'t he do?

He\'s barefoot, but he wears shoes. Even if he cuts a path in the car, he can\'t afford to be provoked by money.

The security guard is even more anxious. If there is something wrong, he must be involved. At that time, he may lose his job. At that moment, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Li, calm down. If you have anything to say, it\'s a big deal. Can\'t I pay for the taxi for you?"

"Ha ha ha!" Li Bin laughed and made them laugh. The heart said, the old guy can\'t be stimulated and has a nervous disorder, right?

After laughing for a long time, Li Bin cried, sobbed and said, "I Miss Li Bin, who has dominated the mall for more than 30 years. Unexpectedly, today I need a security guard to pay my fare. Hahaha, have I been down to this point?"

"Well, Mr. Li, I was outspoken just now. Don\'t mind." the driver softened his tone and said, "in this way, I\'ll make friends. I don\'t want the fare. Really, I\'ll see you later..."

"Stop!" Li Bin shouted angrily, "I\'m the chairman of the imperial medicine workshop. How much fare will I send you? Wait, I\'ll give you the money right away."

"No, I don\'t mean anything else... Ah!" before the driver finished, he suddenly gave a cry of surprise, covered his mouth with his hands, and looked at the scene in front of him in horror.

Just now, Li Bin aimed his swing stick at his mouth and knocked it down. When he lowered his head and covered his mouth, his hand trembled and spread out slowly, there were two blood stained teeth in his palm. One of the teeth was golden. It was obviously a golden tooth.

Li Bin\'s mouth was full of blood, but he didn\'t feel the pain. He stretched out his trembling left hand, gently twisted the golden tooth, handed it to the driver, and said vaguely: "this golden tooth will be regarded as your fare, okay?"

"This... This..." the driver is a little embarrassed. How can anyone pay with gold teeth by car? Also, it\'s too bloody.

"Take it!" Li Bin put his gold teeth into the driver and sneered, "even if I\'m down, I don\'t need your sympathy."

With that, he threw his swing stick to the security guard, turned and hobbled away.

Since then, there was another beggar in Yanjing City, but he didn\'t want other people\'s handouts. He picked up food from the dustbin every day. When he was sleepy, he found a leeward place to sleep. His face was dirty. No one could see that he was the chairman of the medicine group of the Imperial medicine workshop.

Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river. How many innocent girls did he cheat for his own selfish desires? How many people\'s happiness have been destroyed? Today, he finally got what he deserved.

Justice is clear, retribution is not good!

On this day, it was finally the day when Zhao Yufeng and others were sentenced. Including Zhao Yufeng and Cao Tiezhu, up to 24 people were involved in the case and accepted the sentence in Yanjing Higher People\'s court.

Chu fan takes Liang Xiaocui and Bian Qingwu, wears sunglasses, enters the trial hall in a low-key way, and casually finds a seat to sit down. Before long, the victims like Liang Xiaocui and Chu fan dressed up as if they were afraid of being known. Wearing masks and glasses, they entered the trial hall and sat down in twos and threes.

Finally, Cao Xuemei also came and let her sit in the last row. Just sitting down, many prisoners in yellow vests, handcuffs on their hands and shackles on their feet were brought in one by one. The second in front was her father, Cao Tiezhu.

After not seeing him for more than half a month, he lost a whole circle, with a broken beard, lowered his head dejectedly, followed the team like a walking corpse, walked to the front and lined up in two rows.

Behind each of them stood a riot policeman with a gun. Whoever dares to make a change, the bullet will surely burst their heads mercilessly. In this situation, who dare not be honest?

Soon, the presiding judge took the lead in, followed by several judges, sat down on the high platform and began to tell the sins committed by all the people. During this period, the women in the auditorium couldn\'t control their emotions for several times and covered their faces and cried out.

They cried with joy and said goodbye to their tragic past. From now on, they can finally let go of everything and begin to enjoy life.

Finally, the presiding judge began to read out the sentencing of many criminals. The principal offender Zhao Yufeng committed many crimes of forcing women to do things, which indirectly led to the death of three people. He was sentenced to death with a two-year suspension of execution.

The principal offender Cao Tiezhu, who committed many crimes of forcing women to do things, was of a bad nature and did not repent. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and deprived of political rights for life.

The rest of the prisoners, the lightest of them, were sentenced to ten years. This major case, which has been buried for more than ten years, was finally vindicated, and the criminals involved were finally punished.

Before the trial was over, Liang Xiaocui stood up. Chu fan hurriedly got up, held her arm and walked out the back door. Just after going out, there was a cry behind him: "wait a minute!"

Chu fan turned around and saw a tall young woman whose face was blocked by dark sunglasses.

"Is it you?" Chu fan glanced at her. Her identity was clear at a glance. It was Cao Xuemei. Chu fan sneered, "you really came. How about I didn\'t wrong your father?"

"I\'m sorry!" Cao Xuemei bowed to Liang Xiaocui and said sincerely, "I know that my sorry can\'t make up for the harm my father caused to you, but he has been punished. As his daughter, I can only say I\'m sorry. I hope you can forgive him."

Liang Xiaocui took a deep look at her and said in a trembling voice, "I will never forgive him in my life. Chu fan, let\'s go!"

"Light dance, you take your aunt on the bus first."

Chu fan threw the car key to Bian Qingwu, turned his head and said to Cao Xuemei, "although your father and your brother are not good, your woman\'s character is OK. Even if we can\'t become friends, we can also be an acquaintance. As an acquaintance, I give you a piece of advice to leave the crown prince as soon as possible, otherwise one day you will be sent to prison like your father."

With that, Chu fan ignored Cao Xuemei and turned to chase Bian Qingwu.

That afternoon, Bian Kui and his family boarded a return plane and went back to a small fishing village in Dongshan province. On the way back to the city, Chu fan wondered if he would buy some gifts for Grandpa, otherwise he would not be beaten out if he went there?

After returning to Yanjing city for more than half a month, he went twice. He was still burning his eyebrows. He sat for a while and left. He was busier than the head of No. 1. Now, everything has been solved, and Chu fan finally relaxed. If he doesn\'t go to see the old man again, he must be scolded.

When passing a high-end gift shop, Chu fan got out of the car and went in, but the things here are beautifully packaged, but the quality is really not good. In the position of master Xiao, what we drink at home must be special cigarettes and wine. How can we compare with these street goods sold outside?

By the way, buy some good tea. Grandpa must like it.

Chu fan went out of the gift shop and began to look for a shop selling tea all over the street. As a result, the shop didn\'t find it, but he met a girl carrying a burden to sell bulk tea. As soon as he drove past, he smelled a faint smell of tea, which immediately made people relaxed and happy.

What kind of tea tastes like this before brewing. If it is soaked in boiling water, the taste will be stronger. Without saying a word, Chu fan stopped the car at the roadside, said hello, and came to the girl in three or two steps.

"Beauty, how do you sell tea?" Chu fan squatted down and looked carefully. In the burden carried by the girl, several kinds of tea were put in straight small bamboo baskets. Chu fan is a master who drinks tea like a cow chewing peony. Tea is tea. He can\'t distinguish any variety.

"Ah, don\'t catch!" the girl suddenly drank and patted Chu fan\'s hand to catch tea. She didn\'t have a good airway. "Why are you so rash? Tea can\'t be caught by hand. Do you understand?"