The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 930

"Talented people from all generations have led the way for hundreds of years."

The old man looked at Chu fan, nodded and said, "the old man has heard a little about the deeds of general Chu. Although the killing nature is quite heavy, the bones of a general are withered. Which historical famous general did not step on the bones of thousands of people? Killing one is for sin, slaughtering ten thousand is for male, and general Chu can afford to be a hero."

"The old man flattered me!" Chu fan smiled modestly.

The old man smiled and said, "you are too modest. Hehe, it\'s rare that general Chu is so young and generous. He also set up the Jishitang medical school to cure the people all over the world for free. I\'m ashamed of such kind deeds."

Chu fan was embarrassed to be praised by the old man. However, he was a pedantic scholar, which made Chu fan feel as if he had really become a hero, and even a little complacent in his heart.

Since ancient times, beautiful women love heroes. No wonder so many people like brother. Ha ha ha ha!

"Don\'t boast, old man. I\'ll be proud if you boast again." Chu fan was in a good mood. He looked at the old man very well. He looked at him up and down and said with a smile, "it seems that the old man has recovered from his illness. Congratulations!"

"Thanks to the blessing of general Chu, the old man can live a few more years. It\'s just... Alas!" the old man looked at Duan Peng and sighed, "in fact, Duan Peng is not bad in nature. It\'s just that my Duan family is such a single child. It\'s too spoiled at ordinary times, coupled with the inducement of some people with ulterior motives, that makes him look like today. Shame!"

"Duan Lao doesn\'t have to blame himself. Your grandson is still young and hasn\'t made any big mistakes. As long as you supervise and manage the religion more in the future, I believe he can turn evil into right."

"That said, it\'s hard for our family to be cruel to him." Duan laowei sighed. There is only one seedling in the family. Who is willing to beat and scold? It is also the love and connivance of his family that makes him more and more dandy, bolder and more out of line.

Chu Fan said casually, "in fact, it\'s very simple. As long as you send him to the army, within three years, I promise he will change his face and become a hard man with an iron bone."

"That\'s a good idea!" old Duan clapped his hands happily and said with a smile. "It\'s really a word that woke up the person in my dream. Why didn\'t I think of it before. Since general Chu put forward the idea, I have a thick face. Please do me a favor and take Duan Peng to the night city. No matter how you practice, as long as he is alive."

Chu fan suddenly felt that the old man seemed to have set a trap for him, and he foolishly drilled in by himself. Wipe, I said how he boasted as soon as he met. He was waiting for me here.

However, it\'s not a big deal. It\'s no big deal for Chu fan to help him. But Chu fan was still uncomfortable, as if he had been calculated.

Before he could speak, Mr. Duan first said, "in fact, I\'ve long wanted to send Duan Peng to the army, but I can\'t bear his hardships. Moreover, I\'ve found several military friends, but no one is willing to leave Duan Peng. General Chu, your grandfather chuyang and I are old friends. If you don\'t look at the monk\'s face and the Buddha\'s face, you have to help me anyway."

Well, I\'ve moved grandpa out. Thank you for not mentioning it before. Otherwise, it\'s estimated that a three million pill can\'t even get back a penny.

"Duan Lao, I can help you, but I can\'t guarantee that Duan Peng will come back alive." Chu Fan said, "you should know what\'s going on in my night city. Although no one dares to think about night city now, compared with other military regions, the danger of night city border is still much higher than that of other military regions."

"If you let me arrange Duan Peng in the night city military region, I will certainly ask someone to train him hard and make him grow into a qualified soldier in a short time, but he should participate in the patrol mission like all soldiers. Once he meets fierce bandits, a gun battle is inevitable."

Chu fan spread his hand: "if you agree, I\'ll take the man away. I can only ensure his safety as much as possible, but I dare not say he will come back alive. If you don\'t want to give up, I\'m happy. You\'d better find someone else."

Old Duan looked at his grandson. Duan Peng\'s eyes were full of prayers. It was clear that he didn\'t want to be sent to the night city. If he didn\'t say that he would suffer, his life would be in danger at any time. In the past, he didn\'t take these seriously at all, but today, he is really afraid.

"Alas!" old Duan sighed, waved his hand and turned around: "Ziliang, Duan Peng is your son, or you should make this decision."

"Dad!" Duan Peng\'s voice trembled. He almost knelt down to his father and swore to change evil and return to justice. But Duan Ziliang was cruel and said decisively, "Duan Peng, don\'t blame my father for being cruel. I did it for you."

"Dad, Dad, I know I\'m wrong. Don\'t send me away. If I don\'t go, I won\'t go anywhere." Duan Peng knelt down with a \'plop\', holding his father\'s thigh with snot and tears, but Duan Ziliang seemed to be hardened and unmoved.

