The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 913

"Qingwu, take care of yourself." Chu fan hugged Bian Qingwu into his arms and whispered, "bear with me again, and I will save you soon."

"Well, I see."

Bian danced and watched Chu fan and his father Bian Kui leave. His anxiety and uneasiness finally calmed down. These three days are like a year for her, waiting for Chu fan to save her every minute.

After her accident, he thought of calling Chu fan at the first time. Unfortunately, he didn\'t get through at all because he was in miaojiang and his mobile phone had no signal. At that time, she was also flustered. She forgot to tell her parents the phone numbers of Su Yuan and Xia Yanran, so she was taken away by the police.

In these three days, Bian Kui and his family called Chu fan almost day and night, but there was only one sound, turned off or not in the service area. But Bian Qingwu, who is locked up in the detention center, doesn\'t know. She thought Chu fan didn\'t care about her.

Several times, she almost impulsively fought her way out to find Chu fan. However, she endured it again and again when she thought of her parents and brother. She can\'t escape. If she escapes, she will become guilty without sin.

She believes that Chu fan, knowing the news, will come to save her. She also believes that Chu fan will prove her innocence and let her go out of the detention center calmly.

Now, with Chu fan\'s promise, she can finally rest assured.

Outside the room, Chu fan saw Luo Jiang and held his hand gratefully: "director Luo, thank you so much."

"What are you talking about? I can\'t hear you." Luo Jiang said loudly.

Next to him, a prison guard hurriedly said, "director Luo suffers from intermittent deafness and tinnitus. I didn\'t know why just now. This disease was committed."

"This is no small matter. Hurry to send director Luo to the hospital, and I should go back." Chu fan smiles in his heart, waves his hand with Director Luo, and takes Bian Kui home.

Chu fan returns to Bian\'s house and finds that Xia Yanran has arrived. In addition to her, Tang Feifei and Su Yuan have also come and are talking with Xiaocui.

"Why are you here?" Chu fan glared at Tang Feifei. Needless to ask, she must have told Su Yuan. Tell her about this. Why do you owe her so much.

Tang Feifei said weakly, "sister Suyuan asked me. I can\'t lie to her, so I can only tell the truth."

"Is light dance OK?" Suyuan asked with concern.

"It\'s all right. You can\'t leave the detention center because you have good food and drink." Chu fan simply explained the matter and said, "it\'s clear that it\'s for the Bian family. Recently, the Bian family has only offended one person."

"The director of the quarry." Xia Yanran immediately guessed the key to the problem.

Chu fan nodded and explained the relationship between quarry director Yang Mingliang, Tonghai County head Han Dexin, and Dongshan provincial Party Secretary Han Yonghe. Several women realized that no wonder they could make the case watertight. There was such a great God behind their feelings.

Xia Yan frowned and said, "Secretary Han is an old man in Dongshan province. He has a wide range of contacts. It\'s a little difficult to move him."

"If you have difficulty, you should also go."

Chu fan snorted coldly, "we\'re in charge of this matter. Even if we go to the heavenly king Lao Tzu, we\'ll be tough. It\'s ok if Han Yonghe doesn\'t know about it, but if he interferes, I have to fight him today. Even if he can cover the sky, I\'ll poke a hole in the sky."

"What can I do for you?" Su Yuan said without hesitation. At this time, who do not support their own men? He\'s a brother in war. He\'s a father and son soldier. Chu fan doesn\'t have a brother, but he has a wife. It\'s absolutely no problem to pull out a women\'s army.

"Now that you\'re here, stay at home and protect the uncle\'s family." Chu fan turns back and asks Xia Yanran, "how many people do you bring?"

"The soldiers of a reinforced company are on standby by the sea and can attack at any time."


Chu fan was happy and immediately ordered, "immediately send someone to stand by outside the quarry. As soon as my signal is sent, you will take someone to rush in."

Xia Yanran was surprised and said, "go to the quarry to catch Yang Mingliang? Is it a bit of a fuss? Besides, let\'s catch people so openly. It\'s unknown."

"Do you think it\'s just a simple quarry?" Chu Fan said once about Mayor Zhang Shan\'s transfer and the reasons for his transfer. "I\'m sure there\'s a problem with this quarry, otherwise, it\'s impossible for mayor Zhang Shan to taboo Mo Shen."

"That said, what if I can\'t find anything?"

"That\'s why I asked you to take someone to wait for me outside the quarry." Chu fan patted Tang Feifei on the shoulder and said with a smile, "in a moment, Feifei and I will go in while it\'s dark and check it first. If there\'s any harvest, I\'ll send a signal to you and you take someone in to catch people. When we catch the little fox, the old fox can\'t hide his tail if he wants to hide it."

"That\'s a good idea. That\'s it."

