The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 902

"Ah, uncle!"

Chu fan was startled, as if he had been caught peeping. He hurriedly said, "I\'m just looking for you. How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"No, no, very adapted." Song Yu was very excited when he mentioned his legs. If he wasn\'t surrounded by a self-made bone stick instrument, he doubted whether he had a super long and real nightmare, but the instrument was made of his own leg bones. It couldn\'t be a dream. Therefore, all this is the credit of Chu fan. Chu fan not only saved his life, but also gave him a pair of legs and an intact face.

"Chu fan, uncle, I really don\'t know how to thank you. If it weren\'t for you, I would..."

"Uncle, you\'re so polite. Chu Fan said with a smile," what\'s the relationship between Feifei and me? It\'s my duty to help you and my aunt. You don\'t dislike my son-in-law. "

Song Yu wiped the wet corners of his eyes and smiled: "if you are not satisfied with a son-in-law like you, where can you find a satisfied son-in-law? Only a little, you..."

"Squeak!" the door opened. Tang Lian stood at the door and stared at Song Yu. Then she smiled at Chu fan and said, "come in and chat. Aunt hasn\'t thanked you yet."

"No, no, this is what I should do." Chu fan was a little guilty and didn\'t dare face Tang Lian\'s eyes. He hesitated, "well, aunt, I have something to deal with outside..."

"Go ahead. Don\'t worry about us. No matter what decision you make, we will support you."

Tang Feifei came out, took Chu fan\'s arm, turned back and smiled at his mother: "Mom, Chu fan and I have passed by. When we finish dealing with things here, we\'ll go home together."

"Good, good!" Tang Lian finally couldn\'t help getting excited. After more than 20 years, I can finally leave this ghost place and go home.

After walking a few steps, Tang Lian could not help but twist her hand on Chu fan\'s waist and said sour, "did you become the bridegroom again last night? You\'re really good. You won\'t even let go of a minor girl. Bird beast!"

Chu Fan said with a bitter smile, "what do you think? Ziyan and I are innocent."

"Can you be innocent after sleeping in the same room?" Tang Feifei gave him a white look. "Don\'t tell me, you slept in one bed and the other on the ground last night. Hum!"

"Well... We did sleep in the same bed, but I swear by my personality, we didn\'t do anything."

Tang Feifei said, "have you ever seen a wolf who doesn\'t eat meat?"

"Yes!" Chu Fan said with a smile, "grey wolf doesn\'t eat meat."

"Nonsense, grey wolf doesn\'t eat meat, but he\'s too stupid to eat sheep." Tang Feifei hummed. "If he and the lamb are locked in the same room, there must be only a pile of sheep bones the next morning."

"Big star wife, I really didn\'t do anything."

"Come on, don\'t pretend with me. Even if you can really hold it back, you must have touched it all over." Tang Feifei gouged him out with hatred. "You have to keep someone by your side in the future, otherwise you can\'t sneak into the bed of the big girl\'s daughter-in-law in the middle of the night."

Chu fan was wronged. It was clearly my room. Ziyan slipped in by himself. How could it be me stealing incense and jade?

I\'m crazy to reason with women?

Chu fan resolutely shut his mouth, quickened his pace and walked towards the main hall.

From a distance, Wu Long walked anxiously around the door. When he saw Chu fan coming, he welcomed him with great joy: "leader, you are back. Go to the front yard and have a look. They are going to fight for a holy sword."

"Never mind him, kill one less." Chu fan pulls wu long in the way aside and strides in. As soon as he entered the door, he turned around and left, as if he had seen a flood and fierce beasts.

Isn\'t that fatal? Thirty six strategies, walking is the best policy!

"Wu Long clan leader, you just said, who fought with whom?" Chu fan hugged Wu Long\'s shoulder and seemed to be very familiar and walked out. As soon as I took two steps, Tang Feifei dragged me back. "Want to run? I\'ll make it clear about you and Ziyan in front of sister Suyuan today. If you don\'t make it clear, you\'re not allowed to go anywhere."

"Master, I\'ll come back later." wu long looked at this posture, resolutely shook off Chu fan and fled quickly.

Gods fight and children suffer. It\'s wrong to help anyone with the leader\'s housework. It\'s better to be invisible.

No way, Chu fan had to follow Tang Feifei and return to the room again. Seeing several women in the room, Chu fan immediately showed a surprised look: "Qiao Yun? When did you come?"

"Just a few minutes before you came in." Qiao Yun said faintly, "close the door and come over here."

"Ah!" Chu fan quickly promised and walked over.

In the room, Su Yuan and Qiao Yun sat side by side. On the opposite chair, there was a stiff purple smoke, while Song Wen stood in front of the window and played with the basin of Mimosa like a person who had nothing to do.

