The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 922

Liang Xiaoping pulled Zhang Qiang back to the bedroom, drew the curtain, carefully took out a bag from the wardrobe, took out a wallet from the bag, opened the wallet, carefully took out a check from the inside and handed it to Zhang Qiang.

Zhang Qiang glanced, his pupils suddenly contracted and exclaimed, "one million... Ten thousand?"

"Keep your voice down!" Liang Xiaoping hurriedly covered his mouth and said in a low voice, "this money is given by Chu fan. Look at this money, should I take it or not?"

Zhang Qiang pondered for a long time and sighed: "my life is given by Chu fan. Is there still a million? Take it. We\'ll go to see the house tomorrow. I\'ll take time to go to the unit and try to get back to work as soon as possible."


Liang Xiaoping collected the check again, put it back in the cabinet, hesitated and said, "the man who drove into you has found it."

"I know. It\'s Yang Mingliang."

Zhang Qiang said, "I just remembered that when I hit me, I saw him, but later, I didn\'t know anything."

"According to Chu fan, Zhang Qiang has been arrested by the police for committing a crime. Moreover, his crime is relatively large, and it is estimated that he will be shot." Liang Xiaoping lowered her head and youyou said, "When he knew that he would die, he used what evidence as a chip to ask Chu fan to send me a hundred gold bars to compensate you. Chu fan refused, and then he personally gave us a million."

Zhang Qiang nodded: "Chu fan is right. Yang Mingliang\'s money is not clean. We can\'t take it. But Chu fan gave it. Let\'s take it. Anyway, it looks like he doesn\'t need a million. Maybe he will be our nephew\'s son-in-law in the future. Hehe!"

The couple haven\'t spoken for two years. After seeing Chu fan off and cleaning up their home a little, they can\'t wait to lie down and go to bed. People say that a small farewell is better than a new marriage, but although they meet every day, they have been separated for two years. They are old husband and wife. How can there be so many flowers before the moon?

But after a hot sweat, neither of them was sleepy. They hugged each other and whispered, as if there were endless words to say. After a break, Zhang Qiang couldn\'t help but have another time. This time, they insisted for a long time. They were exhausted and finally hugged each other and slept contentedly.

The next morning, Chu fan promised to buy Bian Kui an electric car. He simply drove Bian Kui to the county again, found an electric car store, chose the best three wheeled electric car, and attached a spare battery.

Bian Kui tried and drove very smoothly, because it was small and convenient, and the speed was not very fast, which was just suitable for people of his age. In particular, the small fishing village was only 20 miles away from the county seat, and it wouldn\'t take long to drive an electric car.

Just as Chu fan was going to go to the vegetable market with Bian Kui to buy some beef and go back to make dumplings, he suddenly received a strange phone call. Chu fan readily answered and said, "Hello, this is Chu fan. Who are you?"

"Chu fan, this is Zhang Qiang. Do you... Do you have time?" Zhang Qiang\'s voice came over the phone.

Chu fan quickly turned off the car and asked, "I have time now. What\'s the matter?"

"In fact, it\'s no big deal. I just want to ask you, are you familiar with the people of the county government?"

"Er... I\'m not familiar with it. Is it something at work? What\'s the problem?"

After a phone call, Chu fan finally found out. It turned out that during Zhang Qiang\'s illness, his administrative establishment was retained, but his position was held by others. There is no way. There are several weaving of government departments, one more can\'t, and one less can\'t. Zhang Qiang has become a plant man. It\'s not certain whether he can wake up or leave a position for him?

This morning, he went to the Local Taxation Bureau in high spirits. He smoked and sweetened when he saw people. Then he came to the director\'s office and applied to return to his post. However, he was told that the number of employees in the Local Taxation Bureau is full now. If he wants to come back, he has to wait patiently. When there is a vacancy, he will top it again.

In this regard, Zhang Qiang has no way. Who let him sleep for two years?

But Zhang Qiang is not a person who gives up easily. After leaving the Local Taxation Bureau, he immediately went to the county government, found the acting county magistrate, reacted to his situation, and hoped that the organization would consider it as appropriate. He can go to any unit, and he is confident to do his job well.

Unfortunately, the acting county magistrate didn\'t bother to pay attention to him at all. That\'s what he said. Let him go home and wait for news. Once there is a suitable position, he will be arranged to work.

For these excuses, Zhang Qiang is very clear in his heart. It is just that he didn\'t give gifts, or he is going to arrange someone\'s relatives to come in. This kind of thing is a recognized hidden rule in the industry and can\'t be avoided.

When it comes to money, he now has a million yuan given by Chu fan. If he takes some of it casually, he is expected to become a sideline soon. But he doesn\'t want to rely on money to pave the way. Once this kind of thing starts, it\'s difficult to restrain it.

