The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 940

In the office area, there is a busy scene in full swing. I don\'t know how many orders and businesses the company has. Employees are so busy that they say the company doesn\'t make money. Who will believe it?

Unfortunately, these Chu fan are too lazy to see. Li Bin\'s painstaking efforts are destined to be busy in vain.

In the office, after Li Bin\'s secretary brought tea to him, he withdrew. Only Chu fan and Li Bin were left in the room. Without too much politeness, Li Bin put the data sorted out these days on the tea table in front of Chu fan and said with a smile: "general Chu, this is all the data of yuyifang pharmaceutical company. I can guarantee that the company is far more than four billion."


Chu fan looked at it casually and said with a faint smile, "Dong Li, I don\'t understand. Since the company is far more than four billion, why would you sell it to me cheaply? There\'s nothing fishy in it?"

Li Bin said with a wry smile, "I knew I couldn\'t hide it from general Chu. You wouldn\'t believe it if you said something fishy. Yes, the company is in my hands. It\'s really difficult to operate, but I founded the imperial medical workshop. I really can\'t bear to let it collapse. That\'s why I want to find someone with strength and ability to take over."

Then Li Bin picked out several copies from many materials and put them in front of Chu fan. He said, "this is the reason. General Chu will see for himself."

Chu fan looked carefully and said in surprise: "so much debt? Good guy, I feel this is a pit."

"General Chu, don\'t hurry to make a conclusion. Look down and you\'ll understand after reading." Li Bin drank tea slowly. In fact, his palms were sweating.

This is a dangerous move. It exposes its shortcomings. The purpose is to win Chu fan\'s trust and ignore the biggest problem of the company. At the same time, he also thought that if he could, he would rather charge less money in exchange for Chu fan\'s friendship, so as to ask him to help get his wife and children out of the detention center.

For others, it may be more difficult than going to heaven, but for Chu fan, it\'s just a word. But he knew it was urgent and had to do it step by step. Otherwise, he might lose all his previous efforts and draw water with a bamboo basket.

Sure enough, Chu fan patiently saw the stack of data from the beginning to the end, rubbed his eyebrows, and said with a bitter smile: "Dong Li, you really gave me a problem. I owe nearly 800 million, and the balance owed to the company is nearly 1 billion. On the surface, I still took advantage of 200 million, but in fact, it\'s not sure whether these money can be collected."

"Hehe, these arrears are a big problem for me, but for general Chu, they are not a problem at all." Li Bin smiled, "As long as you buy the whole imperial medical workshop, I dare say that those guys who owe money will take the initiative to send the money to you at the first time, and you don\'t have to go to your door to collect the account. As for the two hundred million, it\'s the debt cost I gave you. After all, I owe the money when I was in office. I\'m sorry to ask you for help."

Chu fan pointed to Li Bin and smiled: "you are really cunning. However, the two hundred million benefit fee is worth it. Apart from these, the company has no problem?"

"No, absolutely not." Li Bin vowed and pointed to the information on the full tea table. "If you don\'t believe it, you can see for yourself. The assets and debt transactions of the whole company are here. How dare I cheat you."

When he said this, his voice could not help trembling slightly, and his heart hung up to his throat. He was right. The company\'s assets and accounts were here, but what he said was not the truth.

If Chu fan carefully read all the information, he will certainly find the inside story here, but Li Bin bet that Chu fan won\'t read it carefully. As long as he signs and gets the money, Chu fan will be late even if he finds the problem again. Who doesn\'t let him see it clearly?

Seeing that Chu fan sorted out the data and reloaded it into the file bag, Li Bin\'s hanging heart finally fell down and said with a smile: "how about, general Chu, if there is no problem, can we sign an agreement?"

"No problem!" Chu fan stretched out two fingers. Kong Qingqing immediately gave him a cigarette and lit it with a lighter. Chu fan took a cigarette and said slowly, "however, the person signing the agreement is not me, but Su Yu. I bought the company for her."

Li Bin was stunned and hurriedly said, "what about the Suyu fairy? Why didn\'t you let her come?"

"Don\'t worry, sign your name and I\'ll pay you." Chu Fan said carelessly.

Li Bin doesn\'t care who signed it. Anyway, I sold the company as long as I could get the money.

"General Chu, this is the share transfer agreement drafted by my lawyer. Would you like to have a look?"

"I don\'t worry about your work. Sign it."

It\'s better not to look at it. If everyone is as cheerful as Chu fan, I can make crazy money. Unfortunately, there is only one Chu fan in the world. Except him, everyone else is monkey. If you want to deceive others, dream.

