The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 916

Chu fan took out a cigarette, handed it to him and helped him light it. He asked faintly, "do you have anything else to say?"

Yang Mingliang\'s hand trembled slightly. After smoking two cigarettes, his hand stabilized. He looked up and said, "can I talk to you alone?"

"It\'s not necessary." Chu fan resolutely refused, "if you have anything to say, if you want to bribe me, you\'d better save it. I have too much money to spend. I don\'t want a small gold mine like you for nothing."

Seeing that he didn\'t mean to speak, Chu fan waved his hand: "take it away!"

"Wait!" Yang Mingliang hurriedly said, "I... I want to ask you something."

Chu fan frowned: "you beg me? Why should I help you?"

"I know I\'m not qualified to ask you for help now, but I have something you might like." Yang Mingliang said in a deep voice. "It\'s the video data of Dongshan provincial officials in my bath center. I think you must need it now."

Chu fan was surprised: "how do you know I need this information?"

"Guess? It\'s obvious." Yang Mingliang took a deep breath and said mockingly, "if you just catch me, you need to send so many soldiers? Just dozens of policemen."

"At best, I\'m a chicken, and what you hold in your hand is an ox killing knife. If you don\'t know that you will die, I won\'t give you the information, because with these information, someone will try their best to save me. But now, these are useless. You can\'t live your own sins. Since you will die, I can\'t control so much."

Chu fan pondered for a moment and said, "tell me first. What do you want me to do for you?"

"I like a woman. Her name is Liang Xiaoping. She is a married woman." Yang Mingliang laughed at herself. "Aren\'t you surprised? In fact, I can\'t understand it. Why can\'t I forget her?"

It turned out that Yang Mingliang and Liang Xiaoping were from the same village. They grew up together since childhood. They shared the same table from primary school to high school graduation. Because of the great difference in results, Yang Mingliang did not enter the University, while Liang Xiaoping was admitted to the university with excellent results.

In order to be with Liang Xiaoping, Yang Mingliang resolutely went out to work. In the city where Liang Xiaoping went to school, the gap between the two people is becoming larger and larger. Liang Xiaoping knows better men, while Yang Mingliang is becoming more and more inferior. Until one day, Liang Xiaoping got married, Yang Mingliang left disheartened and went to his brother-in-law Han Dexin.

With the help of his brother-in-law, he quickly established himself in Tonghai County, contracted the quarry, and finally mixed like a man. But these years of experience taught him one thing, that is, he must have friends.

Don\'t people often say that there are many friends and many roads. Therefore, he specially shares with others and opened an extremely high-end bath center. The massage technicians in it are hired from famous night shows all over the country with high salaries.

With money in Yang Mingliang\'s pocket, he is naturally generous in spending money. What kind of friends can\'t he make? Especially with his brother-in-law Han Dexin, even the mayor has to give him some face.

The whole Dongshan province has three religions and nine streams. As long as there are some leading figures, almost all of them have drunk with him, and most of them have bathed and massaged in his bath center. But when his career was booming, he suddenly met his first girlfriend Liang Xiaoping.

In just a few years, their identities have changed greatly. Liang Xiaoping married a talented senior brother. The senior brother also lived up to expectations, entered the ranks of civil servants and soon became a minor. Unfortunately, he worked in Tonghai County.

Yang Mingliang felt that this was an opportunity given to him by the old God and immediately launched a fierce offensive against Liang Xiaoping. Unexpectedly, Liang Xiaoping clearly told him that she was a man with a husband. She loved her husband very much. Even if her life was not very rich, she would not betray her husband.

People say that what you can\'t get is the best. That\'s what Yang Mingliang is. The more Liang Xiaoping is like this, the more he likes it. He has used coercion, inducement and various means, but Liang Xiaoping is not moved, but is becoming colder and colder to him. What\'s more irritating is that her husband, Yang Mingliang, promised that as long as he left Liang Xiaoping, he would help him to be promoted to the deputy department level.

This is a step that others need to work hard for a lifetime, but Liang Xiaoping\'s husband refused and said that even if he looked at the door of the government, he would not leave Liang Xiaoping.

After getting drunk once, Yang Mingliang drove Liang Xiaoping\'s husband into the hospital and became a vegetable, but Liang Xiaoping still didn\'t abandon her husband. After Yang Mingliang woke up, he regretted that he wanted Liang Xiaoping to live a better life, but he didn\'t want to push her life into a dilemma.

He wanted to help her, but Liang Xiaoping refused. On several occasions, he wanted to summon up the courage to admit that he bumped into her husband and asked her for forgiveness, but he didn\'t dare to say it. He was afraid that after saying it, they wouldn\'t even have to make friends.

