The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 933

Originally, Li Bin wanted to use his three inch expert tongue to persuade Chu fan to inject capital into his imperial medicine workshop. As long as there is a large amount of capital injection and Chu fan\'s huge background support, the imperial medicine workshop will certainly usher in the second spring. It\'s difficult not to prosper.

But what he didn\'t expect was that Chu fan was not just a general in a hundred battles, but also a shrewd businessman. Moreover, the military intelligence system is too powerful. In such a short period of time, it is far from simple to find out the current situation of his imperial medical workshop. It is far from simple to want him to pay and go next to his big tree.

At this stage of the company, Li Bin has no way to go. His technology is backward, he has no ability to develop new products, and he can\'t collect a lot of bad debts. There are also huge chain stores, like leeches attached to the company, which suck up the imperial medicine workshop sooner or later.

Yuyifang is in urgent need of reform, but this premise needs huge financial support. Otherwise, he can only watch yuyifang lose money again and again until the company goes bankrupt.

In fact, he came to find Su Yu. His treatment was false. His real purpose was to take a fancy to Su Yu\'s Jishitang pharmaceutical company. Especially now Jishitang pharmaceutical company is at the height of the sun. Traditional Chinese medicine preparations for treating various diseases have been developed one after another, just like eating.

Once the imperial medical workshop and Jishitang reach cooperation, the stagnant water of the imperial medical workshop can be revitalized. Of course, he didn\'t know the relationship between Jishitang and Chu fan at that time. After seeing Chu fan and being taken away by the police, his brain became alive and changed to Chu fan\'s route.

As long as you climb the big tree of Chu fan, you will certainly prosper in the future. Reputation, status and wealth will all come to the bowl. Therefore, he deliberately let his son get close to Lingxiang. As long as he took the little girl, Chu fan loved his house and Wu, so he had to take care of his imperial medical workshop. Of course, it would be better if Chu fan could invest in yuyifang.

"General Chu, don\'t rush to refuse first." Li Bin calmed down, took a sip from his glass and said in a deep voice, "There are indeed many problems in our imperial medicine workshop, but compared with the huge scale of the company, these problems are nothing at all. Moreover, these problems are problems for me. If you inject capital into the imperial medicine workshop, these problems will be solved easily. Who dares not to give you face?"

Chu fan smiled: "so, Dong Li is interested in my contacts?"

"I don\'t deny it, but I need more money now." Li Bin thought for a moment and said, "if you want to completely change the current situation of Yuyi square, you need to inject at least 1 billion. This money is an astronomical figure for others, but it should be nothing for general Chu. As long as you are willing to inject capital, you should be able to get 25% - 30% of the shares."

Chu fan knocked on the table with his finger: "according to this, as long as I take out four billion, I can buy the whole imperial medicine workshop. Is that right?"


Li Bin and Li Hongfei are stupid. This is really a local rich man. He wants to buy the whole company. Four billion. Is he burning more money?

Li Hongfei looked at his father excitedly and almost urged him to promise. Four billion yuan. Even if the company is not all owned by their Li family, they can get at least 55%, that is, two billion yuan.

With so much money, what company do you want? Just get rid of this heavy burden and start again in another place. With so much money, why not? Why hang from a tree?

Li Bin was equally excited, but he was much more stable than his son. He forced himself to calm down. After seeing Chu fan looking at the sky, he couldn\'t help asking, "general Chu, are you kidding? Do you really want to buy the whole imperial medical workshop?"

"I\'m free. How can I make you happy with this?" Chu Fan said indifferently, "But it\'s only four billion yuan. This little money is not enough to win a gamble. Well, go back and discuss with the shareholders, calculate the company\'s accounts clearly, and give me an appropriate price. As long as it\'s confirmed that there is no problem, I\'ll buy the imperial medicine workshop and give it to my Suyu wife."

"Thank you!" Suyu smiled at him modestly. Although he didn\'t know what he wanted to do, he must have his reason for doing so. She just had to cooperate.

Lingxiang was worried. She winked at Chu fan for several times. Unfortunately, Chu fan didn\'t seem to see it and began to eat and drink. In the end, Chu fan and Suyu were full, but Lingxiang didn\'t want to eat at all because she was worried about Chu fan.

Seeing that the working time in the afternoon was approaching, Chu fan got up and said goodbye to the Li family. He left happily with Su Yu and Ling Xiang. Outside, Li Hongfei had already arranged a driver to take Chu fan and others back to the medicine shop. After Chu fan and his son left, they took a taxi back to the company. The directors of the company had been waiting for a long time.

Back in the medicine shop, Chu fan lies directly on the bed in the rest room in the consulting room and sleeps. Su Yu starts working in the afternoon again. Ling Xiang leads people in and can\'t help but go inside and pushes Chu fan on his shoulder.

