The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 929

"Boss, how long do we have to wait?" the security captain in the car whispered.

Duan Peng has been waiting outside for more than an hour, but he didn\'t see Chu fan come out. At this time, they should have had lunch, but because they were waiting for Chu fan, they had to wait here hungry.

"Wait a minute!" Duan Peng threw his cigarette butts on the ground, glanced at many security guards and said, "when this is done, I\'ll ask everyone to rub a meal, and there will be a program in the evening."

It is said that there must be brave men under the heavy reward. With Duan Peng\'s words, those hungry and boring security guards were as energetic and excited as beating chicken blood. They wanted to copy the guy and rush in now to beat the man who offended Duan Shao.

However, this matter should not be too publicized. It\'s not good to make a lot of noise.

Suddenly, a security guard pointed to the door and said hurriedly, "boss, is it the boy? He has two beautiful women with him. It\'s really on time."

"Get out of the way, I\'ll take a look." Duan Peng quickly pulled the person blocking his sight aside, looked carefully at the past, and said excitedly, "yes, it\'s him. My brothers are ready to do it. When it\'s done, I\'ll cover all the expenses today and double the bonus this month."

Duan Shao is too bright. He not only provides food, drink and play, but also has money. If he doesn\'t do this job well, how can he be worthy of him?

As soon as the security captain winked, twelve bodyguards quickly jumped out of the car and surrounded Chu fan.

Chu fan was happy and said to Su Yu, "you see, what I said is right? It must have been called by the boy surnamed Duan. Alas, beauty is a disaster!"

"It\'s not my fault to be beautiful?" Su Yu glanced at him and said, "send them away quickly. I\'m a little sleepy."

"Lingxiang, I\'ll give it to you." Chu fan lazily hugged Su Yu\'s waist and didn\'t mean to do it at all.

Ling Xiang stared at him, pouted and said, "Why me? People don\'t come for me?"

"You say you are not a beauty?"

Isn\'t this bullying? You have to do it if you\'re beautiful? Still a man, not a gentleman at all!

Chu fan turned a blind eye to her and said with a smile, "I\'m doing it for you. Girls eat so much and will get fat if they don\'t exercise. At that time, they won\'t be beautiful."


Ling gave him a back of the head, stepped forward two steps, forked his waist and said loudly, "what do you want to do? Get out of the way!"

"Little girl, we don\'t mean any harm. We just want to invite the gentleman behind you to have a cup of tea and talk about something." the security captain hypocritically made an invitation gesture, "Sir, please!"

Chu Fan said lazily, "what if I don\'t go with you?"

"Sir, we\'re just working. Don\'t make it difficult for us." the security captain invited again, "please get in the car!"

"Are you a demobilized soldier?" Chu fan suddenly asked.

The security captain was stunned and didn\'t speak.

Chu fan asked coldly, "you should know very well in your heart what will happen if we get on the bus with you. What you do is to help the tyrant. If the woman that the boy likes is your sister, will you help him catch people and send them to his bed?"

The security captain was flushed by Chu fan\'s words, and his face was hot, as if he had been slapped hard. At the beginning, he was also a famous man, an iron soldier who shed blood for the country and still has scars on his body.

But who is to blame for being like this?

It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to maintain his integrity and jealousy of evil, but heroes also need to eat, women and parents to support. He can\'t earn money. He can\'t even support himself. What can he take to marry a daughter-in-law? What do you take to support the elderly?

It is not that he has changed, but today\'s society forces him to change.

To understand this, the security captain soon calmed down and said in a deep voice, "I need this job and money!"

In a word, it means everything.

Chu fan could understand, without saying anything, waved to Lingxiang: "try not to hurt people, they are also forced to be helpless."

"How wordy!"

As soon as Lingxiang\'s voice fell, the figure \'whoosh\' came down to the security captain. He was so fast that he startled him. Although he reacted quickly and made a decisive defensive gesture, he was kicked out by a beautiful whip leg of xiaolingxiang.

As soon as the expert reaches out his hand, he knows whether there is one.

These security guards were stunned by Lingxiang\'s clean skills. It\'s hard to imagine that a girl of fifteen or sixteen could have such a strong explosive power that she kicked out a man with more than 160 kg at one stroke. Did she grow up drinking melamine milk powder?

"Hey, you guys, let\'s go together to save time." Lingxiang also proudly hooked her fingers to several security guards, stood straight like a martial arts master, put one hand behind her, and made a sign move with the other hand.

It is too laggy girl to wear this adorable girl. She is still very strong.

