The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 919

Tonghai County is a small county that has just started its development. There are not many buildings. Most residents still live in that kind of old house. Especially in the peri urban areas, because there is no unified planning, the streets are everywhere, there is not even a drainage canal, and the dirty water flows wantonly, emitting an unpleasant smell.

But on such a road, a middle-aged woman rode a three wheeled bicycle with an "inverted donkey". In fact, the carriage was in the front and people pedaled in the back. Although it was light, if the car contained a little more goods, it would block the cyclist\'s line of sight, which was very inconvenient.

"Collect the rags, collect the old household appliances, old furniture, waste books and waste newspapers..." the woman\'s voice was still very loud. The cry spread far away, and she rode on an upside down donkey and shouted in the streets.

At the door of a house, when the door opened, a middle-aged man smiled and said, "Sister Ping, there are some waste wires in my house. Do you want to?"

"Yes, as long as you can sell money, you can take everything." Liang Xiaoping stopped the car, took out a steelyard and said, "take out the wire. I\'ll calculate you two yuan and sixty-one kilograms."

"Two yuan and six yuan? Sister Ping, I\'m a serious 800 yuan copper wire. How much is a kilo of copper? At least 14 yuan? Even if my copper wire has rubber, it doesn\'t weigh as much as the copper wire. You only give me two yuan and six yuan. Do you want to deceive me?"

"Elder brother Liu, it\'s very troublesome to peel the copper wire. How can I earn some manual fees?" Liang Xiaoping said with a smile. "Besides, our neighbors live in the neighborhood, and I can get you? Who doesn\'t know that you, Liu, can calculate the bones. It\'s not easy to earn you some money. Well, I\'ll give you five yuan a kilogram, how about it?"

Lao Liu said with a satisfied smile, "it\'s almost the same. Come in and weigh it. There\'s a lot of it."

"Here... I have the car..." Liang Xiaoping is a little embarrassed. There are some rags on the car. Although they are not worth much money, if they are lost, they will not only lose money, but also lose money.

Lao Liu urged, "don\'t worry, you can\'t lose your car. If you\'re afraid of losing it, just push the car in."

"All right!" Liang Xiaoping was reluctant to give up the big deal and pushed the car into Lao Liu\'s yard.

After Lao Liu closed the door, he greeted Liang Xiaoping into the house. Liang Xiaoping refused and said, "I won\'t go in. It\'s bright outside."

"You\'re afraid I\'ll eat you?" Lao Liu smiled. "Don\'t worry, my wire is full of a sack. Come in and help me. I can\'t lift it alone."

"So much?" Liang Xiaoping was a little excited. No one could lift it. How many kilograms would it cost? Even if you earn a dollar a catty, you can earn more than 100 yuan this time. You\'ll catch up with your usual day.

"Brother Liu, where did you get so many wires?" Liang Xiaoping did not doubt him, put down the scale and followed Liu into the house.

Just after entering the door, Lao Liu suddenly turned around and hugged her. He said in a hurry, "Xiao Ping, I like you for a long time. Marry me."

"Lao Liu, you let go..." Liang Xiaoping was surprised and angry. She tried to break away Lao Liu\'s arms, raised her hand and gave him a big mouth. "Who do you think of me? I have a husband."

"Yes, you have a husband, but he sleeps half dead all day. Do you want to keep him all your life?" old Liu begged, "Xiao Ping, brother really loves you and really wants to live with you. If you promise, I\'d like to take care of him with you..."

"Stop talking." Liang Xiaoping\'s face cooled down. "Brother Liu, I thank you for your kindness, but I only like him in my life. As long as he lives, I will take care of him for one day. If he dies, I will reincarnate with him and be a husband and wife in my next life."

"If you don\'t have a wire, I\'ll go."

Liang Xiaoping turned to go. Lao Liu didn\'t know where he had the courage. He suddenly came forward and hugged her. As soon as she threw her hard, she fell down on the bed. In her cries of pain, Lao Liu, with red eyes and like a bull with hair, rushed up in his coarse clothes and tore her clothes like crazy.

"Xiao Ping, I like you. Just follow me. I will be nice to you... Ah!" Lao Liu suddenly screamed. He covered his crotch with his hands and was kicked down by Liang Xiaoping.

Just now, Liang Xiaoping pretended to be soft and gave up the struggle, which made Lao Liu overjoyed. She loosened her legs and was ready to take off her pants, but she didn\'t want her to bend her knees and give him a shot, hitting the lifeline.

This place is the lifeblood of men. Lao Liu feels that his eggs are going to break.

This woman is so cruel!

Liang Xiaoping ran out of the room in panic. She wanted to run out, but suddenly wanted to go. The car was still in the yard. She hurried back to push the cart. But when she pushed the car, she found that the door was still plugged in. She hurried to open the door again.

At this time, Lao Liu finally relieved the pain and chased out. The more anxious Liang Xiaoping was, the more she couldn\'t open the door. If she couldn\'t run out again, let alone chastity, she was afraid that she would lose her life.

"Help..." Liang Xiaoping shouted for help.

