The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 932

Chu Fanyuan planned to leave after lunch, but Suyu suddenly wanted to show him in a bikini. For this reason, she had to stay one night before leaving.

In fact, he knew very well that Suyu was reluctant to leave him, so he changed the law and tried to keep him for one day. After all, they spend too little time together and too much time apart.

Bear it again. After I have solved the blood clan, the Vatican Vatican and the guards of the gods, and the red umbrella company jointly founded by the three giants, night city and the Four Saints\' servant corps are on the right track, I will take my wives and find a place with elegant environment to live in seclusion. Then we can be together all day.

In other words, how come there is no news of Meredith, the blood queen these days? It seems that they have disappeared. There is no movement at all. However, this is not necessarily a good thing. It may be brewing a shocking conspiracy.

Anyway, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Let\'s feed Su Yu\'s wife first.

Speaking of it, Li Hongfei is really an expert in picking up girls. Chu fan is ashamed of this. Although the women around him far exceeded Li Hongfei in quantity and quality, Chu fan had to admire him for his ability.

If Chu fan and Li Hongfei walk side by side in the street, I believe that 80% of women look at Li Hongfei, because he is handsome, wears famous brands, raises his hands and feet with the self-confidence of the rich childe, that kind of polite temperament and occasionally bold eyes can definitely make any woman\'s heart beat faster.

Although Chu fan\'s image is also good, by contrast, he is inferior. No way, who made him deliberately keep a low profile. Long ordinary, wear again ordinary, eyes will not discharge, see beautiful women will not chat, ask, who will like such a man? The bank card in his pocket does have astronomical figures. Unfortunately, no matter how much money you have, who knows? Far less effective than a luxury car key.

When Chu fan and Su Yu went out, Li Hongfei was standing at the door with Ling Xiang. I don\'t know what joke he told. He teased Ling Xiang to cover her stomach and burst into tears. At this rate, it is estimated that she will have to change from a girl to a woman at night.

"Chu Shao, I\'ve booked a place. Let\'s go there now?" seeing Chu fan coming out, Li Hongfei hurriedly pulled Lingxiang forward. Lingxiang\'s small hand was caught. It was like an electric shock. She quickly threw away his hand. She looked at Suyu ruddy. She was relieved to see that she didn\'t pay attention. Then Li Hongfei gave a white look. This guy is becoming more and more presumptuous!

Chu Fan said with a smile, "don\'t be so polite. Just call my name."

"Well, I\'ll just call brother fan." Li Hongfei was very good at coming and said warmly, "brother fan, sister-in-law, take my car. The car is in the parking lot and you\'ll be there in a few steps."

The sound of sister-in-law immediately brought the distance between the two sides closer. Su Yu\'s uneasiness on her face was finally relieved. She felt that Li Hongfei was good. If she really liked Lingxiang, it would be good.

Li Hongfei drove a silver gray range rover. Lingxiang directly opened the door and sat in the co pilot. Li Hongfei opened the rear door, waited for Chu fan to get on the bus, then returned to the driving position and drove out steadily.

Along the way, Li Hongfei kept talking, but he wouldn\'t give people the feeling of boredom. Even Chu fan began to feel that he was exquisite and worthy of communication. He knows a lot, from military and politics to clothing and food. Unknowingly, the car drove to the place. Unexpectedly, it was not a five-star hotel. On the contrary, it was a courtyard similar to Suyu\'s residence.

"Brother fan, you must have never been here." Li Hongfei said with a smile, "this is a private restaurant. It is said that it is the descendant of the chef of the imperial dining room in the palace and can make Manchu and Han banquet. He only makes two tables every day. If you want to eat, you have to book three days in advance. Sometimes he can\'t book it."

Chu fan smiled: "it seems that you took great pains for today\'s meal."

"Oh, brother fan, don\'t get me wrong." Li Hongfei said with a bitter smile, "my father is kind to the owner of this shop, so we are an exception. We can come at any time. As long as we have enough ingredients, we can avoid the manual fee and don\'t need money."

"Ha ha, ha ha, I\'m just saying it casually." Chu fan patted Li Hongfei on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I\'m going to drool after you say that. Hurry in."

Just entering the door, a middle-aged woman welcomed out and warmly greeted several people to the backyard. In the middle of a small pond surrounded by the garden, there was an all wooden pavilion with an eight immortals table. There was already a middle-aged man sitting there.

Seeing Chu fan coming, the middle-aged man quickly stood up, stretched out his hand from a distance, came forward and said with a smile: "general Chu, I\'ve heard a lot about your name... Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Li Bin. I\'m Hongfei\'s father and the chairman of yuyifang Pharmaceutical Group Company."

