The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 936

The last time he came to Dihao club, Chu fan accompanied he Xiaoying to talk about business, but he clashed with Cao Xuejun, the younger brother of club manager Cao Xuemei, which led to the prince. Finally, Chu fan fought with the prince and almost smashed the whole club.

After that incident, Dihao club was closed for more than a month, and several senior executives were arrested. It was not until Qian Mufeng was in charge that Dihao was reopened. However, the previous style of Dihao has changed, and all the miasma things have disappeared. From the perspective of decoration, it feels a lot more elegant. Even the waiters wear cheongsam and smile, giving people a feeling of high-end atmosphere and grade.

Chu fan got out of the car, directly threw the car key to the coming doorman, and walked towards the club talking and laughing. But at the door of the club, he was stopped by the welcoming lady and said politely, "excuse me, sir, please show me your membership card."

"Call manager Cao and ask her to come down and pick me up." Chu Fan said faintly.

Who is this guy? He opened his mouth and asked manager Cao to come down to meet him. He can pretend to be forced. However, Miss Yingbin was suspicious, but she didn\'t dare to be disrespectful on the surface. She quickly sued and went aside to make a phone call.

Before the phone was put down, a burly man in a security uniform led the team out of the elevator. He happened to see Chu fan at the door. He trembled and almost got stuck on the ground.

Mother, why is this evil star coming again? Let\'s go!

"Stop!" Chu fan saw the security guard leaving at a glance and quickly said, "who, come here for me."

"Oh, isn\'t this Chu Shao?" the security guard\'s face was sad, but he responded quickly enough. When he turned around, his face was full of smiles. He even ran and bumped to Chu fan and said with a flattering smile, "Chu Shao, what can I do for you?"

Chu fan raised his hand, knocked a chestnut on his head and scolded, "what are you running for? Don\'t you welcome me?"

"Oh!" the security guard held his head and said with a bitter smile, "Chu Shao, you are a distinguished guest who can\'t be invited by our club. How dare I not welcome you."

"Don\'t pick it up with me. Let me ask you, is your manager Cao Xuemei there?"

"Yes, I\'ll call her now and ask her to come down to meet her."

Chu fan waved his hand: "there\'s no need to meet her. Take me to her. If the prince is here, it\'s OK to see your prince."

As soon as this sentence came out, the mobile phone in the hand of the nearby welcoming lady almost fell off. Even the crown prince doesn\'t pay attention to who this is. Thanks for not offending him just now, otherwise, I have to share the matter.

It\'s hanging! But how can such a big man not have a membership card?

Soon, Chu fan was sent to the KTV private room upstairs by the security guard. All kinds of drinks, drinks, snacks and fruits quickly filled the whole tea table. The princess in the box played a light music very wisely and sat aside. She didn\'t dare to get close.

The time was not long. The mature and cool manager Cao Xuemei, dressed in a professional suit, walked in quickly. As soon as she entered the door, her cold face seemed to thaw like an ice river, revealing a smile like a spring breeze. She hurried forward and seemed surprised and shouted, "Chu Shao, what brings you here. What a rare guest."

"Put away your bad mouth and face. It\'s good if you don\'t scold me in your heart." Chu fan drank a beer and asked bluntly, "who is Cao Tiezhu?"

Cao Xuemei was stunned and asked, "what did you ask him for? Did he... Did he offend you somewhere? I\'ll take him to make amends for you..."

"Cao Xuemei, I won\'t investigate the matter last time because of the face of the prince\'s sister ah Jiu. If you don\'t want to get angry, you\'d better cooperate with me and hand over the people. Otherwise, if I really investigate it, you can\'t get rid of it."

Cao Xuemei\'s face was white and her lips were silent for a long time. After more than a minute, her eyes finally darkened and said, "Chu Shao, wait a moment, and I\'ll let him come."

When she came to the door, Chu fan\'s voice came from behind: "you can also send him away, but you have to think about the consequences. If others don\'t let go, take yourself in."

Cao Xuemei really thought so, but after hearing Chu fan\'s words, she completely broke the idea. Since Chu fan dares to say that there must be a net outside, let alone a living man, he is afraid that even a fly can\'t fly out.

My father, what the hell did you do? How did you get into trouble with him?

Cao Xuemei looked sad. She hurried to the staff dormitory upstairs, stopped at a door and knocked hard. It was not knocking, but smashing the door, which almost broke open.

"Grass, who?"

A swearing voice came from the house, and then the door opened. A middle-aged man wearing only one big underpants appeared at the door. When he saw Cao Xuemei, he immediately smiled and said, "it\'s Mei Mei. Come in."

Cao Xuemei looked into the room. There was clearly a woman lying on the bed. The smell of tobacco, wine and some liquid almost made her vomit. He covered his mouth and nose with disgust and didn\'t have a good airway: "put on your clothes and come with me."

