The Cultivation Genius In City

Chapter 899

Ziyan was confused. She didn\'t expect that Chu fan would give her a multiple-choice question, and these two choices are very important to her, but they are like fish and bear\'s paws.

Yes, if Chu fan stays to be the king of Miao, Tang Feifei will naturally become his wife, because she is the saint of moon worship for many years, and the saint\'s husband is the leader of moon worship and the leader of Miao Jiang.

If Chu fan leaves miaojiang with Ziyan, she can put aside all her concerns and even don\'t care about the customs of miaojiang. In this way, she can be with Chu fan. Although she can\'t get Chu fan\'s complete love, she believes that Chu fan can bring her happiness and happiness.

Most importantly, Chu fan looked at her body. No matter what Chu fan thought, she had regarded him as her husband.

But now, the problem arises. One side is Ziyan\'s own lifelong happiness, and the other side is the hope of the people in miaojiang. How to choose? No matter which one, Ziyan hopes to get, but she is destined to get only one of them.

"Avatar, can you hold me for a night?" Ziyan raised his head with tearful eyes and asked in a trembling voice.

Seeing her like this, Chu fan felt bad. Okay, why are you telling her this? It\'s cruel for a little girl to make such a choice.

Chu fan threw away her cigarette butts, bent over to pick her up, put her on the bed and said with a smile, "don\'t think so much. I\'m teasing you. Don\'t worry, I won\'t let you leave me."

He said the truth, but Ziyan thought Chu fan was comforting her, but even so, she was still very moved, curled up in Chu fan\'s arms and wept silently. Chu fan hugged her and stroked her hair. The chaotic state of mind calmed down slowly.

Think about it carefully. It doesn\'t seem to be a big deal. Isn\'t it just being a parent and helping deal with some things? Which child is naughty and disobedient. He presses the big board on the ground and slaps his ass hard.

The little tree doesn\'t go straight without repair. These people just don\'t deserve to be beaten. They\'ll be honest after beating them a few times.

Thinking so, Chu fan\'s mind was put down, looked down and found that Ziyan didn\'t know when she had fallen asleep. Tears were still hanging on her face and her hand tightly grasped Chu fan\'s corner of clothes for fear that he would disappear.

As soon as Chu fan moved, Ziyan opened his eyes and woke up. Chu fan hurriedly said, "don\'t be afraid. I\'m just wearing clothes. It\'s a little boring."

Ziyan blushed, loosened Chu fan, lay flat and closed his eyes. There was a rustling sound of stripping in her ear, her face reddened and her breathing was rapid.

If... If he wants to

Just thinking about it, she felt Chu fan\'s hand on her chest and clumsily untied the new loop on her clothes.

"I don\'t mean anything else. I just don\'t feel comfortable sleeping in clothes." Chu fan complained, "what clothes are you wearing?"

Ziyan couldn\'t help laughing. With a red face, Ziyan untied the new loop on her clothes and let Chu fan take off her clothes. She didn\'t have any underwear in it. After she took off her clothes, there was nothing in it.

Just when Ziyan was ready to bear the storm, Chu fan lay down beside her, hugged her in his arms and whispered, "sleep, have a good sleep, don\'t think about anything. When tomorrow morning, all problems will be solved."

"Hmm!" Ziyan believed Chu fan, closed his eyes, pillowed his shoulder, smelled his taste, and soon fell asleep.

Chu fan felt as if he had just fallen asleep and was awakened by a sudden knock on the door. He took his hand away from Ziyan\'s chest without trace, sat up and asked angrily, "who? In the early morning, did you let people sleep?"

"Sect leader, come... Someone is coming." Wu Long\'s nervous voice came outside the door.

Chu fan didn\'t have a good way while he was wearing clothes: "come on. Who?"

"Well... Cough, Gu Feng of yingyue stronghold."

Chu fan stumbled and almost fell out of bed. Is Gu Feng coming? If he sees himself and his daughter, chiguoguo, lying in the same bed, the old man will have to fight with himself with a cigarette bag and pot?

"You... You stop him and I\'ll go out right away."

Chu fan turned around, patted on Ziyan\'s hip and urged, "come on, get up, your father is coming."

"Ah?" Ziyan immediately sat up, because the action was too fierce, the pair in front of her chest trembled violently like waves, and her eyes were straight.

What did you think last night? How can you hold back and sit still? It\'s incredible!

"You... You go out quickly. If my father sees you, you\'ll be dead." Ziyan hurriedly protected his chest and shouted angrily. She was so cute. Chu fan couldn\'t help but bow his head, kissed her little red mouth and walked quickly to the door.

Outside the door, wu long was about to continue knocking. The door suddenly opened and his hand almost knocked on Chu fan\'s forehead.

"Master, you can figure it out." Wu Long subconsciously glanced in. Although he only glanced at Hong, he saw a beautiful back still in bed. Now, everything is clear.