Many security guards look at me and I look at you. I don\'t know whether to do it or not. Let\'s go together. It\'s disgraceful to win. A bunch of old men bully a little girl. It\'s embarrassing to say it. But if you lose, it will be even more humiliating.

Just when the crowd didn\'t know how to end, a BMW X6 drove over and stopped in front of the crowd. A dozen security guards saw the car and immediately stood aside. Lingxiang was also called back by Suyu.

I don\'t know who is coming, but it looks like it\'s from the other party. It may be an expert.

However, when the door opened and saw the two people coming down from the car, Chu fan and Su Yu were stunned. It\'s the middle-aged man and his daughter who bought a second grade antidote pill in the courtyard.

Did they find these people? Pills can\'t have no effect, but what do they mean?

Duan Ziliang stretched out his hand from a distance and walked towards Chu fan with an excited face: "general Chu, thank you so much."

What happened? It\'s not like you\'re here to find fault!

Chu fan was stunned. He subconsciously stretched out his hand and shook it with Duan Ziliang. Before he could speak, Duan Ziliang said excitedly, "my father took your pill, vomited and diarrhea for a while, and he was all right. No, I have to bring him here and thank him personally."

"There\'s no need to thank you. You pay and I sell medicine. Both sides are willing, and no one owes anyone." Chu fan understood his intention and glanced vaguely at the dodgy security guards next to him.

Duan Ziliang subconsciously looked at the past and immediately frowned: "Why are you here? Did Duan Peng make trouble again? What about others?"

The security captain finally got up, wiped the blood soaked from the corners of his mouth, came to Duan Ziliang, bowed his head and said, "Chairman..."

"Where is Duan Peng?" Duan Ziliang shouted coldly.

Before the security captain could speak, the girl walking behind suddenly said, "brother\'s car is over there!"

"This bastard, it\'s hard not to teach him a lesson all day." Duan Ziliang strode over angrily and cried bitterly to Duan Peng in the car.

It\'s really unlucky. How could I meet Dad? What\'s worse, in front of his car is a Mercedes Benz business from the security guard, and behind him is his sister\'s BMW X6. His Ferrari is caught in the middle. There is no way to run.

"Do I have to invite you? Get off!" Duan Ziliang came to the sports car and shouted coldly to his smiling son in the sports car.

Duan Peng was startled and said with a smile, "Dad, why are you here?"

"I let you off!" Duan Ziliang shouted angrily.

This time, Duan Peng knew that his father was really angry. He didn\'t dare to smile. He pushed the door obediently and wanted to get off. But he pushed it twice before he remembered that the door was crushed by Chu fan\'s foot and couldn\'t be opened at all. Helpless, I had to hold the door and jump out of the car.

Duan Peng just landed on his feet. Before he could stand firm, Duan Ziliang grabbed his skirt and raised his hand with a big mouth, which completely stunned him. But this is just the beginning. His father didn\'t intend to let go at all. He pulled his neck and collar like a dead dog and dragged him to Chu fan. He kicked his ass. Duan Peng stumbled and fell to the ground, lying in front of Chu fan.

"General Chu, this smelly boy is my despairing son. If you offend you today, you kill him. I don\'t have a complaint." Duan Ziliang said solemnly.

"Is he your son?" Chu fan dared not believe. What a coincidence!

Duan Ziliang smiled bitterly and said, "I wish he wasn\'t my son. Alas, unfortunately, I\'m ashamed to have such a dandy. General Chu laughed!"

Chu fan waved his hand: "forget it, it\'s no big deal. However, if you let him go on like this, something will happen sooner or later."

"In the past, I was always reluctant to let him suffer, but now I understand. Jade is not cut into stone, so I really can\'t let him go on fooling around like this." Duan Ziliang shouted to Duan Peng on the ground, "don\'t get up quickly, thank general Chu for his generosity. Your boy has made a big trouble today. If it weren\'t for me, your boy wouldn\'t even know how to die."

"General Chu? Which general Chu?" Duan Peng couldn\'t remember. Who doesn\'t know the general of Yanjing city? But I haven\'t heard of a Chu. He\'s so young... Shit, it can\'t be... Is it the murderer?

Looking at Chu fan again, Duan Peng\'s legs and stomach cramped and almost peed in his pants. What should I do? I provoked the king of murder. I\'m dead this time. Woo woo!

Chu fan shook his head and felt that he was falling in price even after arguing with him.

"OK, I have something else to do. Let\'s say goodbye." Chu fan took Su Yu and was ready to leave. At this time, an old man stepped down from the BMW X6. The girl quickly held his arm and came to Chu fan.