As soon as he shouted twice, Lao Liu caught up with Liang Xiaoping and slapped her heavily in the face, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. At the next moment, Lao Liu jumped up, grabbed her neck with one hand, and tore her clothes with the other hand. Only twice, her coat was torn open, revealing her white bra and white skin no worse than that of a girl.

Lao Liu was like a wolf who saw fat meat. Her eyes were green and she tore her pants more madly. Liang Xiaoping was pinched almost out of breath. She grabbed her hand on the ground. She grabbed half a brick and smashed it on Lao Liu\'s head.


Lao Liu screamed and fell to the ground from her. Liang Xiaoping quickly got up and prepared to open the door, but Lao Liu grabbed her hair again. The severe pain and fear in her heart made her make a sad cry.

"Help, help... Oh, oh, oh!"

When she had time to shout, Lao Liu covered her mouth from behind, strangled her waist with her other hand and dragged her to the house. As long as she entered the house, even if she broke her throat, she couldn\'t be heard.

Seeing that she was getting farther and farther away from the gate and her strength was getting smaller and smaller, Liang Xiaoping shed tears in despair. She knew that she was doomed today. Brother Qiang, you said you wanted to protect me all my life, but why can\'t you wake up?

Seeing her, she was about to be dragged into the house. The door was suddenly kicked open. The huge movement startled Lao Liu. Liang Xiaoping didn\'t know where her strength came from. She suddenly pushed Lao Liu open and ran towards the door.

She was too anxious, too afraid, and her legs and feet were weak. She just ran two steps, she stumbled and fell down.

"Be careful!" Chu fan stepped forward, held Liang Xiaoping and comforted, "don\'t be afraid, I\'m here to save you."

"Xiao ping!" a familiar cry with a tremor came into Liang Xiaoping\'s ears. She raised her head and her eyes suddenly fell on the woman in front of her. She didn\'t dare to channel, "sister? Is it you, sister?"

Liang Xiaocui took two steps forward, looked up and down at her sister with tears, and sobbed, "it\'s me, it\'s me! Xiaoping, you\'ve suffered."

"Sister!" Liang Xiaoping let out a sad cry and rushed into her arms. The sisters hugged each other and cried bitterly. Next to them, the three members of Bian Kui\'s family also wet their eyes. Tang Feifei cried like a tearful man, as if she had found her sister.

Unexpectedly, she is still a sentimental woman!

Chu fan didn\'t expect to meet Liang Xiaoping here before he found her home. It seems that the old saying is right. Good people are rewarded. I just did a good deed. I found the person I was looking for.

"Where are you going?" Chu fan suddenly shouted.

Lao Liu was startled. Instead of stopping, he rushed into the house faster, took out two kitchen knives and said fiercely, "dare to meddle in my business. I\'ll kill you first today."

"Qiang Nu failed to do it. Now there is another charge of wounding people with weapons." Chu fan turned back and ordered, "Feifei, don\'t cry, call the police quickly."

"Why don\'t you call?" Tang Feifei sobbed, wiped her tears with a paper towel, pouted out her mobile phone, called the police and called.

Now, Lao Liu, who was just going to scare Chu fan, was really anxious. If he called the police, he would have to squat for at least five or six years?

"Who dares to call the police?" Lao Liu rushed over with fierce eyes, waved a kitchen knife and cut at Tang Feifei.

Before the kitchen knife fell, Chu fan suddenly flew up and kicked him on the wrist. The kitchen knife in his hand took off and flew into the air. Chu fan grabbed it and accurately crossed his neck.

A cold knife breath intruded into Lao Liu\'s skin and immediately made him goose bumps, which scared him out of breath. He hurriedly said, "brother, don\'t... don\'t be impulsive, I\'m wrong, I\'m really wrong. You forgive me this time, I really didn\'t mean it."

"Didn\'t you mean it? Did you see that Aunt Xiaoping was beautiful and made a temporary intention?"

"Well, actually, I\'ve liked her for a long time, but she\'s always lukewarm to me. I drank some wine today, so..."

Liang Xiaoping sisters finally stopped crying. Hearing Lao Liu\'s words, Liang Xiaoping hurriedly said to Tang Feifei who was preparing to call the police: "no, don\'t call the police."

"Xiao Ping, he wants to bully you. Do you still want to forgive him?" Liang Xiaocui asked puzzled.

Liang Xiaoping said bitterly, "in fact, Lao Liu usually takes good care of me. Although I\'m impulsive today, I\'m also responsible for this. If I hadn\'t been greedy, I wouldn\'t have entered the yard or the door, so many things wouldn\'t have happened."

"Thank you, thank you, Sister Ping." Lao Liu slapped himself with a big mouth and said remorse, "I\'m an asshole. I\'m not human. I\'m fascinated by ghosts..."

"All right!" Liang Xiaoping took a deep breath and said, "Lao Liu, I\'ll tell you for the last time. Zhang Qiang is the only one in my heart. Even if he will never wake up, I won\'t leave him."

"Forget about today. You can do it yourself."