The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 931

In three days, under the drastic reform of Chu fan, Jishitang medicine shop opened with a new look.

First of all, an adjacent store was opened, and the middle partition opened a door, which became Su Yu\'s exclusive sitting room. In addition, the original Jishitang pharmacy has added a computer number receiving machine. As long as you brush your ID card, you can get a number note indicating your identity and the exclusive words of Jishitang pharmacy.

The machine is guarded by security personnel, and the store is also guarded by security personnel to maintain order, which not only greatly improves the efficiency, but also eliminates the scalper party and greatly facilitates the patients. The key to the one-stop service of seeing a doctor and filling medicine is that the price of medicinal materials is cheap and free of medical fees.

For a time, the name of the miracle doctor Su Yu fairy spread to the surrounding districts and counties centered on Yanjing city. Many patients even came from other places to find Su Yu for treatment. She was so busy that she didn\'t even have time to eat with Chu fan.

On the other hand, Jishitang pharmaceutical company in Guizhou is also gradually sending the developed traditional Chinese medicine preparations to Suyu. Some patients who are too lazy to cook traditional Chinese medicine want convenience and buy finished drugs directly. The efficacy is no worse than that of boiled traditional Chinese medicine, but the price is slightly higher. But for those patients who don\'t need money, this traditional Chinese medicine preparation with non-toxic side effects and health preservation is more popular.

She made Jishitang famous, and its specialty traditional Chinese medicine preparations were recognized by the majority of patients. She immediately attracted countless orders for Jishitang pharmaceutical company. The light Pharmaceutical Workshop doubled in a short time and was very busy.

In order to prevent the poisoning of deteriorated medicinal materials, Su Yu specially called to tell him that unlike other things, medicinal materials can\'t be careless. A little carelessness will kill people.

To this end, he Xiaolin began to focus on the purchase of medicinal materials. Any medicinal materials entering the company should be accepted by her in person. It was Su Yu\'s timely advice that stopped a batch of inferior medicinal materials from entering. The person in charge of the purchase of medicinal materials who wanted to mix fish\'s eyes with pearls and make a big profit was dismissed from the company on the spot as an example.

There are not a few people who are mercenary, but after he Xiaolin focused on the purchase of medicinal materials, they basically put an end to their ideas. It\'s nothing to earn some price difference, and it\'s not a big deal to receive some kickbacks, but if you want to get moldy and deteriorated medicinal materials to harm people, don\'t blame the company for being cruel.

It doesn\'t matter if you earn a little money, but it may destroy the whole company. Once such a black sheep is found and never hired, those involved in a large case will even be sent to the judicial organ to bear the corresponding legal consequences.

Seeing Jishitang on the right track, Chu fan is ready to go back. Before leaving, Su Yu wants to have lunch with him. Chu fan naturally can\'t refuse this little request, so he stays in Su Yu\'s consulting room and waits for her to get off work.

When he was almost asleep, it was eleven o\'clock at last. Su Yu just finished looking at a patient. Chu fan quickly stood up and urged, "come here at noon. Let\'s go to dinner first?"

"Well, good!" Suyu was also a little tired and ordered Lingxiang to ask the people outside to disperse first and continue in the afternoon. But when she was ready to change her clothes and have dinner with Chu fan, Ling Xiang walked in with a embarrassed face.

"Martial uncle, there is a man named Li Bin outside. The situation is special. Can you help him first?" Lingxiang asked nervously.

This kind of thing happens almost every day. If everyone asks Su Yu to help see a doctor, she doesn\'t have to eat or sleep. From the first day of opening, Su Yu has formulated a strict time system for himself. Anyway, there are no emergency patients who come to see him. There will be no problem waiting.

Two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. She goes to work and leaves work on time. It\'s OK to delay for a few minutes, but she will never delay her work and rest time because of a patient. It\'s not her inhumanity, it\'s the rules.

For so long, Ling Xiang knows this very well, but why is she so unconventional today that she pleaded for help?

Before Su Yu could speak, Chu fan suddenly asked, "xiaolingxiang, when did you change your mobile phone?"

"Ah!" Ling Xiang was startled, subconsciously covered her trouser pocket, hesitated and couldn\'t speak.

Although it was just a glance, Su Yu still saw the outline of a mobile phone. It was not the one used by Lingxiang at all. His face suddenly sank and sternly scolded: "how many times have I told you? You can\'t accept the gift from the patient. Why don\'t you listen? Send it back quickly."


Lingxiang was tearful and walked out wronged, but as soon as she opened the door, a young man crowded in, smiled and said, "miracle doctor, I heard it outside. It\'s just a mobile phone, which is not worth a few money. If you\'re busy, we won\'t do anything in the afternoon."

Su Yu said faintly, "I appreciate your kindness, but we can\'t accept it. Lingxiang!"

