The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 911

Seeing Chu fan hang up, Bian Kui quickly asked, "what did Mayor Zhang say? Can you save Qingwu?"

"Don\'t worry, dancing will be fine." Chu fan grabbed the wine bottle, filled Bian Kui a glass, and asked, "uncle, when you were working in the quarry, did you find anything wrong with the quarry?"

"What\'s wrong? No." Bian Kui picked up the glass and suddenly remembered something. The glass was put down again and frowned. "You don\'t tell me, I forgot. After our group of workers were found to have physical problems, they were dismissed. Since then, the quarry hasn\'t recruited workers nearby or seen any workers in and out."

"We went to ask for an explanation, but the quarry was surrounded by high walls, making it like a prison. There were ferocious wolf dogs at the door, and none of us dared to approach."

It is reasonable to say that a quarry is afraid of stealing? They are all big stones that can\'t be moved, but now they are mysterious. There must be something here!

"Uncle, where is the quarry? How far is it from here?"

"It\'s on the mountain in the north. It\'s estimated to be more than 20 miles." Bian Kui casually pointed to the back window. Through the window glass, you can see the outline of the barren mountain in the north.

Xiaocui came in with a bowl of hot noodles, put it in front of Chu fan, wiped her hands on her apron and asked, "Chu fan, can you save Qingwu first? I\'m afraid she\'s being bullied inside."

"She was bullied?" Chu Fan said with a smile. "Don\'t worry. It\'s good if she doesn\'t bully others in there. Sit down and eat. When you\'re full, I\'ll go to the county and pick up the light dance first."

With Chu fan\'s words, Xiaocui was relieved and asked her son Bian Qingzhou to sit down for dinner. These days, for the family, it seems that the sky has fallen down. Who still wants to eat? But now, Chu fan came, just like an Optimus Prime, supporting the sky.

Although Bian Qingwu is still in the detention center, with Chu fan\'s guarantee, Bian Kui and others finally let go, as if they couldn\'t do anything without Chu fan.

Chu fan was really hungry. He didn\'t eat breakfast. He drove more than 1000 kilometers at one go, and the lunch point was past. Although it was just simple noodles and beat two poached eggs, Chu fan ate more delicious. He ate two bowls of noodles, two eggs and drank a bottle of wine. Almost all the cooked food bought by Bian Qingzhou was eaten by him alone, just like the reincarnation of a starving ghost.

After dinner, Chu fan made a full interval and stood up: "uncle, do you know where the county public security bureau is? Let\'s go."

"No problem. I\'ll wash my face and go."

Soon, Bian Kui washed his face and changed his clothes. Although he had a broken beard, he was much more energetic than before. Outside, Chu fan has started the car and waited for him to get on the bus.

All the men, women and children in the village know that something has happened to the Bian family. These days, the Bian family rarely calms down and no one comes to visit. I can\'t help it. People are so realistic. Who knows what happened to the Bian family? I don\'t know if the people who helped Bian\'s family last time will come.

But now, when I saw a car parked in front of Bian\'s house, Haoxin villagers came out and got together in twos and threes, pointing and talking. It is estimated that few people can value Chu fan.

Bian Qingwu killed people. Even if you have more money, can you get a murderer out of prison? However, these people still envy Bian Kui. Why did they have such a good life and meet a handsome young and rich tycoon? What\'s good about Bian Qingwu\'s girl? She has no chest and no ass. she looks better. What can she look at when the light is turned off?

Bian Kui got into the car. Chu fan immediately started the car and drove out of the small fishing village slowly. When he got on the road, the speed suddenly increased several times. Bian Kui was so frightened that he grabbed the handrail on the door and hurriedly said, "slow down, slow down, it\'s just a moment, it\'ll be here in a few minutes."

The small fishing village is only more than 20 miles away from Tonghai County. The road surface is newly repaired. The car doesn\'t feel bumpy when running. Chu fan could be two minutes ahead of time if there were not several forks.

But even so, it usually takes 15 minutes. It only took him more than seven minutes and just half the time of others to come to Tonghai County. When he got to the city, the speed naturally slowed down. Under the guidance of Bian Kui, Chu fan didn\'t go away at all and went straight to the door of the County Public Security Bureau.


At the entrance of the stairs, a man in police uniform with two buttons on his collar, blushing and thick neck, stopped Chu fan: "what are you two doing? How did you rush in? Do you know where this is? The Public Security Bureau, go there to register if you have something to do."

Chu fan frowned: "of course I know this is the Public Security Bureau. If I buy vegetables, I won\'t come here."

"Oh, how dare you argue with me?" the male policeman was angry. He took out a pair of handcuffs from behind, grabbed Chu fan\'s hand, and with a click, he handcuffed him. "You... Burp, you disturb social public security and detained him for three days according to law."

