The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 926

"What\'s the matter?" Chu fan came out and asked in a deep voice.

At the door, a middle-aged man, like a shrew, swears at the door. If it weren\'t for the guard of two guards, he would have rushed in.

"Report to the chief!" cao meng immediately stood at attention and said loudly, "this man said that the miracle doctor is a liar. His father took the medicine prescribed by the miracle doctor. Not only did he get sick, but he became more serious."

Su Yu also came out, frowned and said, "what happened?"

"You smelly woman who is fishing for fame..." the middle-aged man scolded when he opened his mouth, but as soon as his words were exported, his neck was pinched, and he was out of breath. His face was purple. He struggled powerlessly, but he couldn\'t get rid of it anyway.

Su Yu was in a hurry. He quickly pulled Chu fan away and advised him, "calm down. Violence can\'t solve the problem. You want me to ask what\'s going on?"

Chu fansong opened his hand. The middle-aged man covered his neck and coughed violently. Just now, he felt the smell of death. It was terrible.

"It\'s our fault to say something. You can make any compensation you want, but if you scold in your mouth, I don\'t guarantee whether you will strangle you next time." Chu Fan said coldly.

"All right, don\'t say a word." Su Yu stepped forward and asked, "Sir, you said I was fishing for fame and reputation? Can you make it clear, how did I fish for fame and reputation?"

Not to mention this, the middle-aged man\'s anger erupted again when he mentioned it and said loudly, "you\'re not just fishing for fame and reputation. You\'re simply careless about human life. Just half a month ago, I took my father to see a doctor here and lined up for two days before it was our turn. At that time, you diagnosed my father as liver cirrhosis and prescribed me a side of traditional Chinese medicine to let us go home for conditioning."

"In the past half a month, according to your instructions, we didn\'t dare to make any difference. We gave our father medicine on time. There were signs of improvement in the first few days, but just two days ago, my father suddenly became seriously ill and now he is in the intensive care unit."

The middle-aged man looked at the people lined up outside and said in tears, "everyone, what I said is true. If you don\'t believe it, you can go to the hospital with me. My old father is still lying on the hospital bed. It\'s this woman who said that my father\'s disease can be adjusted with traditional Chinese medicine, but what\'s the result?"

"Woo woo, Dad, I hurt you. I shouldn\'t have listened to this liar and let her show you the disease and hurt you."

Su Yu looked at the man carefully and suddenly said, "I remember. Your father did see a disease here, but your father\'s disease is no problem. Even if the medicine has side effects, it will never make your father seriously ill because of taking traditional Chinese medicine."

The middle-aged man angrily said, "you mean, I\'m here to blackmail you? If you say so, I\'ll call the police now and let the police make a judgment for us to see if I\'m lying or you, a miracle doctor, is a fake at all."

Su Yu met this kind of thing for the first time. For a moment, she didn\'t know how to deal with it. But she firmly believes that the medicine she prescribes is absolutely no problem. Even if she can\'t cure the patient, she will never aggravate the patient\'s condition.

But why did the patient get into the intensive care unit?

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll take care of it." Chu fan patted her on the shoulder, looked at the indignant man and said faintly, "for the sake of your father\'s serious illness, I don\'t care about your abusing my woman before, but you have to answer me a few questions."

"You say!"

Chu fan paced back and forth in front of the door and asked, "you just said that your father\'s condition improved after he went back from seeing a doctor here, didn\'t you?"

"Yes, but later the condition worsened..."

Chu fan waved to interrupt him and continued to ask, "I ask you, did you buy the traditional Chinese medicine for your father in Jishitang?"

"Of course, I bought it for seven days, and the effect was very good. I bought it for seven days, but then my father\'s illness worsened."

Su Yu suddenly asked, "where\'s the medicine? Have you brought it?"

"Bring it, you see." the man turned and took a bag of traditional Chinese medicine from a young girl and threw it at Su Yu\'s feet angrily.

Su Yu didn\'t care about his attitude. He squatted down and opened the bag. He grabbed a handful of dried traditional Chinese medicine, looked carefully, and smelled it under his nose. Finally, from the pile of unknown herbs, he picked up several black bark like herbs, grass roots and several blackened medicinal slices.

"This medicine is not from our Jishitang." Su Yu stood up and said categorically.

The man was stunned and then angrily said, "it\'s impossible. I personally grabbed the medicine from your Jishitang medicine shop. I still have the receipt from your medicine shop. Do you want to deny it?"

The girl took out a receipt and handed it to the man. The man shook the receipt in front of Su Yu and said loudly, "you see clearly. Is this the receipt of your Jishitang?"

"Yes, this is the receipt of our Jishi hall, but the date on it is half a month ago, that is to say, the medicine you caught for the first time was caught in our Jishi hall." Su Yu said faintly, "As you said just now, the effect of the first medicine is very good. Your father\'s disease has indeed improved, which shows that the problem lies in the second medicine. Are you sure we caught the second medicine at Jishi hall?"

