The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 917

Chu fan slept quietly here, but the people in the mixed system of Dongshan province didn\'t sleep almost all night. Because their old one was taken away to talk.

After a series of phone calls, everyone knew what had happened and was stunned one by one. No one could have imagined that a quarry in xiaotonghai county would lead to such a big case, and this case even involved Lao Yi.

However, with the understanding of these subordinates to the old leaders, he is not the kind of mercenary?

At dawn, there is no clear news about the old one, but Secretary Hong of Linhai City and the newly appointed mayor have been found out one after another, not only in terms of life style, but also in terms of economy. The amount of cash found at home is amazing.

The most shocking thing is Tonghai County, where more than one third of the officials involved are still growing. County Magistrate Han Dexin was the first to bear the brunt. Last night, he was arrested at the home of a divorced woman. At that time, they didn\'t even have a cloth on them.

The second is Luo Jiang, director of the Public Security Bureau. When he was arrested, he talked back hard, but when people found out that he had a lot of unknown property and even sent his son abroad to study, he completely collapsed to the ground.

One night, he not only explained what he had done over the years, but also explained the whole process of perjury against Bian Qingwu. At that time, the person who went to the small fishing village to catch Bian Qingwu was his nephew Gao Ming. Before he went to the police, he received a call from Yang Mingliang.

In terms of relationship, Gao Ming and Yang Mingliang are more iron. They often drink together. If their friends have something to do, why don\'t they help? In addition, Yang Mingliang promised on the phone that after it was done, he would give him two 500 grams of gold bars. If they were changed into money, it would be at least more than 2.3 million.

Even in the face of money, this favor must be helped anyway.

This is not the first time Gaoming has done this. While Bian\'s family took Bian Qingwu away, he took away the fruit knife on the tea table without trace. On the way back to the police station, he stabbed the dead robber in the chest with this fruit knife, and then put the bloody fruit knife into a sealed bag, which became an important criminal evidence.

When he returned to the police station, Gao Ming began a sudden trial. Unfortunately, Bian Qingwu, although young, was also a person who had seen the world. He simply ignored it. In a word, he was less than 13 years old and was in self-defense.

It\'s easy to decide whether it\'s self-defense, but she\'s not old enough to bear criminal responsibility, but it\'s not easy to do. Finally, Luo Jiang came forward and used his right to change Bian Qingwu\'s account. When Bian Kui went to inquire, he forcibly re handled the account book for him. As for the old account book, it was destroyed directly.

In the hospital, Yang Mingliang, after bandaging his legs, explained the incident in detail. At the beginning, he wanted to spend money to avoid disasters and minimize the impact. Anyway, it was a gold mine. He didn\'t want money. But he didn\'t expect that Mayor Zhang Shan soon realized that there was a problem in his mine.

For this matter, Han Dexin found his uncle Han Yonghe. In a word, Zhang Shan was transferred from Linhai City to sit on the bench. At this time, Yang Mingliang learned that the man behind him was the murderer Wang Chufan.

From that moment on, Yang Mingliang never slept a safe sleep again. He advised his brother-in-law Han Dexin to go abroad with him, but Han Dexin was reluctant to give up everything beautiful in front of him.

In order to prevent future trouble, my brother-in-law and brother-in-law came up with a poisonous trick. They asked someone to pretend to be a robber and rob Bian Qingwu\'s house. After getting a sum of money, they killed their whole family.

As soon as the Bian family died, Chu fan broke off contact with the Bian family and even the small fishing village. At that time, he will try his best to track down the whereabouts of the robbers and avenge Bian Qingwu. But people are hidden in the underground cave of the quarry. Who can find them?

Unfortunately, people are not as good as heaven. Instead of killing Bian Qingwu, she killed one of the robbers he sent. The other three were scared out of their wits and ran back in embarrassment. Yang Mingliang had the layout behind him.

Now, the truth has come to light. Bian Qingwu belongs to self-defense, and her registered permanent residence has been changed again. She doesn\'t need to bear any legal responsibility at all.

Early in the morning, Xia Yanran, who had been busy all night, came to Bian\'s house and told Chu fan and Bian Kui the good news. They stopped cooking. They cleaned up immediately and got on the bus and went straight to the County Detention Center.

Chu fan asked Bian Kui and his wife to wait patiently in the car. He walked in under the leadership of a male policeman.

"Bian Qingwu, you can go out." with a bang, the iron door was opened. Bian Qingwu, who was closed inside, calmly folded his clothes, put all his utensils in order, and combed his hair with his hand, so he didn\'t rush out of the room where she was detained.

Luo Jiang is right. Bian Qingwu is really taken care of. The room where she is detained is similar to the guest room of the hotel. There is an independent bathroom and TV. What she wants to eat is specially bought for her, and she doesn\'t need to pay. The only thing is that she can\'t leave the room.

Now, she took a bath and changed into the clothes she wore when she came. She was nostalgic for the room she had lived in for several days. It\'s not that she didn\'t give up, but that the room left her a deep impression that she will never forget in her life.

