The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 907

Song Wen, alone, almost emptied the reserve warehouse of a supermarket.

All kinds of rice noodles, fresh meat and frozen meat are piled into hills in front of the steps of the temple, and there are countless snacks and children\'s toys. Not to mention how many times Song Wen has run, in short, she is no longer in the mood to eat this snack. She lies on the steps without image and looks like she has been wheeled by several big men.

"Leader, this... This is all for us?" Wu Long ran forward excitedly, and tears came down.

How can we eat so much food.

Chu fan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "of course, this is for you Phoenix stronghold. Others don\'t have to be jealous. I promise, every stronghold has it."

Wu Long wiped away his tears, turned around and waved his big hand: "what are you waiting for? Move the grain and put it in the warehouse. I\'ll share it with you early tomorrow morning. Who, who, call your daughter-in-law to have noodles, and who\'s daughter-in-law, stew the meat quickly... Shit, who\'s the bear child, throw the water thing to me, and then spit water on my pants, and I\'ll spit your father\'s face..."

Previously, the villagers of Fenghuang village only supported Chu fan as king of Miao because of the face of the clan leader. Anyway, they don\'t have to take out a grain. Who is the king of Miao? But now, these people support Chu fan from the bottom of their heart. For nothing else, they rely on Chu fan to bring them so much food. Who do not support him? Can someone else bring you so much food?

Finally, you don\'t have to go hungry

On the big square, they set up stoves and cooked on the spot. Although miaojiang was short of rice and grain, these women\'s cooking skills were quite good, and their hands and feet were agile. Soon, a strong smell of meat spread.

On the other hand, several women have begun to bake white flour cakes and steam white flour buns. After smelling the fragrance, some children with toys gather in front of the cooker, staring at the fragrant white flour cakes in the pot, and their greedy saliva flows.

A brave child, taking advantage of his mother\'s carelessness, quickly fished a piece of cake and took a hard bite, but before he could swallow it, he got two slaps on his ass.

"Don\'t beat, don\'t beat, just eat a cake, as for it?" Tang Feifei came forward to protect the beaten child, took the cake again, stuffed it into his hand, helped him wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with a smile, "go play. There\'s more after eating."

There are no big fish and meat, nor so exquisite dishes, not even tables, chairs and benches. The tableware is provided by the villagers themselves. Each person holds a bowl of broth and eats white bread. It feels like Chinese New Year.

Only Chu fan put a table here. The table was still moved out of the Miao King\'s residence. It was no problem to sit more than a dozen people. Most of the dishes are ready-made brine. To tell the truth, the taste is only ordinary, but these people eat with relish.

What they drink is the high-quality wine brought from outside, which is much higher than the wine made by Miao Jiang himself. After a meal of wine, almost all these people drink and lie down.

"Uncle Gu Feng, let\'s have another drink?" Chu fan took up the wine bowl and asked with a smile.

Gu Feng\'s face was purple and waved his hand: "no, the wine is too strong. If you drink it again, you have to spit it out."

"Well, let\'s find a place, have a cigarette and say a few words."


Gu Feng stood up, stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Chu fan hurried forward to hold him, waved to the coming Ziyan to reassure her, and then held Gu Feng to sit down in front of the steps of the temple.

Chu fan took out a cigarette and handed it to Gu Feng. This time, Gu Feng didn\'t refuse. He gathered in front of the lighter and took a deep breath and said, "what do you want to say, say it."

"Uncle, I know you feel uncomfortable, but I can\'t help something myself." Chu Fan said with a bitter smile, "Ziyan is your daughter. You should know her temper better than me. I Chu fan is not a gentleman, but I\'m not a person who can\'t move when I see a beautiful woman."

"Comparatively speaking, Suyuan and I have experienced the hardships of life and death; Qiaoyun and I were childhood sweethearts; even Tang Feifei and I were together after several twists and turns. Frankly, I\'m not sure whether I will fall in love with Ziyan, but I can assure you that I won\'t do anything to her until I love her."

Gu Feng just smoked silently without saying a word. He\'s so old. What don\'t you understand? If Ziyan and Chu fan had known each other for a long time, he might not worry, but their time of understanding was too short. How could they love each other?

What love at first sight is nonsense. If Ziyan didn\'t take a bath and was caught by Chu fan, she couldn\'t have married him. But it\'s not love, it\'s just a bondage of traditional ideas.

Gu Feng is afraid of this. Once Chu fan leaves, Ziyan calms down, and there will be some estrangement between them. Chu fan doesn\'t care. Anyway, he doesn\'t intend to live in Miao Jiang, but Ziyan can\'t. how can she get married in the future? She\'s ruined her life.