Seeing no effect, Duan Peng knelt forward a few steps, came to Grandpa, held grandpa\'s thigh and cried, "Grandpa, you save me, if I go, you may not see me in your life. Grandpa, you save me, I change, I will change this time..."

Old Duan\'s eyes were red and said with regret, "every time you said to change, but which time did you change? It\'s better to go to the army to reform than keep you at home. If you can come back alive, even if you don\'t recognize my grandfather, if you can\'t come back, I\'ll have your grandson. General Chu, take him away now."

Now, what else can Chu fan say? He took out his mobile phone and made a call. Soon, after the call, Chu fan turned back and said, "go to Yanjing military region now. There will be a helicopter to night city tomorrow morning. At that time, someone will send Duan Peng there, and I will arrange someone to take good care of him."

Duan Peng shivered excitedly. This care must not be a good thing. He jumped up and ran without thinking about it. He thought that no matter where he went, he could never be sent to the night city. That place was hell. If he didn\'t die, he had to peel off the skin.

But as soon as he ran two steps, he was caught up by Lingxiang. A leg trip made him fall and a dog gnawed at the mud. Then he grabbed his back neck and pulled it up and dragged it back to Chu fan.

"Let go of me, I won\'t go to the night city in my death..." Duan Peng waved his hands indiscriminately and shouted like going out.

Chu fan sneered: "do you think anyone is qualified to go to the night city? Before, you almost killed your grandfather because you caught the wrong medicine. And those friends you made, such as Prince and Qian Mufeng, who is a good man? If you hang out with them, you will have to sneak yourself into prison sooner or later."

"Yes, now you can rely on your father to eat, drink and have fun every day. People compliment you everywhere. But dare you say that after you pass by, they won\'t spit on your back?"

"You don\'t have to be respected by everyone, but at least you can\'t be hated by everyone. Dare you say that those women who flirt with you really like you? If you don\'t have money, who doesn\'t bother to look at you?"

Chu fan demoted Duan Peng to nothing. He blushed and bowed his head. He couldn\'t say a word. Chu fan vented, took a deep breath and said, "do you think your life is very valuable? I tell you, even my cousin Zhao Hongxue is in the night city. Are you not even as good as a woman?"

"She\'s going to be an official. Can she be the same as I\'m going to be a soldier?" Duan Peng is still defending himself. Unfortunately, he doesn\'t even feel confident when he says it.

Chu fan sneered and said, "how old is the night city? How much difference can it be between being an official and a soldier? I dare not, but I dare not. What excuse can I find for myself? OK, you say Zhao Hongxue is a woman and an official. I don\'t mention her. My brother-in-law Qin huailiang, who is less than 20 years old this year and has been a soldier for less than a year, is now a second lieutenant."

"And Zhang Tieshan, my good brother who grew up with me, rushed to the front in almost every task. When was he afraid of death? Yu Hang, the son of Yu Jianqiu, commander of Yunnan Military Region, was also in the night city. He was on duty like all soldiers, patrolling the border. In terms of identity, he was more noble than you, and he was also the only child of the Yu family."

"No one jumps out of a stone. Who is not afraid of death? But if everyone is afraid of death and doesn\'t become a soldier, our China would have been divided up long ago."

Chu Fan said coldly, "I\'ll ask you for the last time. Are you still a man? Is there any blood?"

Duan Peng was finally aroused by his blood. He stuck his neck and said loudly, "isn\'t it just being a soldier? I\'ve lost a big scar on my head. Twenty years later, I\'ll still be a hero. I\'ll go with you. I\'ll never come back if I\'m not a teacher."

"Your boy\'s ambition is not small." Chu fan was angry and happy, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "very good, have ambition! Remember, the man is bleeding and sweating without tears. Don\'t give up at any time. Hold on!"

Duan Peng was patted short by Chu fan, and his confidence was not enough: "boss, can I really do it?"

"Shit, stand up straight and tell your grandpa and your father if you can do it?"

Duan Peng straightened his back like a conditioned reflex and said loudly, "I can do it... Er, can I go home first and discuss with my mother... Just say a word and call..."

Chu fan really couldn\'t listen. He pressed his neck and just stuffed him into the car and asked Su Yu to go back first. He personally escorted Duan Peng to the Yanjing military region.

At the gate of the military region, Xia Yanran and two soldiers have been waiting for a long time. Chu fan pushes Duan Peng to Xia Yanran. Immediately, like a prisoner, he is locked in his arms by two soldiers and put on a military vehicle. Chu fan told Duan Ziliang and others not to talk at all, so he got on the bus and returned.

On the bus, Duan Lao was still reluctant to give up. He looked back frequently and almost shed tears. Duan Ziliang\'s heart was also very heavy. He was silent all the way. His daughter Duan Xinxin was very cheerful and constantly persuaded his grandfather and father to make their father and son feel better.

Chu fan refuses the dinner invitation of his father and son and is sent back to the courtyard where Su Yu lives