The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 903

"Dig, I don\'t believe I can\'t pull out this sword." the bearded Liao Mu shouted angrily.

In the living room, a dozen people surrounded the dragon soul sword and tried their best, but they were stunned and couldn\'t shake it. Just when they had nothing to do and were ready to dig up the ground, Chu fan came in from the door with purple smoke.

Wu long, with sharp eyes, immediately shouted, "be quiet, the leader is coming."

"Shit!" Liao Mu snorted, "let me admit that he is the leader unless the sun comes out in the West."

"Yes, he is an outsider. He is not qualified to be the leader of miaojiang."

"Wu long, you have to think clearly. Among us, you are the most qualified person to be the king of Miao. Do you want to give power to a foreign hairy boy?"

"Yes, if you don\'t want to be the leader of the sect, just stay aside and don\'t hinder us. We\'ve agreed that whoever can pull out the dragon soul holy sword is the leader of the sect."

Ziyan quickly came to his father Gu Feng, took his arm and whispered, "Dad!"

"Alas!" Gu Feng sighed and patted his daughter\'s hand. "Come home with me. It\'s just a dream. Forget him as soon as possible."

Forget? How could you forget? By the pool, Chu fan will never forget the moment when she saved her. Last night, they shared a bed and had a skin kiss.

In this life, she can\'t hold anyone in her heart except Chu fan.

But Ziyan couldn\'t refuse at all. Gu Feng took his daughter\'s wrist and just dragged her to go out from Chu fan, but at this time, Chu fan stretched out his hand to stop their father and daughter: "uncle, wait a moment."

At the moment when the father and daughter stopped, Chu fan waved to the dragon soul sword. Several people couldn\'t shake the dragon soul sword. Suddenly, the golden light was full, and a clear sound of dragon singing was issued, whizzing into Chu fan\'s hand.

"Take it!" Chu fan handed the sword to Ziyan. Ziyan looked at him hesitantly, gritted his teeth, and stretched out his hand to grasp the handle of the sword.

She knew that the sword was unusual and was ready to be pressed down, but unexpectedly, the sword was as light as a feather in her hand, and she couldn\'t feel any weight.

What\'s going on?

Liao Mu was in a hurry. He rushed over with a big step and grabbed the dragon soul sword in Ziyan\'s hand. Ziyan subconsciously dodged. The sword edge accidentally scratched Liao Mu\'s body and immediately cut his coat, almost hurting his skin and flesh.

"What are you doing?" Ziyan hugged the dragon soul sword tightly and stared at Liao mu in surprise and anger.

Liao Mu was also startled. The sword was too sharp. If he didn\'t hide fast, his stomach would have to be opened. But the more so, the more he wants to take this sword as his own. With this sword, who dares to prevent himself from becoming the leader?

"Gu Feng, if you want to be the leader of the sect, just say, let your daughter come out and fight with us. Do you look down on us too much?" Liao Mu said with a sneer.

Gu Feng said angrily, "you\'re talking nonsense. When did I want to be the leader?"

"Well, you are noble. I admire you, but your daughter is holding the dragon soul sword symbolizing the king of Miao. Isn\'t that right?" Liao Mu stretched out his hand. "Give me the sword. The land that our two strongholds have been fighting for more than ten years belongs to your yingyue stronghold."

"This sword is neither mine nor my daughter\'s. If you want, ask its owner." Gu Feng shouted, "Ziyan, exchange the sword for someone else."

Before Ziyan handed the sword back, Chu fan waved his hand and said with a smile, "uncle, since someone wants it, give it to him. I don\'t underestimate him. Even if I give him the sword, he can\'t take it up."

"Cut, a little girl can hold the film. I can\'t hold it?" Liao Mu sneered and stretched out his hand. "Bring it!"

Ziyan bit her lips and looked at Chu fan. Chu fan nodded slightly. She was cruel and handed her sword. In her opinion, the sword is light without any weight. Liao Mu has a big arm and a round waist. How can he not hold it?

Others also regretted that they should have taken the sword like Liao mu. Now, Liao Mu has the dragon soul sword. I\'m afraid it\'s a little difficult for him to hand it over.

Liao Mu didn\'t care. He stared at the dragon soul sword. Seeing that Ziyan really handed it over, he couldn\'t wait to catch it, but he took it. The dragon soul sword didn\'t move.

"Smelly girl, let go!" Liao Mu thought Ziyan would not let go of the dragon soul sword, so he couldn\'t help shouting angrily.

Ziyan had tears in her eyes and reluctantly withdrew her hand, but at the moment she let go, Liao Mu\'s hand grabbed the dragon soul sword and sank suddenly. With a plop, Liao Mu knelt down on his knees and his hands were pressed on the ground by the dragon soul sword. He gave a shrill scream, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn\'t pull his hands out of the sword.

