The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 908

Chu fan stayed in miaojiang for a week. During these seven days, under the leadership of Ziyan, he walked through the eighteen strongholds and thirty-six docks in miaojiang. Everywhere he went, Song Wen sent a large number of grain and various daily necessities.

To this end, Chu fan promised to sleep with her every night and gave her two spirited little turtles. Otherwise, the girl would have quit early.

Finally, Chu fan returns to yingyue stronghold with Ziyan.

When they learned that Ziyan had become the saint of the moon worship sect, the people in yingyue stronghold showed sympathy. Her sister Ziman even cried on the spot and complained about Chu fan\'s ruthlessness. How can she make her sister a saint?

However, when they learned that she, the saint, didn\'t have to do any work, but was only responsible for mediating the contradictions between the stockaded villages and managing the upcoming tourism company, these people immediately showed envious eyes. They came forward one by one to congratulate themselves, and didn\'t forget to introduce themselves and find a job first.

Even Ziman didn\'t know where he heard the word president. He had to be president. To this end, she sat in Chu fan\'s arms and shook his neck like a spoiled girl. If he didn\'t agree, he would dare to drill his quilt at night.

The little girl\'s chest is not big, but her little ass is round and warped. She sits on Chu fan\'s thigh and rubs hard. Who can stand it? If her sister Ziyan hadn\'t pulled her away in time, Chu fan would have been embarrassed.

The crowd didn\'t disperse until midnight. Chu fan followed the sisters home. As for Song Wen, after completing her mission, she ran away with her little turtle. Although Miao has beautiful scenery and good air, it\'s too cold at night. Moreover, anyone who is used as a means of transportation will be unhappy.

Also, it\'s very comfortable to sleep with Chu fan, but he always sleeps with a stick. It\'s hard, either on his belly or on his thigh. It\'s not comfortable at all.

When they got home, the three people were silly. Gu Feng and his wife had already slept, leaving Ziyan sisters and Chu fan with two beds in one room. How can they sleep?

"It\'s all right. I\'ll spread a mat on the ground." Chu Fan said very readily.

Is it difficult for my friend to be shy and sleep with the sisters? You can only think about it. If you really do it, man, you won\'t have to sleep all night. You have to hold back your bleeding.

In this regard, neither of the two sisters said a word, blushed and silently paved Chu fan with a mat on the ground. In addition, he didn\'t even mix a pillow. No way, there was no extra bedding in the two sisters\' room, and the mat was taken down from the purple smoke bed. He can\'t even have to come over and let the two girls sleep on the plank bed?

Fortunately, the young man had a lot of firepower. Even if it was cooler at night, he didn\'t feel cold. With the strength of wine, he soon fell asleep, but before long, he felt someone lying down around him. Needless to ask, it must be Ziyan. The girl was reluctant to leave and shy. She came to be gentle with her sister while her sister was asleep.

Chu fan didn\'t speak, turned over and hugged Ziyan\'s waist, let her fully feel the heat of her rise, and kissed her little mouth impolitely. These days, they have been making out secretly, but today, I don\'t know what happened. Ziyan almost bit his lips.

When Chu fan stroked her round buttocks, the purple smoke in her arms finally pushed Chu fan away and whispered, "brother-in-law, I\'m Ziman."

The confused Chu fan was immediately awakened and stared at Ziman. Her clothes were half covered and her trousers were half faded by herself, revealing a piece of white flowers. It was obvious that Chu fan almost spewed out nosebleed.

These days, he has been suffocated. It\'s more painful to see, touch and eat than a bachelor. Now, even if he knows it\'s not possible, he can\'t let go of what he said on Ziman\'s hip.

It feels so slippery and elastic. But how could she be Ziman?

"How is it you?" Chu fan lowered his voice and quietly put up her dirty pants. He became dignified again, as if he wasn\'t the one who did the bad thing just now.

Ziman was still wronged: "people were afraid that you were cold, so they wanted to give you the quilt, and then I went to sleep with my sister. Who promised that you would drag people into your arms and touch them as soon as you covered them..."

"Stop!" Chu fan hurriedly interrupted her and looked back at the purple smoke on the bed. She looked at the wall as if she had fallen asleep. Chu fan lowered his voice and hurriedly said, "OK, hurry over."

"Brother-in-law, the bed is so small, how can my sister and I sleep?" Ziman snuggled up in Chu fan\'s arms and said with a smile, "brother-in-law, you\'re really warm. Otherwise, I\'ll make do with you for one night. In this way, if you have a quilt, I won\'t be cold. Kill two birds with one stone, okay?"

Chu fan wanted to nod and promise, but if he really hugged his strange sister-in-law and slept all night, something had to happen. He\'s not a good man or woman. He\'s like an ascetic monk these days. He even quit everything.

He can guarantee that he won\'t mess up, but who can guarantee that Ziman will be as honest as her sister? In case the gun goes off, things will be in trouble. Gu Feng was so stubborn that he had to knock Chu fan\'s head out with a fire stick.

