The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 905

The former residence of King Miao is a super large courtyard with the best location, the best environment and the most spacious and bright in Fenghuang village. Although no one has lived for many years, it is cleaned and ventilated every day. Therefore, it is spotless and does not even have a musty smell.

Now, Chu fan has become the new king of Miao and naturally moved into the residence of the king of Miao. In addition to Ziyan, there are more than a dozen village chiefs such as Wu Long and Gu Feng, as well as elders and deacons of the moon worship sect.

In the reception hall, after Ziyan brought the people fragrant tea, she sat next to Chu fan, which made her father Gu Feng turn his eyes. He deliberately left a place beside him, but his daughter ignored it, as if she hadn\'t seen it.

Alas, girls are outgoing. With men, they forget their father immediately.

"If you have anything to tell me, please tell me. We will do our best to support you." Wu Long said happily.

From the beginning, he was a firm supporter of Chu fan. Now, Chu fan has really become the leader of miaojiang. He must have his share in the benefits. Naturally, he is more and more happy in his heart.

Chu fan glanced at the crowd, slowly put down the teacup and said faintly, "I\'m calling you to tell you that I\'m leaving Miao Jiang and going back to the mainland."

"What?" wu long, the elder and Liao Mu stood up in surprise.

The news is too sudden. He has just been recognized by everyone. Why should he leave in a twinkling of an eye? Especially wu long, his joy just now turned into loss and almost cried.

Not with you!

"Master, you can\'t go." Wu Long said anxiously, "there are all kinds of wastes waiting to prosper in miaojiang. It\'s time to need you. If you go, what can we do?"

"Leader, you can\'t go anyway." Liao Mu clenched his teeth. "I know how much I offended before, and my son has spoken unkindly many times, but as long as you stay, I\'m willing to be punished. Even if you cut off my head, I have no complaints."

Chu fanle said, "OK, what am I doing with your head?"

Before he could say more, Chu fan waved his hand and said: "Well, I\'m not so stingy. I\'ve long forgotten the previous things. But I do have to leave. However, you don\'t have to be too nervous. I\'m just leaving temporarily. As long as I want to come back, it\'s only a matter of minutes. Moreover, I\'ll arrange everything before I leave, but it needs everyone\'s support."

Originally, the people were still very excited. The position of King Miao, which had been idle for decades, now finally has a master, which is equivalent to having a backbone. Everyone is full of energy and is ready to do a great cause under the leadership of the new king Miao, so that the villagers can have a good day.

But this just confirmed the identity of the Miao king. He was going to leave. For a moment, everyone felt bad. How could he be happy?

"What\'s the matter? As I said, I\'m just leaving temporarily. If necessary, I\'ll come back at any time." Chu fan knocked on the table and said positively, "before I leave, I want to do something for the people in miaojiang, but I need everyone\'s help."

Wu Long sighed and said, "master, just tell me directly. No matter what you want to do, we will support you."

The elder and others expressed their positions one after another. Even Gu Feng put down his prejudices and nodded in support of Chu fan.

"Everyone should know what the purpose of my coming to miaojiang is."

Chu Fan said positively, "originally, I was going to turn the Miao border upside down, but who admitted that I was confused and became the king of the Miao. My father-in-law and mother-in-law have made it clear that they will not be held accountable for being imprisoned for more than 20 years. But this matter has to be reflected."

"If I\'m not a descendant of the Miao king, I might destroy even the temple. I don\'t know how many people will die or hurt if I stop me. Because a saint destroyed the previous Miao king, Saint Gu Yao, her daughter Tang qiner and granddaughter Tang Lian, and almost destroyed Tang Lian\'s daughter Tang Feifei. This matter must attract everyone\'s attention, so I decided to abolish the previous selection of saints The rules are changed to recommendation and audition by the whole family, and every saint has the right to choose her spouse freely. "

Wu Long frowned and said, "it\'s OK to abolish the previous rules for selecting saints, but the whole family can recommend and audition. I\'m afraid it\'s a little difficult."

"Even if a saint can marry freely, there are probably no people willing to be a saint." Liao Mu said with a bitter smile.

Gu Feng knocked the cigarette bag pot on the sole of his shoes and said faintly, "anyway, I will never let my daughter be a saint. Even if I give more food and better treatment."

Chu fan knocked on the table and said, "I want to know why everyone doesn\'t want to be a saint? Isn\'t that a good thing?"

"Leader, you don\'t know." Wu Long patiently explained, "after a girl becomes a saint, she will be subject to many constraints. For example, she can\'t touch meat and smell every meal, bathe in incense every day, wipe the inside and outside of the temple every day, watch the oil lamp at night, don\'t go out, kneel in front of the statue in the morning, noon and evening, chant scriptures and pray, and can\'t even talk to the opposite sex."

