The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 937

In the police station, Cao Tiezhu has woke up, but at this time, he has stayed in the interrogation room. He is sitting in an iron chair welded on the ground. His thighs are blocked by an iron plate. He can\'t stand up if he wants to stand. His hands were handcuffed and he wanted to run, but there was no door.

In the next room, Chu fan with Liang Xiaocui stood in front of a large glass and looked at the people in the interrogation room opposite. The glass is specially made. You can see the opposite side from his side, but you can\'t see them from the opposite side. Next to the small speaker, the questions and answers from the opposite interrogation room came out. The sound quality was good, clear and free of noise.

"Aunt, look at that man. Do you know him?"

"It\'s him. I know him when he turns to ashes." Liang Xiaocui\'s voice choked and tears fell down. It was this beast that led people to catch her and humiliated her for hours. If you give her a knife now, she will stab him without hesitation, even if she dies with him.

Chu fan handed her a paper towel and comforted her, "don\'t be sad. He will certainly pay the price for what he has done. From today on, this page will turn over. Uncle Bian Kui and you help each other, light dance and light boat. You should be happy."

"Well, thank you, Chu fan."

"Why are you polite to me? You should."

They soon came out of the police station. Bian Qingwu, who was waiting outside, hurried to meet them and asked nervously, "Mom, are you okay?"

"Mom, it\'s fine." Liang Xiaocui wiped her tears, smiled reluctantly and said, "are you hungry? I didn\'t eat anything at night. Why don\'t we buy some vegetables and go back to make a snack? I\'m also hungry."

"Cook wonton, I know the wonton in a shop tastes very good." Tang Feifei smiled, held Liang Xiaocui\'s arm and walked to the car.

Bian Kui was relieved to see his wife open her heart knot and worry all day. During the day, he obviously went out to visit the scenic spot, but in fact, he deliberately hid out for fear of Liang Xiaocui\'s embarrassment.

Any man will not tolerate his wife being bullied, but he knows himself. If she is not stimulated and insane, how can he marry him as his wife? It is even more impossible to give birth to a pair of beautiful and lovely children.

He doesn\'t care about what happened before. As long as his wife is healthy and happy, and the family is safe and harmonious, it\'s better than anything.

"Uncle Chu fan, thank you." outside the car, Bian Kui handed Chu fan a cigarette and said gratefully.

"Here we go again. Aunt Xiaocui has thanked her just now." Chu fan takes a cigarette in his mouth, approaches Bian Kui and whispers, "it\'s not easy for her to be nice to aunt Xiaocui in the future."

"Well, I understand."

When the party got home, Xiaocui, who was going to cook, was pushed out of the kitchen. Finally, it was the night snack completed by Chu fan and Bian Qingwu. There\'s no way. Tang Feifei is a big star. She doesn\'t touch the spring water. Just let her wash a few bowls and break two.

Kong Qingqing was more and more helpful. He could cut a coriander with his hand. There was not much blood flow, but tears almost flooded the kitchen. Chu fan wondered. Is it so difficult to cook some wonton?

Having enough to eat and drink, Chu fan drives and sends Bian Kui and his wife back to the courtyard where Su Yu lives. Chu fan naturally stays and lives with Su Yu. But in the middle of the night, Bian Qingwu came over with a pillow and slept beside Chu fan.

The next morning, Xia Yanran finally came back. Seeing her eyes full of red silk and yawning, she must have stayed up all night. Chu fan hurriedly sent a bowl of cold millet porridge in front of her and complained, "Why are you so anxious? It doesn\'t matter one day later. Drink some porridge, eat two steamed stuffed buns, have enough to eat and have a good sleep."

"I know."

Xia Yanran drank more than half a bowl of porridge, grabbed a big steamed stuffed bun, took a bite, and said excitedly, "before midnight, Cao Tiezhu explained everything. Then, I issued a wanted notice on the Internet, and several people have been arrested. It is estimated that before long, all the people involved will be arrested."

"OK, we can take the second step." Chu fan swallowed most of the steamed stuffed bun excitedly.

At noon, Li Hongfei had a big meal with a group of friends. Then he went to the billiards hall and fooled around all afternoon. In the evening, he went to the bar to continue the carnival. Although he hasn\'t got the money yet, he has regarded himself as a rich family worth billions. It\'s called a rich man.

In the bathroom of the bar, he couldn\'t help but have a fight with the soaked horse. Then he separated from the crowd drunk and took the horse to the hotel. In order to seek stimulation, he even got something exciting and smoked with the horse.

Just when they were excited and entangled together again, Director Wen personally led the team, broke through the door and caught them. Two bags of drugs, totaling 10 grams, were seized on the spot.