Originally, he planned to leave a sum of money for Liang Xiaoping before leaving China, which is also a little compensation for her. Unexpectedly, retribution came so quickly that he was trapped and doomed before he left.

Youdao is that people are dying, and his words are good. At this time, the only person who feels guilty is Liang Xiaoping. In fact, he couldn\'t tell whether he still loved her or not. Maybe he was unwilling to do it at the bottom of his heart, which made him want to take Liang Xiaoping as his own. But in fact, any woman he picked out around him was more beautiful, younger and more feminine than liang Xiaoping.

"I\'ve hidden a batch of gold bars in the dark grid in my basement, a total of 100, weighing 10 kg." Yang Mingliang said, "I hope you can help me give these gold bars to Liang Xiaoping, tell her the truth, and say that I compensated her."

"I don\'t expect her to forgive me. I just hope she can be good in the future and say sorry for me."

"Sorry, I can\'t promise you." when Yang Mingliang was so anxious to stand up, Chu fan waved his hand and comforted, "don\'t worry, listen to me. Your gold bars are to be confiscated and compensated for those killed by you and those living. However, I can help you in private and send Liang Xiaoping a sum of money in your name."

Yang Mingliang shed tears of gratitude and sobbed down his head: "thank you, I thank you..."

"I don\'t need to thank you. It\'s true to give me the video you said."

"Yes." Yang Mingliang hurriedly said, "the video is stored in a USB flash disk by me, and the USB flash disk is placed on the ceiling of my room and bathroom. You can touch it as long as you take down the exhaust fan."

Chu fan waved his hand. The soldier next to him immediately ran out. About ten minutes later, the soldier came back with a black USB flash disk in his hand and handed it to Chu fan.

"Is that it?"

"Yes, that\'s it." Yang Mingliang couldn\'t help scolding, "I\'m dead. These disgusting things don\'t want to be better. They all change - state one by one."

"All right, send him to the hospital for dressing up. Remember, he can\'t have any problems before the handover. Understand?"

"I see!"

Chu fan gets off and several soldiers escort Yang Mingliang to the hospital. He calls Xia Yanran and tells her about the USB flash disk. Xia Yanran immediately asks him to send the USB flash disk to his uncle Xiao Jingsheng. Chu fan called again, asked his uncle\'s address, flew directly over and gave him the USB flash disk.

In order to determine the authenticity of the USB flash disk, ye two got two laptops and inserted the USB flash disk. Soon, the data on the USB flash disk was read out, which was impressively more than 30 g video data.

Chu fan casually opened one and saw a small restricted film, which is still in HD. Although some parts are not very vivid, the face of the hero on the screen is very clear.

"Who is this man? He seems to be more than 50 years old. He can be a grandpa even if he finds such a little girl. Bah!" Chu fan cursed, withdrew and clicked a video to go in.

At this time, the shocked Xiao Jingsheng calmed down, sighed helplessly and said, "I didn\'t expect Secretary Hong to be such a person. Alas, it\'s not safe at night."

"Secretary Hong? Is he the Secretary of Tonghai County Party committee?"

Xiao Jingsheng shook his head: "no, he is the Secretary of Linhai municipal Party committee. He has done a lot of great things that benefit the country and the people. I didn\'t expect that at his age, he would... Alas!"

Chu fan stood up and yawned: "second uncle, take your time. I\'ll go back first... Oh, by the way, my sister is still locked up in the detention center. Can I let her out now?"

"Don\'t ask me. You can do it yourself."

Chu fan has no way at all. Who makes him his own uncle? Since he doesn\'t help, Chu fan can only find a way by himself.

After returning to Tonghai County, Chu fan directly returns to Bian\'s house and finds that Tang Feifei has slept in Bian Qingwu\'s room. This heartless woman, people are sitting in the living room, and you run to bed.

How can you sleep without calling me?

"Let\'s have a rest early. We\'ll go to the county tomorrow morning and pick up the light dance home." Chu fan yawned and dragged Su Yuan upstairs.

Bian Kui hurriedly said, "come on, get the bed quilt for Chu fan and clean up the room next to Qingwu..."

"Don\'t talk, no one thinks you\'re dumb." Xiaocui glared at him angrily and asked him to take his sleeping son back to the room.

Bian Kui hasn\'t figured it out yet. After sending his son back, he happens to see Chu fan coming out of the kitchen with two bottles of water in his hand and entering Bian Qingwu\'s room. Across the door, he vaguely heard the laughter of women inside, and the only women in the family were the two women brought by Chu fan except his daughter-in-law Xiaocui.

Do they live together? This... This is too... That\'s what.

He was still worried about Chu fan\'s body. His ear was suddenly caught by someone. He almost cried out in pain.

"Don\'t sleep, what are you doing at the door? Go back to sleep with me." Xiaocui took him away fiercely