The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 935

"Dong Li, you\'re wrong to say that." Chu Fan said displeased. "We agreed to buy yuyifang pharmaceutical company at the price of $4 billion. Now you say the price is low. Isn\'t this the starting price?"

"General Chu, don\'t get me wrong. I didn\'t mean to start the price by sitting down. It\'s just the directors of the company..."

"I don\'t care what others mean, it\'s four billion yuan. Don\'t think of me for more." Chu fan waved his big hand and stood up and said coldly, "I\'ll give you three more days. If you haven\'t settled in three days, keep the company yourself. I don\'t want it. Hum!"

"General Chu, general Chu..."

No matter how Li Bin greets him, Chu fan doesn\'t look back. He angrily takes Kong Qingqing away. However, after they left, the three of Li Bin\'s family laughed.

"It seems that he really intends to buy the company." Zhao Yufeng walked behind Li Bin, gently pinched his shoulder and said with a smile. "Husband, you really have the ability to sell a rotten company with holes. It\'s four billion. How should we spend the rest of our life?"

Li Hongfei sat down beside his father excitedly and said, "if we have this money, let\'s just start an entertainment company. At that time, we can make a lot of money by making any film. If our company has its own artists, we can make more money."

"No!" Zhao Yufeng immediately rebuffed, stared at her son and didn\'t have a good way, "don\'t think I don\'t know your ghost mind. Opening an entertainment company will make your father and son like a fish in water. At that time, keep a little star for three days and two days, and occasionally make one or two hidden rules. Will the family still want it?"

Li Hongfei suddenly wilted and said, "then you say, do something? You can\'t do nothing and eat nothing?"

"If you want me to say, open a cosmetic hospital for beauty and body care." Zhao Yufeng said excitedly, "these days, cosmetic surgery people are everywhere. As long as we hire several highly skilled cosmetic doctors from the cold country, are we afraid we can\'t make money? The money we earn from minor operations such as breast augmentation, nose pad and eye corner opening every year is enough for us to spend."

Speaking of this, Li Hongfei immediately became interested again and echoed: "that\'s a good idea. At that time, we will open a urology specialty to treat those who are sick..."

"All right!"

Li Bin gave a low cry, frowned and said, "you two are happy too early. Is it so easy to earn the killing King\'s money? If you annoy him, don\'t lose your life if you don\'t get the money."

Zhao Yufeng was startled and nervous: "husband, is it... As serious as you said?"

"It\'s more serious than I said." Li Bin said in a deep voice. "Once Chu fan finds that the company is only a mess and worthless, can he not be angry? It\'s not easy to clean up the three of us at that time."

"Well... What should we do? Otherwise, if we don\'t sell, no matter how much money we have, we have to spend it with life. If we don\'t have life, what\'s the use of giving you more money?"

"No!" Li Hongfei was in a hurry. "The money is coming. How can we extrapolate? Besides, if we say we don\'t sell it at this time, doesn\'t he have to think we\'re starting from the ground? As soon as Chu fan is angry, our family will die."

"This is not good, that is not good, but how to do?" Zhao Yufeng was so anxious that she almost cried.

Li Bin was annoyed by the noise and said angrily, "don\'t howl. Things haven\'t come to that step yet. He\'s in a mess first. Now it\'s a society ruled by law. Chu fan is willing to buy it. Even if he knows that it costs a high price, he has to bear it. As long as we don\'t get caught by him, he has nothing to do with us."

There is a master in the family, but it\'s different. The mother and son seem to have found the backbone and calm down slowly. Li Hongfei asked, "Dad, what should we do now?"

"Didn\'t he give us three days? He took advantage of these three days to sell all his belongings and book air tickets." Li Bin\'s eyes flashed a resolute, "when we get the money, we\'ll go right away and hide abroad for a few years. After the limelight has passed, we\'ll quietly go back to China and live in a small city with a good environment. He can\'t find us."

"That\'s a good idea, but where are we going?"

"Go to America. The air in America is good."

"Go to Japan, which is close to China..."

The three of them began to study which country to take refuge in. Chu fan and Kong Qingqing walked out of the teahouse. As soon as they came to the car, Kong Qingqing couldn\'t help retching and almost spit out.

Chu fan quickly took out a bottle of water from the car, handed it to her, and gently patted her on the back: "rinse your mouth first, and then drink two mouthfuls."

For a long time, Kong Qingqing\'s pale face finally turned a little bloody. He took a deep breath and said, "it\'s disgusting. There are three people in this family. There\'s nothing good."

"Come on, let\'s go home." Chu fan opened the door. After Kong Qingqing sat on it, he closed the door, went to the other side and drove away.