After signing, Li Bin couldn\'t wait to send his laptop to Chu fan, put his bank card he had already prepared, and rubbed his hands excitedly: "general Chu, do you think you can transfer money?"

Chu fan took out a bank card and threw it to Kong Qingqing: "you operate it. You know the password."


Kong Qingqing readily promised to skillfully operate on the computer. Soon, the account and password are entered. As soon as you hit the return, the money can immediately hit the account provided by Li Bin. But at this time, the door was suddenly knocked. Kong Qingqing raised her hand and stopped in the air. Li Bin was in a hurry. I really wanted to help her knock back.

Damn it, whoever you are, you\'re dead.

Li Bin held back his anger, angrily opened the door and shouted to the nervous female secretary at the door: "I didn\'t tell you, don\'t bother me..."

"Chairman, silver... The people from the bank are coming." the female secretary whispered nervously.

As soon as he heard about the people in the bank, Li Bin immediately turned pale, glared at her, and quickly said, "hold them as soon as possible, as long as ten minutes."

"Yes, yes, I\'ll go right away." the female secretary didn\'t dare to neglect, so she quickly turned and walked away.

Li Bin closed the door, took a deep breath at the door, turned back, the gloom on his face had disappeared, became relaxed and comfortable again, and walked back in spring.

Chu Fan said curiously, "Dong Li, what\'s the matter?"

"It\'s no big deal. It\'s just a medicine supplier who comes to urge the debt." Li Bin said with a bitter smile, "I\'ll make you laugh, but I can\'t help it. I can\'t collect the debt outside. What can I give them? Alas, it\'s all difficult!"

Chu fan nodded: "it\'s really difficult, but it doesn\'t matter. When I take over the company, I will settle the debts of these people as soon as possible. I do things like this. I never owe others, but others don\'t want to owe me money."

"That\'s, that\'s, who doesn\'t know the character of general Chu? If they know that the company has been transferred to general Chu, as long as you say a word, they promise not to come to the door to collect debts." Li Bin shook his head reluctantly, "to tell the truth, I\'m really a little afraid of them."

"Ha ha, from now on, you don\'t have to worry about it." Chu fan ordered Kong Qingqing with his cigarette finger, "transfer money to Dong Li quickly and let him get rid of it as soon as possible."

Kong Qingqing didn\'t have a good way: "if I hadn\'t been interrupted just now, the money would have been transferred. Now the operation is delayed, and I have to re-enter my account and password."

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry!" Li Bin\'s forehead was sweating. He said he wasn\'t worried, but he was anxious to smoke in his heart.

But when Kong Qingqing raised his hand and was ready to knock the car back, the door was knocked again. This time, knocking on the door was like beating a drum, as if he would break the door if he didn\'t open the door again.

Shit, whoever you are, you\'re dead this time.

Li Bin was furious. Teng stood up, strode over, opened the door and shouted, "dute, get out of here... Er, you are..."

At the door, there were not female secretaries, but several policemen dressed in clothes. The first one said seriously: "Li Bin, after reporting, your company is suspected of many large illegal loans. After verification, your company is insolvent and can\'t repay the loans at all. Therefore, your company has been sealed up. All the real estate under your company\'s name will be auctioned in the near future to repay the bank loans. And you, come with us now."

It\'s over, it\'s all over.

Li Bin felt the world spinning. He fainted directly in the dark

Seven days later, Li Bin walked out of the detention center. The door was empty and there was no one to pick him up. He had no money in his pocket and couldn\'t even afford to take the bus. However, he had to walk to the city.

As a chairman of the board of directors, when did he walk so far? Moreover, these days in the detention center, he can\'t eat enough and sleep. How can he still walk? He stopped several cars on the way and no one stopped. He really couldn\'t move. He just sat down on the roadside and waited for the car to come.

For a long time, a taxi finally passed by. This time, he summoned up his courage and rushed up with an arrow, forcing the taxi to stop.

"My grass, do you want to die?" the driver poked his head out of the window and yelled.

If at ordinary times, Li Bin had to smoke him with a big mouth, but now, he has become so frustrated that he has no pride and capital.

"Master, I\'ve been robbed and I don\'t have any money on me." Li Bin begged pitifully, "can you take me home? When I get home, I\'ll give you double the fare."

"Robbed? I think you just came out of the detention center?" the driver hit the mark, but for the sake of money, he didn\'t embarrass him. He waved his hand and said, "get in the car. Where are you going?"

"Jingtai garden!"

"Oh, I don\'t see. You\'re still a rich man. The houses in that place are not cheap. They are all villas, often ten or twenty million..."