The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 915

"I said, I know where Yang Mingliang is."

"Han Dexin has a little honey who lives in 802, unit 1, building 6, Dexin Garden community."

"He, he is Yang Mingliang\'s brother - Yang Jinbao..."

These thugs were scared out of their courage. They dared not hesitate. They rushed to explain what they knew, for fear that they would be suddenly shot by these soldiers.

Xia Yanran pressed down Chu fan\'s muzzle and comforted: "calm down. Just leave the matter here to me. Go to the detention center to pick up light dance."

"There\'s nothing wrong with Qingwu. I\'ll take someone to catch Yang Mingliang and you\'ll take someone to catch Han Dexin." Chu fan pointed the thugs at the muzzle of the gun and said, "watch it for me. Let one go and I\'ll shoot him."

"Please rest assured that there will be no less," an officer shouted.

Chu fan nodded, put away his gun, pointed to Yang Jinbao who collapsed to the ground and shouted, "take him with you. If you don\'t want to die, take me to your brother, otherwise, you can go on the road now."

"The government spared his life. I said, I said everything." Yang Jinbao\'s forehead was broken. Chu fan waved his hand. Two soldiers came forward, put up his arms and took him to a military vehicle.

In the car, Yang Jinbao explained all his bed wetting when he was a child. Chu fan learned that these people in the mine had criminal records, and several of them even went to the palace. Just because they love leisure and hate work, they can\'t find a serious job, and Yang Jinbao has served in prison and knows many cellmates. After he got out of prison, he helped his brother recruit these people.

This place is very good. Although we have to go to the mine every day, the salary is high and the treatment is good. Every few days, Yang Jinbao will take these people to the county to relax and make them more loyal and work harder.

In their view, the mine is covered by the county magistrate. What can happen? Besides, those who have been caught, entering the mine is equivalent to entering the cage. It is more difficult to go out than to go to heaven.

As for the corpses in the cave, a few of them fought hard and were killed, and the rest almost died of fatigue and illness. In the eyes of these people, those workers are just tools for making money. If they die, they will get another one soon. It\'s not easy to catch a few people these days?

But they never thought that the mine cave was exposed so soon that they didn\'t even have the power to resist, and they didn\'t dare to resist at all. They still don\'t understand how they came from these simple and rough soldiers instead of the police? Especially the leader, who said to kill without blinking, was so cruel.

Less than half an hour later, the military car stopped outside a bath center in the county. In addition to the dozens of soldiers accompanying it, two more cars, a total of more than 40 people, surrounded the whole bath center at Chu fan\'s order.

"Lead the way and find your brother. You\'ll take the credit. If you dare to play with a moth, I promise you\'ll die ugly." Chu Fan said coldly.

Yang Jinbao swallowed a mouthful of water secretly and said to himself, brother, you can\'t blame me. I really have no move.

"Go!" a soldier kicked him. Yang Jinbao dared not delay any longer and hurried to the bath center.

Now, it\'s more than one o\'clock in the morning, and the bath center is still open for business, but almost all the doormen and security guards have gone to bed, and there is no receptionist at the door. So that the whole bath center was surrounded that no one noticed. Until more than 30 soldiers rushed in, the footsteps were like thunder and deafening. Who could sleep?

"What do you do? What do you do... Ah!"

A man with a bath towel on his body came out of the lounge. As soon as he shouted, he was hit back by the butt of a gun. Then the door was kicked open. Despite the screams of the red fruit girl inside, he pulled her hair out.

In the eyes of these soldiers, there are only orders, not men and women. When they met the cooperators, their attitude was good. They just asked people to gather in the downstairs hall for inspection. Like the forced criminal just now, they were beaten to blood in the nose and dragged out with wolves crying and ghosts howling.

Chu fan followed Yang Jinbao and came to the third floor. A man just came out of the guest room. He didn\'t put on his shoes because he was too anxious.

"Jinbao? Are you..." before the man finished, the muzzle of two black guns hit his forehead, which scared him almost to pee in his pants. At this time, he saw that Jinbao was not followed by friends, but a group of cold-blooded soldiers.

Chu fan took the first two steps and said coldly, "are you the boss of this bath center?"

"Yes... No, not..."

"Is it?"

"Well, there are some shares, but I\'m just a manager. I don\'t have the big head..."

Chu fan waved impatiently, "where\'s Yang Mingliang?"

"He... He\'s gone."

"Gone?" Chu fan sneered, "when I find him, I\'ll kill you. Search for me!"

A group of soldiers rushed up and the luxurious decorated door was kicked open by these people. No matter who slept in it or whether it was male or female, they all took it away.

