The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 928

Crystal Palace is a newly opened western restaurant in Yanjing. It is very high-end. It costs tens of thousands to eat any meal. It is said that the food and wine here are transported by air from abroad, and the Michelin star chef is in charge of the stove. The taste is definitely not to be chosen.

Thanks to Jiang Siyan, otherwise Chu fan couldn\'t even enter the door. People\'s Crystal Palace only receives guests who order meals. If you don\'t make a reservation, people won\'t entertain you even if you take out more money.

It is reasonable to say that such a restaurant will have fewer and fewer people and eventually close down. But in fact, on the contrary, people who come to the Crystal Palace for dinner every day should book one or two days in advance, otherwise, there is no place at all.

However, Chu fan is an exception. The reason is that Jiang Siyan has a gold card for this restaurant. She made a phone call and booked the location immediately. It is a private room specially reserved for VIP guests in the restaurant. It is rarely open to the public at ordinary times, so as to meet guests like Chu fan who come to dinner temporarily.

If there is no position, the consequences are very serious.

Chu fan didn\'t drive. Su Yu didn\'t have a car and couldn\'t fly with his sword in downtown. Therefore, the three simply took a taxi to the Crystal Palace restaurant. When Chu fan took two women out of the car, he immediately attracted countless amazing eyes.

Su Yu is mature, hot and elegant; Ling Xiang is green and astringent, just like a little Laurie, with a sweet smile, pure and lovely.

Such a large and small beauty with different temperament is usually difficult to see one. What\'s the day today and how can two best products pop up at once? What an eye!

Chu fan knew that it was impossible to bring such two beauties to dinner. However, he doesn\'t care. He\'s not someone else\'s daughter-in-law. Why hide it? Let them look around and envy them.

But the three had just walked a few steps, and a red Ferrari convertible roared over. With a sharp brake sound, the car stopped steadily in front of the three.

Wipe, do you drive like this? Almost hit my brother. Also, how can you park like this? Don\'t you see the way in my brother\'s way?

Chu fan\'s violent temper was about to go up and overturn the car as soon as he rolled his arm, but Su Yu grabbed him and whispered, "forget it, we\'re here for dinner. Don\'t get angry. We can\'t make mistakes."

You\'re lucky to be paralyzed.

Chu fan glared at the driving man and was pulled by Su Yu to go around the back of the car. The young man who could drive started the car and fell back more than a meter, blocking Chu fan\'s way again.

This time, Chu fan was angry. He kicked the door and moved the car more than one meter. A big pit suddenly appeared in the door, which must not be opened.

"Boy, annoy me again. I\'ll smash your car into scrap iron. Get out!"

"My grass!" Duan Peng was surprised. He quickly took off his sunglasses, took out a cook Sharp Machete from the side, held the seat with one hand and jumped out of the car sensitively.

"Little Bizi, how dare you smash my car?" Duan Peng pointed to Chu fan with his cook Sharp Machete and said fiercely, "believe it or not, I\'ll chop you?"

"Speeding in the city and carrying control knives in the car." Chu fan glanced at him and hummed, "these two are enough for you to squat in the number for half a year. Dare you do it with me? Haven\'t you even killed a chicken?"

Duan Peng was irritated and said loudly, "it\'s no use talking to me. I\'ll give you two ways, one is to compensate me for a new car, the other is to give me the two beauties around you. It\'s hard to lose one."

Chu fan was angry and happy: "you\'re still greedy. You want both?"

"Boy, it\'s your blessing to like your horse. Do you know who I am?" Duan Peng sneered. "You also called the police to catch me. You can report it and see who the police are coming to catch?"

"Listen to that, you have a background. What does your father do?"

Duan Peng said proudly, "my grandfather is the Minister of culture, and my father is the chairman of Longteng film and television entertainment company. Do you know the prince? That\'s my eldest brother. I\'ll call a hundred bastards right away. One knife per person can cut you into meat."

"The prince is your eldest brother?" Chu fan frowned. "Didn\'t he go to Qingmeng prairie? When did he come back? Where\'s Qian Mufeng?"

"Do you know the prince?" Duan Peng is not without eyes. Chu fan even knows that the prince has gone to Qingmeng grassland and can open his mouth and hand over Qian Mufeng\'s name, which shows that he is very familiar with these two people.

What the hell is this guy?

At this time, Duan Pengcai remembered that Chu fan kicked the car one meter sideways. How hard did it have? This knife in my hand is really good, but I have to hit someone else.

"I don\'t know!" Chu fan didn\'t bother to pay attention to him and took two women to the restaurant. Leaving Duan Peng, he stuck there awkwardly. He didn\'t know whether he should catch up or not.