"Who wants to let his daughter suffer this crime? It\'s too tired and miserable."

The people nodded and said that the saint was really a hard job. It was simply not done by people.

They didn\'t say that Chu fan really didn\'t know. He thought the saint was a very noble and holy career. Unexpectedly, it was much more severe than being a nun.

"How did you choose the saints before?" Chu fan asked curiously.

The people\'s eyes fell on Gu Feng. Gu Feng coughed and said slowly, "in the past, people who made mistakes would send their daughter to the temple to reduce the punishment. After screening, the most beautiful and intelligent one would become a saint and marry the king of Miao in the future."

Chu fan found something wrong. How can they all look at Gu Feng when they mention the saint? Gu Feng, Gu Yao

"Uncle Gu Feng, are Gu Yao and you relatives?"

"You found out," Gu Feng said bitterly. "In fact, many people know that Gu Yao is my grandfather\'s sister."


Chu Fanteng stood up: "according to this calculation, Tang qiner is your aunt and Tang Lian is your cousin..."

Speaking of this, Chu fan glanced at Ziyan: "is Tang Feifei your cousin?"

Gu Feng nodded: "yes, Tang Lian is really my cousin."

"Uncle, you\'re not authentic." Chu Fan said unhappily. "Since you know Tang Lian is your cousin, you\'ve watched her suffer for so many years? Don\'t forget that her grandmother Gu Yao was the saint who made atonement for your family."

Chu fan is really angry this time. He hates people who cross rivers and tear down bridges and don\'t read old love. Yes, Gu Feng has no ability to save Tang Lian, but you can help her to live better, but what did he do? He turned a blind eye and was cold and heartless. If it weren\'t for Ziyan\'s face, Chu fan really wanted to throw him out now.

It\'s not as good as relatives, not even other people for two generations.

Gu Feng didn\'t defend himself. He just lowered his head and sat down silently. Ziyan\'s eyes were ruddy. He suddenly stood up and shouted to Chu fan, "you don\'t know anything. Why do you say dad? In those days, Tang Lian and her husband would have been executed if Dad hadn\'t pleaded desperately. Can you still live today?"

"Yes, sect leader, you really wronged Gu Feng." Wu Long said in a deep voice, "in those days, Gu Feng knelt in front of the temple for three days and three nights to save Tang Lian and his wife. Finally, it was the elder and us who begged for help that Tang Lian survived. For this reason, Gu Feng paid the fattest piece of land in yingyue stronghold, resulting in their barely enough food every year."

The elder also said, "since then, Gu Feng has been sick with old cold legs. When it rains on cloudy days, his legs will swell and ache. But even so, he insists on coming to the temple every month to send Tang Lian some food and drink and some commonly used medicinal materials. Without Gu Feng, Tang Lian can\'t persist until now."

Chu fan was embarrassed. It made trouble. He sprayed people\'s faces before he could figure it out. If there is a mouse hole in front of him, Chu fan will drill in without hesitation. What a shame!

"Sorry, uncle, I misunderstood you." Chu fan made a deep bow to Gu Feng and sincerely apologized to him.

Gu Feng didn\'t care. He waved his hand and said, "I don\'t blame you, but I have no ability. I can only help her so much."

Chu fan looked at the purple smoke on his side and said with a smile, "purple smoke, I\'m sorry."

"Hum!" Ziyan turned his head and gave him a back of the head. But then she glanced at Chu fan secretly, as if she was afraid that he would be angry.

Chu fan laughed and rubbed her head. The misunderstanding disappeared and the atmosphere became relaxed again.

"In fact, you don\'t understand what I mean." Chu Fan said with a smile, "since we want to cancel the previous rules of selecting saints, the work of saints can also be changed."

"My initial idea is to build miaojiang into a tourist resort, and the saint\'s job is to be responsible for all things of the tourism company." before everyone\'s attitude, Chu fan put his hand around Ziyan\'s shoulder and said: "the candidate for the first saint, I recommend Ziyan..."

"I object!" Gu fengteng stood up and shouted angrily.

Liao Mu stared at him and said, "what\'s your hurry? Listen to the leader first."

"Master, the tourist resort you mentioned can make us live a good life?" Wu Long asked excitedly.

Chu Fan said with a smile, "if you operate properly, I guarantee that everyone can eat rice and white flour in the future. All kinds of delicious food, beautiful clothes outside the mountain, as well as TV, telephone, mobile phone and computer will enter each household one after another."

"At that time, even if you lie at home and don\'t work, you will have endless food, even if you have big fish and meat every day."