Although there is no need to worry about food and clothing, TV and computers are available. Don\'t others want this kind of life after struggling all their life? But she would rather go back to the past and get up early with her brother to pick up seafood at the beach than come back here to enjoy happiness.

Only when you lose freedom can you know how precious freedom is.

At the door, Bian Qingwu bowed to the policewoman at the door and said sincerely, "thank you for your care these days."

"No, no, I\'m also under orders." the policewoman was a little frightened and hurried, "if there\'s anything to offend, please don\'t mind."

This attitude is quite different from that when Bian Qingwu first came in. It was after Luo Jiang called specially that the policewoman was much better to her. Just now, the policewoman learned that the weather had changed in Tonghai County. The fuse was the little girl in front of her. She was in a cold sweat.

It\'s too hanging. If I treat other prisoners like that, I\'m afraid I\'ll be more miserable than Luojiang. Now, she just wants to see Bian Qingwu off as soon as possible. It\'s best not to see her again in her life.

She also doesn\'t understand. Since the girl has such a big background, why should these people touch the bad luck? Isn\'t this death? As everyone knows, Han Dexin, who proposed to do this, regretted his intestines at this time.

Originally, he wanted to beat Chu fan with the help of his uncle\'s power to let him know that the strong dragon does not pressure the local snake. Even if you compare with the ox, you have to give me some peace in Dongshan province.

As long as the hard evidence is solid, even if Chu fan has a big background, he won\'t want to get people out. At that time, if he wants to save Bian Qingwu, he will have to ask Secretary Han Yonghe. At that time, Han Yonghe will be a natural person. Will Chu fan still have trouble with Han Dexin and Yang Mingliang?

Unfortunately, the idea was good, but the result was unexpected. They not only successfully rescued Bian Qingwu from the detention center, but also folded them in. That is to say, if you harm others, you will end up harming yourself. If you do evil, you can\'t live.

As soon as Bian Qingwu walked out of the detention center, he saw a familiar Wei\'an figure standing in the sun. He was so excited that tears filled his eyes. All the grievances he had suffered flew out of the sky, and his heart was full of happiness.

"Qingwu, brother takes you home." Chu fan puts out his hand to her, and Bian Qingwu can no longer control himself. With a flash of his figure, he immediately crosses the distance of nearly ten meters and plunges into Chu fan\'s arms.

Chu fan stroked her hair and let her cry in her arms until a few minutes later, her cry gradually stopped and looked up.

"Enough crying?" Chu fan wiped the tears from her cheeks and said helplessly, "I\'m blind in this suit. You have to wash it for me when you go home."

"No problem." Bian lightly danced and took Chu fan\'s arm and said with a smile, "as long as you don\'t dislike me and wash your clothes all your life."

"Cough, your parents are still waiting outside. Let\'s go." Chu fan coughed and dared not entangle on this topic, so he took her away quickly.

When they walked out of the gate of the detention center and stayed outside, Bian Kui and his wife, who were waiting anxiously, immediately greeted them, took Bian dancing, asked them all the time, looked up and down, and confirmed that she was really nothing, so they were greatly relieved and completely relieved.

"Light dance hasn\'t had breakfast yet?" Chu fan waved. "Get in the car and take you to have a good meal."

"Brother, I want to go home."

Xiaocui hurriedly said, "there\'s everything at home. Just go home and eat. I\'ll cook and make a light dance favorite. You\'ve lost weight these days."

Since they all strongly asked to go home, Chu fan didn\'t insist anymore. He drove with Bian Qingwu towards home. Soon, the small fishing village was vaguely in sight. Looking at the blue sea outside the window and smelling the humid air full of sea smell, Bian Qingwu was in a better mood.

This is the taste of home!

"Stop!" Bian Qingwu suddenly shouted. Chu fan subconsciously stopped the car. Bian Qingwu got off and ran to the beach.

Chu fan, Bian Kui and Xiao Cui also got out of the car and looked in the direction Bian Qingwu ran to. They saw a thin figure on the beach, carrying a large bucket, walking barefoot and laboriously on the beach.

"Light boat?" Bian Kui was surprised and hurried over.

Xiaocui hurried over and complained, "why did the child come out to pick up scallops again?"

Before Chu fan came near, the sister and brother had come with a bucket. Although Bian Qingzhou looks like a mud monkey, his face is going to be happy. Obviously, he has achieved a lot today.

Bian Kui quickly grabbed the bucket and complained, "smelly boy, I asked you to review at home. Why did you come to the beach again? Our family doesn\'t lack this money now."

"I didn\'t want to sell money. I just thought my sister must want to eat this. Come and pick up some back and taste fresh for my sister."

In a word, Bian Kui and his wife were speechless. Recently, life has been so good that they unknowingly ignore their concern for their children. At this time, they suddenly realize that money is not important. The whole family is happy and safe together, even if they eat bran and swallow vegetables.

"Come on, let\'s go home." Bian Kui took his son with a bucket and walked in front. Xiaocui took her daughter and followed her in the direction of home.

Well, I\'d better drive first.