The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 927

"Introduce yourself first." Chu Fan said faintly, "my name is Chu fan, commander of Yecheng military region and lieutenant general. In addition, I also own 51% of the shares of Sinopec Group. There are private islands overseas. I don\'t have to say how much assets?"

The middle-aged man was startled by Chu fan\'s identity. He was afraid for a while. Thanks for not making trouble here, otherwise he would have to suffer a heavy loss today. But then, he couldn\'t understand. What did Chu fan mean by saying this to him?

"When I tell you this, I just want to tell you that I don\'t need money." Chu fan shook the porcelain vase in his hand and said, "this pill needs at least more than a dozen precious medicinal materials. It takes more than ten hours to refine it successfully, and the probability of success is no more than 50%."

"Although your father\'s illness has nothing to do with our Jishitang, after all, he is a patient we have treated, so I can decide to sell you this pill at cost price. 3 million!"

"How much?" the middle-aged man was surprised. "Three million? This... This is too expensive. What medicine can be worth so much?"

This time, before Chu fan could speak, Su Yu said first, "the main material of this detoxification pill is the snow lotus of Tianshan Mountain for hundreds of years. This medicine alone is almost worth three million. Of course, I don\'t ask you whether to buy it or not."

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Chu Fan said, "I can tell you clearly that the selling price of this pill is at least more than 6 million, and there is still a price without a market. You can buy it today, and you don\'t have to sell it to you if you buy it with 6 million tomorrow. You have to think clearly. After this village, there will be no shop."

"I\'ll buy it!"

As soon as the middle-aged man gritted his teeth, he quickly took out the checkbook, signed a check for $3 million, handed it to Chu fan, and took the porcelain bottle from Chu fan\'s hand. After hesitating for a while, the middle-aged man asked, "this... Can you give me a receipt?"

"No problem!" Su Yufen asked. Xiaolingxiang immediately ran back to the house and soon wrote a receipt in traditional and vertical calligraphy, with a square seal at the corner.

Chu fan first took the receipt, took a closer look, frowned and said, "what\'s this? I didn\'t tell you, is this pill sold at half price? Change it quickly!"

Xiaolingxiang glared at him. If it weren\'t for the little martial uncle, she really wanted to cover his face with her seals.

Su Yu took a look and nodded: "Chu fan is right. Write another one."

Before xiaolingxiang could speak, Chu fan shook her hand and the receipt in her hand burst into flames. The goods also took out a cigarette, put the burning note to her mouth, lit the cigarette, and took a comfortable deep breath. Then a mouthful of smoke was sprayed on xiaolingxiang\'s face, choking her to cough and tears.

"You... Hum!" Xiaoling waved a small fist to Chu fan, turned and ran back to the room. After a while, he took back a receipt and handed it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked at it carefully, confirmed that it was correct, carefully put away the receipt, and prepared to leave with his daughter. At this time, Chu fan didn\'t have a good way: "don\'t elongate your face, as if you had suffered a great loss. After you give this medicine to your father, you will know that the money is not wasted."

Indeed, as soon as the middle-aged man\'s head was hot, he really spent $3 million and bought a pill that he didn\'t know whether it had any effect. After buying it, he regretted it. Although three million is nothing to him, he feels cheated.

At the same time, there was a faint hope in his heart that if the pill was as magical as they said, his father might be able to save it. But even so, his face was not very good-looking. He was really unhappy.

Now, Chu Fan said that he was a little embarrassed. Who is Chu fan? The chairman of Sinopec Group, whose assets are more than 100 billion, cares about your 3 million? Besides, people are still in charge of the military region, and it is impossible to sell fake drugs.

I\'m too mean!

The middle-aged man sincerely thanked and hurried away with his daughter. Chu fan, Su Yu and others also returned to the courtyard again. Su Yu also sat down again and continued to see the patient.

Two hours passed quickly. With a lesson from the past, these people chose to fill the medicine in the Jishitang medicine shop. Although it was far away, the price of the medicine in the Jishitang medicine shop was reasonable and the quality was assured. Even if it was far away, it was worth it.

After seeing off the last patient, Suyu couldn\'t help standing up and came to Chu fan sitting on the couch, shook his arm and asked, "what would you like to eat at noon? I\'ll cook for you myself."

"Don\'t bother, I\'ll invite you out for Western food." Chu fan stood up with a smile.

Before Su Yu could make a statement, Xiaoling xiangton on one side said, "good western food. I\'d like to go for a long time, but little martial uncle won\'t let me go. Brother fan, let\'s go now."

"What do you call me?" Chu fan glared and snorted, "no rules, call uncle Shi."

"Ah?" xiaolingxiang peeked at Su Yu and said, "you... You are a generation older than my little martial uncle? Then you and her..."

