The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 939

Li Bin didn\'t even know how he came home. He lay in bed without taking off his shoes and fell asleep tired. In his sleep, he dreamed of those women who had been better. One by one, they rushed at him like fierce ghosts and claimed their lives.

"No, it\'s not me. I don\'t know anything... Ah!"

Li Bin screamed and suddenly sat up from bed. At this time, he found that he had a nightmare. Looking outside, it was already light, and he was sweating all over, his face was blue and his lips were white, as if he had been seriously ill.

After a long sigh of relief, Li Bin\'s beating heart slowly stabilized. He grabbed the pillow towel and wiped his face. He immediately got up, went to the bathroom, took a bath, changed his clothes and went out of the door. I remembered when I didn\'t find the car outside. I left the car at the Public Security Bureau. I came back by taxi last night.

After going to the Public Security Bureau and taking the car, Li Bin came to the detention center. After he stuffed the red envelope, he met his wife Zhao Yufeng very smoothly. After a day\'s absence, she seemed to be a lot older all at once. Her face without makeup made her a little older.

In the past, Li Bin only thought Zhao Yufeng was jealous and small-minded, but he never thought that her heart would be so vicious. Eight young girls in their prime were destroyed by her, destroying their fate in life. Even three girls died young because of her cruelty.

Hehe, retribution!

"Husband, you\'re here!"

Seeing Li Bin, the dejected Zhao Yufeng rushed to the stage immediately, grabbed the phone and said, "husband, please help me out. I don\'t want to stay here for a minute. By the way, aren\'t we rich? You take out some up and down management, and you will be able to save me out. Husband, you talk, don\'t you want to care about me..."

"Shut up!" Li Bin roared unbearably, startled Zhao Yufeng, stared at Li Bin in disbelief. It\'s the first time he\'s had such a big fire in so many years.

"You... How dare you yell at me?" Zhao Yufeng said angrily with tears in her eyes. "Don\'t forget Li Bin. You can have today without me? Now that I\'m in, you\'re finally free and can look for junior three unscrupulously. However, don\'t forget that the company is mine and I\'m the largest shareholder. If you leave me, you\'re nothing."

Across the glass, Li Bin looked at the almost strange face and said painfully, "at this point, you dare to say this. Yes, if I didn\'t help your Zhao family, I wouldn\'t have today, but don\'t forget that without my dedicated efforts, can you enjoy so many years of prosperity?"

"You Zhao family invested millions in me, and how much did I earn back? Tens of billions. Without me, what do you take to get in and out of high-end clubs? What do you take to buy famous brand clothes and cosmetics? Without me, what do you take to maintain wild men?"

Zhao Yufeng was a little frightened. She thought that she had been exposed looking for a cowherd in the hotel. She was immediately ashamed. But at the thought that Li Bin was not idle outside, even more excessive than her, her guilt was immediately thrown out of the sky.

"How are you going to say I\'m ok? Calculate for yourself. When was the last time you touched me? And how many women did you maintain outside? If it weren\'t for you, could I be here today?" Zhao Yufeng stretched out her hand and pointed to Li Bin and said loudly, "you ungrateful white eyed wolf, I hate you all my life..."

Li Bin closed his eyes in despair. As for what his wife said behind him, he couldn\'t hear it.

Ask yourself, the reason for all this is because of him. If he had not been too eager for quick success and instant benefit, he could not have married Zhao Yufeng, a woman he didn\'t like. Naturally, he would not place his feelings on beautiful women after he became famous. As a result, Zhao Yufeng, who is good at jealousy and food protection, will do such things.

If one side of the quarrel closes its mouth and the other has no opponent, it will naturally close its mouth. When Zhao Yufeng stared at him angrily, Li Bin opened his eyes and said with complex eyes: "wife, it\'s my fault. Don\'t worry, even if I lose my family, I will save you and my son."

"What\'s the matter with my son?" Zhao Yufeng immediately jumped on the big glass. Unfortunately, Li Bin had put down the phone and turned lonely and went out.

Zhao Yufeng slapped the big glass and screamed loudly. Unfortunately, Li Bin outside couldn\'t hear it. He opened the door and left without looking back. On her side, two policewomen came in and dragged her out.

Li Bin smoked a cigarette outside, calmed down his chaotic mood, heard the call of the prison guard, quickly threw down his cigarette end and returned to the meeting room. However, the people inside were replaced by his son, Li Hongfei.

Like his mother, as soon as he saw Li Bin, Li Hongfei rushed forward and cried eagerly, "Dad, Dad, please help me out. If I stay any longer, I will be killed..."