With that, Li Bin took out two business cards from his pocket, handed them to Chu fan and Su Yu respectively, and warmly asked them to sit down.

"Li Bin... Yuyifang Pharmaceutical Group..." Chu fan frowned and thought, "I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

Li Bin picked up the purple clay pot on the table, poured tea for Chu fan and said with a smile, "in our China, we are still famous for the imperial medicine group. However, it is far from your Jishitang. Hahaha, in the future, we have to ask general Chu to take care of it."

"Hehe, we can\'t talk about taking care of you. It\'s only right for everyone to make money together." Chu fan took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "our Jishi hall is a newly built company, and there are still many shortcomings. Many places have to learn more from your Imperial medicine workshop."

"It\'s normal to learn from and communicate with each other," Li Bin said with a smile. "If general Chu is interested, the door of our company will be open to you at any time. You are welcome to visit and guide at any time."


Several people were talking happily. Chu fan\'s cell phone suddenly rang. He took a look. It was Bian Qingwu. Suddenly, Chu fan had a flash in his mind and thought of some information.

No wonder I think this guy named Li Bin is familiar. Isn\'t he the gentle scum who cheated Bian Qingwu\'s mother and made her insane? It\'s really a narrow road for my friends. I haven\'t bothered him yet. He jumped out by himself and brought it to the door.

At this time, looking at Li Bin and Li Hongfei\'s father and son, Chu fan thought their smiles were too fake, but why didn\'t he notice them before?

"Light dance, tell you a good news." Chu fan repressed his excitement and said in a low voice, "I found Li Bin."

"Who is Li Bin?" Bian Qingwu was a little confused for a moment. She called Chu fan to ask him to have a seafood dinner in the evening. Anyway, it was only a few minutes for him. Unexpectedly, Chu fan gave her a big surprise before she could speak.

Chu fan glanced back and whispered, "you forgot aunt Xiaocui\'s first boyfriend, the guy who deceived her feelings."


Bian Qingwu became angry and said, "you found him? Where is he? I\'ll go right away."

"I\'m in Yanjing city." Chu fan hesitated and asked, "do you want to talk to aunt Xiaocui about this? Or let her come too?"

"I\'ll ask my mother first and I\'ll send you a text message later." Bian Qingwu hung up the phone.

Chu Fan Shi ran walked back. The middle-aged woman had started serving food. It was cool and hot. It was really full of color, smell and taste. It made people have an appetite and saliva.

Suyu whispered, "who\'s calling you? If anything..."

"It\'s all right. I have to stay in Yanjing for a few more days." Chu fan picked up his glass and said with a smile, "Dong Li, you are an elder in medicine. I have to learn more from you. I respect you for this glass of wine."

"Oh, don\'t dare, don\'t dare!" Li Bin quickly picked up his glass, "learn from each other, learn from each other."

Li Hongfei hurriedly served the dishes, and constantly introduced the materials used in the dishes and the cooking process, as if he were a chef. What\'s rare is that he still speaks clearly, as if it was really his fried dish.

Before long, Chu fan received a text message. He picked up his mobile phone, glanced at it, put it on the table and said with a smile, "Dong Li, it seems that the development of your company has encountered a bottleneck?"

Li Bin\'s smile suddenly froze on his face, turned into a bitter smile, and said, "it\'s general Chu who has figured out the current situation of our company so quickly. Yes, our imperial medicine workshop has indeed encountered a bottleneck and has reached the critical moment of life and death."

In fact, the message was sent by Bian Qingwu, but Li Bin didn\'t know. He thought Chu fan had someone investigate their company. With Chu fan\'s energy, investigating a company is not a piece of cake? Li Bin had tried to hide it as much as possible, but unexpectedly, he was cheated by Chu fan\'s text message and didn\'t admit it to himself.

Chu fan was surprised and said, "not really? Yuyifang is also one of the largest pharmaceutical group companies in the industry. Chain pharmacies almost opened abroad. How can it be so serious?"

"The bigger the shop, the more money you earn, but correspondingly, the greater the consumption." Li Bin sighed. "Now the imperial medical workshop is like an old man with a big mountain on his back. He is unable to take another step forward."

"What does Dong Li mean..."

Li Bin said excitedly: "general Chu has huge financial resources. If he is willing to inject capital, the imperial medical workshop will inject fresh blood and will soon be rejuvenated. At that time, he will certainly earn a lot of money..."

"Stop!" Chu fan waved to interrupt him, and the old God said, "I do have money, but why should I invest in your imperial medicine workshop? To say a bad word, your company must be full of holes. No matter how much money I invest, it\'s useless."