"Wake up, don\'t sleep!"

"What are you doing?" Chu fan turned over impatiently. "I have something to say tomorrow. I\'m sleepy."

"Are you still in the mood to sleep?"

Ling Xiang shouted, "if you want to buy a four billion dollar company, you can buy it? At least discuss with the people in our company? In case of loss, whose money is it?"

"Don\'t worry, even if you really lose, you won\'t lose your dowry." Chu fan\'s mouth full of wine fumes made Ling Xiang cover his mouth and nose, frowned, turned in disgust and walked out quickly.

I\'m worried about what he does. The money is his. It\'s better to lose it all.

Lingxiang is holding her mobile phone and hesitates. Should she tell Li Hongfei to ask him to die for money?

Chu fan slept until more than five o\'clock in the afternoon. When he woke up, Su Yu\'s work was over. He changed his casual clothes and was sitting by the bed reading. Seeing Chu fan wake up, she quickly put down the book and asked, "are you thirsty? I poured you a glass of water and get up and have a drink."

Chu fan drank up the water in one breath, belched comfortably and said, "Suyu, don\'t you have anything to ask?"

"What do you want to ask? About the acquisition of imperial medicine workshop?" Su Yu smiled and shook her head. "I can feel that you don\'t really want to buy this company, but you must have your reason for doing so. If I should know, you will naturally tell me that I shouldn\'t know. It\'s useless for me to ask."

"There\'s nothing you can\'t say," Chu Fan said in a deep voice. "There\'s only one reason. This guy Li Bin hurt Bian Qingwu\'s mother. Originally, I didn\'t intend to pay attention to him, but I didn\'t expect him to come to the door himself, so I can\'t ignore it."

"Hurt Bian Qingwu\'s mother? What\'s going on?"

Chu fan simply said the matter again, and immediately he almost broke Su Yu\'s silver teeth with anger. A fierce murderous spirit burst out in his eyes: "why bother so much, just let me kill him and avenge Qingwu\'s mother."

"Isn\'t it too cheap to kill him?" Chu fan sneered. "I doubt that the gangsters who bullied aunt Xiaocui also have something to do with this Li Bin. Otherwise, how can there be such a coincidence?"

"No matter who is involved, I won\'t let him go easily. Doesn\'t Li Bin want money? I\'ll give him hope, and then take everything he has, let them go to the street to beg, and let their family live rather than die."

Su Yu calmed down and asked, "is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, you can\'t help me with this. I\'ll find a professional to check it for me." Chu fan grabbed the cell phone at the head of the bed, called Xia Yanran and asked her to help check the case as soon as possible. Later, another call was made to Kong Qingqing, who was far away in Sichuan Province, and Tang Feifei, who stayed in Chongqing.

That night, Chu fan drove Maserati, who Qiaoyun left in Yanjing, and took Suyu to the airport. After waiting for about 20 minutes, an airliner from Dongshan province landed at Yanjing airport. Soon, he saw Bian Qingwu\'s mother and daughter, as well as Bian Kui and Bian Qingzhou, coming out of the airport channel.

"Light dance, here!"

Chu fan waved and shouted. Bian lightly danced and immediately found Chu fan in the crowd. He hurried over with a suitcase.

"Well, are you still used to flying?" Chu fan asked with a smile and took the suitcase in her hand.

Bian Qingwu reluctantly smiled: "it\'s OK, but I\'m a little anxious to wait."

If she were herself, she must have flown over. With her supersonic and terrible speed, she could come to Yanjing city in only a few minutes. But with her parents and brother, she can only fly with her.

In contrast, Bian Kui and his wife don\'t look very well. It may be the first time to fly. With Chu fan\'s greetings, they both reluctantly smiled and followed out of the airport hall. Until this time, Chu fan found that his car was too small to hold so many people. Just when he was worried, next to Maserati, a running door opened, and Xia Yanran jumped out of the car and waved.

Chu fan immediately walked over excitedly: "Why are you here?"

"Before Qingwu got on the plane, he sent me a text message saying that all four of their family were coming." Xia Yanran gave Chu fan a white look, "I knew you were careless and wouldn\'t think so much, so you drove over directly."

"Hey, hey, I\'m still sweet. My wife is careful." Chu fan leaned over and whispered, "there\'s a reward tonight."

"Fuck off!" Xia Yanran pushed him away angrily and warmly greeted Bian Kui and his wife to get on the bus. Soon, the two cars left the airport one after another and came to the courtyard where Su Yu lived. It\'s clean, beautiful and spacious. The whole west wing room is empty. Bian Kui\'s family is more than enough.

After settling down Bian Qingwu\'s family, Chu fan made plans to take several people out to dinner, but Liang Xiaocui called Chu fan to a place where no one was, hesitated and said, "Chu fan, aunt doesn\'t want to investigate the previous things..."