Chu fan was angry and happy: "I disturbed the law and order? Why did I disturb the law and order when I came to your police station to find someone? It was you who drank during work hours. I want to complain to you."

"Hahaha, you want to complain about me?" the male policeman laughed as if he heard a big joke. "Do you know who I am? Still complain about me? Who, you tell him who I am?"

A passing female clerk stopped and frowned slightly. She was obviously disgusted with his style, but she didn\'t say anything. She just said calmly: "Gao Ming, the nephew of the director of the County Public Security Bureau and the captain of the first criminal investigation team of the County Public Security Bureau."

"Hahaha, you hear me? The director is my uncle. You complain about me?" Gao Ming glanced at Chu fan proudly, looked at the female clerk with a sidelong look, and said with a smile, "Xiao Li, are you free in the evening? I\'ll treat you to dinner."

Zhang Li raised her eyebrows and asked, "do you have time?"

"You say these two goods without eyes? It\'s too simple. Wait until I lock them in the interrogation room, and then we\'ll go."

"Are they here to report the case? Why don\'t you lock them up?"

"What\'s wrong? I\'ll just say it here."

Gao Ming glanced at Chu fan and hummed, "however, seeing that you are the first offender, I can forgive you and see if you understand the rules."

"Rules? What rules?" Chu fan asked curiously.

Bian Kui hurriedly stabbed him and whispered, "spend money to avoid disaster!"


Chu fan suddenly realized, but then his face showed embarrassment and said, "I came in a hurry and didn\'t bring so much money with me? Captain Gao, can I call and ask my friend to send 20000?"

20000? I\'ll go and catch a fat sheep.

He tortured Chu fan, just to scare him, even if he could get three or five hundred flowers, but he never thought that Chu fan would give 20000 if he opened his mouth. Twenty thousand, enough to play in the bath center for a week.

"OK, no problem. Did you bring your cell phone? You don\'t need mine?" the wise attitude suddenly made a 180 degree turn and asked Chu fan to enter his office. As for the dinner date with Zhang Li, he had long forgotten.

Although Zhang Li is somewhat beautiful and young, compared with money, Zhang Li is not as attractive as money. Besides, Zhang Li wants to work in the Public Security Bureau. She can hook up sooner or later, but if Feiyang misses it, she really misses it.

Bian Kui didn\'t know what medicine Chu fan was selling in his gourd, but he knew Chu fan\'s energy. He must have his reason for doing so. Therefore, he didn\'t say anything and was not nervous. He followed into the office.

Chu fan was still handcuffed on one of his wrists. He refused Gao Ming\'s mobile phone, took his mobile phone out of his pocket, turned out a number and dialed it.

"Hey, how did you think of calling me?" Xia Yanran\'s surprised voice came from the phone.

On one side, Gao Ming heard clearly and finally relieved that he was a woman. This must be his girlfriend or wife. That\'s no problem. The money will be delivered in a minute. Twenty thousand. It\'s so easy.

No, we have to find a way to get more oil and water from this fat sheep. It is estimated that it should not be a problem to get 1.8 million.

A glass of water he had poured for Chu fan was unknowingly sent to his mouth. He heard Chu fan say, "wife, I was caught in the Public Security Bureau of Linhai City and Tonghai County. You must send me 20000 yuan immediately."

"Caught? What have you done? Have you been whoring again? Is 20000 enough?" Xia Yan asked anxiously.

"Won\'t you bring more? The more, the better!" Chu fan roared angrily and hung up the phone directly.

"Poof!" Gao Ming was so excited that a mouthful of water gushed out. The more, the better. It\'s going to kill me with money. What made him happy most was Xia Yanran\'s words, which made him think of a very wonderful idea.

Hey, hey, as long as you\'re good, it\'s easy to do. I have to squeeze you dry.

"Brother, where are you from? What do you do? What\'s the matter with coming to the public security bureau?" Gao Ming remembered to open the handcuffs for Chu fan and immediately put on a warm face, as if he had known Chu fan for a long time.

Chu fan rubbed his wrist and said with a faint smile, "my family is from other places. I have opened a real estate company at home. I don\'t have much assets, just a few hundred million."

How many... Billion? I\'m rich now.

Clever eyes were shining. He was about to ask Chu fan about his purpose. Chu fan pointed to Bian Kui next to him and said, "this is my uncle. His daughter was arrested a few days ago and said she killed someone. I happened to come to investigate and help to ask."

"Are you Bian Qingwu\'s relative?" Gao Ming\'s face changed greatly. "You... Your surname?"

"Don\'t be your surname Chu, Chu fan!"


Gaoming, a staggering two step backward, stumbling over a chair, falling down to the ground, becoming pale and wine awake.