"That\'s good. Anyway, Ziyan is not 18 years old yet, and it\'s still early to talk about marriage." Gu Feng threw the cigarette butts on the ground and crushed them, and took a deep breath. "I\'ll give you a year. If you can fall in love with her at that time, she really falls in love with you, and I\'ll personally send her to you and entrust her to you. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise, I will leave forever and never see the face of purple smoke again."

Gu Feng was silent for a long time, shook his head and said, "don\'t do this. You are still the king of Miao and Ziyan is still my daughter. Even if you can\'t be husband and wife, she is still your cousin."

At this time, Ziyan ran over and said excitedly, "Dad, what do you say to avatar? It\'s mysterious."

"Ha ha, I\'m discussing with your father when to marry you." Chu fan joked.

Ziyan\'s face immediately turned red, stared at him and stood up with Gu Feng\'s arm: "Dad, it\'s getting late. Let me take you back to your room to have a rest?"

"Well, good!"

No matter how much Gu Feng drank, he was also a little dizzy at this time. He staggered back to the Miao King\'s residence with his daughter. It is Chu fan\'s home now. Gu Feng naturally wants to live with him.

When Chu fan settled all the drunk people here and got home, it was already midnight. Unexpectedly, the oil lamp in the living room was still on. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Su Yuan, Qiao Yun and Tang Lian.

"Why don\'t you sleep? Wait for me?" Chu Fan said with a smile.

Tang qiner stood up and said in a deep voice, "we\'re going back."

"Go back?" Chu fan suddenly sobered up. "Why are you in such a hurry? It\'s not too late to leave tomorrow morning."

Tang Feifei came over, took Chu fan\'s arm and said helplessly, "originally, I wanted to wait for you to go together. But my parents can\'t stay any longer, so I\'d better take them back first. When they are all settled, I\'ll come back with you."

"Then how can you go? Shall I take you back?"

"I don\'t need you. Qiao Yun and I are just going back." Su Yuan also came over and said, "after going back, I will hurry up to register a tourism company. When you have time, think of a good name and send it to me."

Chu Fan said with a bitter smile, "there\'s not even a network signal here. How can I send it to you? Forget it, I\'ll call you by satellite phone."

Qiaoyun then came over and said, "I\'ve left a locator in the square in front of the temple. Soon there will be staff coming to erect the tower. At that time, I will receive the mobile phone signal. In addition, I\'ll contact the wind power plant and ask them to investigate the terrain in miaojiang. I believe it won\'t be long before electricity will be available here."

Chu fan hugged the two women, took a deep breath on their necks and whispered, "thank you. You\'ve suffered."

"Yes." Su Yuan smiled, "who makes you king Miao and we are your wife?"

"We are a family, what do we share with each other?" Qiao Yun stroked his cheek and said, "well, let\'s go first. You don\'t have to worry. It\'s not too late to deal with all the things here."

Chu fan sent them to the courtyard. Su Yuan took Tang qiner, Qiao Yun took Tang Lian, and Tang Feifei took her father Song Yu. Like three meteors, they cut through the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wipe, you\'re all gone. Let me sleep with the quilt at night?

"Avatar, can I fly around in the air like them?" the voice of purple smoke came not far away.

Chu fan waved to her. Ziyan immediately came over and rushed directly into his arms. Her delicate body rustled and trembled.

"What\'s the matter? Is it cold?" Chu fan hugged her and walked towards the house.

Sitting down by the bed, Chu fan saw tears on Ziyan\'s face and hurriedly asked, "Why are you crying? Did your father tell you something?"

"No!" Ziyan shook his head and said, "I suddenly found myself very useless. I can\'t help you at all. I\'ve added so much trouble to you."

"Hey, I think it\'s a big deal." Chu fan rubbed her head with a smile. "Two years ago, Qiao Yun and I were not as good as you. At that time, I went up the mountain to hunt and collect medicine every day. Qiao Yun washed and cooked at home, and the food and use were almost the same as yours. But now, don\'t we all change? As long as you are willing to learn with your heart, I believe you won\'t be worse than them."

Ziyan asked excitedly, "really?"

"Of course it\'s true. Come on, I\'ll teach you a set of cultivation skills first. When you learn it, just like them, they fly around in the air."

Chu fan spent two hours to open up the eight meridians of Ziyan, and left a drop of pure aura in her body. With this drop of aura, her cultivation speed will increase ten times. Once she has fully refined and absorbed this drop of aura, she can at least reach heaven. At that time, she will be able to practice sword defense.

But after Ziyan shyly ran out to take a bath, Chu fan was depressed again. It seems that my brother is destined to sleep alone tonight. Alas, the hard bed is so cold that there is no one to warm the quilt. It\'s a mistake!

Soon after he lay down, Song Wen came over with the quilt and said shivering, "brother fan, I\'m so cold..."