The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 912

At the beginning, Mayor Zhang Shan went to the small fishing village because of the quarry. Naturally, the people of Tonghai County Public Security Bureau were no exception, but Gao Ming was not at home that day and couldn\'t see Chu fan.

But later, he learned from his colleagues that a big man came to the small fishing village. He was much younger than him, but he was already the head of the big military region, such as the fake lieutenant general rank.

Even county magistrate Han Dexin almost broke in Chu fan\'s hand. How clever is it?

"Pa!" Gao Ming slapped himself with a big mouth, quickly got up and said with a sad face, "general Chu, i... I really don\'t know it\'s you. If I knew..."

Chu fan waved to interrupt and said faintly, "call your director and let him come right away."

"Yes!" Gao mingduo took out his cell phone and made a call. He was almost scared to cry.

What day is it today? The idea is too back. How did you hit the muzzle of the gun? Now, 20000 yuan has been lost. I\'m afraid I\'ll be stripped off. Woo woo, why am I so unlucky?

Chu fan didn\'t bother to pay attention to him. He took two glasses of water and handed Bian Kui a cup. Just after drinking two drinks, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the corridor. Then, the door was pushed open. A man who looked familiar to Chu fan walked in quickly, and his forehead was sweating.

"General Chu, when did you arrive?" the man couldn\'t care to wipe his sweat, so he asked with a smile.

"You are..."

"Oh, I\'m Luojiang, director of Tonghai County Public Security Bureau." director Luojiang took out a cigarette and handed it to Chu fan, but Chu fan blocked it with his hand. He didn\'t force it, so he handed it to Bian Kui.

Bian Kui didn\'t dare to put on airs. He quickly took the cigarette. Before taking out the lighter, Luo Jiang had sent the lighter to him. He hurried up to light the cigarette and thanked him again and again.

Luo Jiang also ordered one, took a sip, and asked tentatively, "general Chu, are you here for Bian Qingwu?"

Chu fan nodded: "yes, I\'ll ask. What\'s the situation? Even if she killed someone, should she be self-defense? Also, she\'s obviously less than 13 years old. How can she change her registered permanent residence?"

"Is Chu Chu, Bian Bian dancing not legitimate defense?" you didn\'t see it with your own eyes? "Luo Jiang looked at Bian Kui with a meaningful look." she has her age. According to the investigation of registered residence of the police station, she has reached the age of fourteen and has reached the standard of criminal responsibility. "

Chu fan glanced at Bian Kui. Bian Kui shook his head and said that everything he said was true and there was absolutely no lie. Chu fan has a bottom in his heart. Play with me. You\'re still young.

"Director Luo, can I see your interrogation records and material evidence?"

"This... Is not allowed in principle, but since it is general Chu, you personally asked, I will cooperate." Luojiang politely extended his hand and invited, "go to my office and I\'ll ask someone to prepare it for you. Don\'t worry, Bian Qingwu will never be subjected to any coercion although she is in the detention center."

Chu fan and Bian Kui stood up, followed Luo Jiang out, and just walked to the door. Chu fan looked back at Gao Ming, smiled faintly and said, "director Luo, your nephew is good. You have to train well."

"Don\'t tease me. I\'m such a disheartened nephew. Don\'t worry. I\'ll strengthen my discipline in the future. If he doesn\'t repent again, I\'ll kill him."

Gao Ming was scared to pee until Chu fan walked away from his uncle. He was relieved. He felt his legs soft and almost sat on the ground. It\'s so scary. Why am I so unlucky?

No, you\'d better hurry and hide first

In Luojiang\'s office, clerk Zhang Li quickly sent a document to Chu fan. When Chu fan looked carefully, Luojiang brought another fruit knife in a sealed bag, which was also stained with blood, which was shocking.

"General Chu, according to our investigation, the truth is like this," Luo Jiang explained patiently, "Bian\'s family suddenly got rich, which will certainly attract the attention of people with intentions. On the night of the incident, two thieves entered Bian\'s family and wanted to take some money, but they were found by Bian\'s family. In the process of the two thieves escaping, Bian Qingwu came out with a fruit knife. Maybe he was frightened, stabbed out indiscriminately, and stabbed one of the thieves to death."

Bian Kui suddenly stood up and said in an excited voice: "nonsense, four people came that night. They didn\'t steal, they wanted to rob and kill..."

"Uncle, I can understand your mood, but our police case is about evidence." Luo Jiang knocked his finger on the document and said, "This evidence was provided by another thief, and we did extract the fingerprints and footprints of the two people at Bian\'s house that night. The most important thing is that we found this bloody fruit knife at Bian\'s house with Bian Qingwu\'s fingerprints and the blood of the dead."