Poor Mimosa, she\'s killing her.

Chu fan sat down on the throne. Seeing that Tang Feifei was a few steps behind, he quickly waved: "don\'t stand, come and sit down."

The speaker was careless, but the listener was intentional. Tang Feifei\'s face immediately became unnatural. He quickly waved his hand and said, "forget it, let sister Su Yuan and sister Qiao Yun sit down. I... I\'ll sit here."

That\'s a seat in the main palace. Who dares to sit?

Chu fan just reacted. He couldn\'t laugh or cry. He was just a seat. Was he so nervous?

"Sorry, I have to let you two go because of my business." Chu Fan said, "but it\'s already like this. What do you say?"

"What else can we do? Cold!" Su Yuan gave him a cold look and said to Qiao Yun, "do you see it? He\'s right. We can\'t do anything about him and start playing rogue."

"It\'s all right. I\'ve decided." Qiao Yun said faintly. "After going back, he is not allowed to go anywhere. He must eat fast and abstain for at least a month."

Now, Chu fan is stupid. Abstinence for a month is nothing, but why did you let me fast? You don\'t know. I\'m a wolf. I\'m happy without meat. What can I do without meat?

Unfortunately, Qiao Yun didn\'t discuss with him at all. She looked up at the purple smoke opposite and said with a smile: "sister purple smoke, how old are you this year?"

"Ten... Eighteen!" Ziyan was not confident enough. His eyes were evasive. He didn\'t dare to look at Qiao Yun at all. She could see that even Chu fan had caught his tail when he came.

She wanted to tell the truth, but she was afraid that Qiao Yun would break her up with Chu fan on the pretext of her youth. Although she is not many days away from the age of 18, she is still a little guilty.

Qiao Yun looked at Ziyan with great interest and asked uncertainly, "are you really eighteen?"

"Still... More than a hundred days away."

"That\'s not an adult," Qiao Yun said with a smile. "Don\'t be nervous. I\'m not here to break up you two, but you have to promise me one thing."

Ziyan immediately looked up and asked, "what\'s the matter? You say!"

"Before you turn 18, you can\'t have any substantive contact with Chu fan. Can you do it?"

"Is that all?"

"Yes, that\'s it."

Ziyan was relieved, nodded and said, "OK, I promise you."

Qiao Yun nodded, smiled and said, "if only you could understand, I did it for your own good. Won\'t you blame me?"

"No, no, I appreciate you very much." Ziyan glanced at Chu fan and sincerely said to Qiao Yun, "can I call you sister?"

"Of course. In the future, we will be a family. You can call me sister Qiao Yun."

"Sister Qiaoyun, thank you!" Ziyan\'s eyes fell on Suyuan again. "And sister Suyuan and sister Feifei, thank you too."

Song Wen quit and hurriedly ran over: "and me, I\'m your sister Wenwen."

"Er..." Ziyan looked up and down at her suspiciously and asked, "are you as old as me?"

Song Wen proudly raised her chest and said, "look, who\'s the big one... Ah!"

Chu fan had a black face and no good way: "who is the size of your chest? People asked about his age."

"Oh!" Song Wen was honest and said weakly, "I... I\'m eighteen..."

Chu fan stared: "how much?"


"Say it again."

Song Wen pouted and said angrily, "sixteen, are you satisfied now? Hum!"

Su Yuan came over, rubbed Song Wen\'s small head and said with a smile: "to be exact, Wen Wen is also 17 years old this year, but her birthday is relatively small, and there are more than 200 days to celebrate her birthday."

Ziyan also smiled: "unexpectedly, there are others younger than me. However, there\'s nothing wrong with being a sister. Wait a minute, I\'ll take you to eat the best food in miaojiang. How about it?"

"Really?" Song Wen suddenly opened her eyes, and her saliva was about to flow out.

This snack goods, as long as there is food.

"Suyuan and Qiaoyun, you haven\'t seen Feifei\'s parents yet?" Chu fan winked at Tang Feifei. "Feifei, take them to meet your uncle and aunt. I\'ll tell Ziyan something."

In the event, Qiao Yun and Su Yuan still focus on Chu fan. Without refutation, they say hello to Ziyan and go out with Tang Feifei. When she left, she dragged Song Wen away.

After they left, Ziyan became nervous. She was afraid to hear Chu fan say anything heartless, but she had to listen. Just when she was tangled and uneasy, Chu fan sat down beside her and held her trembling hand.

Ziyan was startled and retracted his hand like an electric shock.

"Don\'t be nervous, I won\'t let you leave me." Chu fan held her hand again and said with a smile, "don\'t forget, we slept in the same bed last night. Ha ha!"

Hearing what he said, Ziyan\'s tension finally eased. He held Chu fan\'s hand tightly and asked, "what do you... What do you want to say to me?"