"This..." the middle-aged man was speechless and asked, "call your brother and ask him if this second medicine was caught in the Jishitang medicine shop?"

The girl didn\'t dare to neglect, so she hurried to one side and called: "brother, did you catch the traditional Chinese medicine your father asked you to catch last time in Jishitang?"

"Of course, I specially drove there. Can it be false?"

"Where\'s the receipt?"


The girl was speechless for a while. When she didn\'t know how to talk to her brother, her mobile phone was suddenly robbed, which startled her. Seeing that it was Chu fan, she immediately angrily shouted, "what are you doing? Give me back my cell phone."

Chu fan, as if he hadn\'t heard it, turned on his mobile phone and asked coldly, "you said that you caught the medicine in Jishi hall. Then I ask you, where is Jishi hall? Which direction does the door open? Is the man or woman who caught the medicine for you? How old is it? How much did it cost?"

This series of questions made the man on the other end of the phone speechless. It took him a long time to relax. He angrily said, "who are you? Why should I tell you this?"

"I\'m the boss of Jishi hall. Now your father came to the door and asked me to give an explanation. If you can\'t get a receipt and answer me, it means that you didn\'t catch the medicine in our Jishi hall. We Jishi hall won\'t be responsible for any consequences."

"All... It\'s been so long. Who remembers clearly? I won\'t tell you. Return the phone to my sister quickly."

Chu fan turned to look at the middle-aged man and asked, "Sir, you have been to the Jishitang medicine shop. You should remember the exact address of the Jishitang medicine shop? Please tell your son where the medicine shop is and in which direction the door opens. The person who filled the medicine is male or female. How old is it and how much did it cost you?"

The middle-aged man stepped forward two steps and asked in a trembling voice, "son, tell your father the truth. Did you catch this medicine in Jishitang?"

"Dad, they are all the same Chinese herbal medicines. Which drugstore do you buy different? My pair is more than 600 more expensive than the one you bought before."

In a word, it has been fully explained that the second medicine for the old man was not caught in Jishitang. It was also the reason for this medicine that exacerbated the old man\'s condition and entered the intensive care unit.

But the middle-aged man was still unwilling. He hung up the phone and asked, "Suyu fairy, is this medicine different from your Jishitang medicine?"

"Of course not!"

Su Yu twisted the black bark of the three herbs he picked up and said, "in my prescription, there is a traditional Chinese medicine called bitter bark. It contains a kind of bitter lignin, which can enhance people\'s gastric juice secretion and drug absorption. But this is not bitter bark. I don\'t believe you can find a drugstore to verify it."

"And this!" Su Yu twisted up the grass root and said, "thatched grass root has the effect of clearing heat and diuresis. Unfortunately, this is not."

"If it\'s just two fake drugs, it doesn\'t do much harm, but the key is this, Sophora flavescens."

Su Yu twirled the slightly blackened white medicinal material slice and said, "this is indeed Sophora flavescens, but it has gone moldy and deteriorated. The deteriorated Sophora flavescens will produce a toxic substance. Although the toxin is not high, it will increase the toxicity of this toxin when mixed with many traditional Chinese medicines, especially your father\'s liver function is not complete and can\'t decompose this toxin, so his condition is aggravated."

Speaking of this, Suyu sighed and said, "I deeply sympathize with your experience, but it really has nothing to do with me. Please help yourself!"

The middle-aged man blushed and couldn\'t say a word. He thought Suyu had hurt his father, but unexpectedly, the problem was the medicinal materials. These unscrupulous drug dealers, aren\'t they harmful?

"I\'m sorry!" the middle-aged man bowed to Suyu, turned and was about to leave, but was held by his daughter. Before he could scold his daughter, he found that his daughter had bent her knees and knelt down.

Su Yu was surprised and quickly picked her up: "what are you doing, get up!"

"Suyu fairy, on behalf of my father, I apologize to you. Please save my grandpa. He\'s dying." the girl cried.

Suyu sighed, turned back and said, "Lingxiang, take a second-class antidote pill."

"Yes!" xiaolingxiang hurriedly ran back. Time was not long. She came out with a thin necked porcelain bottle in her hand. The mouth of the bottle was blocked with a wooden stopper wrapped in red silk and handed it to Su Yu.

Before Su Yu handed the porcelain vase to the girl, she stretched out a hand and grabbed it.

"Chu fan, what are you doing?" Su Yu asked in a low voice.

Chu fan rolled his eyes and hummed, "this pill doesn\'t count the manual cost. How much does it cost to use only medicinal materials? You send one today and another tomorrow. We have to drink the northwest wind the day after tomorrow."

The middle-aged man hurriedly said, "I\'ll buy it. No matter how much it costs, I\'ll buy it."