Before long, they returned to Xia Yanran\'s residence. Unexpectedly, Liang Xiaocui was also there. When asked, they learned that Xia Yanran arranged a person to take Bian Kui and his son to the scenic spot. Liang Xiaocui stayed at home on the grounds of physical discomfort, but followed Xia Yanran here after her husband and son left.

She said she didn\'t care, but in fact, it was a knot in her heart. If she didn\'t untie it, she wouldn\'t be at ease in her life.

Seeing Chu fan and their return, Xia Yanran immediately poured tea for them, asked them to sit down on the sofa in the living room and asked, "how\'s the investigation? Did Li Bin do it?"

Chu fan looks at Kong Qingqing. Only she knows the truth.

Kong Qingqing drank a cup of tea, finally calmed down the surging stomach and intestines, and slowly said, "when he was young, Li Bin\'s family was not good, but with his smart mind, he was admitted to the University and climbed up to the daughter of a vice mayor at that time, his current wife, Zhao Yufeng."

"When she was young, Zhao Yufeng was pretty, but she was arrogant, mean and jealous, so she had few friends. But Li Bin got her favor. They soon lived together and made her pregnant."

"Therefore, the vice mayor, who originally did not agree with their marriage, could only acquiesce in their marriage. He opened a pharmaceutical factory in the name of Zhao Yufeng. From then on, Li Bin began to prosper and his business grew bigger and bigger. From a pharmaceutical factory to today\'s big pharmaceutical company, he can also be regarded as a successful businessman. However, his relationship with Zhao Yufeng , but it\'s not as good as it seems. To put it bluntly, he only likes the property and background of Zhao Yufeng\'s family. "

"When his old father-in-law was in office, even if he had thoughts, he didn\'t dare to take action, but when Zhao Yufeng\'s father retired and the power of the Zhao family fell greatly, he began to lose control and secretly looked for women outside with his wife behind his back."

"Aunt Xiaocui is just one of his many women. He knows two women almost every year, but they don\'t last long. They will soon be disturbed by his wife beating mandarin ducks. Among them, eight women, like aunt Xiaocui, were humiliated by Zhao Yufeng in the street first, and then bullied by hooligans soon, so they had to leave Yanjing."

Chu fan hurriedly asked, "Li Bin did all this?"

Kong Qingqing shook her head: "it\'s not Li Bin, but his wife, Zhao Yufeng. She found the gang of hooligans. The leader is Cao Tiezhu, Zhao Yufeng\'s cousin."

"Cao Tiezhu used to be a gangster in his hometown. He was idle, but he was very good at women. He and Zhao Yufeng had an ambiguous relationship since childhood. Even if Zhao Yufeng got married, they still maintained this relationship and kept in touch."

"The eight victims, including aunt Xiaocui, were all done by Cao Tiezhu at the instigation of Zhao Yufeng. The police have not been able to solve the case because there was also a director of the police station involved."

Speaking of this, Xia Yanran stood up and said in a deep voice, "I\'m going to check it and arrange someone to control it. I should be willing to check it quickly. Don\'t want to run away."

Bian Qingwu held her mother\'s shoulder and whispered to comfort the sobbing Liang Xiaocui. This is also a matter of no way. Every victimized woman doesn\'t want others to know her own affairs. If she doesn\'t tell them, she will let the murderer go unpunished and make the murderer worse.

For such people, we can\'t shrink back, otherwise, it will encourage the arrogance of the murderer.

Catch it well. There are not many such people shot. If a bad man dies, at least one good man will be saved from being killed. worth!

Kong Qingqing paused for a moment and continued: "yuyifang Pharmaceutical Group has been unable to make ends meet and is in a state of loss. Moreover, yuyifang pharmaceutical group still has serious tax evasion. Otherwise, just paying taxes will bring yuyifang down."

"In addition, yuyifang pharmaceutical group still has a number of huge loans and is simply unable to repay them. The most important thing is that Li Hongfei once pushed a pregnant girl downstairs and killed two people."

"Stop talking." Chu fan interrupted Kong Qingqing\'s words, looked at Xiaocui with tears on her face, and said to Bian Qingwu, "Qingwu, help aunt back to her room to have a rest. Just leave it to us and ensure that they will be punished as they deserve."

"Hmm!" Bian Qingwu picked up his mother, and they got up and went upstairs.

Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. It\'s not the time to not report. Since Li Bin and his son sent them to the door by themselves, they can no longer let them be at ease. As for how to deal with them, this problem needs to be studied carefully.

In the evening, Chu fan took Kong Qingqing and Tang Feifei to the door of Dihao club. Looking at the luxurious and neon flashing plaque, Chu fan was speechless.

It\'s really a narrow road. I found it here again. Ah Jiu, ah Jiu, it\'s not my brother who can\'t get along with you. It\'s your brother\'s friends. There\'s no good man.