"Da da ta TA!"

Outside, there was a sudden gunshot, which scared Yang Jinbao to the ground. He felt that he had never been so afraid of being caught in prison. These people really dare to shoot and kill. It\'s so scary!

The manager of the bath center was also stunned. He also thought to help Yang Mingliang delay. As long as he ran out, he would certainly find a way to save himself. But now he found that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake. These people didn\'t ask for any evidence at all. They said they would kill.

Dare not think any more, the manager hurriedly said, "Sir, i... I\'m wrong. Yang Mingliang is in that room. I\'ll show you now..."

"Now you know what\'s wrong? It\'s too late!" Chu fan sneered. "You may not know what Yang Mingliang has done? Don\'t worry, you\'ll be on the road with him soon."

"Sir, spare your life. I really don\'t know anything..."

Chu fan didn\'t bother to pay attention to him. He strode over, stopped at the door of the innermost guest room, kicked the door open, and strode in.

On the big bed in the guest room, a girl curled up in the corner with a thin quilt and looked in horror at Chu fan and others who came in. From her bare white shoulders and her underwear scattered on the ground, it can be seen that she should be a first-class sleep without wearing anything.

"Where\'s Yang Mingliang?" Chu fan shouted.

The girl trembled with fear. She quickly pointed to the window and said in a trembling voice: "he... He jumped out of the window just now, and then heard the gunshot... It\'s none of my business, I don\'t know anything."

"Take it away!" Chu fan waved his hand and went to the window. A soldier saw Chu fan below and immediately shouted, "report to the chief. He just caught a man who jumped from a building and tried to escape. After verification, he is the No. 1 target Yang Mingliang."

"OK!" Chu fan was shocked and shouted, "tie him up and put him in the car."


Chu fan strode downstairs. He even met an acquaintance at the entrance of the stairs on the third floor. He was immediately happy: "Oh, isn\'t this director Luo? Why are you here when you don\'t sleep at home in the middle of the night?"

After seeing Chu fan, director Luo Jiang, who was still a little frightened, turned pale and couldn\'t say a word. Just now, he thought he could muddle through. As long as he could leave here, he would be safe. But I didn\'t expect to meet Chu fan. He is the only one who can have so much energy to mobilize the army to arrest Yang Mingliang.

This time, Yang Mingliang was doomed, and he, director of the County Public Security Bureau, stopped resting at home in the middle of the night, but was blocked in the guest room of the bath center. With this alone, he would never want to mix in the system in the future. When he thought of all the things he had helped Yang Mingliang before, a stream of blood rushed into his mind, and Luo Jiang fainted directly.

Chu fan has no sympathy for Luojiang. He is not worthy of pity. Based on his appearance in the bath center, Chu fan can conclude that his relationship with Yang Mingliang must be very iron. Then, can he know nothing about what Yang Mingliang did?

As a law enforcer, ignoring the law and even acting as an umbrella for criminals, he should be killed more than Yang Mingliang.

Chu fan explained that he left some people to clean up. He went straight out of the bath center and came to the military car outside. A man in his thirties was staring at him with a vicious look like a wolf.

He had only a bath towel around his waist, and his legs were dripping with blood. It was obvious that he had been shot and injured just now. After a simple bandage, the blood has stopped, but even if his injury is cured, I\'m afraid it can\'t be as flexible as before.

"Yang Mingliang, didn\'t you expect?" Chu fan asked with a faint smile.

Yang Mingliang gnashed his teeth and said, "who the hell are you? Where did I offend you? You caught me so loudly?"

"Two months ago, I didn\'t even hear your name. You just wanted to offend me, and you didn\'t have a chance." Chu fan took a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and said faintly, "I was the one who sealed up your quarry last time, and I invited the research team."

Yang Mingliang\'s face changed greatly: "are you the murderer Wang Chufan?"

"Yes, I am Chu fan." Chu fan, holding a cigarette, pointed to Yang Mingliang. "Do you think you want to die? I beat you once. You spend a few small money to cure the disease of the village name. Who will know that you are a gold mine? But you retaliate against Bian Qingwu\'s family. You think you can do whatever you want if you have a brother-in-law who is a county magistrate?"

When Chu fan spoke about the gold mine, Yang Mingliang suddenly looked like death. The exposure of the gold mine was small, and the imprisoned workers were the big deal. Dozens of people, who dares to protect him? Even his brother-in-law, Han Dexin, will be shot this time.

"Can I have a cigarette?" Yang Mingliang calmed down.