The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 920

"Come in, this is my home." Liang Xiaoping opened an iron door. After entering, she opened the door left and right. Chu fan rode an inverted donkey into the yard. In the back, Liang Xiaocui\'s family came in, followed by Tang Feifei. She drove and stopped slowly outside the door.

Fortunately, the terrain in front of Liang Xiaoping\'s house is slightly higher, and some red bricks are paved. It\'s dry and flat. Unlike other people\'s homes, there are potholes and puddles, and there is no place to go.

Liang Xiaocui came in and glanced around. She was even more sad. Before, her family was poor enough, but Liang Xiaoping\'s family was no better than theirs.

An old house with small grey tiles on the roof. Several places were covered with white asbestos tiles, which looked like patched. Needless to ask, it must have leaked.

There are three rooms in the house. The walls have fallen off, revealing the adobe inside and the column base full of moth eyes. The window is still an old-fashioned upturned window, supported by a wooden stick. Almost none of the glass on it is complete, but it is tightly spliced, and all the joints are pasted with newspapers.

The door was even worse. There was a gap as big as a palm on the top, but it fell to the ground below, grinding the ground into an arc-shaped groove.

Liang Xiaoping came forward and opened the door lock. She said with a embarrassed smile, "the house is simple. I\'ll make you laugh."

"Very good, much better than our previous home." Bian Qingwu came forward and took Liang Xiaoping\'s arm and said with a smile, "aunt, I want to live in your house for a few days. Won\'t you not welcome it?"

Liang Xiaoping smiled and touched her head: "as long as you don\'t dislike it, you can live as long as you like. Come in, it\'s hot outside!"

Bian Kui didn\'t hurry in. When Chu fan stopped the car and came over, he followed him in. This little move made Liang Xiaoping more curious. What exactly did the young man do?

As soon as he entered the door, Chu fan smelled a faint smell of sandalwood and looked around. He found that the house was very similar to Bian Qingwu\'s old house, but Liang Xiaoping\'s house had more Westinghouse. Although there is a curtain hanging on the door, Chu fan can clearly see that there is also a set of tools for baking cold noodles, grasping cakes and other street snacks in Westinghouse.

Chu fan seems to see that Liang Xiaoping goes through the streets to collect waste products during the day, but she has to go to the street to make snacks such as grasping cakes and baking cold noodles at night. Others sleep ten hours a day, but she can\'t sleep for about five hours and is busy with her feet off the ground.

He couldn\'t understand why the sisters\' lives were so bitter?

"Just sit down and I\'ll pour you some water." Liang Xiaoping didn\'t invite several people into the inner room, but sat down around the square table in the central small living room. Although the house was a little shabby, it was clean, the tables and stools were wiped clean, and the room was in good order without any smell of oil smoke.

Chu fan sat down. Liang Xiaoping brought him a cup of hot water and asked curiously, "sister, how do you know I live here?"

Liang Xiaocui glanced at Chu fan. Chu fan took out his wallet, took out a check of one million denominations from it, put it in front of Liang Xiaoping, and explained, "this check is from a guy named Yang Mingliang who asked me to hand it over to you."

"Yang Mingliang?" Liang Xiaoping\'s face changed and hurriedly pushed the check back. "I can\'t take the money. You\'d better give it back to him."

"Aunt Xiaoping, don\'t rush to refuse. You deserve the money." Chu fan told Yang Mingliang what happened when she drove her man into the hospital and ended up in a vegetable. "Now, Yang Mingliang has been arrested in prison. What he did is enough to be shot ten times. Therefore, you take the money without any grudge. He owes you."

Liang Xiaoping shook her head: "his money is too dirty, I don\'t want it."

Chu Fan said with a bitter smile, "forget it, I\'d better tell you the truth. Yang Mingliang did leave you a batch of gold bars, a total of 100 pieces, weighing 10 kilograms. Please give these gold bars to you, but I refused on the spot. However, I decided to help him settle this grudge because he helped me a little. I paid the money. It\'s absolutely clean. Take it."

Before Liang Xiaoping refused, Bian Qingwu grabbed the check, stuffed it into Liang Xiaoping and said, "aunt, this money is really nothing to brother fan. If you still refuse, I\'ll send you five million tomorrow. Your niece is now a billionaire."

"Really?" Liang Xiaoping was surprised and looked at her sister Liang Xiaocui. Liang Xiaocui nodded, "take it. Chu fan is not an outsider. With this money, you can live a easier life in the future. By the way, where\'s your brother-in-law?"

"He... Is lying in the room." Liang Xiaoping\'s happy face suddenly went down, collected the check, went to open the curtain of the door and walked in with several people.

