The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 921

"You... You Xiaoping?" Zhang Qiang sat up from bed and said in surprise, "what are you... Where are you?"

No wonder Zhang Qiang almost didn\'t recognize her. Over the past two years, Liang Xiaoping has changed too much. From a middle school teacher full of intellectual beauty, she has become like a village woman facing the Loess and facing the sky. The contrast is too great. If he hadn\'t known her too well, he could hardly recognize it.

There is also the house they lived in, which is too different from their previous house. The house is dark and the furnishings are all things from the 1980s. Zhang Qiang once thought he had gone through it and returned to 30 years ago.

"Brother Qiang!" Liang Xiaoping hugged him and cried with joy. She waited too long for this day. She really couldn\'t hold on. Thankfully, he not only woke up, but also recovered his physical condition, even better than before the accident.


"Don\'t cry, tell me, this... What\'s going on? Why can\'t I remember anything?"

Liang Xiaoping sobbed and told him everything about being hit by a car and sleeping in the hospital for two years. Speaking of hardship, she couldn\'t help crying and couldn\'t speak.

Zhang Qiang\'s memory slowly recovered. Looking at the furnishings in the room, he couldn\'t help but red his eyes. He hugged Liang Xiaoping and said movingly, "Xiao Ping, you\'ve suffered."

Although Liang Xiaoping didn\'t elaborate on how she came over the past two years, he guessed that Liang Xiaoping must have suffered a lot. Otherwise, she wouldn\'t let herself become like this.

At the beginning, the combination of Zhang Qiang and Liang Xiaoping envied many men and women in the University. They were beautiful and inseparable, and their feelings were enviable. However, the combination of the two did not get the blessing of their parents. The reason is very simple. Zhang Qiang\'s hometown is in the countryside, and Liang Xiaoping\'s parents are intellectuals. In either way, the two families are not right.

But they were very determined. They took the marriage certificate behind their parents\' backs and came together without the blessing of relatives and friends. In order to give Liang Xiaoping happiness, Zhang Qiang gave up the invitation of a large company, entered the government department and was assigned to the Local Taxation Bureau of Tonghai County.

He was smart and willing to bear hardships. Soon after he came, he solved a long-standing land problem in the local area. He was exceptionally promoted by the leader and became a section member. Although they have no savings and their lives are not so rich, their feelings are as good as ever, and they have never blushed.

But all this changed after accidentally meeting Yang Mingliang. Until Zhang Qiang was hit by a car into the hospital and became a vegetable, the sky on Liang Xiaoping\'s head collapsed in half.

In order to cure Zhang Qiang, Liang Xiaoping spent all her savings. The house they bought with a loan was sold at a low price and moved to the edge of the city to rent. In order to take better care of Zhang Qiang, Liang Xiaoping quit her teacher\'s job, got a tricycle and collected waste products from the streets every day, so that she can often go home to take care of her husband.

During a busy day, she sometimes couldn\'t even eat. When she came home, she changed her clothes and went out of the night stand to sell snacks such as grasping cakes and baking cold noodles, so as to make more money to buy nutrient solution for her husband.

Therefore, she specially went to learn infusion. In those days, her hands and even her feet were pierced by needles, but she just bit her teeth and survived. Every day I would give my husband a bottle of glucose and a bag of nutrient solution every few days. Two years passed unconsciously.

In the past two years, she has changed from a beautiful teacher in her thirties to what she looks like now. It is said that she is 50 and some people believe it. The hair is messy, the skin is rough, and the face is gray, as if it had not been washed.

At the thought of her living in such a dilapidated house and making herself look like this for herself, Zhang Qiang had an impulse to cry.

"Xiao Ping, why are you so stupid? Is it worth forcing yourself like this for me?" Zhang Qiang sobbed.

With tears in her eyes, Liang Xiaoping smiled: "as long as you live, everything is worth it. Why, do you dislike me ugly?"

Zhang Qiang shook his head: "in my heart, you will always be the most beautiful woman. Meeting you is the luckiest thing in my life. Being married to you is the greatest happiness in my life. Wife, I love you!"

"I love you too!" the couple, who had suffered several times, hugged each other tightly, as if they wanted to integrate them into one.

At the door, Bian Kui held Liang Xiaocui\'s hand. They looked at each other with four eyes. They didn\'t need any language. The feeling of water and milk and blood is thicker than water has gone beyond the love between husband and wife. They have a common child and a complete family. No factor can break the blood relationship between them.

Tang Feifei also unconsciously holds Chu fan\'s hand, and her eyes are full of envy. She looks at Liang Xiaoping and Zhang Qiang hugging together. She was thinking, if one day, he became a vegetable, can Chu fan take care of him for a few years like Liang Xiaoping? If the person who becomes a vegetable is Chu fan, can he do like Liang Xiaoping?

She doesn\'t even know!