Li Bin picked up the phone and pointed to the opposite telephone. Li Hongfei understood. He grabbed the phone and asked, "son, have you been beaten?"

At this time, Li Bin, with a black nose and swollen face, was beaten. The pain of flesh and blood is nothing. What he can\'t bear most is that he spent the whole night squatting in the toilet. There is a special addiction in the prison - good guy. He tortured him twice a night. It\'s really unbearable.

Seeing his father, Li Hongfei was like a child who didn\'t grow up. He said with tears in his eyes, "Dad, I really can\'t stay for a day. This is not a place for people at all. Please help me out, otherwise I will be killed."

Li Bin doesn\'t want to get his son out as soon as possible, but now, I don\'t know who is behind it. He turned over all the cases for so many years and tried and finalized them in such a short time. The key is that the evidence is conclusive, which makes it difficult for him to turn over the case.

Don\'t catch it. It\'s his only son. Without his wife, he can look for it again, but if his son is gone, can he have another one? He is not hard hearted and has high hopes for his son. It\'s a pity that his son was so unlucky that he made an irreparable mistake. This time, he really felt powerless.

But anyway, he will try his best to save his son.

Thinking of this, Li Bin reluctantly smiled and said, "don\'t be afraid. When we sell the company and get the money, I will be able to save you. Bear it again!"

Li Hongfei has also calmed down. His father\'s words let him see hope. He thinks he can get the money tomorrow and leave the ghost place the day after tomorrow at the latest. He is relieved. But then he looked behind Li Bin and said disappointed, "why didn\'t my mother come to see me?"

"She... She went to manage." Li Bin didn\'t dare to tell his son the truth, otherwise his son would have to collapse.

Li Hongfei didn\'t think much. After talking to Li Bin for a while, he hung up the phone and reluctantly followed the prison guard back.

Li Bin has been watching his son taken away, as if a heart had also been taken away. It is as painful as a heart. He made up his mind to get his son out anyway, and his wife must get her out, but after he came out, he divorced her and parted ways since then.

Leaving the meeting room, Li Bin went to the office of the director of the detention center and left a 200000 bank card for the director. With this money, the director immediately became enthusiastic and patted his chest to ensure that they would not be wronged by their mother and son. They were entertained and delicious.

With the director\'s words, Li Bin finally let go, left the detention center and returned to the company as soon as possible. After a busy day in the company, when all the materials were ready, it was more than 1 a.m. Li Bin didn\'t go home either. He just lay down on the sofa in the office and soon fell asleep.

As usual, it was a nightmare. When he woke up in the morning, he was in a trance and had a terrible headache. After washing his face with cold water, he had some spirit. He forced himself to go downstairs, eat something, come back and drink two cups of strong coffee to refresh himself. He didn\'t pick up the phone until 9 a.m. and call Chu fan.

"Hello, general Chu. I\'m Li Bin. Do you have time today? Let\'s talk about the acquisition of the company... OK, I\'m in the company and waiting for you."

In about an hour, Chu fan, accompanied by Kong Qingqing and Xia Yanran, came to the headquarters of yuyifang group. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a simple and orderly hall. The front desk was properly dressed and had a warm smile, giving people a sense of approachability.

After politely asking about the intentions of several people, the front desk immediately sent them to the elevator room more politely, pressed the floor number, walked out of the elevator, watched the elevator door close, breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the front desk.

In the elevator, Xia Yan smiled and said, "I don\'t see. The quality of the staff in the imperial medicine workshop is quite high. It\'s very good!"

"Pull it down!" Kong Qingqing disdained. "It\'s all pretended. The front desk that received us just now is a manager\'s person. Usually his eyes are higher than the top, so he doesn\'t bother to talk to others."

"No, that girl doesn\'t look like the kind of person whose eyes are higher than the top?"

"Sister Yanran, you can\'t just look at the appearance." Kong Qingqing said faintly, "a few days ago, she was walking in the street. Just because a street sweeper touched her, she was reluctant to let others compensate her clothes. Later, the old woman knelt down for her, and she stopped."

Xia Yanran believed her words, but she couldn\'t believe that everything on the surface of the sweet looking receptionist was an illusion. It\'s so unpredictable!

The elevator stopped. As soon as the door opened, Li Bin had been waiting at the door. Seeing Chu fan coming out, he immediately extended his hand enthusiastically: "general Chu, you can come. Are you going to visit the office area or go directly to my office?"

"There\'s nothing to visit. I\'d better go to the office to talk about the acquisition."