Speaking of this, Luo Jiang looked at Chu fan and said, "if general Chu doesn\'t believe it, I can take you to the morgue. There is a fatal knife wound on the deceased\'s chest. It was confirmed by the forensic inverted model that the fruit knife killed him."

Chu fan picked up the sealed bag, handed it to Bian Kui and asked, "uncle, look carefully. Is this knife yours?"

"Yes, but..."

Chu fan waved his hand and signaled him not to worry. He put the fruit knife on the table and asked faintly, "director Luo, can I see Bian Qingwu?"

"Yes, I\'ll send you there." Luo Jiang was very enthusiastic. Without saying a word, he took Chu fan out and walked outside.

Bian Kui nervously pulled Chu fan: "Chu fan, you must believe me. Qingwu, she was really wronged."

"Don\'t worry, I know." Chu fan patted the back of his hand, took him back to the car, followed the car in Luojiang and drove towards the detention center.

Tonghai County is not big. You can run around the city in half an hour, and the detention center is just south of the Public Security Bureau, only about 2000 meters apart. You will soon be outside the detention center.

Luo Jiang brought people in person. Naturally, the journey was unimpeded. In a visiting room, Luo Jiang smiled and said, "general Chu, if you take a moment, I\'ve asked someone to invite Bian to dance. Don\'t worry, she lives in a single room here. It\'s delicious and delicious. No one dares to bully her."

"Thank you, director Luo." Chu fan looked at him gratefully. "I\'ve written down your kindness."

"Everywhere, this is what I should do." Luo Jiang smiled politely.

Although he covered up well, the happy look in his eyes could not escape Chu fan\'s golden eyes. Chu fan sneered in his heart and made you small miscellaneous fish happy first. When I find out the details, I\'ll catch you big fish and small fish in a net.

Shit, tigers don\'t get angry. Do you really think I\'m a sick cat?

There were two doors in the visiting room. Chu fan and his family came in from the south door. After a while, the iron door on the North opened, and Bian Qingwu, who was a little thin, was brought in.

She changed into a yellow waistcoat, but she didn\'t get hurt except that her face was a little pale and looked a little haggard. When she saw Chu fan and her father, she was so excited that she burst into tears.

"Brother, why are you here?" Bian Qingwu said hello to Chu fan before looking at his father. Tears couldn\'t stop falling down and choked, "Dad, let you worry. How are mom and brother?"

"Good, all good, just wronged you." Bian Kui also had a sour nose and tears. He loves his daughter and blames himself. If he has the ability, how can he let his daughter suffer in this place?

Luo Jiang said well, but no matter how good this place is, it is also a prison. Can it be compared with home?

Chu fan rubbed her head and said, "you have such a big thing. Can you not come? I\'m sorry I\'m late."

"It\'s all right, I\'m here... Very good." Bian Qingwu forced out a smile, but it made people more sad.

Chu fan looked back at Luo Jiang and asked, "director Luo, can I have a few words with Qingwu alone?"

"This... Is not allowed in principle, but since general Chu has spoken, I have to meet your request anyway." Luo Jiang whispered, "but it can\'t be too long."

"Don\'t worry, just three or five minutes."

Luo Jiang nodded and waved to several prison guards in the room. They walked out of the room one after another and closed the door.

Chu fan glanced at the closed door. There were two prison guards standing outside, but they were just smoking cigarettes and chatting in a low voice. They didn\'t mean to eavesdrop. I want to know with my heel that there must be monitoring equipment in this place, and even eavesdropping devices are hidden.

In this regard, Chu fan only glanced briefly and found two hidden monitors and four eavesdropping devices. It can be said that when they speak in any position, others will hear them clearly.

Unfortunately, they are destined to be disappointed.

"Light dance, let\'s talk over there." Chu fan took Bian light dance\'s shoulder and came to the corner of the wall. Facing the wall, he bowed his head and whispered.

In the next room, Luo Jiang wore a headset and frowned at Chu fan and Bian Qingwu on the computer screen. It\'s really strange. What are they doing? Why is there no sound? You know, there was a bug stuck under the windowsill next to them. At such a close distance, even a mosquito could hear it clearly, but I couldn\'t hear them make a sound.

Just when he didn\'t understand, Bian Qingwu turned his head and seemed to cough inadvertently in the direction of the eavesdropper. Luojiang\'s headset suddenly hummed, with a sharp voice, like a steel needle, firmly inserted into Luojiang\'s eardrum.

"Ouch!" Luo Jiang cried out in pain, pulled down his headset, covered his ears with his hands, and closed his eyes painfully. In the nervous cry of the prison guard nearby, he calmed down for a long time.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Jiang could only hear the prison guard, but he couldn\'t hear a word. His ears were buzzing like hundreds of bees.

The prison guard pointed to the display screen. Luo Jiang found that Chu fan and Bian Qingwu had finished their conversation. He couldn\'t care about his ears and hurried over