It was still early. Chu fan was not in a hurry. He studied with Xia Yanran and others for a while. In order to ensure that in case, Xia Yanran went to one side and made several calls continuously. Once the scene got out of control, the reinforcement she brought was not enough to do anything at all.

At more than ten o\'clock in the evening, Chu fan and Tang Feifei changed into black night clothes, quietly left Bian\'s house and flew towards the quarry in the north.

At the same time, Xia Yanran also came to the beach, took a soldier of the reinforced company, marched quickly and rushed to the quarry in the north.

Chu fan is no stranger to quarries. In the past, when he was in Qilian Mountain, there was a quarry on the mountain near the town, and the roar of mountain bombing could be heard almost every day.

The rock is blasted to pieces by explosives, then crushed into various types of stone by stone crusher, and then transported to major construction sites. The work is very simple and has little technical content. Now, almost all of them are loaded and transported with large machinery, and the workers are much less than before.

How much profit can a quarry make? As for letting a county magistrate get in? But now, not only the county magistrate has stepped in, but also the shadow of the provincial Party Secretary, which is a little thought-provoking.

Chu fan and his wife came to the quarry easily. The quarry was surrounded by steel wire mesh, which was one kilometer long and extended to the mountains on both sides. These fences alone were not a small project.

A quarry is a large-scale machinery except for stones. What are you afraid of stealing? Isn\'t this trying to cover up? The huge quarry has only a row of humble dormitories. Among them, only one side of the kitchen is still lit, steaming hot, and a strong smell of meat.

Unexpectedly, the food in this place is not bad. Do you have extra meals in the middle of the night?

Chu fan waved his hand and motioned Tang Feifei to wait for him in place. He turned over and jumped in from the steel wire fence. The cat walked quickly around the waist and quickly came to the wall of the dormitory.

Glancing at the four dormitories with perspective eyes, he found that two of the beds in the four dormitories were empty, and there were 16 people in the other two dormitories, sleeping like a dead pig.

Chu fan was about to cross the kitchen and look again. He found that Tang Feifei also slipped over. Surprisingly, she was still followed by two big wolf dogs. Look at the cheap way of wagging her head and tail, as if Tang Feifei was their master.

"Why did you come in?" Chu Fan said in a low voice.

"If I don\'t come, you will be bitten by the dog." Tang Feifei pointed to the two big dogs and whispered, "these two things have found you long ago, but they touch them silently and are ready to bite you. Of course, the two dogs can\'t do anything to you, but if they bark, our plan will be ruined."

Chu fan thumbed up: "you\'re still powerful!"

"That\'s!" Tang Feifei was very proud and pointed to the distance. The two big dogs ran past happily and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chu fan and Xia Yanran came to the outside of the kitchen and took a careful look. They found that there were six people busy inside. A red teacher was frying in a big pot with an extra large shovel.

The big pot enough for dozens of people was filled with stewed potatoes and cabbage, which made Chu fan wonder. How did he become potatoes and cabbage when he smelled the meat? The food is too bad, isn\'t it?

Besides, there are only 16 people in the dormitory. Even if there are another 16, they can\'t eat so much?

Suddenly, Tang Feifei pointed to the other side. Chu fan looked and saw that there was a big master over there. In front of him was a normal household iron pot, and he was holding a pot of stew into the basin.

Then, a middle-aged woman came quickly, put the dishes in large bowls and put them on the long table on one side of the kitchen. There was also a middle-aged woman who put on bowls and chopsticks, exactly 16 pairs.

The steamer on the other side was opened. A woman took out steaming plates and put the steamed rice in a bowl. Others carried bags of steamed bread and put it on the table.

"Almost, go and ask someone to come over for dinner." the chef threw away the spatula and walked towards the table with a pot of fried vegetables just out of the pot.

Immediately, a middle-aged woman with sharp legs and feet walked out quickly, came to the two dormitories, knocked hard on the door and said loudly, "eat, get up and eat."

In about ten minutes, the dormitory door opened, and the people inside came out one after another. They walked into the kitchen angrily, sat down and began to eat.

At this time, Chu fan and Tang Feifei hid in the north of the kitchen. There was a small window to see inside, but because of the dark sky, the people inside couldn\'t see the two people in the dark outside.

Chu fan learned from their gossip that they were about to change posts with another group of people, but there was no one else in such a large quarry? Moreover, looking at the clothes of these people, they don\'t look like coolies?

Just then, Tang Feifei poked Gu Chufan, pointed to the people who cooked in the kitchen, and saw them take out buckets and put potatoes and cabbage in the big pot like washing pig food.

The big pot on the other side was also opened. There was a big pot full of rice, but the moldy smell was clearly the rice stuffy from the old moldy rice.

Who is this for?