The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 934

"Let bygones be bygones."

Liang Xiaocui sighed: "I\'m very satisfied with my life now. It doesn\'t matter what hatred or hatred. Besides, I blamed me for being too young and simple. Even if I didn\'t meet Li Bin, I would meet someone else. So, forget it."

Chu Fan said in a deep voice, "aunt, if he just deceived your feelings, I certainly wouldn\'t invite you. But you don\'t want to know who was behind the scenes behind the bullying?"

"You mean..."

"I\'m not sure yet, but if it\'s confirmed that it\'s related to Li Bin, I\'ll say it for you."

When it comes to this, Liang Xiaocui can say nothing more. In the final analysis, it was those little gangsters who really hurt her. They made her insane and came to the small fishing village. She could not remember what had happened in the middle, nor did she want to remember it again.

For Li Bin, she only has resentment, but she has not reached the point of hatred. She complained that since he didn\'t want to divorce his wife, why did he provoke himself? Why cheat yourself?

But for those gangsters who ravaged her, she only had unforgettable hatred. She would never forget the experience of that day in her life. It was dark, and her world was dark.

Chu fan pretended to be relaxed and smiled and said, "aunt Xiaocui, you don\'t have to think too much. Just come to relax and leave all other things to me. Tomorrow, I\'ll show you around and have a good walk."

"OK, listen to you." Liang Xiaocui finally breathed a sigh of relief, patted him on the arm and went out.

At dinner, Kong Qingqing and Tang Feifei finally arrived together. They sat down and ate like starving ghosts.

Chu fan quickly poured two glasses of juice: "you two slow down. What\'s the matter? It seems that you haven\'t eaten all day. What have you two done?"

"Still talking!"

Tang Feifei took a look at him and said vaguely, "you left a mess in miaojiang and patted your ass and left. How do you let Ziyan deal with it alone? You really love her."

Chu fan was surprised and said, "did you two go to miaojiang?"

"Of course, you don\'t care, I can\'t care." Tang Feifei sipped the juice and said, "Fenghuang village and several surrounding villages have set up huge fans of wind turbines. Fenghuang village can use electric lights and watch TV in no more than seven days at the latest."

Chu fan is a little ashamed. During this time, he is so busy that he forgot to call Ziyan. Thanks to Tang Feifei\'s help, otherwise, Ziyan must be kept off the ground for so many things.

But turning his head, he asked curiously, "Qingqing, what did you do with it?"

"Can the huge fan of the wind turbine stand up without me? Hum, dream!" Kong Qingqing snorted.

Chu fan touched his nose and looked at Tang Feifei, waiting for her to solve her doubts. Tang Feifei wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth. Mans said methodically, "you don\'t know that place in miaojiang. It\'s all mountain roads, and large machinery can\'t be transported at all. Even those wind turbines are lifted by steel wire rope by borrowing military helicopters."

"However, other people\'s helicopters can\'t stay there all the time. They are on call for you. At this time, I thought of Qingqing." Tang Feifei said with a proud smile, "I asked her for help and called some strong friends over. With their help, it\'s no problem to erect a huge fan. It\'s easier than a crane."

Now, Chu fan figured out that his feelings were to pull Kong Qingqing to be a strong man. To say the effort, Tielin and others of the demon family are really suitable. They have convenient action and infinite power. They are simply a humanoid crane.

Kong Qingqing finally had enough to eat and drink. He asked, "what\'s the matter with you in such a hurry to call us?"

Chu fan winked at her and said with a smile, "are you full? Let\'s go home when you\'re full and drunk."

For convenience, several people didn\'t go too far for dinner. They were near Suyu\'s house. Chu fan strolled around and sent Bian Kui and his wife back to Suyu\'s residence. He drove and prepared to go back to Xia Yanran\'s small duplex building. At this time, Bian Qingwu opened the door and got on the co pilot.

Chu fan glanced at her and said nothing. He started the car and drove towards Xia Yanran\'s home.

Originally, Xia Yanran shared her house with Qiaoyun and Jiang Siyan, but now Jiang Siyan is very busy and rarely comes back to live. Qiaoyun wanders around the sea all day looking for the legendary Penglai Fairy Island. She can\'t see her in the middle of the night for ten days.

Therefore, Kong Qingqing and her family live here, which is still very spacious.

This time, when Bian Kui and his wife were away, Chu fan didn\'t have so many scruples. He told the whole story. Suddenly, Kong Qingqing and Tang Feifei were filled with righteous indignation. They almost went to find Li Bin now to find out the truth, and then break him up.

This kind of person shouldn\'t let him live in the world. It\'s a waste of air.

