The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 909

When they came, there were three people. When they returned, Chu fan was left alone, but he still had a car left in Heishan town. If you want to rely on him, it\'s just a car. Just leave it in Heishan town. When the mountain road is repaired in the future, you can give it to Ziyan sisters to drive. But father zabu of luoyuewu wants to go back with him to find true love.

At the age of 70 or 80, there is still a sprouting spring heart. For Tang qiner, father zabu waited 40 or 50 years. Even Chu fan admired this infatuation. Without a word, he drove with old zabu and set foot on his way home.

Chu fan called before leaving. Tang qiner\'s family was going to settle down at the foot of the bus mountain in Chongqing, the village where song Qinghe was robbed by Tang Ning and ready to marry.

The environment here is good, with fresh and quiet countryside, modern facilities and convenient transportation. Tang Lian and his wife, who are not used to the hustle and bustle of big cities, like here very much.

Lao Liu, the village head, was removed from his post because he helped downing imprison song Qinghe last time. Fortunately, song Qinghe didn\'t kill all of them, but even so, he didn\'t dare to live here.

Therefore, Tang Lian and others came at the right time. His house was sold at a high price. The family took the money and moved to a big city to live. They left the house, tricycle and everything inside and outside the house.

After a few days of sorting, the old Liu family gave all the things they had to the villagers. The tricycle changed a new electric car in the town, and the TV and washing machine simply changed two milk goats in the village.

In order to make her parents live more comfortable, Tang Feifei doesn\'t ask for the price at all. She wants the best of everything. If she wasn\'t afraid of trouble, she would like to push the house to build a new villa. Anyway, it\'s not bad for money. Why don\'t you live more comfortably?

But for Tang Lian and his wife, they have been very satisfied. Not to mention the days when they were imprisoned, even before they got married, they didn\'t expect to live such a carefree life.

You can\'t be too greedy. You can have a place to settle down, plant vegetables, raise two sheep, and go up the mountain to pick mushrooms in your spare time. For Tang Lian and his wife, they are already very satisfied.

As soon as the family settled down, Chu fan drove back with zabu\'s father.

"Brother zabu? You... Why are you here?" Tang qiner was surprised. She only heard Tang Feifei and Chu fan calling and knew that Chu fan was back, but she never thought that zabu would come here.

Zabu got out of the car, looked at the house first, half true and half false smiled and said, "I\'m here for a few days. I don\'t know if you\'re welcome or not."

"Of course you\'re welcome, father zabu. Please come in." Tang Feifei took zabu\'s bag and walked to Chu fan with a smile. He took his arm, but secretly twisted it on his waist and whispered, "have you done anything bad these days?"

Chu fan whispered in her ear, "we\'ll go to the hotel in the evening, you\'ll know."

"Spit, I\'m not rare." Tang Feifei said not rare, but couldn\'t wait to take Chu fan to Westinghouse. This room was originally the wedding room of Lao Liu\'s son. At the beginning, song Qinghe was tied to the big bed in this room.

Now, this room has become Tang Feifei\'s boudoir. Although it hasn\'t moved as a whole, the wall has been pasted with wallpaper, bought a new wardrobe, sofa and TV, and even changed the bed.

As soon as he entered the door, Chu fan hugged Tang Feifei and kissed her little mouth. As soon as the heel knocked on the door, the door closed. Tang Feifei was dizzy with kisses. She didn\'t wake up until they fell on the big bed.

"No, in broad daylight..." she wanted to push Chu fan away, but Chu fan kissed and touched her, which made her face hot and her whole body soft, and she couldn\'t make it out at all.

Women are hard spoken, but their bodies are honest. Counting the days in miaojiang and the days when Chu fan stayed in miaojiang, they haven\'t had that for nearly half a month. There is a saying that a small parting is better than a new marriage. Who can restrain it?

Unexpectedly, this toss didn\'t matter. They didn\'t even eat dinner. It was dawn in the past. This time, Tang Feifei finally believed that Chu fan had never done anything bad these days. Otherwise, he could not be so greedy and toss again and again.

It seems that he\'s holding it hard these days.

Early the next morning, Chu fan hugged Tang Feifei from behind. He was a little stupid and wanted to be hard. Feel his hot, Tang Feifei also woke up, hurriedly avoided, begged: "you get up quickly, it\'s not enough for one night?"

"A lifetime is not enough." Chu fan smiled and bumped into it. Tang Feifei immediately gave a dull hum. But just then, the door was knocked.

"Benedictine Benedictine!"

Tang qiner\'s voice came from outside the door: "when do you two want to sleep? The sun is going to dry your ass. get up and eat!"

"Come, come!" Tang Feifei quickly promised, pushed Chu fan away and said angrily, "it\'s all your fault. Now I\'m blocked by my grandmother. How do you let me see people?"