Li Bin\'s wife, Zhao Yufeng, was wearing pajamas, with a mask on her face and constantly making calls with his mobile phone. He could never answer. Suddenly he asked, "why don\'t you take this phone from me?"

"Aren\'t you used to it?" Li Bin leaned against the head of the bed, holding a newspaper and hummed, "it\'s too late to manage now."

Zhao Yufeng glared: "are you blaming me? Isn\'t Hongfei your son? Besides, when I used to him, didn\'t you object? Also, he made a mistake. Which time didn\'t you come forward to help him settle it?"

"Well, I won\'t argue with you." Li Bin threw down the newspaper, lay down and said, "don\'t worry, he\'s not a child and knows how to behave. Besides, it\'s not the first time he doesn\'t go home?"

"That\'s right, but why can\'t he get through?"

Li Bin didn\'t have a good way: "did you turn on your cell phone when you were asleep? With the virtue of that smelly boy, you can\'t tell which woman you are lying on now. Hum!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yufeng suddenly became interested. She leaned against Li Bin, gave him a push like a silk, and said sweetly, "husband, if my son is not here tonight, we can live in a world of two."

"It\'s an old husband and wife. What\'s the world of two?" Li Bin directly turned his back. "Go to bed. I\'m sleepy."

"Hum!" Zhao Yufeng turned angrily. The couple turned their backs to each other, half a meter apart.

The next morning, Li Bin left home and went to the company. The company has too many things to deal with. At least, Chu fan can\'t see the problem on the surface. Zhao Yufeng stood in front of the window, opened a seam in the curtain, watched her husband drive away, and immediately took out her mobile phone to call Cao Tiezhu.

Hum, don\'t you think I\'m not as attractive as a young goblin? I don\'t think you\'re useful. If I don\'t farm my own land, I\'ll find someone else to help. Aren\'t you the only man in the world?

But soon she threw her cell phone on the bed angrily. Asshole, the chain fell off at the critical moment, and the mobile phone was turned off.

There is a saying that thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger. Zhao Yufeng and Li Bin are still married, but there is almost no such life. Li Bin is someone outside, but Zhao Yufeng occasionally goes outside to find stimulation in addition to Cao Tiezhu.

Lying in bed, Zhao Yufeng called her son again. As usual, she turned it off. She scolded, threw down her cell phone and stopped calling. In her opinion, her son must have fooled around with a woman when he turned off the phone. Toothroot didn\'t expect anything to happen to his son.

But when she calmed down, she felt more and more lonely. She felt an electric toy under her pillow and began to stir it up by herself. It was not good, but it was getting worse and worse.

"One by one, they are all heartless things." Zhao Yufeng scolded with gnashing teeth, threw down her toys, got up, dressed, left home with her bag and went to a night show that she often patronized.

She\'s ready to pack two strong Niu Lang today. Have a good time. After tomorrow, if you want to play again, you may have to wait until some day.

At five o\'clock in the afternoon, the two strong men were squeezed dry by her. They lay on the bed like dogs and couldn\'t get up. Zhao Yufeng was still dissatisfied. It was no use cursing. He took out a stack of money and threw it to the two: "get out of here and see what\'s useless."

They did not refute, holding their clothes, grabbed the money and ran out.

This woman is crazy. She is a bottomless pit of desire and dissatisfaction. She can\'t serve her.

"Xiao Xie, the two people you introduced to me are not good. I can\'t work in just two hours. I haven\'t had fun yet... OK, I don\'t have money? You can find two more right away. Money is not a problem... OK, I\'ll wait, as soon as possible."

Put down the phone, Zhao Yufeng grabbed the cigarette and lighter on the head cabinet, snapped, lit a slender lady\'s cigarette for herself and took a comfortable sip. Just lie on the head of the bed without clothes and quilt.

Hum, although I\'m old, what\'s worse than those young girls for our body maintenance? Old man, I\'d rather give the public food to those fox spirits than to me. Hum, I\'m still happy without you!

Before a cigarette was finished, a doorbell rang at the door. Zhao Yufeng immediately threw down her cigarette butts and jumped out of bed. She didn\'t wear any clothes, so she walked past naked.

"It\'s coming fast. I..."

Zhao Yufeng couldn\'t wait to open the door, but as soon as she saw the man at the door, she was stunned: "you... You are..."

Standing outside the door were two policemen. The scene in front of them immediately stunned them. Good guy, it\'s too casual to open the door without clothes. If the young girl is OK, but the aunt... Her chest is sagging, her waist is as thick as a bucket, her skin is loose, and her thighs are full of fat.

Alas, there\'s nothing to see!

"Cough, can you put on your clothes?" an older policeman coughed and avoided his eyes.

At this time, Zhao Yufeng calmed down, screamed, immediately closed the door and quickly put on her clothes