A million dollars looks like a lot, but the higher the administrative level, the more money you need to spend. When there is no money, you can look for Chu fan to ask for money and gifts? If you can\'t help being greedy for a moment, the rest of your life will be ruined.

After thinking for a long time, he finally picked up the phone and called Chu fan. He can not give gifts, but if Chu fan has a relationship in this regard and helps say a word, it shouldn\'t be anything?

"That\'s it?" Chu Fan said with a smile. "OK, I know. Go home and wait for the news. I\'ll call and ask."

Hang up. Chu fan doesn\'t know who to call. It\'s not too big, but too small. If Zhang Qiang is at the section level, Chu fan\'s words can make him directly the director of the local tax bureau. If he is at the section level, Chu fan can make him the head of Tonghai County.

But he is just an ordinary staff member, and Chu fan knows big people. It\'s too much of a fuss to ask them for help.

Just thinking about it, suddenly a call came in. Chu fan was happy when he saw the caller ID. how could he forget him: "hahaha, brother Zhang Shan, you\'re all right!"

"Brother, you are really good." Zhang Shan was in a good mood and said with a happy laugh, "brother, I owe you a big favor. When will the sea market come, I have to buy you a drink."

"Listen to what you mean, the official has been reinstated?"

"It\'s more than just restoring the official\'s original position. I\'ve taken a step forward." Zhang Shan smiled proudly. "Now I\'m the Secretary of Linhai municipal Party committee. Ha ha, thanks to you, brother."

Chu Fan said with a smile, "I\'m the one to thank. If it weren\'t for the information you provided, how could I dig up such a big case in the quarry?"

"OK, let\'s not thank each other. I\'ll just tell you what you need in the future. Just ask."

"Hey, hey, there\'s really a small thing. Brother, you have to help me anyway."

Zhang Shan was stunned and immediately asked solemnly, "tell me, even if I can\'t do it, I will try my best to help you."

"It\'s really no difficulty for you." Chu fan was embarrassed and said, "it\'s Bian Qingwu\'s little uncle. He was originally a small clerk of Tonghai County Local Taxation Bureau. He has rested for two years because of illness, but now no one wants it. You see, help arrange a job for any unit. He\'s not picky about food."

Zhang Shan breathed a sigh of relief and said with an angry smile, "that\'s all?"

"Yes, that\'s all."

"What\'s his name?"

"Zhang Qiang was hit by a car two years ago. He was a vegetable and slept for two years."

"OK, I see. When you come to Haishi, don\'t forget to call me. I have too many things to do, so I won\'t talk to you."

After Chu fan calls, Bian Kui has bought the meat and ground it into meat. In his other hand, he carries a white striped chicken and throws it into the carriage of the electric tricycle to greet Chu fan home.

Chu fan\'s car is fast. He returns to Bian\'s house first. As soon as he stops the car at the gate of the hospital, Zhang Qiang calls in: "Chu fan, thank you so much. Where are you? I\'ll treat you to dinner?"

"They are all from their own families. Why are you so polite? If you are all right, take your little aunt to the small fishing village. We make beef steamed dumplings at noon. If you miss it, you have no luck."

"OK, I\'ll be right there."

Liang Xiaocui has made up her face, and picked some fresh coriander and chrysanthemum from the garden and mixed them into the meat filling. The red is meat and the green is vegetables. It looks like she has an appetite.

Just as several people were gearing up to make dumplings, a taxi stopped outside the door. Zhang Qiang and Liang Xiaoping, who had changed into new clothes, got out of the car with big bags and small bags and strode into the yard.

"Brother in law, your house is so angry." Zhang Qiang said to Bian Kui with a smile.

Bian Kui said with a smile, "I borrowed Chu fan\'s light. I can\'t build such a big house without him."

After entering the house, Chu fan put down his rolling pin and said with a smile, "has the work problem been solved?"

"Solved!" said Zhang Qiang excitedly. "The acting county magistrate personally called me and asked me to report to the county government tomorrow, be a secretary to the county magistrate and concurrently serve as the deputy director of the government office. The county magistrate also said that when I made some achievements, let me go to the grass-roots level to exercise well, hold my hand and have to invite me to dinner."

Liang Xiaoping teased aside: "now, his waist is hard. He dares to push even the invitation of the county governor. He really treats himself as a character?"

Before Zhang Qiang could speak, Chu fan smiled and waved his hand: "it\'s all right, not to mention the county magistrate. Zhang Shan, Secretary of Linhai municipal Party committee, would like to invite me to drink..."

Before he finished, Chu fan\'s phone rang. Tang Feifei handed him the phone and said, "it seems that it\'s my second uncle."

"Second uncle, are you finally willing to call me? I thought you forgot my nephew." Chu Fan said with a smile. I don\'t know what was said on the phone. Chu fan suddenly said in surprise, "what are you talking about? You\'re coming to Dongshan province and becoming the Secretary of the provincial Party committee? Second uncle, Congratulations!"