The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 938

The two policemen waited outside for five minutes before the door was opened again. Zhao Yufeng, who was dressed neatly, appeared nervously in front of them and reluctantly said with a smile: "two police officers, are you... Looking for the wrong person?"

"Are you Zhao Yufeng?"

"Yes, I\'m Zhao Yufeng, but I didn\'t break the law."

As soon as the voice fell, a policeman handcuffed her wrist and said coldly, "you said you didn\'t break the law, but someone has explained all your crimes. If you have anything, tell us to go back to the police station."

"I won\'t go. I didn\'t commit a crime. Why should I go to the police station with you?" Zhao Yufeng grabbed the door frame and shouted, "I want to call my family. I want to hire a lawyer..."

"The evidence is conclusive. You can\'t escape the law even if you invite the gods." the policeman grabbed her arm, one by one, held her hard and went out. Downstairs, the door of the police car opened. They directly pushed her up, then followed her into the police car and roared away.

At eight o\'clock in the evening, Li Bin finally came home after a busy day. He saw that his home was cold and quiet, and there was no sound at all.

"Yufeng! Yufeng?"

Li Bin shouted twice, but no one promised. He threw his jacket off on the sofa, loosened his tie and walked into the bedroom. Turning on the light, he saw an electric toy thrown on the bed, and the bedding on the bed was messy. Zhao Yufeng was not at home at all.

The loser must have fooled around with her cousin again.

Li Bin\'s face was dark. He took out his mobile phone and dialed, but there was no response. He didn\'t get through twice, but he simply stopped, but then he remembered his son Li Hongfei. The smelly boy didn\'t show up all day. What did he do?

Li Bin made two more calls to his son. He also failed to get through. An ominous hunch made him panic. He always felt that something bad was going to happen.

What\'s the matter? Why can\'t you get through to the phone one by one?

Just when he couldn\'t understand, the phone suddenly rang. He quickly grabbed his cell phone and answered: "Hello, is it Hongfei?"

"Hello, this is Yanjing Public Security Bureau. Are you Mr. Li Bin?" a man\'s voice came out on the phone.

Li Bin\'s heart clicked and his mobile phone almost fell off his hand. I\'m really afraid to come whenever I want. My wife and son didn\'t wait for the phone, but they waited for the phone of the Public Security Bureau.

Did Hongfei make trouble again?

"Hello, comrade policeman, this is Li Bin. What can I do for you?" Li Bin asked carefully.

"Your wife and son are in the police station. I just want to inform you that you should go to the No. 1 detention center in the city as soon as possible tomorrow morning and pay the living expenses of your wife and son. Otherwise, they will have to sleep on the board bed."

Unlike prisons, detention centers hold criminals who have committed crimes and have not yet been sentenced. During their detention, prisoners can\'t make money. They need to spend money on bedding, washing utensils and food. Who pays for this money? Of course it\'s the prisoner\'s family.

If the prisoner has no family members or the family members are unwilling to pay, he can only sleep on the plank bed and eat the worst food. Anyway, he can\'t die of hunger. But even so, when he is sentenced, the money will be deducted from the points he earned while serving his sentence in prison.

If you break the law, do you still want good treatment? The most important thing is the word "money". If you have money, you can live comfortably in prison. You don\'t have to do any work, but you don\'t have money. You\'re tired in prison and nobody cares.

"Pa Da!" the mobile phone finally fell from Li Bin\'s hand. As soon as the screen was black, the sound broke.

Public Security Bureau, detention center, what did they do? Why are they all in?

After a long pause, Li Bin finally calmed down. He quickly grabbed his clothes and ran out. Half an hour later, he came to the Municipal Public Security Bureau and found Director Wen of the Municipal Bureau who was still working overtime.

"Director Wen, what crime did my wife and son commit?" Li Bin couldn\'t wait to ask as soon as he entered the door.

Director Wen put down the information he was reading, took off his glasses and said faintly, "Dong Li is coming. Sit down!"

Looking at his attitude, Li Bin\'s heart was half cold. Speaking of it, he and Director Wen are no strangers and drink together. Although it is a public occasion, they also have so much friendship.

Usually, Director Wen is very enthusiastic when he meets him, but today\'s lukewarm attitude shows that his wife and son have really made a big mistake.

What\'s the use of being anxious? Li Bin took a deep breath and sat down in his chair. Director Wen got up, poured him a glass of water, put it in front of him, then sat down again and handed a document in front of Li Bin.

"You see, this is your son\'s confession." Director Wen said faintly, "I think you should know this case very well?"