There are several sets of old-fashioned furniture in the room. Although some are old, they are wiped very clean. On an old combination cabinet, there is an obsolete 21 inch color TV, an old stereo next to it, and even an old record player in the corner. Needless to say, Liang Xiaoping received all these furniture and TV. Although they are all obsolete goods, they still have a dazzling feeling in this home.

Thirty years ago, this was definitely the standard for 10000 yuan households. It was too extravagant.

"Xiao Ping, this... This is her brother-in-law?" although she was prepared, Liang Xiaocui couldn\'t help being surprised when she saw the man in bed.

The man was covered with a thin quilt and couldn\'t see his figure, but his face was almost out of phase. His skin was covered with bones. He was timid and had nightmares for ten days.

Liang Xiaoping didn\'t think he was scary at all. She took a towel, soaked it in the basin, twisted it a little, wiped the man\'s face and thin palms, and calmly said, "his name is Zhang Qiang. We met in college. He was very handsome at that time. Many girls liked him, but he chose me."

"After graduation, he became a civil servant and was assigned to the Local Taxation Bureau of Tonghai County. In just three years, he became a clerk and was ready to raise an associate subject next. At that time, he said that when he became an associate subject, we would have children. Unexpectedly, a car accident destroyed him, me and our happiness."

Liang Xiaoping said frankly, "however, I don\'t care, because I firmly believe that one day, he will hear my call and wake up from his dream."

A little hope is a good thing, but the chance is too small. Not to mention whether Zhang Qiang will wake up, it is a problem whether he can stick to it or not.

Liang Xiaocui looked at Chu fan and asked, "Chu fan, this is Qingwu\'s little uncle, not an outsider. If you can help, please help."

"It\'s a little difficult, but it\'s not very difficult." Chu fan smiled, stuffed his wallet into Tang Feifei and said, "take your aunt to the supermarket to buy some delicious food. When you come back, my little uncle will probably wake up."

"Eat, eat all day." Tang Feifei grabbed her wallet angrily and rolled her eyes. "Say, what do you want to eat?"

"Whatever. Just buy it. No matter what you buy, I like it."

"That\'s what you said." Tang Feifei suddenly became happy and took Bian Qingwu out.

"I\'ll go with you." Bian Kui was stabbed by his wife, gave a quick greeting, and took his son out.

In the twinkling of an eye, there were only Chu fan and Liang Xiaocui sisters left in the room, and Zhang Qiang who couldn\'t wake up in bed. Before Chu fan ordered, Liang Xiaocui took her sister\'s hand and said, "let\'s go out and wait. Don\'t disturb Chu fan to treat her brother-in-law."

"He... He\'s a doctor?"

"No, but he is better than the doctor."

In the small living room outside, Liang Xiaocui simply told her sister about her experiences over the years. When she heard that Liang Xiaoping cried again. Why are our sisters so miserable?

Unconsciously, an hour passed. Chu fan suddenly opened the door curtain and came out. Liang Xiaoping quickly stood up, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and asked nervously, "how\'s it? Brother Qiang, is he awake?"

Chu fan shook his head and said, "no!"

Suddenly, the fire of hope that had just risen in Liang Xiaoping\'s heart was quenched by a ladle of cold water. Her heart was cold. She really wanted to get some mouse medicine and eat it with Zhang Qiang.

At this time, Chu Fan said with a smile: "it doesn\'t mean he can\'t wake up. Hehe, don\'t worry. He will wake up in less than half an hour."

"Really?" Liang Xiaoping turned grief into joy and grabbed Chu fan\'s wrist.

Chu Fan said with a smile, "of course it\'s true. You burn some hot water first. When he wakes up, let him take a good bath. You have to have a good drink with him in the evening."

"Let me boil the water. You go in and have a look." Liang Xiaocui patted her sister on the shoulder and gave Chu fan a white look.

This smelly boy is getting smaller and smaller. Your little aunt is also funny.

In the kitchen, Chu fan helped carry a large bucket of water and poured it into the pot. Liang Xiaocui skillfully ignited the firewood and put on the wood. The stove soon became more and more prosperous, making a crackling sound.

"Chu fan, your uncle and I want to do something, but we don\'t know what to do." Liang Xiaocui sat on a small bench and looked up and asked.

Chu Fan said casually with a smile, "dancing Cary has endless money. What are you two doing? Listen to me and learn to drive, and then you two will drive out to travel, not to mention all over the world, all over the north and South headquarters of China?"


"Nothing," said Chu fan. "Even if you want to do something, you have to wait until you come back from your hometown. Don\'t worry!"

Liang Xiaocui nodded. It\'s time to go home and have a look. After so many years, I don\'t know if my parents are still there.

Just as she recalled the past, Liang Xiaoping suddenly shouted in surprise: "brother Qiang, are you awake? You... Don\'t you know me?"