The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 904

In front of the temple is a spacious flat land, where the annual blessing Festival is held. Today, although it was not a blessing day, other people from the stockade did not come, but even so, the flat ground was full of people, bringing families and children, and almost all men, women, old and young were present.

On the steps, Chu fan looked at the purple smoke with sweat at the tip of his nose and said with a smile: "nervous?"

"A little!"

"Don\'t be afraid, I have everything."

Being held by Chu fan, Ziyan became more nervous. Avatar is too brave. My father is standing under the stage. When he sees me, I\'m dead. However, Chu fan\'s hands were warm and thick, which made her reluctant to give up.

Tangled for a while, she simply avoided her father\'s almost spitting eyes and looked down at her toes.

Anyway, it\'s already like this. Whatever you like!

"Everyone, after a night\'s verification, several elders and I can confirm that Chu fan has our Miao King blood, and he is our Miao king." Wu Long walked onto the stage and shouted excitedly.

As soon as the voice fell, the Miao people in Fenghuang stronghold were excited and immediately shouted, "King Miao! King Miao! King Miao!"

Wu long stretched out his hand and stopped shouting. This quality is much better than the melon eating people in China. It is neat and uniform. Even the children don\'t cry.

"I know that there are still many people under the stage who have doubts. Next, I will show you the evidence room by room. First, let\'s invite the elder to show the prophecy treasure box that the previous generation of great wizard gave him."

Wu long stretched out his hand to invite. The elder standing under the stage immediately went up the steps, showed everyone the wooden box in his hand, and said, "you see? The seal on it was torn last night, and there was a picture left by the great wizard."

As like as two peas in the Miao nationality, the yellow cloth and silk cloth are exactly alike.

"I swear by the life of my whole family that I have kept this treasure box for decades. It was not opened until yesterday. The portrait is absolutely true. Anyone who has any questions can come on stage to verify it. If I can point out that the painting is new, I will jump into the snake cave myself."

Miao people almost know the prophecy treasure box kept by the elder, and everyone knows the character of the elder. For so many years, if he hadn\'t enforced the law impartially and let the great wizard still have some fear, Miao Jiang could not be harmed by the great wizard.

The elder showed it for a few minutes, but no one spoke. He was very satisfied with it and proved that he was still very authoritative in the hearts of the masses. But just as he was about to put away the portrait, a loud voice sounded in the crowd.

"I have doubts"

A Miao man with a height of about 1.75 meters and a big waist separated the crowd and walked to the front row. Seeing this man, Liao Mu\'s eyes were green. He hurried over and shouted in a low voice, "what are you doing here, smelly boy?"

"If I don\'t come, Ziyan will be someone else\'s daughter-in-law." Liao Feihu pushed his father away, straightened his chest and shouted, "elder, just a picture can\'t prove anything. There are yellow old white cloth in my family. If you like it, I can draw one for you now, which is better than the one you have."

The elder was furious: "Liao Feihu, do you mean I cheated?"

"Elder, you misunderstood me. I naturally believe in your character. Who doesn\'t know that elder is upright and never favors anyone." Liao Feihu glanced at Chu fan lightly, "but I\'m afraid you\'ve been cheated. Are you sure this treasure box hasn\'t been tampered with? It\'s not difficult if I want to steal a beam and change a pillar without talking to others."

"You..." the elder was so angry that his face turned white. He instructed Liao Feihu and almost carried his anger.

Chu fan quickly patted the elder on the back and said with a smile, "don\'t be angry. It\'s normal to have doubts. Even I doubt whether anyone stole my portrait and stored it in the box. To tell the truth, I have no interest in the seat of the Miao king, but who makes me a Chu family?"

With that, Chu fan took out the genealogy, handed it to Wu Long, and took out a picture and a photo.

"It\'s estimated that only grandfathers know this painting." Chu fan glanced under the stage and asked, "which uncle is willing to come up and help me identify who this man is?"

"You, you, and you..." Wu Long ordered several old people in succession. The old man did not hesitate. He trembled to the stage with a crutch. Wu Long came down from the stage with the picture, sent it to several old people and said, "look carefully. Do you know who this woman is?"

"Don\'t look, this woman is the saint Gu Yao." an old man only looked at it and vowed.

Another old man took a closer look, nodded and said, "yes, it\'s Gu Yao. Moreover, I\'ve seen this painting before. It seems to be made by Chu Yuheng. Chu Yuheng and his eldest brother Chu Tianshu almost fought for this."

Chu fan also came down from the stage, handed the photos to several old people, smiled and said, "please take a look again, you know the people in this photo?"