Li Bin looked at it for a few times and said anxiously, "Director Wen, isn\'t this case closed? Huang Jing jumped upstairs by herself. My son wants to save her."

"Look at this again." Director Wen handed over another document and said faintly when Li Bin stared wide eyed and stunned, "This case happened three years ago. At that time, deputy director Liu was in charge of the case. He was taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission for conversation last night. This morning, he explained everything he had done over the years, including this case."

"I still have the confession of the lawyer who was in charge of this case. As a lawyer, he used his understanding of the law to make use of the loopholes in the law, give advice and forge facts for you."

Finally, Director Wen took out a recording pen, pressed the play button, put it in front of Li Bin and said, "this was recorded by the victim Huang Jing on her mobile phone before she died. You can\'t imagine that this mobile phone has been kept by Huang Jing\'s family. Do you think you can stop them from avenging Huang Jing by giving money and intimidating his family?"

This series of evidence completely crushed Li Bin\'s confidence. He closed his eyes and couldn\'t help shedding two lines of old tears. It\'s over. My son is completely over this time. Killing is a capital crime. Even if he doesn\'t shoot, he won\'t be able to leave prison alive in his life.

But then, Li Bin opened his eyes and asked eagerly, "what about my wife? What crime has she committed?"

"Well, you have to ask yourself." Director Wen sneered. "Tell yourself, how many women have you cheated and played with over the years?"

"Does this... Does this have anything to do with my wife\'s case?"

"Of course it doesn\'t matter." Director Wen hummed, "you like to look for excitement and keep all kinds of women, while your wife likes to beat mandarin ducks with a stick. In fact, it doesn\'t matter. She is your wife and has the right to defend marriage, but her practice is too extreme and vicious."

Li Bin said anxiously, "what did she do?"

"See for yourself." Director Wen threw a brown paper file bag in front of him.

Li Bin couldn\'t wait to open the file bag and poured out all the things inside. Suddenly, pieces of paper and photos fell in front of him. He picked up a photo and looked at it. Suddenly, his pupils contracted and lost his voice: "Hou Chunhua?"

A total of eight photos of women, although after many years, he recognized the eight quiet young women at a glance. Among them, there is Bian Qingwu\'s mother, Liang Xiaocui, but at that time she was still very young and smiled with a shy and pure beauty.

After reading the photo, Li Bin picked up the document and glanced at it quickly. It was dark and almost fainted.

"It\'s impossible, it\'s impossible," Li Bin said nervously.

He couldn\'t believe it. His wife Zhao Yufeng did all these things, but the facts were in front of him. He couldn\'t believe it. Thinking of that time, Liang Xiaocui and other women disappeared in his world one after another, he closed his eyes in pain and despair.

Eight beautiful girls brought him both physical and spiritual comfort. It was a lie to say that he had no love for them, but the power of the company was in the hands of his wife Zhao Yufeng. In the face of money and love, he could only choose the former.

He didn\'t know until today that no wonder his wife found out and broke up with the women he had an affair with, and these women disappeared. It turned out that Zhao Yufeng was forced away by this vicious means.

Of the eight girls, only three called the police. Unfortunately, they were all suppressed by deputy director Liu at that time. Three girls could not bear this insult and chose to commit suicide. The other four girls chose to swallow their anger and quietly leave to another city to start their life again.

Only Liang Xiaocui was the worst. She was driven crazy. She had been crazy for so many years. If she hadn\'t met Chu fan, she would have to be locked on the Kang and spend the rest of her life in a dirty environment.

"Your wife Zhao Yufeng still wants to deny it, but her cousin Cao Tiezhu has explained everything. The people involved in this big case are not only Cao Tiezhu, but also your friend, deputy director Liu. He was still the director of a small police station. Unexpectedly, he mixed up with gangsters and did such things that people and gods are angry with."

Director Wen clapped the table angrily, stood up, walked back and forth for a few steps, and said, "Chairman Li, for the time being, these cases have not involved you, but you are still suspected. Therefore, you can\'t leave Yanjing city in the near future. You should cooperate with our police at any time. Do you know?"

"I understand. I will fully cooperate with the police investigation." Li Bin stood up powerlessly and asked, "Director Wen, can I see my wife and son?"

"Not today, but tomorrow." Director Wen took a deep breath and said, "when you go to the detention center tomorrow morning, you can have a few words with them. In addition, you\'d better think about it clearly, take the initiative to explain it and be found out by us, but two properties. Don\'t take chances. I really don\'t want you to be caught."

"Thank you for reminding me. Bye!" Li Bin turned around and stumbled. He almost fell to the ground and held the wall. Then he stood firm and walked out slowly with heavy steps