This scene shocked the people. They all saw it with their own eyes. The sword was floating in Ziyan\'s hand like a chicken feather duster. How could it become as heavy as Mount Tai in Liao Mu\'s hand?

"Come on, help Lao Liao up." Wu Long woke up first, greeted him quickly, and rushed forward first. But he grabbed the handle of the dragon soul sword and wanted to pick it up, but his face was stunned.

No wonder Lao Liao will fall down. Is the sword of emotion so heavy?

"Grass, what are you doing? Please help me take the sword away." Liao Mu cried and his hands were pressed. It\'s ok if he broke them, but he could feel the pain like broken bones and tendons. His hands were intact, even a piece of skin was not broken.

Until then, he realized how powerful Chu fan was. Unfortunately, it\'s too late to say anything now.

Wu long tried. He couldn\'t lift the sword alone. He quickly waved: "don\'t be stunned. Let\'s take a hand together."

Several people rushed up and surrounded the dragon soul sword like a car. They stretched out their hands to buckle the edge of the big sword. Wu Long also shouted a slogan: "one, two, three, hi!"

Seven or eight people\'s faces were purple, but the dragon soul sword seemed to take root. Several people were stunned that they couldn\'t shake it. Just like this, the heads of several people were sweating. Looking at Liao mu, they shook their heads and said they couldn\'t help.

Just now, the sword was not too deep and strong, but it was too heavy and evil. Who can pull it out?

"Lao Wu, help me!" Liao Mu cried.

Wu Long smiled bitterly and said, "Lao Liao, you asked the wrong person. You have to tie the bell to solve the bell. Who did you get the sword from? You\'d better ask someone else to take the sword back."

Liao Mu\'s eyes fell on Ziyan. He knew that as long as the girl stretched out her hand, his hands would be free. However, don\'t mention that she is a female child. Even her father Gu Feng has never lowered his head for so many years. Now it\'s more painful for him to pull down his face and beg for Ziyan than to kill him.

Just when his face turned pig liver and he didn\'t know how to speak, Gu Feng said faintly, "Ziyan, pick up the sword and give it back to others."


Ziyan promised and reached out to pick up the dragon soul sword. What made Wu Long blush was that a girl only used one hand and didn\'t bother at all.

People have to die than people, and goods have to be thrown away. Old!

"Avatar, you\'d better keep this sword." Ziyan handed it over.

Chu fan smiled and said, "this sword is destined for you. Just take it."


What else did Ziyan want to say, but Chu fan had turned his head and told wu long, "chief wu long, please summon the villagers to the temple. I have something to announce."

"Good, good, no problem." Wu Long hurried out.

Chu fan took Ziyan\'s hand, then went out of the living room and walked in the direction of the temple.

In front of his father, Ziyan was still a little embarrassed. He blushed and bowed his head. He didn\'t dare to look at his father. Like a little daughter-in-law, he obediently followed Chu fan\'s footsteps. As for the dragon soul sword, hold her in your hand, and your hand swings back and forth with your steps. You don\'t feel any weight at all.

Behind him, Gu Feng looked at their backs and didn\'t know what it was like. In a flash, the little girl around has grown up and become a big girl. This means that she will get married and leave him soon.

Although he had thought more than once that his daughter would get married and leave him, he never thought that this day would come so early and so suddenly. What worries him most is the little daughter of the family. She is also seen by the smelly boy. What if she wants to marry Chu fan?

Oh, what a headache!

"Lao Gu, you have a good daughter." Liao Mu said bitterly, "my brother and I have fought for so many years, and I am completely convinced this time. The land belongs to yingyue stronghold, but there is something we have to discuss."

Gu Feng looked at him warily, "you wild goose plucking hair, would you be so kind? Come on, what do you like about yingyue stronghold?"

"Hey, hey, don\'t you have a little girl? It seems that he and Ziyan are twins. It happens that my son is 18 years old this year. He looks like me. He is tall, powerful and handsome. He is not as good as our in laws? How about it?"

Gu Feng was angry and happy: "just like your son, it\'s less than one meter seven. How dare you say it\'s tall and powerful? It\'s also handsome. I can\'t even catch up with half of my youth."

Liao Mu said angrily, "grass, don\'t talk nonsense and be happy. Do you agree or not?"

"Lao Liao, if I had thought about it before, but now... Alas, it\'s too late!" Gu Feng pointed to the back of Chu fan and Ziyan, shook his head, sighed bitterly and walked over.

Liao Mu is confused. What does that mean?

Behind him, someone patted Liao mu on the shoulder and said with a smile, "don\'t be stunned. Don\'t you understand? That boy probably wants sisters to take all. Tut Tut, why don\'t I have such a good life as Gu Feng and have such a beautiful and lovely daughter."

"The boy gave the dragon soul sword to the girl Ziyan. It seems that he really likes her. Unfortunately, I originally planned to go with Gu fengga\'s in laws, but now it\'s completely over."

"Hey, Gu Feng, slow down..."