You\'d better ask first. Don\'t mess with the prince\'s friends. That\'s bad luck.

After thinking about it, Duan Peng didn\'t dare to call the prince, but wisely called Mufeng\'s son Qian Shutao. He said he was the prince\'s brother. In fact, he was self styled. At best, he drank wine with the prince twice, and the prince called him brother a few times. The one who really has a good relationship is actually Qian Shutao, which is the previous sin. Chu fan has less money.

That time, Evelyn came to China to find Chu fan. She got drunk in the boiling point bar and was almost picked up. When Chu fan went, he met Qian Shutao and had less money. Qian Shutao is arrogant. It\'s a pity that he met Chu fan. If Chu fan hadn\'t let him go, let alone him, Qian Mufeng, his father who just came to Yanjing for development, would have to be caught.

"Hey, Duan!" when the short message was connected, Qian Shutao\'s bright voice came over, "you boy, let you come to drink, and you put it on the spectrum. Don\'t worry, your sister is my sister, and my business is my business. After drinking the wine, I\'ll take someone to discuss it for you. How about it?"

Duan Peng quickly thanked him, and then asked cautiously, "brother Tao, I just met someone who seems to know the prince and Lord Qian."

"There are many people who know the prince and my father. The key depends on whether the prince and my father recognize him." Qian Shutao said with a smile, "Duan, are you frightened by a word from others? Ha ha!"

Duan Peng\'s face was hot. He quickly said a few words, hung up the phone, and stared at the gate of the Crystal Palace. How could he possibly know the prince and Lord Qian?

Shit, you dare to kick my car. If you don\'t give me an explanation, you have to hurt you today.

If at ordinary times, Duan Peng would certainly ask Qian Shutao for help. He was angry and didn\'t have to do it. He killed two birds with one stone. But not today. If Qian Shutao sees the big and small beauties, he may not even have the chance to drink the leftover soup.

However, if you go alone, you can\'t get a bargain. You still have to call some helpers.

After hesitating for a while, Duan Peng called, threw his machete into the car, touched a cigarette to light it, and leaned against the car to smoke. Just after smoking a cigarette, a Mercedes Benz business car roared over and stopped beside him.

When the door opened, twelve big men with big arms and round waist jumped out of the car one after another. These men had clean tactical equipment, making them look like special forces. But in fact, this is the security guard of his father\'s company. This uniform is specially customized for these security guards.

"Boss!" a man in his early thirties ran over and asked, "which guy without eyes annoyed you? In a word, do you want arms or thighs? I\'ll unload him and bring him to you myself."

"Don\'t worry, wait for him to come out of the restaurant." Duan Peng took out his cigarette, made one and arranged it in a low voice.

In the restaurant, Chu fan didn\'t take Duan Peng seriously at all. He ordered some delicious food in the box and ate with two beautiful women.

"Su Yu, I found that there are still many deficiencies in your Jishi hall. You have to improve it as soon as possible." Chu Fan said while eating.

Su Yu stopped her movements and asked, "you mean those people in line outside the door, and the medicine shop is too far away, right?"

Chu fan put down his knife and fork, picked it up, wiped his mouth and said, "in fact, if you sit in the medicine shop, you will avoid similar events to a great extent. Moreover, you will better publicize Jishitang, but why do you treat people in such a remote place?"

"Secondly, it\'s not very reasonable for people to queue up outside to see a doctor." Chu Fan said, "you only see ten people every day and have to queue up. Don\'t you let people queue outside all day and all night? This can greatly improve the popularity of Jishi hall, but it will also bring you some bad negative effects. Even if you really treat patients, they won\'t thank you!"

Suyu was a little alarmed: "I... I just don\'t like there are too many people in the medicine shop, so I specifically moved here. It\'s your idea to treat ten patients every day, but now you say so, i... what should I do?"

"Don\'t worry, it\'s not that serious."

Chu fan comforted: "it\'s my fault. I thought it was too simple before, but now there\'s still time to remedy it. First of all, you still have to stay in the medicine shop. If you think the medicine shop is too crowded and noisy, you can get a single room next door or in the backyard, two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening."

"In addition, the process of a regular hospital is adopted to register for medical treatment. The person in front of the number will see a doctor first, and if it can\'t be turned today, it will continue tomorrow. In this way, not only do you basically don\'t have to wait in line outside day and night, but also put an end to scalpers, because every number is registered with an ID card. If the patient\'s identity is inconsistent with the number received, the number will be invalid and the next person will be replaced."

"In this way, you will be tired every day, but you will win the respect and good reputation of patients. In addition, I suggest you take some apprentices. When they graduate, you won\'t have to work so hard."

"Speak slowly, I have to write it down..."