The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 918

At noon, Xiaocui prepared a table of rich fishing village food, and specially prepared a bowl of seafood noodles for Bian Qingwu. She said that she would go to bad luck and be safe in the future.

Bian Qingwu doesn\'t believe these statements, but this side is cooked by her mother. She peels every shrimp inside. It\'s not only delicious, but also full of strong family affection.

After dinner, Bian Qingwu poured several cups of tea to Su Yuan and Chu fan, and sat down next to Chu fan on the sofa, being clever and sensible.

While drinking tea, Chu fan tells Xia Yanran where Yang Mingliang hid the gold bars, and asks her to take out the gold bars and hand them in. Incidentally, he said what he promised Yang Mingliang, and asked Xia Yanran to help check the address of the woman named Liang Xiaoping.

"Unexpectedly, Yang Mingliang is still an infatuated person." Xia Yanran picked up her cell phone, stood up and said, "OK, I\'ll call and ask, what\'s the woman\'s name?"

"Liang Xiaoping!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "pa" sound in the kitchen. It seemed that the plate fell to the ground and broke. Bian Qingwu hurried over and asked with concern, "Mom, are you okay?"

"I... I\'m fine." Xiaocui was a little excited, wiped her hands on her apron, hurried out and said in a trembling voice, "Chu fan, what did you just say is the name of the woman you\'re looking for?"

"Liang Xiaoping." Chu Fan said curiously, "aunt, do you know her?"

Xiao Cui\'s lips moved back and forth, but she didn\'t say a word for a long time. Now, even Bian Kui, who was dizzy with drinking, found that his wife had a problem. He quickly came forward and asked, "Xiaocui, what\'s the matter with you? Is there something wrong with you? Dance lightly. Take your mother back to her room to have a rest. I\'ll clean up the kitchen later."

"Chu fan, i... can I go with you?" Xiaocui asked in a trembling voice.

Now, Chu fan can be 100% sure that Xiaocui must know Liang Xiaoping and even be very familiar with her.

Chu fanrou said in a soft voice, "aunt, if you want to go, it\'s no problem. But can you tell me what the relationship between Liang Xiaoping and you is?"

Bian Kui, Bian Qingwu, and Bian Qingzhou all looked at her nervously. Even Chu fan had a hunch that the relationship between Xiaocui and Liang Xiaoping was definitely not simple.

Xiaocui hesitated again and again, sighed helplessly, and said slowly, "my name is Liang Xiaocui. My hometown is Rao town in the north. I also have a sister. She is five years younger and her name is Liang Xiaoping."

Chu fan and others were surprised. Unexpectedly, a Liang Xiaoping was also involved in Xiaocui\'s identity. What makes people wonder is why she should hide her husband and children?

Although Chu fan and Xia Yanran and others wanted to know, it was related to Xiaocui\'s privacy. No one was very interested and didn\'t ask. However, since Xiaocui opened her mouth, she didn\'t intend to hide any more. She told her story in detail.

Liang Xiaocui was born in a scholarly family. Her father is a university professor and her mother is a teacher in a middle school. Therefore, she has been smart and learned everything quickly since childhood. From primary school to high school, she has always been the first grade, and her grades have never declined.

Before going to college, she was like a piece of white paper, so pure that people couldn\'t bear to blaspheme. Boys who liked her could form a strengthened company, but she never considered it. Because she has always remembered her parents\' words in her heart, she must not talk about friends and delay her studies before entering the University.

In fact, almost every parent has said this to their children. However, few children can really do this, but Liang Xiaocui did.

After going to college, she contacted more people and made more friends. In order to enter the society as soon as possible, she even found a part-time tutor without telling her parents. Unexpectedly, this part-time job has become an important turning point in her life.

The man who hired her as a tutor was a graceful and polite mature man. Through contact, he learned that he was the manager of a company. Because he was busy with his career, he ignored his wife\'s feelings and his wife left him. He was busy with his work and had no time to take care of his children, so that his children\'s academic performance decreased.

The emotional blank made her easily believe the man\'s words, and the man\'s handsome appearance, elegant and funny conversation, as well as his carefulness and consideration soon made Liang Xiaocui fall into his carefully compiled love network.

During that period of time, Liang Xiaocui was very happy. She imagined that as soon as she graduated, a man would marry her. Although he had children, she didn\'t care. As for his money, Liang Xiaocui never wanted to ask him for a penny.

But when they had been dating for less than three months, a proud woman came to her, gave her a big mouth without saying a word, scolded her for seducing other people\'s husbands, and found several fierce women to tear and beat her, and almost stripped her clothes.

The onlookers around her pointed and talked about her. She felt like a bad woman who destroyed people\'s family, but she really didn\'t know he had a wife.

