The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 914

A quarry has to work in two shifts. One group eats big fish and meat, while the other group eats potatoes, cabbage and moldy rice without oil and water.

The most important thing is that Chu fanleng didn\'t find out where the other group was. However, it doesn\'t matter. These people will finish eating soon. When they finish eating, they must go to change another group. Naturally, everything will be clear at that time.

Chu fan and Tang Feifei waited patiently for about 20 minutes. These people finally had enough to eat and drink. They passed in an orderly way. In a group, they lifted the bucket full of food with a wooden stick and walked towards the door.

These people wore miner\'s lamp caps on their heads. Therefore, although the road was not easy to walk, it was also smooth and stable. To Chu fan\'s surprise, they walked towards the reception room at the gate of the mine.

Because there was a light at the door of the reception room, Chu fan didn\'t dare to approach. He didn\'t go around to the back of the reception room until the sixteen people went in one after another.

Unfortunately, a bald man of about 50 came out of the reception room wearing an army coat and humming a minor. Seeing his posture of loosening his trouser belt as he walked, it was clear that he came out to drain water.

Chu fan took a quick look inside and found that it was empty. He no longer hesitated. Taking advantage of the bald man\'s urination, he came forward to cover his mouth and strangle his neck.

"Be honest, I\'m a policeman!"

In a word, the bald man was scared like chaff, and his legs couldn\'t stand stably. If Chu fan hadn\'t strangled his neck, he would have collapsed to the ground.

It seems that there is something really wrong here. Chu fan glanced around and kidnapped the man to a dark corner. He felt a desert eagle on his forehead and asked coldly, "you only have one chance to tell me where those people went just now?"

"Go... Go to the underground mine, change your guard," said the bald man trembling. I didn\'t finish peeing just now. Now I\'m all peeing in my pants.

Before Chu fan could continue to ask, he put everything away with a sad face.

It turns out that the quarry mined Jinsha three years ago, which is very different. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to re declare and pass the examination and approval before they can have the mining qualification.

Can taxes be the same for stone mines and gold mines? That is definitely the difference between heaven and earth. The huge benefits are enough for people to take risks.

If it\'s just tax evasion, it\'s understandable. After all, it\'s painful for anyone to hand over the real gold and silver in his pocket. Moreover, tax evasion is common all over the street.

But in this quarry, a group of migrant workers were detained. These people were caught or cheated. Many of them were mentally retarded, that is, the mentally retarded who have strength and can work but have incomplete intellectual development.

Like slaves, these people were imprisoned in underground mines and specialized in gold panning. In order to prevent them from escaping, the factory director Yang Mingliang hired a group of thugs, those who had just eaten.

There are more than thirty of these people in total. They are divided into two classes to supervise these people in turn. They are like supervisors in earlier years. If anyone dares to be lazy, they will whip them directly and show no mercy.

"Officer, I was forced," said the bald man with a sad face. "They threatened me to kill my family if I dare to tell the story. I dare not say."

"Hum, now you\'re not afraid of being killed?" Chu fan snorted coldly and said, "even if you\'re an accomplice, it\'s enough to shoot. However, if you do meritorious deeds, you may not even have to go to jail."

The bald man nodded quickly: "I will cooperate with the government and perform well."

"Well, let me ask you, is Yang Mingliang there?"

"He usually doesn\'t live in the mine at night. His brother is in charge of everything here. He comes every night and takes the screened gold away."

Chu fan pondered for a moment and continued to ask, "it\'s impossible that his brother-in-law Han Dexin doesn\'t know about this mine?"

"I know. Occasionally, Han Dexin will replace director Yang and take the gold away."

"Does Han provincial Party secretary know about this?"

"This... I don\'t know."

Chu fan asked in detail again. He got up and said to Tang Feifei, "send a signal."

Tang Feifei took a box of fireworks from the ring and lit it on the ground. Soon, a flash ball with a sharp whistling sound sprayed into the air and exploded with a bang. The bright fireworks exploded a gorgeous pattern in the air.

Then, fireworks rushed into the sky one by one, as if it was a festival. The movement here soon attracted the people in the kitchen, running out with their rice bowls one by one and staring at the fireworks in the air.

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps came. Countless heavily armed soldiers directly kicked open the door and rushed in. Two wolf dogs barked wildly and dared not come forward. They were all shot by a soldier.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Several people at the kitchen door dropped their rice bowls to the ground and smashed them. Several women were so frightened that they squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms and cried for mercy.

"Take this man too." Chu fan grabbed the bald man\'s neck and pushed it to a soldier. The soldier\'s face was cold and stern. The mouth of the micro punch gun in his hand was aimed at the bald man. He was so frightened that his legs and stomach were cramped. How could he move? Knocked to the ground by the butt of a soldier\'s gun, don\'t you go? Shoot you if you don\'t go.

