The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 906

Chu fan and everyone are having a meeting. Su Yuan, Qiao Yun and Tang Feifei are coming.

"Didn\'t bother you?" Suyuan asked with a smile.

Chu fan stood up and waved to the three women, "you\'re just in time. Help me."

Sitting beside Chu fan, wu long and the elder hurriedly got up and gave up their seats. Fools can see that the relationship between these girls and Chu fan must be extraordinary. It may be the future Princess Miao. It must be right to flatter them.

It seems that the rule that King Miao only marries saints should also be changed.

"Let me introduce it to you." Chu Fan said with a smile after the three women sat down, "Su Yuan, chairman and President of Sichuan Sichuan Chongqing group, has assets of more than ten billion; Qiao Yun, chairman of Sinopec Group, has total assets of at least 100 billion US dollars; you all know Feifei, but what you don\'t know is that she is still a big star. As for her assets, there are not many, because the money she makes has been donated to poor mountainous areas..."

"Ziyan, come home with me." Gu Feng stood up with a black face and scolded coldly.

He was so angry that he couldn\'t understand why there was such a shameless person. What he couldn\'t understand was that Su Yuan sat next to Ziyan and the two women held this hand. It seemed that she could talk.

What\'s good about Chu fan? Why do you have to marry him? Even the rules of selecting saints can be changed. What does it matter if you are looked at by him?

Ziyan was startled by her father and didn\'t dare to refute. She could only stand up timidly, but before she started, she was pulled by Su Yuan and dragged her to sit down again.

"Sister Suyuan!" Ziyan screamed in embarrassment, trying to stop talking.

"Don\'t be afraid, there\'s me." Su Yuan patted the back of her hand and gave her a confident smile. Then she looked at Gu Feng with a black face opposite and said with a smile: "you\'re Ziyan\'s father, uncle Gu Feng?"

Gu Feng snorted coldly, "I don\'t dare!"

"Uncle Gu Feng, in fact, I can understand your current mood. To tell you the truth, my father was as angry as you at the beginning. But after a long time of contact, he acquiesced in our relationship. Do you know why?"

Su Yuan paused for a few seconds. Seeing Gu Feng didn\'t mean to speak, she continued with a smile: "the reason is very simple. We eat and live together and live in harmony like a family. What you want is nothing more than the happiness and happiness your daughter can live. I can assure you that we will love Ziyan like our own sister, take care of her and don\'t let her suffer any injustice."

"Uncle Gu Feng, if you take Ziyan now, she may not be happy all her life." Qiao Yun said faintly on one side.

"Uncle!" Tang Feifei stood up, made a deep bow to Gu Feng and said sincerely, "she has told me all about your care for my mother. Without your care, she might not be able to survive today."

"I won\'t say thank you. If you have any difficulties in the future, just ask me. What I can\'t do is Chu fan. Even if you want the stars in the sky, we will find a way to pick one for you."

Tang Feifei took a look at Ziyan and said with a smile: "as for Ziyan\'s cousin and Chu fan, don\'t worry about it. Now he advocates freedom of marriage. As long as Ziyan is happy and happy, everything else is not important."

Liao Mu couldn\'t help asking, "are you... Not jealous at all?"

Gu Feng was just about to ask. Unexpectedly, Liao mu, a straightforward guy, asked first. Yes, they are all curious. How can these women get together, talk and laugh, and help Chu fan find a wife? This is not normal.

"In fact, the reason is very simple." Su Yuan said lightly, "if any of you walk around the gate of death, you want to open everything. Being happy is the most important thing for people to live. You should not only make yourself happy, but also make the people you like happy and happy. As for what others think and think, it is worthless compared with living."

Qiao Yun also explained with a smile: "you only see a few of us. In fact, Chu fan has many confidants outside, including the little princess of the eagle Kingdom, the sister of the emperor\'s chief, the daughter of the Brahman sect in India, the female emperor of Japan and so on."

"Each of these people has a high status and unparalleled beauty, but they are wholeheartedly waiting for Chu fan. There is only one reason. They are people who have experienced life and death. Without Chu fan, they may be dead now."

"It is said that beauties love heroes." Tang Feifei said positively, "we may not be beauties, but Chu fan is definitely a great hero. I am satisfied to be with him in this life, even if I have no reputation."

Ziyan stood up and looked at Gu Feng timidly: "Dad!"

"Alas!" Gu Feng sighed and said helplessly, "just, just, I don\'t care about you, but Chu fan, I warn you that even if you become the king of Miao, if you dare to bully my daughter, I will fight for justice with you."