Finally, she summoned up the courage to find his company, but he ruthlessly drove her out and said a lot of ugly and heartless words. Discouraged and heartbroken, Liang Xiaocui didn\'t even know how to leave the company. She was walking on her way home, but she was caught by several hooligans

After that, she went crazy and came to the small fishing village. She met Bian Kui, a kind bachelor, and lived in his house. At the beginning, Bian Kui didn\'t know her name, but she knew from her self-talk that her name was Xiaocui, so she kept calling down.

"Who is that man?" Bian Kuitan stood up, his eyes red, angrily rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife out. "Tell me, I\'ll cut him right away."

Liang Xiaocui grabbed the fruit knife on the tea table and shouted, "if you dare to go out of this door, I\'ll die in front of you."

"Clang", the kitchen knife fell to the ground, and Bian Kui hurried forward two steps, "cui\'er, you... Calm down, i... I\'m not going, I\'m not going anywhere. I\'ll guard you at home. Put down the knife first."

Bian Qingwu also advised, "Mom, my father doesn\'t care, but wants to breathe for you. Don\'t you know who he is after all these years?"

Bian Kui nodded again and again: "what Qingwu said is right. If I could marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law as you, I would have burned Gao Xiang. How can I dislike you? I just think that man is not a thing, if it weren\'t for him..."

He wanted to say, if it weren\'t for the man, how could Xiaocui go crazy? But then again, if Xiaocui is not crazy, how can she marry him and give birth to a pair of sensible children?

But even so, he would never thank the man. If he knew who the man was, he would kill him.

"All right!" Chu fan grabs Liang Xiaocui falsely. The knife in her hand swishes into Chu fan\'s palm. He slowly puts it on the tea table and says, "it\'s been so long. Why do you mention it? Aunt, are you sure that Liang Xiaoping is your sister?"

"I don\'t know." Liang Xiaocui shook her head bitterly. "There are many people with the same name and surname. Who knows if she is my sister? If not..."

Bian Qingwu interrupted, "if not, I\'ll accompany you back to my hometown and meet my grandparents. OK?"

"I......" Liang Xiaocui hesitated, wondering whether she should go back.

Suyuan took her to sit down on the sofa and advised her, "aunt Liang, there are only cruel children in the world, not cruel parents. What happened in those years is not your fault, and you didn\'t humiliate your parents, so you can go back and tell everyone that you are innocent."

"Don\'t worry!" Chu Fan said angrily, "aunt, tell me the details of the man. I will let him return your innocence and let him be punished as he deserves."

"This..." Liang Xiaocui looks at Bian Kui and doesn\'t know whether to say it or not.

Bian Kui sighed, "cui\'er, decide for yourself. Anyway, we are still the same as before. No one wants to separate us."

Xia Yanran said, "aunt Xiaocui, don\'t worry, we won\'t disclose your address and your name, so even if the man is punished, it won\'t affect your life in the small fishing village. And those bastards who bully you, I will catch them and bring them to justice."

"He... His name is Li Bin. He is the general manager of yuyifang pharmaceutical company." Liang Xiaocui sighed. "Forget it. It\'s been so many years. It\'s strange that I\'m too simple to believe his nonsense. At this point, I\'m responsible for myself, and no wonder others."

She said she didn\'t want revenge, but she still said the man\'s name and occupation. Subconsciously, she actually wants revenge. It can be seen that women are more likely to remember revenge and will not forget it for many years.

"OK, that\'s it." Chu fan stood up and said with a smile, "have enough to eat and drink. Go to Liang Xiaoping\'s house. Maybe you can recognize a relative."

"I\'ll go too." Bian Qingwu jumped up and pulled up his little brother.

Bian Kui smiled brightly and said, "simply, let\'s all go and go to the supermarket to buy something."

"We won\'t go." Xia Yanran and Suyuan got up, said goodbye to Bian Qingwu and others, and went out. Tang Feifei didn\'t go, but went directly to the co pilot. Obviously, she wanted to follow.

Fortunately, Chu fan\'s car is spacious, and the four members of Bian Qingwu\'s family are not crowded behind. Chu fan drives towards the county according to the address sent to him by Xia Yanran.

"Dance lightly. I\'ll buy you a car later?" Chu Fan said casually. I don\'t have a car at home. It\'s inconvenient to go back and forth to the city.

Before Bian Qingwu could speak, Tang Feifei gave him a bad look: "at Qingwu\'s age, can you get the driver?"

"I didn\'t let Qingwu drive?" Chu fan glanced at Bian Kui and Xiaocui in the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "uncle and aunt, you both go to get a driver\'s license. When the license comes down, I\'ll give you a car."

"Forget it, we can\'t drive this car." Bian Kui smiled bitterly. "If you want to be really thoughtful, buy me an electric tricycle."