"What\'s the situation?" Xia Yanran quickly came to Chu fan and asked.

Chu fan pointed to the reception room and said, "there is a secret passage that leads directly to the underground gold mine."

"What? Gold mine?" Xia Yanran was surprised. "There are gold mines in this place? It\'s incredible."

"What\'s more incredible is still ahead." Chu fan briefly said that the prisoners were mining and eating pig food. Xia Yanran was so angry that she gnashed her teeth and waved her hand, "come on, rush in for me. If you encounter resistance, kill them."

"Yes!" one of the team leaders said hello and immediately rushed into the reception room with a team of people.

Chu fan pointed to the mine and said, "there is also a shaft in it, which is the channel for transporting stones. In the past, several people guarded it and caught one by one."

"Yes!" someone led the team over again.

Xia Yanran took out her mobile phone and sent out the edited text messages one by one. This was edited by her while she was waiting for boredom. She didn\'t expect to use it at all.

Unexpectedly, such a small quarry would involve such a big case.

The sky in Dongshan province is going to change!

Shortly after Xia Yanran\'s message was sent, ten armed helicopters in Yanjing military region took off and rushed to Dongshan province.

At the same time, Xiao Jingsheng, who had fallen asleep, got up immediately and reported it. After receiving the instructions, he rushed to Yanjing military region. After waiting for about half an hour, all the people of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission arrived. Without saying a word, he got on a helicopter and rushed to Dongshan province.

These people didn\'t even know what had happened. They just received an order to meet them in the military region. With Xiao Jingsheng as the leader of the task force, they began to investigate the officials of Dongshan province.

This news really made everyone take a breath of air-conditioning. This is to cut the officialdom of Dongshan province. Who stabbed the hornet\'s nest? Dongshan province is not far from Yanjing city. Helicopters run straight and fly fast. Chu fan is not over yet. People have arrived.

Under Xia Yanran\'s instruction, the provincial Party committee compound of Dongshan province was surrounded, but these soldiers could not move around. People and vehicles could enter, but anyone who came out should be subject to the strictest scrutiny.

In contrast, the family building of Tonghai County government was not so lucky. In the middle of the night, a team of soldiers rushed directly into the county magistrate Han Dexin\'s house to control Han Dexin\'s wife and children who were still sleeping, but they didn\'t catch Han Dexin.

However, a large number of gold bars were found in the safe of his home. Two boxes under the bed were full of US dollars, a total of 8 million.

On Chu fan\'s side, the prisoners have been rescued. Chu fan almost shed tears when he saw their eyes dull and skinny.

It\'s terrible. Good people are locked in the mine day and night, and they are tortured crazy. These animals should be killed! Yang Mingliang and Han Dexin should be shot 100 times.

Xia Yanran answered the phone, returned to Chu fan and said in a deep voice, "Han Dexin didn\'t sleep at home and didn\'t catch it. However, all the roads out of the city were blocked, and he couldn\'t run."

"And Yang Mingliang\'s declining net."

Chu fan\'s face was cold and stern, and his eyes fell on the thugs squatting on the ground with their heads. These people helped the tyranny and committed no less sins than Yang Mingliang and Han Dexin.

Just now, a soldier who came back from the mine reported that a corpse hiding cave was found in the mine, in which at least 20 corpses were found, and the specific quantity is still being counted.

"A bunch of animals!"

Chu fan took out the sand Eagle again and shouted, "drag someone over to me."

A soldier came forward and caught an unlucky ghost. He could not live or die. He was knocked down by the butt of a gun and kicked with one foot.

"It\'s none of my business. I didn\'t kill people..." the unlucky wolf cried.

"Shut up!" Chu fan shouted angrily, pointed a gun at his forehead and asked coldly, "do you know where Yang Mingliang and Han Dexin are?"

"I really don\'t know that."

"Who is Yang Mingliang\'s brother? Point him out to me."

The unlucky ghost hesitated. At this time, Chu fan pulled the trigger, and with a bang, the unlucky ghost\'s head exploded like a smashed watermelon and fell straight to the ground.

Kill a man and the rest are stupid. It\'s too cruel. I don\'t even have a sign. I\'ll kill if I say so.

"All have it." Chu Fanli drank.

The soldiers who were stunned by Chu fan\'s killing quickly woke up and immediately stood at attention.


The soldiers did not hesitate to pick up their guns. The black muzzle of the gun was aimed at the thugs. As long as Chu fan gave an order, they would not hesitate to sieve these people.