"This man... Looks familiar, but I can\'t remember who he is for a while."

"I also feel familiar, but I really haven\'t seen this person, otherwise, I must remember him."

Chu fan is a little helpless, but it\'s no wonder these people don\'t know each other. When Chu Yuheng left Miao Jiang, he should be about the same age as Chu fan now. Chu Yuheng in the photo is an old man in his 70s and 80s. If they can feel familiar, it\'s already very good.

Liao Feihu sneered: "what if there is a portrait of the saint Gu Yao? What if it is painted by Chu Yuheng? Can it prove that you are the descendant of the Miao king?"

"Shut up, smelly boy." Liao Mu really wants to take him home with a big mouth. You\'re looking for death.

"Dad, I don\'t want to be the king of Miao? I just raise questions in everyone\'s heart. Is there something wrong?" Liao Feihu glanced back and said loudly, "do you think I\'m right?"

"Yes!" a dozen men shouted in the crowd.

Liao Mu doesn\'t have to look. These are the best friends brought by his son. Why are you everywhere, these bastards? If it had been before, Liao Mu would have agreed with his son, but now he is really afraid.

Before Chu fan took back the photo, an old man suddenly grabbed Chu fan\'s wrist: "wait a minute, this... This man seems to be Chu Yuheng."

"Chu Yuheng? How could it be?"

"Look here, Chu Yuheng\'s left hand is missing a little finger, and the old man\'s left hand is also missing a little finger."

"Well, it looks like Chu Yuheng."

"Yes, it\'s Chu Yuheng. This finger was the one he had a quarrel with his eldest brother. In a rage, he cut his finger. Before long, he disappeared."

Chu fan put down his heart, thanked several old people, turned to the stage, looked at the people under the stage, and said in a deep voice, "just now, did you hear what the old men said? I can tell you for sure that the person in this photo is Chu Yuheng. He is my great grandfather, and my name is Chu fan. This painting is my great grandfather\'s collection."

"To tell you the truth, I came to miaojiang this time just to take away the saint Tang Lian who has been imprisoned in the temple for more than 20 years and Song Yu who has been pushed into the snake cave by the great wizard. Their daughter Tang Feifei is my fiancee. I have the responsibility to save the old couple and get them out of the sea of suffering. As for the Miao king and leader, I really have no interest."

"What you don\'t like to hear is that there\'s nothing I care about except Ziyan in miaojiang. You eat coarse grain steamed buns every day. When the harvest is bad, you have to eat wild vegetables to satisfy your hunger. And you wear old homespun cloth woven by yourself, just like the one I wear. It\'s hard and not warm at all. The most important thing is that the medical conditions here are too poor. You can have a headache and fever at all It will kill people. As for pregnant women and newborns, the risk of death is greater. "

"I live in a luxury villa outside. When I go out by car, I eat delicacies and wear silk. Of course, I don\'t want to show off to you, but I want to tell you that the seat of King Miao is really unattractive to me. But then again, who makes me the great grandson of Chu Yuheng? I have the responsibility to make all the people in Miao live a good life, the most important thing At least let you not worry about food and clothing. When you are sick, you can get effective treatment, so that every new born child can grow up healthily. "

"OK!" Liao Mu shouted first and clapped his hands.

This time doesn\'t mean when to stay? He doesn\'t want to curry favor with Chu fan, just ask him not to care about himself.

Suddenly, there was a wave of applause. Almost every Miao people clapped their hands from the heart, even three-year-old children were no exception. They thought it was very interesting. But the eyes of the elderly Miao people were moist. Chu fan\'s words had the deepest feeling for them.

Over the years, life has been fairly good. In those years, people only complain. They really don\'t have enough food and clothes. Many people freeze to death and starve to death because of lack of food and clothing every year.

In addition, due to the lack of leaders, there are often frictions and even armed fights between stockaded villages because of some small things, which is also one of the reasons for the poverty of Miao Xinjiang. Just ask, in order to fight a piece of land, and finally abandoned, no one can get food, can not go hungry?

If there is a Miao king, he will be able to handle such incidents impartially and at least reduce the occurrence of bloodshed. For these Miao people, a good life is the key. As for who will be the king of the Miao, they don\'t care very much.

However, the Miao people in each stockade are very united. If other stockade chiefs are allowed to be the Miao king, many people must oppose it. On the contrary, Chu fan\'s coming to be the Miao king is justifiable and reasonable. Who wants others to be the descendants of the Miao king?

"King Miao! King Miao! King Miao!" the crowd cheered loudly