Ling Xianglian hurriedly took out his mobile phone and stuffed it into the young man\'s hand. He also glared at him: "here you are. People say no. you have to give it. I\'m scolded. Are you satisfied?"

"Lingxiang, I didn\'t give you your cell phone to bribe you." the young man seemed to say sincerely, "I really just want to make friends with you. There\'s no other meaning."

"I don\'t want it!" Lingxiang\'s face was red, a little nervous and cramped, and hurried back to Suyu\'s back. But instead of being angry, she looked shy and excited.

Some people pursue to prove that they have grown up. No, some men began to be uncontrollable and come to confess.

So excited!

Chu fan suddenly said, "I seem to have seen you somewhere. Your name is..."

"Li Hongfei!"

The man smiled shyly and said, "two days ago, my father and I went to the quadrangle and bought a number from the scalpers. As a result, you called the police and took it away."

"I remember, it\'s you boy." Chu fan waved his hand. "OK, take back your things. You have to use snacks to chase girls. You can\'t spend money alone."

Li Hongfei said with a bitter smile, "I want to be careful, but Lingxiang stays with Suyu fairy all day. It\'s hard for me to ask her for dinner. Well, why don\'t I invite you to lunch and make a friend by the way? My father also runs a pharmaceutical company. Maybe we still have cooperation."

Su Yu glanced at Ling Xiang and saw her as a shy girl. She obviously wanted to go out to dinner with Li Hongfei. But I don\'t know why. Suyu always thinks Li Hongfei\'s purpose is impure. If pure Lingxiang goes out with him, he must suffer a heavy loss.

But if you refuse, Lingxiang is safe, but she will not be happy. She will even complain that she destroys her boyfriend. After thinking about it, Suyu nodded: "it\'s just that we\'re going out to dinner. Why don\'t I invite you to know each other."

"How can I make you spend money? In the afternoon, I have to ask you to see my father." Li Hongfei was very happy. He quickly stuffed his mobile phone into Lingxiang, winked at her and whispered, "my phone number is stored in it. If you have time to contact wechat."

Subsequently, Li Hongfei took out his mobile phone, made a phone call and walked out quickly. Looks like that. It\'s time to order.

"Little girl, spring is moving?" Chu Fan said with a bad smile. "You have to be careful. Good-looking men can\'t be relied on. He may have a plot to get close to you."

Lingxiang glared at him and hummed, "don\'t think about people like you. What\'s my plot? Besides, I don\'t want to do with him. I\'m just making friends, eating and chatting."

"Yes, eat, chat, go shopping, watch movies, and go to bed."

"Bah, bah, bah, the dog can\'t spit out ivory. You think everyone is like you. You\'re dirty."

Chu fan curled his lips: "well intentioned to remind you that you regard kindness as a donkey\'s liver and lung. Forget it, anyway, I remind you. It\'s too late to cry at that time."

Before Ling Xiang could speak, Su Yu said seriously, "Ling Xiang, I don\'t care if you make friends, but you should be measured and don\'t be deceived by men\'s rhetoric, you know?"

"Martial uncle, I\'m not a child. I can tell what\'s good and what\'s bad." for fear that Su Yu\'s lesson will not be over, Ling Xiang hurriedly urged, "let\'s go. It\'s bad to let others wait for a long time."

With that, Lingxiang went out first. It seemed that she couldn\'t wait.

Su Yu frowned with some worry. Chu fan advised, "don\'t worry, Lingxiang is smart. It\'s not so easy to take advantage of her."

"She\'s smart, but emotionally, she\'s a piece of white paper. I\'m really afraid she\'s cheated."

"You, don\'t worry." Chu fan hugged her waist and said with a smile, "since Li Hongfei knows me, he naturally knows my identity. If he wants to move Lingxiang, he has to weigh his consequences first. Don\'t worry, it will be fine!"

"I hope it\'s my heart." Suyu broke away from Chu fan, went to the inner lounge, changed a broken flower dress, grabbed a leather handbag and took the initiative to put Chu fan\'s arm on.

Chu Fan said with a smile, "wife, you are more and more like an urban white-collar Beauty."

"Why, you don\'t like it?"

"Of course." Chu fan stroked her drooping hair behind her ears and said, "however, I still like you. You are white and do not have the slightest earthly vulgarity. You are like a fairy demoted to the world. You are ethereal and noble."

Su Yu looked down and said nervously, "why don\'t I change it back?"

"Forget it, I\'ll just talk about it." Chu fan laughed. "You\'re not a fairy now. You\'re my wife. I like it regardless of what you wear and how you dress. In this way, I\'ll take you to the beach when I have time. You\'ll be beautiful when you change into a bikini."

"I\'m not wearing it."

Su Yu\'s cheeks were slightly red. She suddenly came to Chu fan\'s ear and whispered, "if you want to see it, I\'ll show it to you alone in the evening."