Chu fan quickly closed the door and didn\'t have a good way: "have you seen enough? Why did Uncle Gu Feng come? So fast?"

"Not only is Gu Feng coming, but the patriarchs of more than a dozen nearby stockaded villages are all coming. It is said that the patriarchs of other stockaded villages are also on their way." Wu Long took Chu fan aside and whispered, "they must have some doubts about you, the king of Miao, and even take the opportunity to make some problems difficult for you. You have to be mentally prepared."

"What\'s ready?" Chu fan arranged his clothes and snorted coldly, "those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will die. Whoever dares to refuse, I\'ll let him go to the snake cave and accompany the great wizard."

Wu long kept complaining. He was really afraid of everything.

Last night, he stayed up with several elders and was studying this problem. There is no doubt about Chu fan\'s strength. He is definitely the most powerful Miao king in the past dynasties, but his means are also the most ruthless.

That\'s a great wizard. There\'s no merit or hardship. Without a word, he broke his legs and threw them into the snake cave. Yes, Miao really needs a wise leader, but they are also afraid of a tyrant. Now it seems that even if Chu fan is not a tyrant, he doesn\'t seem to be close to any wise and divine force.

Alas, it\'s a blessing, not a disaster. You can\'t hide it. Look at your own luck.

Soon, in the reception hall of Wu Long\'s house, Chu fan saw the dusty Gu Feng. In the room, in addition to him, there were seven men of the same age, all with a cigarette bag and pot in their mouth.

"Uncle Gu Feng, why are you here?" Chu fan walked in with a smile.

Seeing Chu fan, Gu Feng immediately stood up and didn\'t know what to say for a moment. Fortunately, wu long then came in and hurriedly said, "leader, Gu Feng recognized that you were holding the dragon soul holy sword, so he quickly sent out the news, and then rode a fast horse all night. So far, he hasn\'t even drunk a mouthful of water."

"As for such a hurry?" Chu Fan said with a smile, "chief wu long, hurry to let his aunt prepare something to eat..."

"Don\'t worry about eating first."

A bearded middle-aged man stood up, looked up and down at Chu fan, and asked, "are you Chu fan?"

"It\'s me."

"I don\'t know why he is a great man. He is just a dull boy whose hair hasn\'t grown up yet." the beard sneered, "what virtue do you have? How can you dare to inherit the position of leader in miaojiang? Hand over the dragon soul sword and get out as soon as possible."

Wu Long was anxious and was about to speak. Chu fan waved his hand to stop wu long from speaking. Looking at the beard, he smiled and said, "I came to Miao Jiang to find someone. I didn\'t want to inherit the position of leader. However, the dragon soul sword is mine. Why should I give it to you? I don\'t deserve it. Do you deserve it?"

The beard said angrily, "I didn\'t say I deserve it, but the dragon soul sword is a sacred thing in miaojiang. How can it fall into the hands of outsiders? As for who will be the leader of the sect, it\'s not up to you to ask. Naturally, we will choose a highly respected person from the clan leaders of various stockaded villages in miaojiang. It may be anyone of course, but you can\'t be an outsider."

"OK, great." Chu fan smiled at Wu long. "Can you stop me this time? It\'s not that I don\'t want to be the leader. As for the dragon soul sword, who likes it, who can take it."


The golden light exploded, and the dragon soul sword flew out of Chu fan\'s back. With a clang, it was inserted in front of the beard, which startled him.

Chu fan stood up, arched his hands at the people around him and said with a smile, "take your time to study, and I\'ll excuse you. Goodbye! Goodbye!"

"Master, master, you can\'t go..." Wu Long chased the door, but Chu fan walked too fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Wu long turned around, pointed to big beard and scolded, "Lao Liao, Lao Liao, why can\'t you calm down at all? Do you know that he split the ghost Jiao kept by the great wizard in half with a sword last night. Even such a powerful great wizard didn\'t make a move under his hand..."

Liao Mu didn\'t care and said, "if you are strong, you can be the leader? What we need is a leader who is respected and respected by everyone. What can he do as a hairy boy? Apart from picking up girls, he can only eat milk."

Although Liao Mu\'s words are somewhat rude, it is undeniable that his words are still very reasonable. At least, Gu Feng didn\'t refute it. Wu Long opened his mouth and patted his thigh with hate: "I don\'t care what you think. In short, I only know Chu fan. He is the leader. Hum!"

For these old die hards, his words were like casting pearls before swine. Therefore, wu long was too lazy to quarrel with them and simply ran out. The leader hasn\'t eaten yet. He has to hurry up and don\'t let the leader hungry. Wait for some elders to come and take out the portrait in the prophecy box to see what else they have to say?

There were no outsiders in the living room. Liao Mu looked at the dragon soul sword in front of him and said, "look at the appearance, it\'s really a dragon soul sword... Huh?"

He held the handle of the sword and wanted to pull it out, but he pulled it out several times. He was stunned that he couldn\'t shake the dragon soul sword