Chu fan couldn\'t laugh or cry, as if no one knew. A woman is known for her thin skin, but does she have to pretend that she hasn\'t done anything?

After they got up, Chu fan found that his mobile phone was out of power at some time. He asked Tang Feifei to help find a charger, charge and turn it on. He was going to have dinner with Tang Feifei when a phone suddenly called in.

Who, so coincidentally, just turned on the phone and called in?

"Hello, this is Chu fan... Canoe? Don\'t cry. What\'s the matter?"

Chu fan\'s face was dignified. He didn\'t say in a deep voice until he heard his words: "don\'t worry. Tell your parents that I\'ll be there right now. Light dance will be fine."

Seeing Chu fan hang up, Tang Feifei hurriedly said, "what\'s the matter?"

"Qingwu killed someone and has been taken away by the police." Chu fan grabbed his coat. "You help me and grandma. They say, I must go there right away."

"It\'s all right. Go quickly. If you need my help, don\'t forget to call me."

Chu fan hugged her and hurried out. When Song Yu, Tang Lian and others came out, Chu fan had poured the car out of the yard and sped away.

Since these days, the Bian family has undergone earth shaking changes. The poorest poor households in the small fishing village have become the richest man in the small fishing village, which can be seen from the Xiaoyang upstairs newly built by Bian\'s family.

Chu fan raised the speed to the limit all the way. It was really fast. In only two hours, he came to the small fishing village where Bian Qingwu lived and stopped in front of Bian Qingwu\'s small foreign building.

The small building is very beautiful. The whole building is pasted with external wall tiles. The roof is a kind of imitation tile red color steel plate, and a solar water heater is installed on it. The original gates have been removed and replaced with painted iron fences. There is a warm lampshade every three meters. It\'s very beautiful.

Both sides of the courtyard are surrounded by red brick walls, which are two meters high. Most people can\'t climb up if they want to. A warehouse has been built on the east side of the courtyard, half of which has been changed into a garage. It\'s not that Bian Kui wants to buy a car, but that Chu fan can have a place to store the car when he drives here.

A row of small sheds were built on the west side, separated by brick walls in the middle, including coal bunker, firewood shed, chicken rack and a dog kennel. In a short period of time, the family has been tidied up in good order. The coal bunker is filled with coal. The wood in the firewood shed is cut into small pieces and stacked neatly. There is a puppy lying in the kennel. There are more than a dozen chickens scattered in the open space surrounded by iron mesh.

It was a warm little yard, but at this time it was full of sadness. Chu fan stopped the car and strode in. Before he reached the door, Bian Qingzhou ran out, hugged his waist and cried.

Bian Kui and Xiao Cui also came out of the room. Xiao Cui was ok, but her face was a little pale, but Bian Kui had a broken beard and red eyes, as if she had stayed up all night.

"What\'s going on?" Chu fan asked in a deep voice.

Xiaocui dodged the door and said calmly, "go in and say it. I can\'t speak clearly in a few words."

As soon as he entered the door, Chu fan felt that the room was cold and clear, as if no one lived. I opened the lid and took a look. The porridge inside was still cold. I didn\'t know when it was cooked. It had a sour taste.

"Didn\'t you eat? Just in time, I didn\'t eat either." Chu fan took out his wallet, took out a stack and stuffed it into Bian Qingzhou. He ordered, "go to the grocery store to buy something to eat, buy two bottles of wine, and I\'ll have a drink with your father."

"It won\'t take so much money." Bian Qingzhou only took two, returned the rest of the money to Chu fan, and ran out quickly.

If at ordinary times, Xiaocui must have cooked, but now she is really out of mind. To pour Chu fan a cup of hot water, he found that the kettle was empty. But he had to take Chu fan a bottle of mineral water.

"Aunt, don\'t be busy. What happened? How can light dance kill people?"

"Alas, I\'m to blame for the lack of money!" Bian Kui sighed with remorse, squatted down and beat his head with remorse.

Listening to his meaning, Chu fan probably understood what the reason was. After careful inquiry, Xiaocui finally said the whole story.

Bian Kui is an honest man. He has been poor for half his life. Now he suddenly has money. Naturally, he has a lot of money. In just one month, he became a celebrity in the small fishing village. People greeted him everywhere. The seafood at home was almost uninterrupted. Someone sent it to his house every day.

He is also very generous. At the beginning, he prepared a gift for those who helped him. He will help anyone who has a difficult problem. Although he borrowed money, he didn\'t have a lot of money, but all his actions told others that he had money and had a lot of money to spend.

However, everyone in the village knows that the Bian family has a rich and powerful son-in-law. Even the Bian family\'s house was built under the supervision of the mayor. Ordinary people really don\'t dare to think about Bian\'s family. But there are many people who are desperate for money.

On the third day after Bian Qingwu came back, something happened