"What are you going to do?" Cao Tiezhu\'s eyes lit up and said excitedly, "is there a good job?"

"Dying, you still want to make money?" Cao Xuemei glared at him angrily. "Tell me the truth quickly. Where did you offend Chu Shao?"

Cao Tiezhu was frightened and said nervously, "Mei Mei, don\'t scare me. I didn\'t do anything. Besides, who is Chu Shao you said? I don\'t know Chu at all."

"Don\'t talk nonsense. Chu Shao is a big man who can\'t even provoke the crown prince. Now people come to you by name. As for whether you have caused trouble, ask for more luck." speaking of this, Cao Xuemei reminded, "don\'t think about running. Chu Shao wants to catch you. You can catch you back even if you run to the horizon. If you cooperate with Chu Shao, there may be a way to live."

Cao Tiezhu was so scared that he didn\'t even know how to put on his clothes and trousers. But he broke his head and couldn\'t remember where he offended Chu Shao.

It\'s so special. I can\'t even provoke the crown prince. How can I provoke such a big man? Who the hell invited it?

In the box, Chu fan didn\'t take Cao Tiezhu seriously. They should eat and drink. The two women even sang with a microphone, as if they were coming to play. Just as Chu fan drank a bottle of beer, Cao Xuemei finally sent someone over.

After entering the door, Cao Xuemei said respectfully, "Chu Shao, this is the person you are looking for, Cao Tiezhu, who is also my father."

"Plop!" Cao Tiezhu knelt down directly, gave himself a big mouth and said with a sad face, "Chu Shao, I\'m wrong. I really know I\'m wrong. Please raise your hand and spare me this time."

Chu fan sneered, "spare you? Tell yourself what you\'ve done?"

"I......" Cao Tiezhu could not say it.

Cao Xuemei was anxious and angry, and said angrily, "speak, what bad have you done behind my back?"

"I... a few days ago, I helped people collect debts and beat... Broke someone\'s leg." Cao Tiezhu said obediently.

If you just break someone\'s leg, there should be room for maneuver.

Cao Xuemei stole a glance at Chu fan and saw him frown slightly. Her heart was a flicker. She quickly scolded her father and said, "it\'s not this. Is there anything else?"

"I... I also... Slept with the man\'s daughter-in-law." Cao Tiezhu lowered his head and trembled slightly.

Now, Cao Xuemei is stupid. Dad, this is a crime. If someone else is willing to spend money, there may be room for maneuver, but Chu fan is the one who stands out. I\'m afraid it won\'t be so easy to deal with it.

Money? Is Chu fan a poor man?

"Chu Shao, people... You take it away." Cao Xuemei desperately didn\'t turn her head and stopped looking at her father. He\'s hopeless all his life.

Cao Tiezhu was in a hurry. He came forward and hugged his daughter\'s leg. He cried and begged, "Mei Mei, you can\'t wait for death. Please help your father beg for mercy. If I am taken away this time, you may never see me again."

"If I can\'t see better, I\'ll save worrying about you." Cao Xuemei choked.

Seeing Mei Yong begging her, Cao Tiezhu simply knelt down in front of Chu fan and said eagerly, "Chu Shao, you let me go. My daughter has money, and you can compensate as much as you want. It\'s really not good. I\'ll compensate you for my daughter. She lives well..."

"Shut up!" Chu fan really couldn\'t listen. He pointed to Cao Tiezhu and scolded, "you deserve to be a father. You\'re scum."

"Yes, I\'m scum. I\'m scum. Killing me will dirty your hands. You\'d better let me go..."

Chu fan couldn\'t bear it anymore. He kicked Cao Tiezhu out. He hit the wall and fainted. And this scene, Cao Xuemei saw in her eyes, she didn\'t feel any pain in her heart, just like a stranger.

Her heart has been completely broken, cold and numb. It\'s better to be taken away by Chu Shao. People like him who never repent will be clean without him sooner or later.

Chu fan made a phone call and soon came up with two plainclothes. He pulled up Cao Tiezhu who fainted on the ground and went out with his arms. Chu fan then stood up. Before leaving, Chu fan glanced at Cao Xuemei and said faintly, "I Chu fan won\'t wrong a good man, but I won\'t let a bad man go. You know your father\'s virtue better than me. I hope you can be present on the day of his sentence. It\'s good to hear. What bad things he has done over the years."

"Also, it\'s best to rot in your stomach. When others ask, do you know how to answer?"

"I understand." Cao Xuemei wiped the tears on her face and said faintly, "don\'t worry, he\'s dead. No one will think of him."

"That\'s great. Goodbye!" Chu fan threw down a sentence, took the two women out of the box, went downstairs and left.