At this moment, in her heart, Liang Xiaoping\'s image suddenly became great. In this regard, Tang Feifei had to admire this ordinary woman.

Bian Qingwu holds his mother\'s hand, but the other hand quietly pulls Chu fan and sends his hand to his palm. Chu fan didn\'t look back, but he held her hand tightly in the palm of his hand, which seemed to tell her that he wouldn\'t leave her no matter when, where and whatever happened.

Suddenly, Bian Qingwu showed a sweet smile, but her eyes were filled with tears, which were tears of happiness.

Only Bian Qingzhou took his father\'s hand, looked at this and that, and couldn\'t help asking, "Mom, when shall we eat? I\'m hungry!"

In a word, several pairs of people immersed in this happy and wonderful moment were awakened. Liang Xiaoping quickly wiped away her tears, pointed to Liang Xiaocui beside Bian Kui and said, "brother Qiang, let me introduce you to Liang Xiaocui, the sister I once mentioned to you. Next to her is her husband Bian Kui, their two children, Bian Qingwu and Bian Qingzhou."

"These two are Qingwu\'s friends, Chu fan and Tang Feifei." Liang Xiaoping emphatically introduced Chu fan. "If it weren\'t for Chu fan, I\'m afraid you wouldn\'t wake up now. We have to thank others."

"Every drop of kindness should be rewarded by Yongquan." Zhang Qiang said sincerely, "brother Chu fan, I won\'t say thank you for your help. If there\'s anything I can help in the future, in a word, even if it\'s going up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, I Zhang Qiang will never frown."

Chu fan smiled and waved his hand: "don\'t be so polite. You\'re just sick and need to be well conditioned for some time. Aunt, please help him take a bath and change his clothes. Let\'s go out to cook and celebrate together later."

"Let me cook..."

"No, no, you take care of your brother-in-law. Just have me in the kitchen." Liang Xiaocui stopped her sister and turned and went out.

Tang Feifei bought a lot of things in the supermarket. Most of them were cooked food. Under the busy work of Liang Xiaocui and her daughter Bian Qingwu, the dishes were soon filled with cold, hot, color and flavor.

In addition, Tang Feifei also bought several bottles of good wine. As soon as he poured the wine, Zhang Qiang, dressed neatly, pushed the door and came out.

No wonder it makes Liang Xiaoping die hard. He really has a good skin bag, white skin, combed his back, and has a very elegant temperament. Liang Xiaoping has also been well groomed and dressed. She looks much younger. However, the hard work in the past two years has done great harm to her skin. It will take at least a few years of maintenance to recover.

But the appearance has little effect on them. Looking at the way they hold hands, they are like newlyweds.

"Come on, I\'ll give a toast to brother Chu fan first." Zhang Qiang took a glass of wine and smiled brightly, "thank you for saving your life."

"Wait!" Chu fan stopped his drinking hand and said with a smile, "I\'ll take your heart, but you\'d better not drink this wine today. Not only can you not drink, but you can only choose some light food for these dishes instead of big fish and meat."

Liang Xiaoping hurriedly said, "listen to Chu fan. Your illness is just right. Your intestines and stomach haven\'t fully recovered. Let\'s slowly adapt to it for a few days."

"I cooked porridge. Drinking some porridge is very effective for the recovery of intestines and stomach. I\'ll hold a bowl for you." Liang Xiaocui said, got up and went into the kitchen.

I\'m happy today. Apart from Bian Qingzhou\'s young age and Zhang Qiang\'s discomfort, the rest of the people drank some wine. It was not until it was completely dark that the banquet ended.

Zhang Qiang and his wife took Chu fan to the intersection, watched them get on the bus and leave, and then came home with great regret. But then, Zhang Qiang held his doubts for a long time and finally couldn\'t help asking them.

"What exactly does Chu fan do? Relatives of your brother-in-law\'s family? It looks like he has a lot of money."

Liang Xiaoping\'s action to clean up the dishes and chopsticks slowed down, hesitated, and said, "listen to my sister, this Chu fan seems to be a big man in the military. Even the Secretary of the provincial Party committee of Dongshan province was brought down by him."


Zhang Qiang spewed out a mouthful of water and coughed: "what are you talking about? He brought down the Secretary of the provincial Party committee? This... How is this possible? Did you hear right?"

"More than half of our Tonghai County Party Secretary, county magistrate and township leaders were removed, and even the director of the County Public Security Bureau was dismissed. It is said that because they arrested my niece Bian Qingwu, Chu fan turned Dongshan province upside down in a rage."

Zhang Qiang took a breath of air-conditioning. Although he overestimated Chu fan, he never thought that Chu fan should have so much energy. Is he from a big family in Yanjing?

"By the way, what is his relationship with Qingwu? How do I feel that their relationship is very unusual? And the girl named Tang Feifei should be Chu fan\'s girlfriend? But why doesn\'t she mean to be jealous?"

"Why do you care so much? Come in and I\'ll tell you something."