"I bullied her?" Chu Fan said with a bitter smile. "Uncle, you don\'t know my position at home. Even pet dogs should be in front of me. It\'s good if I don\'t be bullied by them."

No matter what he said was true or false, Gu Feng\'s worry disappeared. When her daughter was old, her father couldn\'t help it. I hope she didn\'t see the wrong person.

In fact, even Gu Feng didn\'t realize that the big reason why he could compromise was Chu fan himself. His character and what he did made Gu Feng feel inferior.

When I was young, if I faced four young and beautiful girls who didn\'t wear clothes, I wouldn\'t be able to sit still like Chu fan. In that case, which young man can hold back?

Others are about to break their heads for the position of King Miao, but Chu fan is indifferent to fame and wealth. He doesn\'t pay attention to the position of King Miao at all, but pays more attention to Ziyan. Isn\'t a man who regards women more important than the throne worth trusting for life?


Wu Long coughed and reminded, "master, let\'s talk about the tourism company. We don\'t know anything about this."

The sect leader is really fighting for Ziyan. He even belittles himself as a dog. But how can you say it casually? It affects your glorious image too much.

Everyone agrees. This tourism company sounds good, but I don\'t know if it can really make the people in Miao Jiang live a good life.

"In fact, I don\'t know much about this." Chu Fan said with a smile, "however, these two around me are the bosses of large companies. It\'s better to listen to their suggestions."

Chu fan is good at making money and doing business. He is really not that material. However, he will choose people. Whether Qiao Yun or Su Yuan, he is clear about doing business and opening a company. He soon straightened out his ideas and explained everything.

Because of the geographical environment in Miao Jiang, even donkey friends are rarely willing to come here. It\'s too dangerous. If they are careless, they will throw their lives here. But in fact, it\'s far from as scary as the outside rumors. On the contrary, it\'s full of beautiful scenery.

From noon until dark, Tang Feifei, who was in charge of recording, almost filled his diary. According to the location of the scenic spot, several tourist routes are planned.

The whole process will take a long time. After all, the mountain road is too difficult to walk. To maintain the original style of Miao Xinjiang and ensure the safety of tourists, these aspects need to be improved step by step. There are too many scenic spots, and it is impossible to open them all at one time. They should be a little, step by step, so that tourists can go deep into Miao Xinjiang, and finally come to the temple and even participate in the blessing Festival.

Once the tourist route is opened, the villagers in the nearby stockade will have jobs. Security, sanitation, catering, accommodation, etc. all need manpower. The fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders. These jobs must be left to the local Miao people.

With a job, you can make money. With money, you can buy all kinds of daily necessities. Therefore, a small assembly should be established. Slowly, the assembly will become a market to meet all the needs of local people and foreign tourists.

Of course, once there is an influx of foreign population into miaojiang, it will certainly bring damage to miaojiang to a certain extent. Most importantly, it will bring great changes to the simple miaojiang people.

Chu fan doesn\'t know whether this is a good thing, but there are advantages and disadvantages. No one can avoid this problem.

The most important one is about the medical problems in Miao Jiang. Under Tang Feifei\'s proposal, each village selects two young people, a man and a woman, follows Chu fan back to the health school in the city, receives the most systematic training, and then goes to a large hospital to practice and accumulate experience.

Three years later, these people will graduate and return to miaojiang to set up clinics in each village. At the same time, schools are set up in each stockade so that every child can go to school, even college, and go outside to see. If you like teaching, you can go back to the local area to be a teacher. If you like medicine, you can learn medicine and come back to the clinic.

Slowly, this will form a virtuous circle. Ten years later, these people can live a good life without Chu fan\'s worry. However, the early investment is not a small amount. Moreover, in the short term, it can only go out but not go in, and there is no benefit.

However, once the tourism company has formed a scale and vigorously promoted it, the previously invested funds will be fed back multiple times. However, Chu fan did not intend to take the money, but changed it into shares in proportion and distributed it to each village in miaojiang.

"Well, let\'s stop here first." Chu fan yawned, stood up, rubbed his stomach and asked, "Lao Wu, do you have anything to eat? My stomach is getting hungry."

Wu Long quickly stood up: "I\'ll let people prepare..."

"No need." Su Yuan stood up and said with a smile, "I\'ve already got people ready. Chief wu long, please inform everyone in the stockade to gather in the big square in front of the temple. We\'ll have a bonfire party in the evening to celebrate."