"No culture!"

Chu fan solemnly explained, "martial uncle Gong means your martial uncle\'s husband, understand?"

"Poof!" Su Yu gushed out a mouthful of water, and gave him a look of anger. "Don\'t be careless. You book a seat first and I\'ll change my clothes."

Xiaolingxiang also rolled her eyes, pursed her small mouth and followed Suyu into the house. Before Chu fan came in, she closed the door and locked it. Want to come in and watch Miss Ben change? Next life!

As everyone knows, Chu fan didn\'t need to go in at all. He stood at the door, across the door, watching Su Yu take off his clothes with relish, and found a bold and hot white one-line collar off shoulder shirt in the wardrobe. The corner of the shirt was surrounded by a black edge, which looked fashionable and sexual.

The lower body changed into a pair of Cowboy SHORTS to show her attractive big and long legs. Her bones and flesh are symmetrical and full of flesh feeling, but it won\'t make people feel that her legs are thick and meaty, just right.

Wearing a pair of simple and exquisite high-heeled sandals on his feet, his curled hair opened and fell like a waterfall behind his head. Suyu looked in the mirror, took a simple headrope and tied up her long hair, which immediately made her look more mature. Even if there was wind, she wouldn\'t mess her hair.

You can\'t judge by appearance. Su Yu, who used to be like a female Taoist, learned to dress up. Who did you learn from? If you go back to Shushan in this dress, no one will recognize her. It\'s like a changed person.

But I like it. hey!

Chu fan wiped the saliva on the corner of his mouth, turned around, took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth. He was about to take out a lighter to light the cigarette. He looked through the window of the wing room and saw a more fragrant scene.

Xiaolingxiang took off too fast. In such a short time, she had only one pair of pants left on her. It\'s a little girl. There\'s a kitty behind the pants.

Xiaonizi is facing Chu fan with her back. She is worried in front of the cabinet. Instead of having no clothes, she has too many clothes. She doesn\'t know what to wear for a moment.

"Hey! What are you looking at?" Su Yu came out and patted Chu fan on the shoulder.

Chu fan was startled. The smoke in his mouth almost fell to the ground. He hurriedly said, "nothing, wow, Suyu, your clothes are so beautiful."

"Just beautiful clothes?" Suyu flashed at him.

If she was seen by her fellow disciples in Shushan, she would have to lose her eyes. Who would have thought that the cold and arrogant Suyu would be coquettish with men. Is this really Suyu?

"Beautiful clothes, more beautiful people. Hey hey!" Chu fan stretched out his hand to hold Su Yu\'s waist and said with a smile, "let\'s go!"

"Wait for Lingxiang." Suyu patiently explained, "Lingxiang is just simple in mind and doesn\'t taboo world affairs. She doesn\'t mean to fight you. Don\'t be general with her."

Chu fan skimmed his mouth: "a yellow haired girl, I don\'t bother to pay attention to her. OK, just wait a minute if you want to wait. I\'ll call and ask which western restaurant is good."

Suyu was helpless. After making trouble for a long time, he hasn\'t booked a seat yet. If she knows, Chu Fangang just patronized to see her and xiaolingxiang change clothes. I don\'t know if she can laugh.

Maybe she heard Chu fan\'s words. Ling Xiang was afraid of being thrown down by Chu fan. She casually chose a chiffon short sleeved shirt with a small lapel, a white Capri pants and a pair of flat cloth shoes on her feet. It was very pure and fashionable. It\'s just that the chiffon shirt is so thin that she even wears a black bra inside.

There is no denying that a woman dressed like this is really eye-catching, but at her age, it\'s not good to dress like this. In addition, the Capris she wears and the tight design can highlight the temptation of the girl\'s long legs, but it also outlines the outline of her pants.

Thanks to the small pants, they are also white, otherwise, they must be seen. But even so, outsiders can see her pants as soon as they punch holes, which can definitely surprise men\'s eyes.

"Ling Xiang, will you go out in this dress?" Su Yu frowned.

In the past, she would never wear so few clothes, expose white meat and walk in the street, let alone let Lingxiang wear like this. But now, she doesn\'t object, but Lingxiang\'s dress is too... Too that, which is inconsistent with her age.

Xiaolingxiang looked down and asked, "what\'s the matter? What\'s wrong?"

"What\'s wrong?" Su Yu pointed to her inner - clothes and whispered, "it\'s all revealed. There are also small pants. Outsiders can see clearly. It\'s better not to wear them if you wear them like this."

But at this time, Chu fan came back and said with a teasing smile: "it\'s good. When you take her out, men will look at her and won\'t stare at you. Hey hey!"

"Ah!" Ling Xiang screamed, holding her small chest and ran back for her life.