Before Chu fan refused, Ziman\'s twisted body suddenly stopped, frowned and said, "what? It\'s really in the way."


Chu fan wanted to say "don\'t catch it." unfortunately, he was a little late. An object like a red iron bar was caught by Ziyan\'s slender and dexterous hand, pinched it and rolled it up and down.

"Hiss, hiss!"

Chu fan took a breath of air-conditioning. Isn\'t it fatal? If it goes on like this, something will happen.

Just at this time, Ziman came to Chu fan\'s ear and whispered, "brother-in-law, is this very comfortable?"

"Ziman, come on... ER!"

His words were held back by Ziman\'s accelerated speed, and he wondered, who did this girl learn from? Are there such restricted books and films in miaojiang? Or is she self-taught? If Chu fan hadn\'t bitten his teeth, he might have vomited now.

Seeing that they were about to get out of control, the purple smoke on the bed suddenly turned over and sat up. Ziman was so frightened that the cat was in Chu fan\'s arms that he didn\'t dare to look up. However, the moonlight outside the window shines in, and the house is as bright as day, but the figures of Chu fan and Ziman have nowhere to hide. They must be clearly seen by Ziyan.

While Chu fan was thinking about how to explain, Ziyan got out of bed with the quilt and lay down on the other side of Chu fan.

"Avatar, can\'t you stay in miaojiang?" Ziyan fell on his chest and pinched Ziman\'s cheek. The dead girl is still pretending. Where was the fierce and bold strength just now?

Chu Fanzhen didn\'t know how to answer this question. If there were not so many things waiting for him to deal with, he really wanted to move to miaojiang with Su Yuan and them without asking about the world. How carefree would he be?

Unfortunately, this is a luxury for Chu fan. At least now he can\'t retire.

"If you are willing to stay, tonight, my sister and I are yours." Ziyan\'s voice trembled and took off his dirty clothes in front of Chu fan, revealing his flawless body.

It\'s a lie to say she\'s not moved, but Chu fan promised Gu Feng and Su Yuan that she wouldn\'t really have sex with her before she turned 18. Therefore, Chu fan resolutely grabbed the quilt, covered it for her, and pulled her to lie down beside her.

"Ziyan, don\'t embarrass me. I promise you I\'ll come to miaojiang once a month, okay?"

Ziyan was also impulsive. He only had a little hope for Chu fan to stay. Now Chu fan was calm when he heard it. Resting on his shoulder blade, Ziyan said softly, "if I have learned the art of defending the sword, can I find you?"

"Of course." Chu fan stroked her back and said with a smile, "you don\'t have to learn to defend the sword. When the signal tower is installed, I\'ll give each of you a mobile phone. If you miss me, call me. I can pick you up at any time."

Ziman came to his senses, propped up his upper body and asked excitedly, "brother-in-law, what is the sword technique? Is it the kind of Kung Fu you fly around with your sister? I want to learn it, too."

"You can learn, but can you loosen your hand first?"


Ziman reluctantly released his hand. Before Chu fan could breathe a sigh of relief, Ziyan held it again and offered a kiss

After some tossing, Chu fan roared and vomited! Ziyan took a towel, wiped his hands, and lay down next to Chu fan again. This time, the three were tired, hugged each other, and soon fell asleep.

In the morning, a knock on the door woke the three. When they found their state at this time, the two women almost screamed. I don\'t know when their clothes were gone. They snuggled up in Chu fan\'s arms, not to mention how fragrant they were.

Especially Chu fan, one hand is big and soft, the other hand is very and warped, not to mention how cool it is. After the two women sat up with a cry, Chu fan finally exposed a part in front of them. They were so scared that they blushed like blood, grabbed their clothes and quilts and ran back to their bed.

Chu fan was depressed. As soon as they left, they took away the quilt, leaving his brother alone. He sat naked on the mat, and his eggs were cold.

"Get up and have breakfast." Gu Feng\'s voice came outside the door.

Chu fan quickly promised, put on his clothes and trousers, opened the door and went out.

"Well, I slept on the ground last night." Chu fan didn\'t know how. He explained first, but he regretted after explaining. Isn\'t there three hundred taels of silver here?

Fortunately, Gu Feng didn\'t say anything and asked Chu fan to wash his face and eat. Before long, the two sisters got up, blushing, followed behind their mother and came to the table. They looked as if they had been caught in bed.

Not everything, right?

They didn\'t say anything, but they were blocked by their mother. Although they were wearing clothes and there was a mat on the ground, they slept in the wrong bed. Ziyan slept on Ziman\'s bed and Ziman slept on Ziyan\'s bed.

And the towel thrown next to the mat was wrinkled. As a mother who came over, she could see what was going on at a glance.

To Chu fan\'s surprise, Ziyan\'s mother not only didn\'t blame Chu fan, but also cooked several red eggs.

Who is this for?