"This is the information you asked me to check." Xia Yanran came out of the study, holding a stack of printed information in her hand and sent it to Chu fan.

Chu fan took it and quickly looked at it. He frowned and said, "that\'s all?"

"No way. It\'s been too long. It\'s too difficult to find out all the gangsters who committed crimes at that time. However, there are still some clues to check, but it takes time, not one or two days."

"Don\'t worry, I estimate that it will take Li Bin at least three days to deal with the company\'s affairs." Chu fan asked, "is three days enough? As long as I can find one of the original gangsters, I can let him speak and nail Li Bin to death."

Xia Yan nodded: "three days should be enough. You talk and I\'ll make a call."

Kong Qingqing took an apple in his hand and said carelessly, "as for such a hard work, take me to meet the guy named Li Bin. I can even find out about his bed wetting when he was a child."

Chu fan didn\'t have a good way: "what we want now is evidence. We want to ruin him. We want him to have nothing."

"It\'s not easy to want evidence?" Tang Feifei gave him a white look. "You forget what I do? As long as it is confirmed that Li Bin did it, I can let him tell the story in detail to the judge."

That\'s a good idea, but Chu fan noticed that Bian Qingwu\'s face was not very good. He hurriedly asked, "Qingwu, are you uncomfortable? Otherwise, go back to your room and have a rest."

"Elder brother, can I ask you something?" Bian Qingwu hesitated and said faintly.

Chu Fan said with a smile, "Why are you polite to me? If you have anything, just say it. I promise you."

"I don\'t want this to be publicized. If it is really confirmed that the man did it, please give him to me. I will kill him myself and avenge my mother."

Chu fan patted her on the head and comforted, "I understand, but let me do this. Don\'t worry, even if he is alive, I will make him a hundred times more painful than dead."

At night, while sleeping, Chu fan had another dream. He dreamed that he had become king Zhou again. Tang Feifei was still the fox spirit. They were ridiculous for most of the night. They tossed and exhausted and fell asleep.

The next morning, according to the plan discussed last night, Chu fan called Li Bin and asked him out for tea. This time, he didn\'t bring Su Yu, but Kong Qingqing.

"Sorry, I\'m late." Li Bin not only brought his son, but also a middle-aged beautiful woman. Seeing that she was richly dressed and famous brand all over, don\'t ask, it must be Li Bin\'s wife.

Sure enough, Li Bin introduced for the first time: "this is my wife Zhao Yufeng, the actual controlling shareholder of Yuyi square."

"Hello, general Chu!" Zhao Yufeng smiled gently and implicitly. He shook hands with Chu fan and said with a smile, "I\'ve heard that general Chu is young, but he has been in a high position and has earned a huge family fortune. When I saw him today, he is indeed a dragon and Phoenix among people, elegant and elegant."

"Mrs. Li is flattered. Please sit down." Chu fan turns around and sees Kong Qingqing. He casually introduces him, "this is my assistant, Kong Qingqing!"

"Hello!" Zhao Yufeng shook hands with her politely. Although Kong Qingqing is only an assistant, it depends on who she serves. Besides, she\'s so beautiful. What kind of assistant is she? All know!

After greeting, several people sat down respectively. Chu fan smiled and asked, "Dong Li, I\'m serious about yesterday\'s proposal. How are you thinking?"

Li Bin was secretly pleased. It seems that Chu fan is a little worried. Just be anxious, which shows that the imperial medical workshop has something he likes. In this way, he can take the initiative in the negotiation and may be able to sell more money.

Chu fan doesn\'t care about the big business of hundreds of millions, but it\'s not a small amount on Li Bin. If he can ask for three or five hundred million more, he\'ll be rich.

However, despite the secret joy in his heart, Li Bin didn\'t reveal it at all on the surface and said, "general Chu, to tell you the truth, I went back yesterday afternoon and told the members of the board of directors about it. Now, the members of the board of directors are divided into two factions, one advocates selling the company, while the other insists on guarding the company."

Chu Fan said curiously, "Why are you still guarding the company when the imperial medical workshop has reached this level? Do you have to wait until the company goes bankrupt before you are willing to let go?"

"General Chu doesn\'t know anything. In fact, they don\'t want to sell, but the price... Alas!" Li Bin sighed, "Also blame me. I was too anxious yesterday and wanted to transfer part of the shares to you. Therefore, the price I said was about 30% lower than the market price, but who knew you were going to buy the whole company? I didn\'t care, but other directors suspected that I colluded with you to sell the company at a low price, and I made a profit."

Li Bin spread his hand with a bitter smile: "you say, who am I going to reason with?"

PS: Thank you for the red envelope reward support of "17k book friends rwtn831nc"!